USENIX 2002 Annual Technical Conference Paper   
[USENIX 2002 Technical Program Index]
Exploiting Gray-Box Knowledge of Buffer-Cache ManagementNathan C. Burnett, John Bent, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, and
Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau
Abstract:The buffer-cache replacement policy of the OS can have a significant impact on the performance of I/O-intensive applications. In this paper, we introduce a simple fingerprinting tool, Dust, which uncovers the replacement policy of the OS. Specifically, we are able to identify how initial access order, recency of access, frequency of access, and long-term history are used to determine which blocks are replaced from the buffer cache. We show that our fingerprinting tool can identify popular replacement policies described in the literature (e.g., FIFO, LRU, LFU, Clock, Random, Segmented FIFO, 2Q, and LRU-K) as well as those found in current systems (e.g., NetBSD, Linux, and Solaris). We demonstrate the usefulness of fingerprinting the cache replacement policy by modifying a web server to use this knowledge; specifically, the web server infers the contents of the OS file cache by modeling the replacement policy under the given set of page requests. We show that by first servicing those web pages that are believed to be resident in the OS buffer cache, we can improve both average response time and throughput.
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We now describe Dust, our software for identifying the page replacement policy employed by an operating system. By manipulating how blocks are accessed, forcing evictions, and then observing which blocks are replaced, Dust can identify the parameters used by the page replacement policy and the corresponding algorithm.
Dust relies upon probes to infer the current state of the buffer cache. By measuring the time to read a byte within a file block, one can determine whether or not that block was previously in the buffer cache. Intuitively, if the probe is ``slow'', one infers that the block was previously on disk; if the probe is ``fast'', then one infers that the block was already in the cache.
For Dust to correctly distinguish between different replacement polices, we must first identify the file block attributes used by existing policies to select a victim block for replacement. From a search of the OS and database research literature and the documentation of existing operating systems, we have identified four attributes that are often used for replacement: the order of initial access to the block (e.g., FIFO), the recency of accesses (e.g., LRU), the frequency of accesses (e.g., LFU) and historical accesses to blocks (e.g., 2Q [12]). Thus, we can correctly identify the use of combinations of these four attributes within a replacement policy.
We note that some operating systems use replacement policies that consider attributes beyond what Dust considers. For example, some replacement policies consider whether or not pages are dirty [16], the size of the file the page is from, or replacement cost [10]. Further, replacement of pages can be performed on either a global or per process basis [14]. Finally, in real systems, not only are file pages cached, but file meta-data as well, and some systems prefer to evict pages from files whose meta-data is no longer cached. It is also possible that future replacement policies may utilize new attributes that we do not currently fingerprint. Although Dust can not currently identify these parameters, we believe that the basic framework within Dust can be extended to do so.
Given our goal of identifying replacement policies, there are three primary components to Dust. First, the size of the buffer cache is measured with a simple microbenchmark; this value is used as input to the remaining steps. Second, the short-term replacement algorithm is fingerprinted, based upon initial access, recency of access, and frequency of access. Third, Dust determines whether or not long-term history is used by the replacement algorithm.
To manipulate the state of the buffer cache and interpret its contents, Dust must first know the size of the buffer cache. Since this information is not readily available through a common interface on most systems, Dust contains a simple microbenchmark. Dust accesses progressively larger amounts of file data until it notices that some blocks no longer fit the cache. For each increase in the tested size, there are two steps. In the first step, Dust touches the file blocks up through the newly increased size to fetch them into the buffer cache. In the second step, Dust probes each block again, measuring the time per probe to verify if the block is still in the cache. This technique is similar to the technique used to determine available memory in NOW-Sort [4].
There are two important features of this approach. First, by probing every file block in the second step, this algorithm is independent of the replacement policy used to manage the buffer cache. Second, this algorithm works even when the buffer cache is integrated with the virtual memory system, assuming that Dust uses little memory and the buffer cache is able to grow to its maximum size. Further, as we will show, our fingerprinting algorithm is robust to slight inaccuracies in our estimation of the buffer cache size.
Once the buffer cache size is known, Dust determines the attributes of file blocks that are used by the OS short-term replacement policy. This fingerprinting stage involves three simple steps. First, Dust reads file blocks into the buffer cache while simultaneously controlling the replacement attributes of each block (e.g., by accessing blocks in different initial access, recency, and frequency orders). Second, Dust forces some of these blocks to be evicted from the buffer cache by accessing additional file data. Finally, the contents of the buffer cache are inferred by probing random sets of blocks; the cache state of these file blocks is then plotted to illustrate the replacement policy. We now describe each of these three steps in detail.
The first step moves the buffer cache into a known and well-controlled state - both the data blocks that are resident and the initial access, recency, and frequency attributes of each resident block. This control is imposed by performing a pattern of reads over blocks within a single file; we refer to these blocks as the test region. To ensure that all of this data is resident, the size of this test region is set slightly smaller than the estimate of the buffer cache size (precisely, we use only 90% of the estimated cache size and adjust the size such that each of ten stripes discussed below are page aligned).
Controlling the initial access parameter of each block allows Dust to identify replacement policies that are based on the initial access order of blocks (e.g., FIFO). To exert this control, our access pattern begins with a sequential scan of the test region. The resulting initial access queue ordering is shown in the first graph of Figure 1; specifically, the blocks at the end of the file are those that are given priority (i.e., remain in the buffer cache) given a FIFO-based policy.
