Security '04 Paper
[Security '04 Technical Program]
Very Fast Containment of Scanning Worms
Abstract:Computer worms -- malicious, self-propagating programs -- represent a significant threat to large networks. One possible defense, containment, seeks to limit a worm's spread by isolating it in a small subsection of the network. In this work we develop containment algorithms suitable for deployment in high-speed, low-cost network hardware. We show that these techniques can stop a scanning host after fewer than 10 scans with a very low false-positive rate. We also augment this approach by devising mechanisms for cooperation that enable multiple containment devices to more effectively detect and respond to an emerging infection. Finally, we discuss ways that a worm can attempt to bypass containment techniques in general, and ours in particular.
IntroductionComputer worms -- malicious, self propagating programs -- represent a substantial threat to large networks. Since these threats can propagate more rapidly than human response [25,12], automated defenses are critical for detecting and responding to infections [13]. One of the key defenses against scanning worms which spread throughout an enterprise is containment [30,24,22,7,14]. Worm containment, also known as virus throttling, works by detecting that a worm is operating in the network and then blocking the infected machines from contacting further hosts. Currently, such containment mechanisms only work against scanning worms [29] because they leverage the anomaly of a local host attempting to connect to multiple other hosts as the means of detecting an infectee. Within an enterprise, containment operates by breaking the network into many small pieces, or cells. Within each cell (which might encompass just a single machine), a worm can spread unimpeded. But between cells, containment attempts to limit further infections by blocking outgoing connections from infected cells. A key problem in containment of scanning worms is efficiently detecting and suppressing the scanning. Since containment blocks suspicious machines, it is critical that the false positive rate be very low. Additionally, since a successful infection could potentially subvert any software protections put on the host machine, containment is best effected inside the network rather than on the end-hosts. We have developed a scan detection and suppression algorithm based on a simplification of the Threshold Random Walk (TRW) scan detector [9]. The simplifications make our algorithm suitable for both hardware and software implementation. We use caches to (imperfectly) track the activity of both addresses and individual connections, and reduce the random walk calculation of TRW to a simple comparison. Our algorithm's approximations generally only cost us a somewhat increased false negative rate; we find that false positives do not increase. Evaluating the algorithm on traces from a large (6,000 host) enterprise, we find that with a total memory usage of 5 MB we obtain good detection precision while staying within a processing budget of at most 4 memory accesses (to two independent banks) per packet. In addition, our algorithm can detect scanning which occurs at a threshold of one scan per minute, much lower than that used by the throttling scheme in [30], and thus significantly harder for an attacker to evade. Our trace-based analysis shows that the algorithms are both highly effective and sensitive when monitoring scanning on an Internet access link, able to detect low-rate TCP and UDP scanners which probe our enterprise. One deficiency of our work, however, is that we were unable to obtain internal enterprise traces. These can be very difficult to acquire, but we are currently pursuing doing so. Until we can, the efficacy of our algorithm when deployed internal to an enterprise can only be partly inferred from its robust access-link performance. We have also investigated how to enhance containment through cooperation between containment devices. Worm containment systems have an epidemic threshold: if the number of vulnerable machines is few enough relative to a particular containment deployment, then containment will almost completely stop the worm [22]. However, if there are more vulnerable machines, then the worm will still spread exponentially (though less than in the absence of containment). We show that by adding a simple inter-cell communication scheme, the spread of the worm can be dramatically mitigated in the case where the system is above its epidemic threshold. Finally, we discuss inadvertent and malicious attacks on worm containment systems: what is necessary for an attacker to create either false negatives (a worm which evades detection) or false positives (triggering a response when a worm did not exist), assessing this for general worm containment, cooperative containment, and our particular proposed system. We specifically designed our system to resist some of these attacks.
Worm ContainmentWorm containment is designed to halt the spread of a worm in an enterprise by detecting infected machines and preventing them from contacting further systems. Current approaches to containment [30,22,20] are based on detecting the scanning activity associated with scanning worms, as is our new algorithm. Scanning worms operate by picking ``random'' addresses and attempting to infect them. The actual selection technique can vary considerably, from linear scanning of an address space (Blaster [26]), fully random (Code Red [6]), a bias toward local addresses (Code Red II [4] and Nimda [3]), or even more enhanced techniques (Permutation Scanning [28]). While future worms could alter their style of scanning to try to avoid detection, all scanning worms share two common properties: most scanning attempts result in failure, and infected machines will institute many connection attempts.1Because containment looks for a class of behavior rather than specific worm signatures, such systems can stop new (scanning) worms. Robust worm defense requires an approach like containment because we know from experience that worms can find (by brute force) small holes in firewalls [4], VPN tunnels from other institutions [17], infected notebook computers [26], web browser vulnerabilities [3], and email-borne attacks [3] to establish a foothold in a target institution. Many institutions with solid firewalls have still succumbed to worms that entered through such means. Without containment, even a single breach can lead to a complete internal infection.
