Security '04 Paper   
[Security '04 Technical Program]
How to Set Up a Secure Wireless Network in Under a Minute
Dirk Balfanz, Glenn Durfee, Rebecca E. Grinter,
D.K. Smetters, Paul Stewart
Palo Alto Research Center
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304
{balfanz, gdurfee, grinter, smetters, stewart}
Combining effective security and usability is often considered
impossible. For example, deploying effective security for wireless
networks is a difficult task, even for skilled systems
administrators - a fact that is impeding the deployment of many
mobile systems.
In this paper we describe a system that lets typical users easily
build a highly secure wireless network. Our main
contribution is to show how gesture-based user interfaces can be
applied to provide a complete solution for securing wireless
networks. This allows users to intuitively manage the network
security of their mobile devices, even those with limited user
interfaces. We demonstrate through user studies that our secure
implementation is considerably easier to use than typical
commercially available options, even those that provide lower
security. Our gesture-based approach is quite general, and can be
used to design a wide variety of systems that are simultaneously
secure and easy to administer.

Figure 1: Connecting a laptop to a secured wireless network in 32 seconds. All the user has to do is briefly align the infrared ports of laptop and access point and press the Enter key twice. These are snapshots from a live NetworkinaBox demonstration.
1. Introduction
Connecting mobile computers together in a wireless network can be largely
automated. Today, many default networking configurations allow
computers to connect to any wireless access point, to obtain IP
addresses, gateway information and DNS server locations automatically
through DHCP, etc. Mobility of devices makes this
auto-configuration a necessity: when devices are removed from one
environment and introduced into another, users should not be burdened
with reconfiguring their devices manually.
This situation, however, shifts dramatically when we require our
wireless network to be secure. A secure wireless network only
admits certain (authorized) devices, and protects those devices and
their communication from attack. Today, securing a wireless (or
indeed, any) network usually requires substantial amounts of
manual work. The burden placed on the user ranges from specifying
passwords for access points and clients to managing a Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI), complete with setting up a certification authority,
issuing certificates and installing them on client computers,
configuring client security, etc. The more secure the network,
the more complex the configuration. This means that
strong wireless security solutions are often
completely out of reach for typical end users.
The difficulties of deploying secure wireless networks is perceived as
just one example of the general tension between security and
usability, which has led many to believe that there is an unresolvable
trade-off between the two. The tension between security and ease of
network configuration significantly adds to the cost of setting up and
maintaining secure networks. This is aggravated in wireless
networks, where the lack of physical barriers to access makes strong
network security crucial. Consider, for example, a company that has an
Ethernet-based intranet that can only be accessed from inside the
company building, while the 802.11-based wireless network can be
accessed from the public parking lot across the street.
In this paper, we show that security and ease of network configuration
do not, in fact, have to be at odds with each other. We describe a
method to set up a secure wireless network without any manual
configuration. We solve the problem of introducing wireless devices to
the network, distributing initial keys between them and pieces of the
network infrastructure (e.g., access points) - and thus establishing
trust - by using location-limited channels [5].
As a result, a user can add a laptop to a secure wireless network by
walking up to an access point and physically pointing out the access
point to his laptop. The laptop and the access point exchange public
keys and other relevant information through the location-limited
channel, before proceeding with a completely automated configuration
of the laptop. This includes configuration of the network security
settings (as well as more traditional configurations such as IP
addresses, gateway information, etc.).
To demonstrate the utility of our approach, we designed and built a
secure wireless access point and configuration software for mobile
devices. Our gesture-based interface reduced the time needed for a
user to enroll a laptop into a secure wireless network from over 9
minutes to under 60 seconds. At the same time, we increased the
security of that network from (rather insecure) WEP to 802.1x
EAP-TLS [17]. Our technology makes it possible for mobile
devices to be configured quickly and to easily move to new secure
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In
Section 5 we describe related work. In
Section 2, we present background information on
gesture-based authentication and wireless security protocols necessary
to understand the rest of the paper. In Section 3 we
present the design and implementation of an easy-to-use secure
wireless network consisting of a single ``smart'' access point. We
have experimentally demonstrated the usability of this system, with
results shown in Section 3.4. In
Section 4 we show how to extend our approach to
configuring large enterprise wireless networks consisting of many
commercial off-the-shelf access points. We conclude in
Section 6.