Dust is able to identify replacement policies that are based on temporal locality (e.g., LRU) by controlling how recently each block is accessed and ensuring that this ordering does not match the initial access ordering. To ensure this criteria, a pattern of reads across ten stripes within the file are performed. Specifically, two indices into the file are maintained: a left pointer, which starts at the beginning of the file, and a right pointer, which starts at the center of the test region. The workload alternates between reading one stripe as indicated by the left pointer and then one stripe as indicated by the right pointer. The pattern continues until the left pointer reaches the center of the test region and the right pointer reaches the end. This controlled pattern of access induces the recency queue order shown in the middle graph of Figure 1; specifically, the blocks at the end of the left and right regions are those given priority with an LRU-based policy.
Finally, to identify policies that have a frequency based component, Dust ensures that stripes in the test region have distinctive frequency counts. When reading stripes for recency ordering, Dust touches each stripe multiple times for a frequency ordering as well. In our pattern, stripes near the center of the test region are read the most often, and those near the beginning and end of the test region are read the least. The number of reads for each area of the test region is shown in the right-most graph of Figure 1, where blocks in the middle are given priority with an LFU-based policy.
The need to impose different frequencies on different parts of the file is part of the motivation for dividing the test region into a fixed number of stripes. If, for instance, each block of the test region were given a different frequency count, the runtime of Dust would be exponential in the size of the file. In our simulation experiments, we determined ten to be a good number. The more stripes used, the more precise the fingerprint becomes since there is a greater variety of frequency and recency regimes. However, a greater number of stripes makes each stripe smaller thus making the data more susceptible to noise.
Once the state of the buffer cache is configured, Dust performs an eviction scan in which more file data is read to cause some portion of the test region to be evicted from the cache. Since the goal of evicting pages is to give us the most information and ability to differentiate across replacement policies, Dust tries to evict approximately half of the cached data.1
We note that the eviction scan must read each page multiple times such that the frequency counts of its pages are higher than those of the pages in the test region. Otherwise, Dust is not able to identify a frequency-based replacement policies since the eviction region would replace its own pages. This illustrates one of the limitations of our approach: we do not differentiate between LIFO, MRU, and MFU replacement policies, since all replace the eviction region with itself. However, we feel that this limitation is acceptable, given that such policies are used when streaming through large files and all tend to behave similarly under such conditions.
To determine the state of the buffer cache after the eviction scan, we perform several probes, measuring the time to read one byte from selected pages. If the read call returns quickly, we assume the block of the file was resident in the cache; if the read returns slowly, we assume that a disk access was required. As noted elsewhere [3], it is not possible to perform a probe of every block to determine its state since this changes the state of the buffer cache; specifically, if Dust probes a block that was on disk, then this block will replace a block previously in the buffer cache, changing its state. Thus, we perform probes selectively.
To obtain an appropriate number of samples, we probe each stripe two times, for a total of twenty probes. The probes are spaced evenly across the test region, but the location of the first is chosen randomly from the first half of the first stripe. By keeping the probes relatively far apart, we ensure that they do not interfere with a later probe due to prefetching. Choosing a random offset for the probes allows one to run the benchmark multiple times to generate a better picture of the cache state. By running Dust multiple times on a platform, one is then able to accurately determine how the cache replacement policy chooses victim pages based on initial access, recency of access, and frequency of access.
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The fingerprinting tool described thus far can identify replacement policies containing a single queue ranking blocks based upon the three attributes. However, the previous step controls only the short-term attributes of blocks and thus cannot identify algorithms that track references to blocks that are no longer in memory (e.g., 2Q [12]) or that track the recency of references other than the last reference to each block (e.g., LRU-K [19]). To determine if long-term tracking is performed, Dust observes if preference is given to pages that have been referenced and then evicted before.
We now describe how the use of long-term history is identified. As shown in Figure 2, there are four regions of file blocks that are now accessed. The test region is now divided into two separate regions that are one half the total cache size, a hot and a cold portion. The algorithm begins by touching all of the hot pages and then evicting them by twice touching the evict1 region; the evict1 region contains sufficient blocks to entirely fill the buffer cache. Thus, the hot pages are no longer in the cache, but historical information about them is now tracked. Dust then touches the hot and cold regions three times and then touches cold two more times. At this point, evict1 has been evicted entirely and cold is preferred whether initial access, recency or frequency attributes are being used by the replacement policy. Then cold is touched twice. This causes the cold region to be preferred by traditional LRU and LFU. Hot is then retouched, this additional reference gives the hot region preference in policies which use history. The last step prior to eviction is to rereference both the hot and cold regions sequentially. Notice that at this point the hot region has been touched the same number of times as the cold region but, it has been touched in such a way that it will have migrated into the long-term queue of a 2Q or LRU-2 cache, while the cold region will have not.
As in the short-term fingerprint, the next phase of Dust is to probe the test region to determine which blocks have been kept in the file cache. If the hot region remains in the cache, then we infer that history is being used. If the cold region remains in the cache, then we infer that history is not being used. Given that further identification of history attributes is likely to be specific to each replacement algorithm, we focus on only this simple historical fingerprint.