Along with the epidemic threshold (Section 2.1)
and sustained sub-threshold scanning (Section 2.2),
a significant issue with containment is
the need for complete deployment
within an enterprise. Otherwise, any uncontained-but-infected
machines will be able to scan through the enterprise and infect other
systems. (A single machine, scanning at only 10 IP addresses per
second, can scan through an entire Thus, we strongly believe that worm-suppression needs to be built into the network fabric. When a worm compromises a machine, the worm can defeat host software designed to limit the infection; indeed, it is already common practice for viruses and mail-worms to disable antivirus software, so we must assume that future worms will disable worm-suppression software. Additionally, since containment works best when the cells are small, this strongly suggests that worm containment needs to be integrated into the network's outer switches or similar hardware elements, as proximate to the end hosts as economically feasible. This becomes even more important for cooperative containment (Section 6), as this mechanism is based on some cells becoming compromised as a means of better detecting the spread of a worm and calibrating the response necessary to stop it.
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Figure 1 gives the overall structure of the data structures. We track connections using a fixed-sized table indexed by hashing the ``inside'' IP address, the ``outside'' IP address, and, for TCP, the inside port number. Each record consists of a 6 bit age counter and a bit for each direction (inside to outside and outside to inside), recording whether we have seen a packet in that direction. This table combines entries in the case of aliasing, which means we may consider communication to have been bidirectional when in fact it was unidirectional, turning a failed connection attempt into a success (and, thus, biasing towards false negatives rather than false positives).
We track external (``outside'') addresses using an associative approximation cache. To find an entry, we encrypt the external IP address using a 32 bit block cipher as discussed in Section 4.2, separating the resulting 32 bit number into an index and a tag, and using the index to find the group (or line) of entries. In our design, we use a 4-way associative cache, and thus each line can contain up to four entries, with each entry consisting of the tag and a counter. The counter tracks the difference between misses and hits (i.e., successful and unsuccessful connection attempts), forming the basis of our detection algorithm.
Whenever the device receives a packet, it looks up the corresponding connection in the connection table and the corresponding external address in the address table. Per Figure 2, the status of these two tables, and the direction of the packet, determines the action to take, as follows:
For a non-blocked external address (one we have not already decided to suppress), if a corresponding connection has already been established in the packet's direction, we reduce the connection table's age to 0 and forward the packet. Otherwise, if the packet is from the outside and we have seen a corresponding connection request from the inside, we forward the packet and decrement the address's count in the address table by 1, as we now credit the outside address with a successful connection. Otherwise, we forward the packet but increment the external address's count by 1, as now that address has one more outstanding, so-far-unacknowledged connection request.
Likewise, for packets from internal addresses, if there is a connection establishment from the other direction, the count is reduced, in this case by 2, since we are changing our bookkeeping of it from a failure to a success (we previously incremented the failure-success count by 1 because we initially treat a connection attempt as a failure).
Thus, the count gives us an on-going estimate of the difference between the number of misses (failed connections) and the number of successful connections. Given the assumption that legitimate traffic succeeds in its connection attempts with a probability greater than 50%, while scanning traffic succeeds with a probability less than 50%, by monitoring this difference we can determine when it is highly probable that a machine is scanning.
If an address's count exceeds a predefined threshold T, the device blocks it. When we receive subsequent packet from that address, our action depends on the packet's type and whether it matches an existing, successfully-established connection, which we can tell from the connection status bits stored in the connection table. If the packet does not match an existing connection, we drop it. If it does, then we still drop it if it is a UDP packet or a TCP initial SYN. Otherwise, we allow it through. By blocking in this manner, we prevent the blocked machine from establishing subsequent TCP or UDP sessions, while still allowing it to accept TCP connection requests and continue with existing connections. Doing so lessens the collateral damage caused by false positives.
We treat TCP RST, RST+ACK, SYN+ACK, FIN, and FIN+ACK packets specially. If they do not correspond to a connection established in the other direction, the hygiene filter simply drops these packets, as they could reflect stealthy scanning attempts, backscatter from spoofed-source flooding attacks, or the closing of very-long-idle connections. Since they might be scans, we need to drop them to limit an attacker's information. But since they might instead be benign activity, we don't use them to trigger blocks.
Likewise, if a connection has been established in the other direction, but not in the current direction, then we forward TCP RST, RST+ACK, FIN, and FIN+ACK packets, but do not change the external address's counter, to avoid counting failed connections as successful. (A FIN+ACK could reflect a successful connection if we have seen the connection already established in the current direction, but the actions here are those we take if we have not seen this.)
Because connection table combines entries when aliasing occurs, it can create a false negative at a rate that depends on the fullness of the table. If the table is 20% full, then we will fail to detect roughly 20% of individual scanning attempts. Likewise, 20% of the successful connection attempts will not serve to reduce an address's failure/success count either, because the evidence of the successful connection establishment aliases with a connection table entry that already indicates a successful establishment.
To prevent the connection table from being overwhelmed by old entries, we remove any connection idle for more than an amount of time D_conn, which to make our design concrete we set to 10 minutes. We can't reclaim table space by just looking for termination (FIN exchanges) because aliasing may mean we need to still keep the table entry after one of the aliased connections terminates, and because UDP protocols don't have a clear ``terminate connection'' message.