2. Background
2.1 Gesture-Directed Automatic Configuration
Authentication is the most basic security problem faced by mobile
networked devices: once two devices can securely recognize each
other, they can then securely exchange data, set network
configurations, issue credentials, and so on. Traditional approaches
to this problem assume that both devices already participate in some
manually-configured shared infrastructure, for example, that they have
been configured with identical passphrases, each other's public key,
or the public key of a common certification authority. For mobile
devices, and new consumer devices brought into the home, this will not
be the case. We need a way to allow two devices to communicate
securely with each other even if they know nothing about each other
a priori.
We solve this problem in a simple, easy-to-use
manner. A user wishing to initiate communication between his device
and another device in the area simply ``points out'' his desired
communication partner, using a location-limited
channel [5] - e.g., touching the two devices together, or
the desired target using infrared, as with a remote control. With
this simple and intuitive gesture, the user actually
sends a small amount of configuration and
cryptographic information - fingerprints of public keys - across this
more trusted channel, and the target device sends a small
amount of information back. This allows those two devices then to
authenticate each other and communicate securely over the
There are many types of location-limited channels. As we are sending
only public information over this channel, we require of such a
channel only that it be very difficult for an attacker to transmit
information in that channel without being detected; the channel need
not be intrinsically ``private'' or impervious to eavesdropping.
Channels such as infrared or contact give a strong intuitive feeling
of ``pointing out''. A simple, passive USB storage token can be used
to exchange authentication information between less mobile devices in
a location-limited way. Audio channels allow the exchange of
authentication information between a number of devices at once, thus
enabling secure group communication [5,24]. The
work presented here builds on infrared location-limited channels.
Location-limited channels often have lower bandwidth and higher
latency than typical network media, so both the amount of data
exchanged and the number of rounds of communication must be kept to a
minimum. In the work presented here, two devices exchange
cryptographic digests of their public keys over the location-limited
channel, plus a small amount of network information. Subsequent
communication takes place over the less secure (wireless) network, and
is secured using standard public key protocols, where trust in the
public keys is established by matching their cryptographic digests
with those received on the location-limited channel. This allows the
creation of a secure tunnel in which any number of rounds of more
bandwidth-intensive network configuration and network provisioning
protocols can be executed, such as protocols for requesting and
delivering digital certificates.
This gesture-based approach to authentication supports a variety
of trust models. Participants can be configured to allow only
the last party with whom they performed a location-limited exchange,
to set up a secure, authenticated network connection to them;
or the trust established through the location-limited exchange may
``expire'' in a short amount of time, as appropriate for the application.
In summary, a user gesture briefly establishes a
location-limited channel, which in turn allows software
to bootstrap a secure tunnel for the provisioning and automatic
installation of network and security configuration information.
We refer to this process as
gesture-directed automatic configuration.
2.2 Wireless Security Protocols
The most popular standard for wireless networks is IEEE
802.11.1 Adoption of 802.11
wireless networks for critical applications has been hampered by
high-profile reports of security flaws.
The security and
encryption component of the original 802.11 standard, WEP (``Wired Equivalent
Privacy''), requires clients and
access points to share a single secret passphrase or key which they use to
encrypt all wireless traffic. Unfortunately, highly-publicized
attacks on WEP [7,11,36]
have completely discredited WEP as an effective security
To address these problems, industry and standards bodies are proposing
new security protocols for 802.11, which will appear over the next few
years. These protocols - ``Wi-Fi Protected Access'' (WPA [2])
and the 802.11i standard [18] combine use of an existing
standard protocol, 802.1x [17] which is used to authenticate
devices and users wishing to join the wireless network, with the
ability to automatically derive and update encryption keys to secure
wireless data. These protocols differ primarily in how the data is
encrypted with these keys, and provide different degrees of backward
compatibility with deployed hardware. The 802.11i standard is
intended as the final standard for security in 802.11 wireless
networks, while WPA is intended as a temporary backward-compatible
intermediate step, and is based on a draft of 802.11i.