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To illustrate the ability of Dust to accurately fingerprint a variety of cache replacement policies, we have implemented a simple buffer cache simulator. In this section, we describe our simulation framework and then present a number of results. Our first simulation results verify the distinctive short-term replacement fingerprints produced for the pure replacement policies of FIFO, LRU, and LFU [23], as well as for other simple replacement policies such as Random and Segmented FIFO [31]. To explore the impact of internal state within the replacement policy, we investigate Clock [18] and Two-handed Clock [32]. We then demonstrate our ability to identify the use of historical information in the replacement policy, focusing on 2Q [12] and LRU-K [19]. We conclude this section by showing that Dust is robust to some inaccuracy in its estimate of buffer-cache size.
Given that our simulator is meant only to illustrate the ability of
Dust to identify different OS buffer cache replacement policies, we
keep the rest of the system as simple as possible. Specifically, we
assume that the only process running is our fingerprinting software,
and thus ignore irregularities due to scheduling interference. We
currently model only a buffer cache of a fixed size and do not
consider any contention with the virtual memory system. For most of
our simulations, we model a buffer cache containing approximately
80 MB (or 20,000 4 KB pages). Finally, we assume that reads that hit
in the file cache require a constant time of 2 , whereas reads
that must go to disk require 7
We begin by showing that the simulation results for strict FIFO, LRU, and LFU replacement policies precisely matches what one can derive from the ordering graphs shown in Figure 1. The fingerprints from these three simulations are shown in Figure 3. We further show that Dust can identify Random replacement and Segmented FIFO [14]. These fingerprints are shown in Figure 4. Across all the graphs, one can observe the two levels of probe times, corresponding to blocks that are in cache and those that are not. Also, one can verify that approximately half of the test data remains in cache.
We now examine these basic policies in turn. The FIFO fingerprint shows that the second half of the test region remains in cache; this matches the initial access ordering shown in Figure 1 where blocks at the end of the file have priority. The LRU fingerprint shows that roughly the second quarter and the fourth quarter of the test region remains in the buffer cache; once again, this is the expected behavior since those blocks have been accessed the most recently. Finally, the LFU fingerprint shows that middle half of the file remains resident, as expected, since those blocks have the highest frequency counts. In the LFU fingerprint, one can see two small discontinuous regions that remain in cache to the left and right of the main in-cache area; this behavior is due to the fact that within each stripe, blocks have the same frequency count and these in-cache regions are part of a stripe that was beginning to be evicted.
Fingerprinting a Random replacement policy stresses the importance of running Dust multiple times. With a single fingerprint run of twenty probes, there exists some probability that Random replacement behaves identically to FIFO, LRU, or LFU. Therefore, by fingerprinting the system many times, we can definitively see that random pages are selected for replacement. This is illustrated in the first graph of Figure 4 with two horizontal lines indicating the ``fast'' and ``slow'' access times.
The original VMS system implemented the Segmented FIFO (SFIFO) page
replacement policy [14]. SFIFO divides the buffer cache into
two queues. The primary queue is managed by FIFO. Non-resident pages
are faulted into the primary queue. When a page is evicted from the
primary queue, it is moved to the secondary queue. If a page is
accessed while in the secondary queue, it moves back into the primary
queue. The key parameter in SFIFO is the fraction of the buffer cache
devoted to the secondary queue, denoted (thus,
is the
fraction devoted to the primary queue).
A value of is the traditional choice and is fingerprinted in
the middle graph of Figure 4. The resulting SFIFO
fingerprint is a cyclic shift of the pure FIFO fingerprint. The
reason for this pattern is as follows. The initial read of the test
area sets the contents of the primary and secondary queues such that
the first pages accessed (i.e., the left portion of the test area) are
shifted down to the secondary queue and the tail of the primary
queue; the right portion is at the head of the primary queue. When
the pages are touched to set the recency and frequency attributes, the
left portion of the test area is moved back to the head of the primary
queue while the right portion is shifted down into the secondary queue
and end of the primary queue. Thus, as blocks are evicted, the right
portion is evicted first, followed by the first blocks of the left
portion. Thus, with these queue sizes, SFIFO produces a
distinctive fingerprint which can be used to uniquely identify this
As increases, SFIFO behaves more like LRU. When
fingerprint becomes identical to that of LRU, as shown in
Figure 4. When the secondary queue is that large, by
the time a page is touched for the second time, it has already
progressed into the secondary queue. Thus, the fingerprint
reveals the LRU behavior of the policy and matches the LRU fingerprint.
We feel that since Segmented FIFO is used to approximate LRU
(especially with this high value of
), it is acceptable, and even
appropriate, that its fingerprint cannot be distinguished from that of
The Clock replacement algorithm is a popular approach for managing unified file and virtual memory caches in modern operating systems, given its ability to approximate LRU replacement with a simpler implementation. The Clock algorithm is an interesting policy to fingerprint because it has two pieces of internal initial state: the initial position of the clock hand and whether or not each use bit is set. Thus, we must ensure that Clock can be identified by its fingerprint regardless of its initial state. We now describe small modifications to our methodology to guarantee this behavior.
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In the basic implementation of Clock, the buffer cache is viewed as a circular buffer starting from the current position of the clock hand; a single use bit is associated with each page frame. Whenever a page is accessed, its use bit is set. When a replacement is needed, the clock hand cycles through page frames, looking for a frame with a cleared use bit and also clearing use bits as it inspects each frame. Thus, Clock approximates LRU by replacing pages that do not have their use bit set and have not been accessed for some time.