While the connection table combines entries, the address table, since it is responsible for blocking connections and contains tagged data, needs to evict entries rather than combining information. Yet evicting important data can cause false negatives, requiring a balancing act in the eviction policy. We observe that standard cache replacement policies such as least recently used (LRU), round robin, and random, can evict addresses of high interest. Instead, when we need to evict an entry, we want to select the entry with the most negative value for the (miss-hit) count, as this constitutes the entry least likely to reflect a scanner; although we thus tend to evict highly active addresses from the table, they represent highly active normal machines.
In principle, this policy could occasionally create a transient false positive, if subsequent connections from the targeted address occur in a very short term burst, with several connection attempts made before the first requests can be acknowledged. We did not, however, observe this phenomenon in our testing.
There are several key parameters to tune with our system, including the response threshold T (miss-hit difference that we take to mean a scan detection), minimum and maximum counts, and decay rates for the connection cache and for the counts. We also need to size the caches.
For T, our observations below in Section 5.5 indicate that for the traces we assessed a threshold of 5 suffices for blocking inbound scanning, while a threshold of 10 is a suitable starting point for worm containment.
The second parameters, C_min and C_max, are the minimum and maximum values the count is allowed to achieve. C_min is needed to prevent a previously good address that is subsequently infected from being allowed too many connections before it is blocked, while C_max limits how long it takes before a highly-offending blocked machine is allowed to communicate again. For testing purposes, we set C_min to -20 and C_max to infinity, as we were interested in the maximum count which each address could reach in practice.
The third parameter, D_miss , is the decay rate for misses. Every D_miss seconds, all addresses with positive counts have their count reduced by one. Doing so allows a low rate of benign misses to be forgiven, without seriously enabling sub-threshold scanning. We set D_miss equal to 60 seconds, or one minute, meeting our sub-threshold scanning goal of 1 scan per minute. In the future, we wish to experiment with a much lower decay rate for misses.
We use a related decay rate, D_conn, to remove idle connections, since we can't rely on a ``connection-closed'' message to determine when to remove entries. As mentioned earlier, we set D_conn to 10 minutes.
The final parameters specify the size and associativity of the caches. A software implementation can tune these parameters, but a hardware system will need to fix these based on available resources. For evaluation purposes, we assumed a 1 million entry connection cache (which would require 1 MB), and a 1 million entry, 4-way associative address cache (4 MB). Both cache sizes worked well with our traces, although increasing the connection cache to 4 MB would provide increased sensitivity by diminishing aliasing.
Several policy options and variations arise when using our system operationally: the threshold of response, whether to disallow all communication from blocked addresses, whether to treat all ports as the same or to allow some level of benign scanning on less-important ports, and whether to detect horizontal and vertical, or just horizontal, TCP scans.
The desired initial response threshold T may vary from site to site. Since all machines above a threshold of 6 in our traces represent some sort of scanner (some benign, most malicious, per Section 5.5), this indicates a threshold of 10 on outbound connections would be conservative for deployment within our environment, while a threshold of 5 appears sufficient for incoming connections.
A second policy decision is whether to block all communication from a blocked machine, or to only limit new connections it initiates. The first option offers a greater degree of protection, while the second is less disruptive for false positives.
A third decision is how to configure C_min and C_max, the floor and ceiling on the counter value. We discussed the tradeoffs for these in the previous section.
A fourth policy option would be to treat some ports differently than others. Some applications, such as Gnutella [18], use scanning to find other servers. Likewise, at some sites particular tools may probe numerous machines to discover network topology. One way to give different ports different weights would be to changing the counter from an integer to a fixed-point value. For example, we could assign SNMP a cost of .25 rather than 1, to allow a greater degree of unidirectional SNMP attempts before triggering an alarm. We can also weight misses and hits differently, to alter the proportion of traffic we expect to be successful for benign vs. malicious sources.
Finally, changing the system to only detect horizontal TCP scans requires changing the inputs to the connection cache's hash function. By excluding the internal port number from the hash function, we will include all internal ports in the same bucket. Although this prevents the algorithm from detecting vertical scans, it also eliminates an evasion technique discussed in Section 7.6.
We used hour-long traces of packet header collected at the access link at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. This gigabit/sec link connects the Laboratory's 6,000 hosts to the Internet. The link sustains an average of about 50-100 Mbps and 8-15K packets/sec over the course of a day, which includes roughly 20M externally-initiated connection attempts (most reflecting ambient scanning from worms and other automated malware) and roughly 2M internally-initiated connections. The main trace we analyzed was 72 minutes long, beginning at 1:56PM on a Friday afternoon. It totaled 44M packets and included traffic from 48,052 external addresses (and all 131K internal addresses, due to some energetic scans covering the entire internal address space). We captured the trace using tcpdump, which reported 2,200 packets dropped by the measurement process.
We do not have access to the ideal traces for assessing our system, which would be all internal and external traffic for a major enterprise. However, the access-link traces at least give us a chance to evaluate the detection algorithm's behavior over high-diverse, high-volume traffic.