The core of these two protocols - 802.1x-based authentication
combined with automatic frequent update of the keys used to secure
wireless data - has begun to see widespread use in advance of WPA and
802.11i deployment. As 802.1x is currently the most secure available
option to transparently secure an 802.11 wireless LANs, we chose it
for our implementation. As our work focuses on configuring trust for
the 802.1x authentication protocol common to all three, our results
immediately generalize to both WPA and 802.11i. In fact, our approach
generalizes to allow easy configuration of IPsec-based wireless LAN
security (see Section 3.2.2), or any other security
mechanism authenticated using a Public Key Infrastructure.
Figure 2:
Roles and message flows with 802.1x authentication using the EAP-TLS protocol.
The 802.1x Protocol. The 802.1x security standard [17] defines a mechanism for
providing access control for any IEEE 802 LAN, including 802.11
wireless networks. In an 802.1x-compliant wireless network (as shown
in Figure 2), each access point plays the role of an
authenticator forcing every client to authenticate before
allowing access to the wireless network. Prior to successful
authentication, a client may only send 802.1x protocol messages to the
access point (AP); it is not allowed to send any data frames. The
access point itself is not capable of making any authentication
decisions. Instead, it forwards all 802.1x messages from the client
to a backend authentication server (AS) via the
RADIUS [31] protocol; the AS checks the credentials of the
client and indicates to the access point whether the client is
authorized to access the network. Optionally, the AS provides the AP
information which allows it to securely transmit unique short-lived data
encryption keys to each client [8]. This latter step is
used in the wireless context to protect client data transmitted over
the air.
The 802.1x protocol is ``pluggable'', allowing any one of a wide
number of authentication protocols to be run under the wrapper it uses
- EAP, the Extensible Authentication Protocol [6]. The most
secure of these is EAP-TLS [1], a wrapper around the widely
deployed TLS (SSL) key exchange protocol [9], which requires
all wireless clients and the network infrastructure itself to use
digital certificates for authentication. Keying material exchanged as
part of this TLS handshake is then used to automatically give
authenticated clients encryption keys that they can use to secure
their traffic on the wireless network. These keys are updated
frequently without human intervention.
Figure 3:
Screenshots from the Network-in-a-Box client software for Microsoft
Windows XPTM.
Current 802.1x deployments frequently opt for password- or shared
secret-based authentication options, in order to avoid the difficulty
of issuing a digital certificates to each client device. However, in
addition to its greater security, EAP-TLS has a number of desirable
features. First, as every client (and the authentication server)
possesses a unique digital certificate and corresponding private key,
access for individual clients can be revoked in case of compromise; in
contrast, shared-secret variants of EAP [6] require client
machines to be rekeyed en masse whenever the compromise of a
single machine occurs. Password-based EAP protocols are subject to
the same password-guessing attacks as other password-based
systems [32], and can additionally be subject to
man-in-the-middle attacks [4]. Furthermore, digital
certificates and private keys are usually stored on disk protected by
both the operating system and the user's password; they are unlocked
as soon as a user logs into a machine. This provides quick, frequent
and automatic authentication of both the user and the device,
desirable for security and to allow seamless roaming. This
approximates more closely a single sign-on system than does a
password-based authentication method, where reauthentication
requires caching or frequent re-entry of the password.
Once a digital certificate and other configuration information has
been installed on every client, an 802.1x-secured wireless network
using EAP-TLS is extremely easy to use - it requires no user
intervention. The clients (and the authentication server) use their
certificates and corresponding private keys to authenticate themselves
to each other, requiring no input from the user.