Since Clock treats the buffer cache as circular, the initial position of the clock hand does not affect our current fingerprint. The initial position of the clock hand simply determines where the first block of the test region is placed. Since all subsequent actions are relative to this initial position, this position is transparent to Dust. Thus, we do not need to modify our fingerprinting methodology to account for hand position.
However, the state of the use bits does impact our fingerprint.
Depending upon the fraction of set use bits, , the Clock
fingerprint can look like FIFO or LRU. Specifically, when
is near
the two extremes of 0 or 1, the fingerprint looks like FIFO; when
is near 0.5, the fingerprint looks like LRU. We now describe the
intuition behind this behavior.
In the simplest case, when , each frame starting with the clock
hand is allocated to sequential pages of the test region. As a
result, the clock hand wraps back to the beginning of the buffer cache
after this allocation and as Dust touches each page to set
attributes, the use bit of every page is set. During eviction, the
first pages of the test region are replaced, matching both the
behavior and fingerprint of a FIFO policy. Note that
results in
identical behavior, except the clock hand must first sweep through all
frames clearing use bits before it allocates the test region
When , the left and right portions of the test region data are
randomly interleaved in memory. This interleaving occurs because
pages are allocated in two passes. In
the first pass, those frames with cleared use bits are allocated to
the left-hand portion of the test region; the use bits of these frames
are then set and the use bits of the remaining frames are cleared. In
the second pass, the remaining frames are allocated to the right-hand
portion of the test region. In the accesses to set the locality and
frequency attributes of the pages, the use bits of all frames are
again set. Thus, when the eviction phase begins, the first half of
pages from both the left and right portions of the test region are
replaced. If the frames with set use bits are uniformly distributed,
this coincidentally matches the evictions of the LRU policy.
If the distribution of use bits were not uniform, the
fingerprint would show those blocks whose frames had their use bits
initially clear as having been replaced. We consider the case where
they are uniformly distributed as this provides a consistent and
recognizable fingerprint.
Thus, to identify Clock, Dust brings the initial state of the use
bits into each of these two configurations and observes the resulting
two fingerprints. The following steps can be followed to configure
the use bits from outside of the OS. Dust sets all of the use bits
(i.e., ) by allocating a warmup region of pages that fills
the entire buffer cache and then touching all pages again (with no
intervening allocations) so that their use bits are set.
Setting half of the use bits (i.e., ) is slightly more complex.
The first step is to set all the use bits as in the previous
scenario. In the second step, Dust allocates a few more pages to the
warmup region; since all of the reference bits are set at this point,
the clock hand must pass through the entire buffer cache, clearing all
of the reference bits, to find a page to evict. The final step is to
randomly touch half of the pages, setting their use bits. In this way,
Dust can configure the state of the use bits.
In summary, we modify Dust slightly to account for internal state. Before running any fingerprint, Dust first allocates the warmup region, which has the effect of setting use bits if the replacement policy implements them. If the resulting fingerprint looks like FIFO, then Dust runs again with half the use bits set. If the fingerprint still looks like FIFO, then we conclude that there are no use bits and the underlying policy is FIFO. If the second fingerprint looks like LRU, we conclude that Clock is the underlying policy. The result of running these two steps on the Clock replacement policy is shown in Figure 5.
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We now show that Dust is able to distinguish those replacement policies that use long-term history from those that do not. We begin by briefly showing that the policies examined above (FIFO, LRU, LFU, Random, Segmented FIFO, and Clock) do not use history. We then discuss in more detail the behavior of those policies (LRU-K and 2Q) that do use history.
Figure 6 shows the long-term fingerprints of three
representative policies that do not use history. The graph on the
left is that for LRU; FIFO, LFU, and Segmented FIFO look identical and
are not shown. The graph shows the results of probing the hot and
cold regions of the test data. As expected, the hot data has been
entirely evicted, as shown by its high probe times; although the
initial portion of the cold data is also evicted due to the size of
the eviction region, the cold data is clearly preferred by these
policies. The middle graph shows that Random has no preference for
either hot or cold data. Finally, the graph on the right shows that
the historical behavior of Clock is difficult to determine when the
use bits are not explicitly controlled. In this graph, the use bits
are set to ; as a result, the hot and cold regions are
interleaved in the file buffer and then each region is replaced
sequentially. To illustrate that Clock does not use history,
Dust must again ensure that the use bits are all first cleared
(or set); with this initialization step, the history fingerprint of
Clock is identical to the first graph in the figure. Thus, FIFO, LRU, LFU,
Segmented FIFO, Random, and Clock do not use history in making replacements.
The LRU-K replacement policy was introduced by the database community
to address the problem that LRU is not able to discriminate between
frequently and infrequently accessed pages [19]. The
idea behind LRU-K is that it tracks the -th reference to each page
in the past, and replaces the page with the oldest
-th reference
(or a page that does not have a
-th reference); thus, traditional
LRU is equivalent to LRU-1. Given that
exhibits most of the
benefits of the general case, and is the most commonly used value, we only
consider LRU-2 further. LRU-2 is sensitive to another parameter as
well, the correlated reference period,
; the intuition is that
accesses to a page within this period should not be counted as
distinct references. Since setting
correctly is a non-trivial
task, the default value for
is zero. Given that LRU-2
is complex, we note that our implementation is derived from
the version provided by the original authors [20].