We processed the traces using a custom Java application so we could include a significant degree of instrumentation, including cache-miss behavior, recording evicted machines, maintaining maximum and minimum counts, and other options not necessary for a production system. Additionally, since we developed the experimental framework for off-line analysis, high performance was not a requirement. Our goal was to extract the necessary information to determine how our conceptual hardware design will perform in terms of false positives and negatives and quickness of response.
For our algorithm, we just recorded the maximum count rather than simulating a specific blocking threshold, so we can explore the tradeoffs different thresholds would yield. We emulated a 1 million entry connection cache, and a 1 million entry, 4-way associative address cache. The connection cache reached 20% full during the primary trace. The eviction rate in the address cache was very low, with no evictions when tested with the Internet as ``outside,'' and only 2 evictions when the enterprise was ``outside.'' Thus, the 5 MB of storage for the two tables was quite adequate.
We first ran our algorithm with the enterprise as outside, to determine which of its hosts would be blocked by worm containment and why. We manually checked all alerts that would be generated for a threshold of 5, shown in Table 1. Of these, all represented benign scanning or unidirectional control traffic. The greatest offender, at a count of 16, appears to be a misconfigured client which resulted in benign DNS scanning. The other sources appears to generate AFS-related control traffic on UDP ports 7000-7003; scanning from a component of Microsoft NetBIOS file sharing; and benign SNMP (UDP-based) scanning, apparently for remotely monitoring printer queues.
With the Internet as ``outside,'' over 470 external addresses reached a threshold of 5 or higher. While this seems incredibly high, it in fact represents the endemic scanning which occurs continually on the Internet [9]. We manually examined the top 5 offenders, whose counts ranged from 26,000 to 49,000, and verified that these were all blatant scanners. Of these, one was scanning for the FTP control port (21/tcp), two were apparently scanning for a newly discovered vulnerability in Dameware Remote Administrator (6129/tcp), and two were apparently scanning for a Windows RPC vulnerability (135/tcp; probably from hosts infected with Blaster [26]).
Additionally, we examined the offenders with the lowest counts above the threshold. 10 addresses had a maximum count between 20 and 32. Of these, 8 were scans on a NetBIOS UDP port 137, targeted at a short (20-40 address) sequential range, with a single packet sent to each machine. Of the remaining two offenders, one probed randomly selected machines in a /16 for a response on TCP port 80 using 3 SYN packets per attempt, while the other probed randomly selected machines on port 445/tcp with 2 SYN packets per attempt. All of these offenders represented true scanners: none is a false positive.
We observed 19 addresses with a count between 5 and 19, where we would particularly expect to see false positives showing up. Of these, 15 were NetBIOS UDP scanners. Of the remaining 4, one was scanning 1484/udp, one was scanning 80/tcp, and one was scanning 445/tcp. The final entry was scanning both 138/udp and generating successful communications on 139/tcp and port 80/tcp. The final entry, which reached a maximum count of 6, represents a NetBIOS-related false positive.
Finally, we also examined ten randomly selected external addresses flagged by our algorithm. Eight were UDP scanners targeting port 137, while two were TCP scanners targeting port 445. All represent true positives.
During this test, the connection cache size of 1 million entries reached about 20% full. Thus, each new scan attempt has a 20% chance of not being recorded because it aliases with an already-established connection. If the connection cache was increased to 4 million entries (4 MB instead of 1 MB), the false negative rate would drop to slightly over 5%.
We conducted a second test to determine the effects of setting the parameters for maximum sensitivity. We increased the connection cache to 4 million entries, reducing the number of false negatives due to aliasing. We also tightened the C_min threshold to -5, which increases the sensitivity to possible misbehavior of previously ``good'' machines, and increased D_miss to infinity, meaning that we never decayed misses. Setting the threshold of response to 5 would then trigger an alert for an otherwise idle machine once it made a series of 5 failed connections; while a series of 10 failed connections would trigger an alert regardless of an address's past behavior.
We manually examined all outbound alerts (i.e., alerts generated when considering the enterprise ``outside'') that would have triggered when using this threshold, looking for additional false positives. Table 2 summarizes these additional alerts.
We would expect that, by increasing the sensitivity in this manner, we would observe some non-scanning false positives. Of the additional alerts, only one new alert was generated because of the changed C_min. This machine sent out unidirectional UDP to 15 destinations in a row, which was countered by normal behavior when C_min was set to -20 instead of -5. The rest of the alerts were triggered because of the reduced decay of misses. In all these cases, the traffic consisted of unidirectional communication to multiple machines. The TCP-based activity (NNTP, daytime, and SMTP) showed definite failed connections, but these may be benign failures.
In summary, even with the aggressive thresholds, there are few false positives, and they appear to reflect quite peculiar traffic.
For comparison purposes, we also included in our trace analysis program an implementation of Williamson's technique [30], which we evaluated against the site's outbound traffic in order to assess its performance in terms of worm containment. Williamson's algorithm uses a small cache of previously-allowed destinations. For all SYNs and any UDP packets, if we find the destination in the allowed-destination cache, we forward it regularly. If not, but if the source has not sent to a new destination (i.e., we haven't added anything to its allowed-destination cache) during the past second, then we put an entry in the cache to note that we are allowing communication between the source and the given destination, and again forward the packet.