Unfortunately, it is the process of enrolling every device in a common
PKI - provisioning the digital certificates - that is a daunting
task for system administrators, and out of reach of typical end users.
In our organization, for instance, the process of setting up a PKI for
use with 802.1x/EAP-TLS required each user, for each device, to follow
a minimum of thirty-eight separate documented steps, requiring several
hours of end-user time over two days. These consist of using a very
typical web-based enrollment interface to request a certificate, and
then configuring Microsoft's standard 802.1x client to securely access
a particular wireless network.
Clearly, a much simpler solution would not only be theoretically
interesting, but practically useful. In the next section, we describe
how to apply gesture-directed automatic configuration to simplify
setting up a secure wireless network consisting of a single access
point; in Section 4, we describe our solution for
an enterprise-scale wireless network.
3. A ``Network-in-a-Box''
Our ``Network-in-a-Box'' consists of a custom-built wireless access
point (NiaB AP), providing a complete 802.1x-secured wireless network,
and software for client devices to enroll in that network. After a
gesture-directed automatic configuration step (during which users
point their device at the access point), client devices are fully
configured to participate in the wireless network.
During this process, the access point issues digital certificates for
use in the EAP-TLS-based wireless security system. The user is
managing a small PKI without even realizing it. Instead of burdening
the user with complicated certificate management semantics, we provide
a simple and intuitive security model: A device can participate in the
wireless network if and only if, during enrollment, it can be brought
into close physical proximity of the access point. For example, if a
NiaB AP were to be deployed in a home, then someone wishing to gain
access to its wireless network would have to be able to physically
enter that home. (Especially concerned users might even lock their
NiaB AP in a closet.) This is a simple, intuitive trust model that
seems quite effective for many situations.
3.1 User Experience
Imagine a user who wants to set up a secure wireless network to use
with his laptop. Our user starts by bringing home a new NiaB AP
(our prototype NiaB AP is the small white box shown in
Figure 1). When he plugs it in for the first time,
it initializes itself and autoconfigures the network services it will
To add his laptop to the NiaB network, the user starts a NiaB
enrollment application on that laptop. The application can be either
pre-installed by the laptop vendor, or provided with the NiaB
AP.2 The enrollment software (shown in
Figure 3) asks the user to ``point out'' the NiaB
AP whose network he wishes to join. In our implementation, he does
this using the infrared port on his laptop. For a second or two, the
devices exchange a small amount of information over infrared; then,
the user is prompted to separate the devices to continue the automatic
configuration of the laptop. After a few more seconds, the user is
informed that his laptop is ready to use. These simple steps provide
a previously unconfigured laptop with everything needed to get a
``network dial-tone''.
If the user later wants to add his laptop to another secure network,
he simply runs the client software again. As the client application
contains no pre-configured information about a particular network,
instead getting all the information it needs about whom to trust and
what network to join via the infrared exchange, it can be used
repeatedly to configure the same laptop for multiple secure networks.
Once credential information for each network of interest has been
configured, the user can switch between them ``on the fly'' using
whatever location-management facilities his operating system provides.
For example, our Windows XP-based implementation targets the built-in
``Wireless Zero Config'' service, which automatically switches between
configured wireless networks as the laptop moves around, without
requiring any user intervention.
Figure 4:
The Network-in-a-Box provides the functionality of several
network components.
As described in Section 2, an 802.1x-based wireless
network contains a number of components: one or more access points, an
authentication server making determinations about what clients are
allowed to access the network, and, in the case of EAP-TLS, a
certification authority, which issues certificates. As shown in
Figure 4, our NiaB AP contains all three of these
components, as well as general system services such as DHCP and a
firewall, and a http-based management interface. It is therefore able
to provide EAP-TLS-secured network access to clients without requiring
other network components. The NiaB AP also contains a novel component
- an ``enrollment station''. This component is responsible for
handling requests for automatic client configuration made over
location-limited channels like infrared or USB.