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We begin by briefly exploring the sensitivity of LRU-2 to the
correlated reference period; the short-term fingerprints of LRU-2 are
shown in the first two graphs of Figure 7. When
(i.e., the default value) the resulting fingerprint is a variation of
pure LRU, as shown in the left-most graph. Specifically, the last
stripe of the test region is evicted with LRU-2; since this stripe was
accessed only twice, its second-to-last reference is very old (i.e.,
when the page was initially referenced). As the correlated reference
period is increased such that
, the fingerprint looks more
similar to LFU, as shown in the middle graph. With this setting,
pages in the eviction region are classified as having only correlated
references and thus replace mostly themselves; thus, all of those
pages that have a frequency count greater than two are kept in
memory. Finally, when
is very large, all accesses are treated as
correlated and thus no pages have a second-to-last reference; in this
case the behavior degenerates to pure LRU (not shown). In summary,
LRU-2 produces a distinctive fingerprint that uniquely identifies
it and also indicates the approximate setting of the correlated
reference period.
Next, we verify that LRU-2 uses history. The last graph in Figure 7 shows the historical fingerprint of LRU-2. As desired, the hot region is given preference over data in the cold region; this occurs because the second-to-last reference of pages in the hot region is more recent than the second-to-last reference to those in the cold region. Further, when a replacement must be made within the hot region, those with the oldest second-to-last reference are chosen.
The 2Q algorithm was proposed as a simplification to LRU-2 with less run-time overhead yet similar performance [12]. The basic intuition behind 2Q is that instead of removing cold pages from the main buffer, it only admits hot pages to the main buffer. Thus, the buffer cache is divided into two buffers, a temporary queue for short-term accesses, A1in which is managed with FIFO, and the main buffer, Am, which is managed with LRU. Pages are initially admitted into the A1in queue and only after they have been evicted and reaccessed are they admitted into Am. Thus, 2Q has another structure to remember the pages that have been accessed but are no longer in the buffer cache, A1out. In our experiments, we set A1in to use 25% of the buffer cache (with Am using the other 75%); A1out is able to remember a number of past references equal to 50% of the number of pages in the cache.
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We show the fingerprints for 2Q in Figure 8. The first graph shows that the short-term fingerprint of 2Q is identical to FIFO. Given that the A1in queue is managed with FIFO and the short-term fingerprint does not access pages after they have been evicted, this is the expected result. However, 2Q can be easily distinguished from pure FIFO from observing the history fingerprint shown in the second graph. In the historical fingerprint, we can see that the hot region remains entirely in the buffer cache, since these are the only accesses that are moved to the Am buffer. Finally, we are able to identify the replacement policy employed by the long-term buffer, Am, by setting the initial access, recency, and frequency attributes of the hot region and then forcing evictions from it. Since this methodology is more specific to the 2Q replacement policy, we do not describe it in more detail. This fingerprint is shown as the last graph of Figure 8 and correctly identifies the LRU policy of the Am buffer. We note that for LRU-2 or other policies that use history, a similar technique could be used to determine the replacement strategy of the long-term queue. However, explicitly setting the state of the long-term queue requires knowledge of the policy of the short-term queue and the policy for moving a block from one queue to the other. Hence a fingerprinting technique for the long-term queue is by nature specific to the policy of the short-term queue.
In our last set of experiments we verify the robustness of Dust to inaccuracies in its estimate of the size of the buffer cache. If the estimate of the buffer cache size is significantly different than its actual value, then the resulting fingerprints are not identifiable. If the estimate of the cache is much too small, then Dust does not touch enough pages to force evictions to occur; if the estimate is much too large, then Dust evicts the entire region.
The short-term fingerprint is more sensitive to this estimate than the historical fingerprint: in the short-term fingerprint we must observe the presence or absence of stripes that use only 1/10th of the buffer cache, whereas in the historical fingerprint we must observe a hot or cold region that uses half of the buffer cache. However, as Figure 9 shows, the short-term fingerprint of LRU is distinguishable even with estimates that are either 20% under or over the real sizes. The other replacement policies, with the exception of Clock, are robust to a similar degree.
The Clock replacement algorithm is more sensitive to this estimate due to our need to configure the state of the use bits. Specifically, the size of the warm-up region used by Dust to fill the buffer cache must be accurate as well. Figure 10 shows that Dust is still reasonably tolerant to errors in cache-size estimate when identifying Clock but not as robust as when identifying other algorithms.
Buffer caching in modern operating systems is often much more complex than the simple replacement policies described in operating systems textbooks. Part of this complexity is due to the fact that the filesystem buffer cache is integrated with the virtual memory system in many current systems; thus the amount of memory dedicated to the buffer cache can change dynamically based on the current workload. To control this effect, Dust minimizes the amount of virtual memory that it uses, and thus tries to maximize the amount of memory devoted to the file buffer cache. Further, we run Dust on an otherwise idle system to minimize disturbances from competing processes.
In this section, we describe our experience fingerprinting three Unix-based operating systems: NetBSD 1.5, Linux 2.2.19 and 2.4.14, and Solaris 2.7. As we will see, the fingerprints of real systems contain much more variation than those of our simulations. In addition to fingerprinting the replacement policy of the buffer cache, Dust also reveals the cost of a hit versus a miss in the buffer cache, the size of the buffer cache, and whether or not the buffer cache is integrated with the virtual memory system.