Otherwise, we add the packet to a delay queue. We process this queue at the rate of one destination per second. Each second, for each source we determine the next destination it attempted to send to but so far has not due to our delay queue. We then forward the source's packets for that destination residing in the delay queue and add the destination to the allowed-destination cache. The effect of this mechanism is to limit sources to contacting a single new destination each second. One metric of interest with this algorithm then is the maximum size the delay queue reaches.
A possible negative consequence of the Williamson algorithm is that the cache of previously established destinations introduces false positives rather than false negatives. Due to its limited size, previously established destinations may be evicted prematurely. For testing purposes, we selected cache sizes of 8 previously-allowed destinations per source (3 greater than the cache size used in [30]). We manually examined all internal sources where the delay queue reached 15 seconds or larger, enough to produce a significant disturbance for a user (Table 3).
In practice, we observed that the Williamson algorithm has a very low false positive rate, with only a few minor exceptions. First, the DNS servers in the trace greatly overflow the delay queue due to their high fanout when resolving recursive queries, and thus would need to be special-cased. Likewise, a major SMTP server also triggered a response due to its high connection fanout, and would also require white-listing. However, of potential note is that three HTTP clients reached a threshold greater than 15, which would produce a user-noticeable delay but not trigger a permanent alarm, based on Williamson's threshold of blocking machines when their delay queue reaches a depth of 100 [27].
Staniford analyzed the efficacy of worm containment in an enterprise context, finding that such systems exhibit a phase structure with an epidemic threshold [22]. For sufficiently low vulnerability densities and/or T thresholds, the system can almost completely contain a worm. However, if these parameters are too large, a worm can escape and infect a sizeable fraction of the vulnerable hosts despite the presence of the containment system. The epidemic threshold occurs when on average a worm instance is able to infect exactly one child before being contained. Less than this, and the worm will peter out. More, and the worm will spread exponentially. Thus we desire to set the response threshold T as low as possible, but if we set it too low, we may incur unacceptably many false positives. This tends to place a limit on the maximum vulnerability density that a worm containment system can handle.
In this section, we present a preliminary analysis of performance improvements that come from incorporating communication between cells. The improvement arises by using a second form of a-worm-is-spreading detector: the alerts generated by other containment devices. The idea is that every containment device knows how many blocks the other containment devices currently have in effect. Each devise uses this information to dynamically adjust its response threshold: as more systems are being blocked throughout the enterprise, the individual containment devices become more sensitive. This positive feedback allows the system to adaptively respond to a spreading worm.
The rules for doing so are relatively simple. All cells communicate, and when one cell blocks an address, it communicates this status to the other cells. Consequently, at any given time each cell can compute that X other blocks are in place, and thereby reduces T by (1-theta)^x where theta is a parameter that controls how aggressively to reduce the threshold as a worm spreads. For our algorithm, the cell also needs to increase C_min by a similar amount, to limit the scanning allowed by a previously normal machine.
In our simulations, very small values of theta make a significant difference in performance. This is good, since reducing the threshold also tends to increase false positive rates.2
However, we can have the threshold return to its normal (initial) value using an exponentially weighted time delay to ensure that this effect is short lived.
A related policy question is whether this function should allow a complete shutdown of the network (no new connections tolerated), or should have a minimum threshold below which the containment devices simply will not go, potentially allowing a worm to still operate at a slower spreading rate, depending on its epidemic threshold. The basic tradeoff is ensuring a degree of continued operation, vs. a stronger assure that we will limit possible damage from the worm.
To evaluate the effects of cooperation, we started with the simulation program used in the previous evaluation of containment [22]. We modified the simulator so that each response would reduce the threshold by theta. We then reran some of the simulations examined in [22] to assess the effect on the epidemic threshold for various values of theta.
The particular set of parameters we experimented with involved an enterprise network of size 2^17 addresses. We assumed a worm that had a 50% probability of scanning inside the network, with the rest falling outside the enterprise. We also assumed an initial threshold of T=10, that the network was divided into 512 cells of 256 addresses each, and that the worm had no special preference to scan within its cell. We considered a uniform vulnerability density. These choices correspond to Figure 2 in [22], and, as shown there, the epidemic threshold is then at a vulnerability density of v=.02 (that is, it occurs when 20% of the addresses are vulnerable to the worm).
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We varied the vulnerability density across this epidemic threshold for
different values of , and studied the resulting average infection density (the proportion of vulnerable machines which actually got infected). This is shown in Figure 3, where each point represents the average of 5,000 simulated worm runs.
The top curve shows the behavior when communication does not modify the
threshold (i.e., ), and successively lower curves have
theta = .00003, theta = .0001, and theta = .0003.
One would not expect there to be any significant problem of
increased false positives with such small changes; but that they are larger
than zero suffices to introduce significant positive feedback in the
presence of a propagating worm (i.e., the overall rate of blocked
scans within the network rises over time).