When the NiaB AP is switched on
for the first time, the access point
component automatically chooses itself a wireless network name and channel.
(The network name is ``NiaB Network + 6#6number7#7'', where the number is
chosen randomly between 1 and 1000 to keep your NiaB AP from
interfering with your neighbor's.) The certification authority
component generates a root key pair and root certificate. By default,
the NiaB AP will request its own IP address through DHCP, while
providing IP addresses for its clients through DHCP from a non-routable
address pool. If the NiaB AP does not have an external
connection to the Internet, it still provides a useful
wireless network to its clients, allowing a group of users
to easily configure a secure local wireless network.
We also built in a reset feature to return a NiaB AP to a ``new''
state. The reset feature is activated by pressing a (physical) button
on the device. Upon reset, the NiaB AP disconnects and removes all
records of existing clients. It generates a new network name, root
key pair, and root certificate. This automatically invalidates the
certificates of previous clients, as they are signed by the old root
key, rather than the new one.
When a user initiates
enrollment by executing our enrollment software on a client computer,
the software performs a number of steps. First, it creates a
cryptographic key pair, which consists of a private key that will
remain encrypted on his computer, and a public key that eventually (as
described below) will be encapsulated in a digital certificate for use
in authenticating to the network.
When the user makes the temporary infrared connection, his computer
and the NiaB AP exchange what we call preauthentication
information: the enrollment station component in the NiaB AP sends
the name of its wireless network (802.11 SSID) along with the SHA-1
digest of its public key to the user's computer. The user's computer
responds with a the SHA-1 digest of its (newly created) public
Since the user's computer now knows the wireless network name,
it can contact the NiaB AP over the higher-bandwidth 802.11 network,
and the infrared connection between the two devices is no longer necessary.
Next, the enrollment station component on the NiaB AP and NiaB
enrollment software on the user's computer run EAP-PTLS over
the wireless link. EAP-PTLS is an EAP plug-in protocol we designed
specifically for provisioning network access for NiaB client
computers, and is described in greater detail in
Section 3.2.1. At this point the NiaB AP disregards all
traffic from the client computer except for EAP messages, as required
by the 802.1x protocol (see Section 2.2).
The EAP-PTLS exchange encapsulates a TLS handshake, in which the
client computer and the NiaB AP present each other their full public
keys and prove that they possess the corresponding private keys. The
public keys are automatically checked to make sure they match the
digital fingerprints previously exchanged over the infrared
location-limited channel, allowing the client and NiaB AP to
authenticate each other. The AP can confirm
that the client performing the EAP-PTLS handshake over the wireless
network was indeed physically present at the NiaB AP earlier, and the
client can be sure it is talking to the AP of interest.
Once the TLS tunnel has been established via EAP-PTLS, the
enrollment software sends a certificate request to the NiaB AP through
this tunnel. The enrollment station component passes this
request on to the certification authority component, which creates a
certificate for the client and returns it over the TLS connection.
The enrollment software on the user's computer installs the new
certificate, and automatically configures the laptop's 802.1x security
client software to use it.
At this point, the laptop has everything
it needs to participate fully in the secure wireless network. Normal
authentication occurs via an 802.1x authentication protocol exchange
with the authentication server component on the NiaB AP. Since the
client computer has just been configured with a digital certificate,
it is able to use EAP-TLS to authenticate to the wireless network.
This is the final ``steady-state'' for the client, requiring only
standard 802.1x client software; our enrollment software is no longer
needed and can be either removed from the client computer, or used
again at a later point to add the laptop to additional
secure networks.
Once the lower-level 802.1x authentication succeeds, higher-level
network provisioning takes place: The DHCP server on the NiaB AP
assigns an IP address to the client computer, along with addresses of
DNS servers, IP gateways (both, in fact, pointing to the NiaB AP),
etc. Again, we don't provide any special software for
this step on the client side, and instead rely on standard software
built into the operating systems of the client computers.