Dust takes a considerable amount of time to run on a real system. Generating a sufficient number of data points requires running many iterations of test scan, eviction scan, and probes. In our experiments we always allowed at least 300 iterations. We found that one iteration can take anywhere from 30 seconds to three minutes depending on the system under test. Note that systems with smaller buffer caches can be tested in a shorter period of time since the test region becomes smaller. We feel this relatively long running time is acceptable since, for any given system configuration, Dust need only be run once; the results can be stored and made available to applications and programmers.
All of the experiments described in the section were run on systems with dual Pentium III-Xeon processors, 1 GB of physical RAM and a SCSI storage subsystem with Ultra2, 10000 RPM disks.
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Given that NetBSD 1.5 [16] has the most straight-forward replacement policy of the systems we have examined, we begin with its fingerprint, shown in Figure 11. As in the simulations, we examine both short-term and long-term fingerprints. The first graph in Figure 11 shows the expected pattern for pure LRU replacement; given that Dust produces this same fingerprint regardless of whether it attempts to manipulate use bits, we can infer that NetBSD implements strict LRU, and not Clock. This conclusion is further verified by the second graph of Figure 11 showing that NetBSD does not use history. Documentation [16] and inspection of the source code [17] confirm our finding.
From the fingerprints we can also infer other parameters.
Specifically, we can see that the time for reading a byte from a page
in the buffer cache is on the order of 10 , whereas the time for
going to disk varies between about 1
and 10
. Further, even on
this machine with 1 GB of physical memory, NetBSD devotes only about
50 MB to the buffer cache (most easily shown by the fact that the
history fingerprint devotes this much memory to the hot and cold
regions); this allows us to infer that the file buffer cache is
segregated from the VM system.
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Linux 2.2.19 is a very popular version of the Linux kernel in production environments. In Section 5 we will run the NeST web server on top of this OS; thus, it is important for us to understand this fingerprint.
The short-term fingerprint of Linux 2.2.19 is shown in Figure 12. The graph on the left shows the results when Dust attempts to set all of the use bits. Since this graph looks like FIFO, we must investigate further to determine if Clock is actually being used. The graph on the right shows the fingerprint when the use bits are left in a random state. Although this fingerprint is very noisy, one can see that priority is given to pages that are most recently referenced (i.e., pages near the second and fourth quarters); further, after filtering the data, we are able to verify that more pages in the first and third quarters are out of cache than in cache. Thus, this fingerprint is similar to the LRU fingerprint expected for a Clock-based replacement algorithm. Examination of the source code and documentation confirms that the replacement policy is Clock based [15,34]. Finally, since the buffer cache size is very close to the amount of physical RAM in the system, we conclude a buffer cache that is integrated with the VM.
The memory management system within Linux underwent a large revision between version 2.2 and 2.4, thus we see a very different fingerprint for Linux 2.4.14, which uses a more complex replacement scheme than either Linux 2.2.19 or NetBSD. The short-term fingerprint, shown as the first graph in Figure 13, suggests that Linux 2.4 uses both a recency and frequency component, and does not use Clock. Further, the second graph of Dust shows that Linux 2.4 does use history in its decision.
Examination of the Linux 2.4.14 source code and existing documentation confirms these results [15,34]. Linux maintains two separate queues: an active and an inactive list. When memory becomes scarce, Linux shrinks the size of the buffer cache. In doing this, pages that have not been recently referenced (as indicated by their reference bit) are moved from an active list to an inactive list. The inactive list is scanned for replacement victims using a form of page aging, in which an age counter is kept for each frame, indicating how desirable it is to keep this page in memory. When scanning for a page to evict, the page age is decreased as it is considered for eviction; when the page age reaches zero, the page is a candidate for eviction. The age is incremented whenever the page is referenced.
Solaris presented us with the greatest challenge of the platforms we studied. The VM subsystem of Solaris has not been thoroughly studied; it is believed to use a two-handed, global Clock algorithm [7], but some researchers have noted non-intuitive behavior [3]. In two-handed Clock, one hand clears reference bits while the second hand follows some fixed distance behind, selecting a page for replacement if its reference bit is still clear. The hands are advanced in unison such that once the reference bit on a page is cleared, it has some opportunity to be re-referenced before it is a candidate for eviction. When implemented in our simulator, the fingerprint of two-handed Clock looks identical to FIFO (not shown).
The short-term fingerprint of Solaris 2.7 is shown in the first graph
of Figure 14. The out-of-cache areas on both the far
right and left of the fingerprint strongly suggests that Solaris is
using a frequency (or aging) component in its eviction decision in
addition to Clock. The second graph of Figure 14 shows
the historical fingerprint for Solaris. Though the data is again
noisy, it shows a clear preference for the hot region, again
suggesting that history or page aging is also used in Solaris. The
fingerprint also shows that the time to service a buffer cache hit is
significantly higher in Solaris than in Linux. The fingerprint shows a
hit time of over 10 , whereas the hit time for Linux 2.4 on the
same platform is under 10
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In this section, we describe how knowledge of the buffer cache replacement algorithm can be exploited to improve the performance of a real application. We do so by modifying a web server to re-order its accesses to first serve requests that are likely to hit in the file system cache, and only then serve those that are likely to miss. This idea of handling requests in a non-FIFO service order is similar to that introduced in connection scheduling web servers [9]; however, whereas that work scheduled requests based upon the size of the request, we schedule based upon predicted cache content. As we will see, re-ordering based on cache content both lowers average response time (by emulating a shortest-job first scheduling discipline) and improves throughput (by reducing total disk traffic).