The basic structure of the results is clear. Changing theta does not significantly change the epidemic threshold, but we can greatly reduce the infection density that the worm can achieve above the epidemic threshold. It makes sense that the epidemic threshold is not changed, since below the epidemic threshold, the worm cannot gain much traction and so the algorithm that modifies theta has no chance to engage and alter the situation. However, above the epidemic threshold, adaptively changing T can greatly reduce the infection density a worm can achieve. Clearly, inter-cell communication mechanisms hold great promise at improving the performance of containment systems.3
We must however discuss a simplification we made in our simulation. We effectively assumed that communication amongst cells occurs instantaneously compared to the worm propagation. Clearly, this an idealization. A careless design of the communication mechanism could result in speeds that cause the threshold modification to always substantially lag behind the propagation of the worm, greatly limiting its usefulness. (See [15] for a discussion of the competing dynamics of a response to a worm and the worm itself).
For example, it can be shown that a design in which we send a separate packet to each cell that needs notification allows worm instances to scan (on average) a number of addresses equal to half the number of cells before any threshold modification occurs (assuming that the worm can scan at the same speed as the communication mechanism can send notifications). This isn't very satisfactory.
One simple approach to achieve very fast inter-cell communication is to use broadcast across the entire network. However, this is likely to pose practical risks to network performance in the case where there are significant numbers of false positives.
A potentially better approach is for the containment devices to cache recently contacted addresses. Then when a source IP crosses the threshold for scan detection, the cells it recently communicated with can be contacted first (in order). These cells will be the ones most in need of the information. In most cases, this will result in threshold modification occurring before the threshold is reached on any cells that got infected as a result (rather than the message arriving too late and the old unmodified threshold being used).
Security devices do not exist in a vacuum, but represent both targets and obstacles for possible attackers. By creating a false positive, an attacker can trigger responses which wouldn't otherwise occur. Since worm containment must restrict network traffic, false positives create an attractive DOS target. Likewise, false negatives allow a worm or attacker to slip by the defenses.
General containment can incur inadvertent false positives both from detection artifacts and from ``benign'' scanning. Additionally, attackers can generate false positives if they can forge packets, or attempt to evade containment if they detect it in operation. When we also use cooperation, an attacker who controls machines in several cells can cause significant network disruption through cooperative collapse: using the network of compromised machines to trigger an institution-wide response by driving down the thresholds used by the containment devices through the institute (if theta is large enough to allow this). Our scan detection algorithm also has an algorithm-specific, two-sided evasion, though we can counter these evasions with some policy changes, which we discuss below. Although we endeavor in this section to examine the full range of possible attacks, undoubtedly there are more attacks we haven't considered.
There are two classes of inadvertent false positives: false positives resulting from artifacts of the detection routines, and false positives arising from ``benign'' scanning. The first are potentially the more severe, as these can severely limit the use of containment devices, while the second is often amenable to white-listing and other policy-based techniques.
In our primary testing trace, we observed only one instance of an artifact-induced false positive, due to unidirectional AFS control traffic. Thus, this does not appear to be a significant problem for our algorithm. Our implementation of Williamson's mechanism showed artifact-induced false positives involving 3 HTTP clients that would have only created a minor disruption. Also, Williamson's algorithm is specifically not designed to apply to traffic generated by servers, requiring these machines to be white-listed.
Alerting on benign scanning is less severe. Indeed, such scans should trigger all good scan-detection devices. More generally, ``benign'' is fundamentally a policy distinction: is this particular instance of scanning a legitimate activity, or something to prohibit?
We have observed benign scanning behavior from Windows File Sharing (NetBIOS) and applications such as Gnutella which work through a list of previously-connected peers to find access into a peer-to-peer overlay. We note that if these protocols were modified to use a rendezvous point or a meta-server then we could eliminate their scanning behavior. The other alternative is to whitelist these services. By whitelisting, their scanning behavior won't trigger a response, but the containment devices can no longer halt a worm targeting these services.
If a worm is propagating within an enterprise that has a containment system operating, then the worm could slow to a sub-threshold scanning rate to avoid being suppressed. But in the absence of a containment system, the worm should instead scan quickly. Thus, attackers will want to devise ways for a worm to detect the presence of a containment system.
Assuming that the worm instance knows the address of the host that infected it, and was told by it of a few other active copies of the worm in the enterprise, then the worm instance can attempt to establish a normal communication channel with the other copies. If each instance sets up these channels, together they can form a large distributed network, allowing the worm to learn of all other active instances.
Having established the network, the worm instance then begins sending out probes at a low rate, using its worm peers as a testing ground: if it can't establish communication with already-infected hosts, then it is likely the enterprise has a containment system operating. This information can be discovered even when the block halts all direct communication: the infection can send a message into the worm's overlay network, informing the destination worm that it will attempt to probe it. If the ensuing direct probe is blocked, the receiving copy now knows that the sender is blocked, as it was informed about the experimental attempt.
This information can then be spread via the still-functional connections among the worm peers in order to inform future infections in the enterprise. Likewise, if the containment system's blocks are only transient, the worm can learn this fact, and its instances can remain silent, waiting for blocks to lift, before resuming sub-threshold scanning.
Thus we must assume that a sophisticated worm can determine that a network employs containment, and probably deduce both the algorithm and parameters used in the deployment.