The key challenge in implementing the cache-aware server is to use our gray-box knowledge of the file caching algorithm to determine which files are in the cache. By keeping track of the file access stream being presented to the kernel, the web server can simulate the operating system's buffer cache and thus predict at any given time what data is in cache. We term this algorithmic mirroring, and believe that it is a general and powerful manner in which to exploit gray-box knowledge.
One important assumption of algorithmic mirroring is that the application induces most or all of the traffic to the file system, and thus the mirror cache is likely to accurately represent the state of the real OS cache. Although this assumption may not hold in the general case within a multi-application environment, we believe it is feasible when a single application dominates all file-system activity. Server applications such as a web server or database management system are thus a perfect match for such mirroring methods.
The NeST storage appliance [6] supports HTTP as one of its many access protocols. NeST allows a configurable number of requests to be serviced simultaneously. Any requests received beyond that number are queued until one of the pending requests completes. By default, NeST services queued requests in FIFO order. We term this default behavior as cache-oblivious NeST.
We have modified the NeST request scheduler to keep a model of the current state of the OS buffer cache. The model is updated each time a request is scheduled. NeST bases its model of the underlying file cache on the algorithm exposed by Dust. NeST uses this model to reorder requests such that those requests for files believed to be in cache are serviced first. Note that NeST does not perform caching of files itself, but relies strictly upon the OS buffer cache.
For the cache mirror to accurately reflect the internal state of the OS, NeST must have a reasonable estimate of the cache size. In our current approach, NeST uses the static estimate produced by Dust; the disadvantage of this approach is that this estimate is produced without contention with the virtual memory system, and thus may be larger than the amount available when the web server is actually running. To increase the robustness of our estimate, we plan to modify NeST to dynamically estimate the size of the buffer cache by measuring the time for each file access. If the time is ``low'', the file must have been in the cache, and if it is ``high'', the file was likely on disk. By comparing these timings with the prediction provided by the mirror cache, NeST can adjust the size of the mirror cache.
To evaluate the performance benefits of cache-aware scheduling, we compare the performance of cache-aware NeST to cache-oblivious NeST for two different workloads. In all tests, the web server is run on a dual Pentium III-Xeon machine with 128 MB of main memory and Ultra II disks. For clients, we use four machines (identical to the server, except containing 1 GB of main memory) each running 36 client threads. The clients are connected to the server with Gigabit Ethernet.
The server and clients are running Linux 2.2.19, which was shown in Section 4.2 to use the Clock replacement algorithm; therefore, cache-aware NeST is configured to model the Clock algorithm as well. In our configuration, the server has approximately 80 MB of memory dedicated to the buffer cache. In our experiments, we explore the performance of cache-aware NeST as we vary its estimate of the size of the buffer cache.
In our first experiment, we consider a workload in which each client thread repeatedly requests a random file from a set of 200 1 MB files. Figures 15 and 16 show the average response time and throughput, respectively for three different web servers: the Apache web server [1], cache-oblivious NeST, and cache-aware NeST as a function of its estimate of cache-size. We begin by comparing the response time and the throughput of NeST and Apache; from the two figures, we see that although NeST incurs some overhead for its flexible structure (e.g., NeST can handle multiple transfer protocols, such as FTP and NFS), it achieves respectable performance as a web server and is a reasonable platform for studying cache-aware scheduling. Second, and most importantly, adding cache-aware scheduling significantly improves both the response time and the throughput of NeST. By first servicing requests that hit in the cache, cache-aware scheduling improves average response time by servicing short requests first. More dramatically, cache-aware scheduling improves throughput by reducing the number of disk reads (verified through the /proc interface): in-cache requests are handled before their data is evicted from the cache. Finally, the performance of cache-aware NeST improves when its estimate of the cache size is closer to the real value, but is robust to a large range of cache size estimates.
In our second experiment, we consider a workload created by the SURGE HTTP workload generator [5]. The SURGE workload uses approximately 12,000 distinct files with sizes taken from a Zipf distribution with a mean of approximately 21 KB. SURGE is thus a more representative web workload than is presented above.
With the SURGE workload, we measure qualitatively similar results to those above, except with two main differences. First, the performance of cache-oblivious NeST relative to Apache degrades slightly more; for example, the average response time for cache-oblivious NeST is 0.80 seconds and for Apache is 0.65 seconds. This result is expected, given that NeST is designed for staging data in the Grid, and is thus optimized for large files and not the small files more typical in web workloads. Second, the performance of cache-aware NeST is not as sensitive to its estimate of the cache size; for example, performance improves from 4.27 MB/s to 4.69 MB/s (approximately 10%) as the cache size estimate is improved from 10 MB to 80 MB. Apache achieves 4.91 MB/s. In the future, we plan to experiment with other web servers and workloads.
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The idea of using algorithmic knowledge of the underlying operating system to improve performance has been recently explored in the context of gray-box systems [3]. This work showed that an ``OS-like'' service can be implemented as an Information and Control Layer (ICL) outside of the OS, given algorithmic knowledge of the OS, probes of the OS, and statistical analysis. However, no concrete solutions were proposed for how developers of ICLs can obtain this algorithmic knowledge. In this paper, we show that fingerprinting can obtain this gray-box knowledge in a simple and automatic manner.
Fingerprinting system components to determine their behavior is not new and has been used successfully in other contexts, notably in networking and storage. Specifically, fingerprinting has been used to uncover key parameters within the TCP protocol and to identify the likely OS of a remote host [11,21]. The primary difference between fingerprinting within TCP and in our context is that we are trying to identify policies that can have arbitrary behavior, rather than implementations that are expected to adhere to given specifications. In [25,35] techniques similar to those used in Dust were used to determine various characteristics of disks, such as size of the prefetch window, prefetching algorithm and caching policy.
Fingerprinting also shares much in common with microbenchmarking. Specifically, both perform requests of the underlying system in order to characterize its behavior. For example, with simple probes in microbenchmarks, one can determine parameters of the the memory hierarchy [2,24], processor cycle time [28], and characteristics of disk geometry [26,30]. In our view, the key difference between fingerprinting and microbenchmarking is that a fingerprint is used to discover the policy or algorithm employed by the underlying layer, whereas a microbenchmark is typically used to uncover specific system parameters.
The idea of discovering characteristics of lower layers of a system and using that knowledge in higher layers to improve performance is not new. In traxtents [26] the file system layer of the operating system was modified to avoid crossing disk track boundaries so as to minimize the cost incurred due to head switching and exploit ``zero-latency'' access. Yu, et al. developed a method of predicting the position of the disk head without hardware support and used that information to determine which of several rotational replicas to use to service a given request [36], thus giving software expanded knowledge of hardware state.
Our approach involves informing the application of the buffer cache replacement policy in use by the operating system. SLEDs [33] and dynamic sets [29] seek to increase the knowledge that the application and operating system have of each other. Both take the approach of embellishing the interface between the OS and the application to allow the explicit exchange of certain types of information. In the case of dynamic sets, the application has the ability to provide more knowledge about its future access patterns. This allows the OS to reorder the fetching of data to improve cache performance. SLEDs allows the OS to export performance data to the application, enabling the application to modify its workload based on the performance characteristics of the underlying system.
The idea of servicing requests within a web server in a particular order was explored in connection-scheduling web servers [9]. The main thesis of that research is that better performance can be obtained by controlling the scheduling of requests within the web server, rather than with the OS. While their approach used static file size to schedule requests, cache-aware NeST uses a dynamic estimate of the contents of the buffer cache. In future work, we hope to investigate the interactions of scheduling requests based on both file size and cache content.
Our cache-aware web server has similarities to locality-aware request distribution (LARD) cluster-based web servers [22]. In LARD, the front-end node directs page requests to a specific back-end node based upon which back-end has most recently served this page (modulo load-balancing constraints); thus, the front-end has a simple model of the cache contents of each back-end and tries to improve their cache hit rates. Our approaches are complementary, as LARD partitions requests across different nodes, whereas we use cache content to service requests in a different order on a single node.
We have shown that various buffer cache replacement algorithms can be uniquely identified with a simple fingerprint. Our fingerprinting tool, Dust, classifies algorithms based upon whether they consider initial access, locality, frequency, and/or history when choosing a block to replace. With a simple simulator, we have shown that FIFO, LRU, LFU, Clock, Random, Segmented FIFO, 2Q, and LRU-K all produce distinctive fingerprints, allowing them to be uniquely identified. We have also begun to address the more challenging problem of fingerprinting real systems. By running Dust on NetBSD, Linux, and Solaris, we have shown that we can determine which attributes are considered by each page replacement algorithm. Finally, we have shown that the algorithmic knowledge revealed by Dust is useful for predicting the contents of the file cache. Specifically, we have implemented a cache-aware web server that services first those requests that are predicted to hit in the file cache, improving both response time and bandwidth.
In the near future, we would like to extend the range of policies which Dust is able to recognize. Specifically, we would like to see how adaptive policies such as EELRU [27] and LRFU [13] can be identified, as well as policies that use other attributes such as the size of a page or the cost of replacing a page. In our current system, one must visually interpret the fingerprint graphs produced by Dust; we would like to automate this process for the well-known replacement policies.
In the long-term, we plan to continue exploring fingerprinting of other subsystems within the OS (e.g., the CPU scheduler). We would also like to determine how algorithmic knowledge can be used across several user processes; the main challenge is performing a model or simulation in which access to all OS inputs is not required for accuracy. Finally, we are investigating how algorithmic knowledge can be used not only to infer the contents of the file cache, but to change its contents as well.
We would like to thank Brian Forney, Tim Denehy, Muthian Sivathanu and Florentina Popovici for helpful discussion and comments on the paper. We would also like to thank our shepherd, Greg Ganger and the anonymous reviewers for their many helpful comments. This work is sponsored by NSF CCR-0092840, NGS-0103670, CCR-0133456, CCR-0098274, ITR-0086044, and the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation.
This paper was originally published in the
Proceedings of the 2002 USENIX Annual Technical Conference, June 10-15, 2002, Monterey Conference Center, Monterey, California, USA.
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