Malicious false negatives occur when a worm is able to scan in spite of active scan-containment. The easiest evasion is for the worm to simply not scan, but propagate via a different means: topological, meta-server, passive, and target-list (hit-list) worms all use non-scanning techniques [29]. Containing such worms is outside the scope of our work. We note, however, that scanning worms represent the largest class of worms seen to date and, more generally, a broad class of attack. Thus, eliminating scanning worms from a network clearly has a great deal of utility even if it does not address the entire problem space.
In addition, scanning worms that operate below the sustained-scanning threshold can avoid detection. Doing so requires more sophisticated scanning strategies, as the worms must bias their ``random'' target selection to effectively exploit the internal network in order to take advantage of the low rate of allowed scanning. The best countermeasure for this evasion technique is simply a far more sensitive threshold. We argue that a threshold of 1 scan per second (as in Williamson [30]), although effective for stopping current worms, is too permissive when a worm is attempting to evade containment. Thus we targeted a threshold of 1 scan per minute in our work.
Additionally, if scanning of some particular ports has been white-listed (such as Gnutella, discussed above), a worm could use that port to scan for liveness--i.e., whether a particular address has a host running on it, even though the host rejects the attempted connection--and then use followup scans to determine if the machine is actually vulnerable to the target service. While imperfect--failed connection attempts will still occur--the worm can at least drive the failure rate lower because the attempts will fail less often.
Another substantial evasion technique can occur if a corrupted system
can obtain multiple network addresses. If a machine can gain
distinct addresses, then it can issue
times as many scans before
being detected and blocked. This has the effect of reducing the
epidemic threshold by a factor of
, a huge enhancement on a worm's
ability to evade containment.
If attackers can forge packets, they can frame other hosts in the same cell as scanners. We can engineer a local area network to resist such attacks by using the MAC address and switch features that prevent spoofing and changing of MAC addresses. This is not an option, though, for purported scans inbound to the enterprise coming from the external Internet. While the attacker can use this attack to deny service to external addresses, preventing them from initiating new connections to the enterprise, at least they can't block new connections initiated by internal hosts.
There is an external mechanism which could cause this internal DOS: a malicious web page or HTML-formatted email message could direct an internal client to attempt a slew of requests to nonexistent servers. Since this represents an attacker gaining a limited degree of control over the target machine (i.e., making it execute actions on the attacker's behalf), we look to block the attack using other types of techniques, such as imposing HTTP proxies and mail filtering to detect and block the malicious content.
Although cooperation helps defenders, an attacker can still attempt to outrace containment if the initial threshold is highly permissive. However, this is unlikely to occur simply because the amount of communication is very low, so it is limited by network latency rather than bandwidth. Additionally, broadcast packets could allow quick, efficient communication between all of the devices. Nevertheless, this suggests that the communication path should be optimized.
The attacker could also attempt to flood the containment coordination channels before beginning its spread. Thus, containment-devices should have reserved communication bandwidth, such as a dedicated LAN or prioritized VLAN channels, to prevent an attacker from disrupting the inter-cell communication.
Of greater concern is cooperative collapse. If the rate of false positives is high enough, the containment devices respond by lowering their thresholds, which can generate a cascade of false positives, which further reduces the threshold. Thus, it is possible that a few initial false positives, combined with a highly-sensitive response function, could trigger a maximal network-wide response, with major collateral damage.
An attacker that controls enough of the cells could attempt to trigger or amplify this effect by generating scanning in those cells. From the viewpoint of the worm containment, this appears to reflect a rapidly spreading worm, forcing a system-wide response. Thus, although cooperation appears highly desirable due to the degree to which it allows us to begin the system with a high tolerance setting (minimizing false positives), we need to develop models of containment cooperation that enable us to understand any potential exposure an enterprise has to the risk of maliciously induced cooperative collapse.
Our approximation algorithm adds two other risks: attackers exploiting the approximation caches' hash and permutation functions, and vulnerability to a two-sided evasion technique. We discussed attacking the hash functions earlier, which we address by using a block-cipher based hash. In the event of a delayed response due to a false negative, the attacker will have difficulty determining which possible entry resulted in a collision.
Another evasion is for the attacker to embed their scanning within a large storm of spoofed packets which cause thrashing in the address cache and which pollute the connection cache with a large number of half-open connections. Given the level of resources required to construct such an attack (hundreds of thousands or millions of forged packets), however, the attacker could probably spread just as well simply using a slow, distributed scan. Determining the tradeoffs between cache size and where it becomes more profitable to perform distributed scanning is an area for future work.
A more severe false negative is a two-sided evasion: two machines, one on each side of the containment device, generate normal traffic establishing connections on a multitude of ports. A worm could use this evasion technique to balance out the worm's scanning, making up for each failed scanning attempt by creating another successful connection between the two cooperating machines. Since our algorithm treats connections to distinct TCP ports as distinct attempts, two machines can generate enough successes to mask any amount of TCP scanning.
There is a counter-countermeasure available, however. Rather than attempting to detect both vertical and horizontal TCP scanning, we can modify the algorithm to detect only horizontal scans by excluding port information from the connection-cache tuple. This change prevents the algorithm from detecting vertical scans, but greatly limits the evasion potential, as now any pair of attacker-controlled machines can only create a single success.
More generally, however, for an Internet-wide worm infection, the huge number of external infections could allow the worm to generate a large amount of successful traffic even when we restrict the detector to only look for horizontal scans. We can counter this technique, though, by splitting the detector's per-address count into one count associated with scanning within the internal network and a second count to detect scanning on the Internet. By keeping these counts separate, an attacker could use this evasion technique to allow Internet scanning, but they could not exploit it to scan the internal network. Since our goal is to protect enterprise and not the Internet in the large, this is acceptable.
A final option is to use two containment implementations, operating simultaneously, one targeting scans across the Internet and the other only horizontal scans within the enterprise. This requires twice the resources, although any hardware can be parallelized, and allows detection of both general scanning and scanning behavior designed to evade containment.
In addition to the TRW algorithm used as a starting point for our work [9], a number of other algorithms to detect scanning have appeared in the literature.
Both the Network Security Monitor [8] and Snort [21] attempt to detect scanning by monitoring for systems which exceed a count of unique destination addresses contacted during a given interval. Both systems can exhibit false positives due to active, normal behavior, and may also have a significant scanning sub-threshold which an attacker can exploit.
Bro [16] records failed connections on ports of interest and triggers after a user-configurable number of failures. Robinson et al. [19] used a similar method.
Leckie et al [11] use a probabilistic model based on attempting to learn the probabilistic structure of normal network behavior. The model assumes that access to addresses made by scanners follows a uniform distribution rather than the non-homogeneous distribution learned for normal traffic, and attempts to classify possible scanning sources based on the degree to which one distribution or the other better fits their activity.
Finally, Staniford et al's work on SPICE [23] detects very stealthy scans by correlating anomalous events. Although effective, it requires too much computation to use it for line-rate detection on high-speed networks.
In addition to Williamson's [30,27] and Staniford's [22,24] work on worm containment, Jung et al [10] have developed a similar containment technique based on TRW. Rather than using an online algorithm which assumes that all connections fail until proven successful, it uses the slightly delayed (until response seen or timeout) TRW combined with a mechanism to limit new connections similar to Williamson's algorithm.
Zou et al. [32] model some requirements for dynamic-quarantine defenses. They also demonstrate that, with a fixed threshold of detection and response, there are epidemic thresholds. Additionally, Moore et al. have studied abstract requirements for containment of worms on the Internet [13], and Nojiri et al have studied the competing spread of a worm and a not-specifically-modeled response to it [15].
There have been two other systems attempting to commercialize scan containment: Mirage networks [14] and Forescout [7]. Rather than directly detecting scanning, these systems intercept communication to unallocated (dark) addresses and respond by blocking the infected systems.
We have plans for future work in several areas: implementing the system in hardware and deploying it; integrating the algorithm into a software-based IDS; attempting to improve the algorithm further by reducing the sub-threshold scanning available to an attacker; exploring optimal communication strategies; and developing techniques to obtain a complete enterprise-trace for further testing.
The hardware implementation will target the ML300 demonstration platform by Xilinx [31]. This board contains 4 gigabit Ethernet connections, a small FPGA, and a single bank of DDR-DRAM. The DRAM bank is sufficiently large to meet our design goals, while the DRAM's internal banking should enable the address and connection tables to be both implemented in the single memory.
We will integrate our software implementation into the Bro IDS, with the necessary hooks to pass IP blocking information to routers (which Bro already does for its current, less effective scan-detection algorithm). Doing so will require selecting a different 32-bit block cipher, as our current cipher is very inefficient in software. For both hardware and software, we aim to operationally deploy these systems.
Finally, we are investigating ways to capture a full-enterprise trace: record every packet in an large enterprise network of many thousands of users. We believe this is necessary to test worm detection and suppression devices using realistic traffic, while reflecting the diversity of use which occurs in real, large intranets. Currently, we are unaware of any such traces of contemporary network traffic.
We have demonstrated a highly sensitive approximate scan-detection and suppression algorithm suitable for worm containment. It offers substantially higher sensitivity over previously published algorithms for worm containment, while easily operating within an 8 MB memory footprint and requiring only 2 uncached memory accesses per packet. This algorithm is suitable for both hardware and software implementations.
The scan detector used by our system can limit worm infectees to sustained scanning rates of 1 per minute or less. We can configure it to be highly sensitive, detecting scanning from an idle machine after fewer than 10 attempts in short succession, and from an otherwise normal machine in less than 30 attempts.
We developed how to augment the containment system with using cooperation between the containment devices that monitor different cells. By introducing communication between these devices, they can dynamically adjust their thresholds to the level of infection. We showed that introducing a very modest degree of bias that grows with the number of infected cells makes a dramatic difference in the efficacy of containment above the epidemic threshold. Thus, the combination of containment coupled with cooperation holds great promise for protecting enterprise networks against worms that spread by address-scanning.
Funding has been provided in part by NSF under grant ITR/ANI-0205519 and by NSF/DHS under grant NRT-0335290.
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