3.2.1 EAP-PTLS Protocol
The EAP-PTLS protocol
is a simple variant of the standard EAP-TLS authentication
protocol [1].
Like EAP-TLS, the wireless client and authentication server (in
this case, the NiaB AP itself) perform a standard TLS exchange:
exchanging certificates, demonstrating that they each possess the
private key corresponding to the public key in that certificate, and
establishing a secure tunnel for further communication. However, in
the case of EAP-PTLS, the certificates used are self-signed, and are
simply carriers for the public keys whose fingerprints were previously
exchanged over the location-limited channel. Both the client and
server are satisfied with the authentication exchange only when,
at the conclusion of a successful
TLS handshake, the key used by each party matches the fingerprint
previously received over the location-limited channel.
In EAP-TLS, the TLS handshake is only used for authentication and for
agreement on keying material that is used to derive keys to protect
future wireless traffic. No data is actually sent down the secure
tunnel. In EAP-PTLS, we do send data over the secure TLS tunnel. We
use the Certificate Management Protocol (CMP) [3], a standard
protocol for requesting and retrieving certificates, to allow the new
client to send a certificate request to the authentication server
through this tunnel. This request is forwarded to a Certification
Authority (CA) internal to the NiaB and immediately approved and
signed by the root key in the NiaB. Although the design
choice of using CMP may seem like overkill in this scenario (the
internal NiaB CA always approves incoming certificate requests), it
allows us to easily generalize our solution to the enterprise scenario
described in Section 4.
3.2.2 ``Phone Home'' Service
Our solution for provisioning 802.1x-based security generalizes well
to other security applications such as Virtual Private Networks
(VPNs). Consider a user who has successfully configured a home
network, and then wishes to access the devices and services on that
network while he is away from home. This is a feature not typically
provided by consumer home gateway devices. A more sophisticated
gateway device or firewall machine might allow the user to configure a
password-based approach to providing remote access to his home; access
to which is often not encrypted.
We added features to the NiaB AP to make it easy to allow devices to
access the home network using an IPsec-based VPN. This VPN uses the
same certificate as was
issued by the NiaB AP when the device enrolled in the home
network. We have implemented automatic
configuration of such a service, which we call ``Phone Home'', as part
of our Windows XPTM NiaB client enrollment
software. The Phone Home service is set up at the same time as the
enrollment in the wireless network, requiring no additional effort from
the user.
As part of device enrollment, the NiaB enrollment software configures
appropriate IPsec policies and Remote Access Service (RAS) Phonebook
entries to allow the client computer to initiate a standard
Windows-style L2TP-based IPsec VPN connection back to the external IP
address of the enrolling NiaB [38]. This new ``Phone Home''
VPN connection appears as a standard ``Network Connection'' on the
user's desktop. Clicking on it moves their machine virtually
``inside'' their home network in a secure fashion. All communication
with the home network is encrypted and authenticated, and the remote
device automatically receives a new, ``virtual'' IP address inside the
home network's address space. All communication now goes through the
firewall provided by the NiaB.
Provisioning and access to the ``phone home'' service is controlled
using the NiaB management interface (see
Section 3.2.3 below). Although clients are
configured to be able to use the service by default,
such access can be disabled
on a client-by-client basis at the NiaB, independent of the access
those clients have to the NiaB's local wireless network. This is
useful, for example, in the case where a home user decides that a guest may get
access to the wireless network, but should not have access to network
resources from outside of the home.
3.2.3 System Management and Client Revocation
In order to allow the user to monitor the status of his NiaB system,
alter any of the autoconfiguration parameters inappropriate for his
situation (e.g., to turn on PPPoE if his ISP requires it, or to
configure a static IP address for the external interface of the NiaB
AP), we provide a simple web-server based management interface. This
interface is largely similar to that provided by standard commercial
access points, though is easier for users to find, and does not
require the use of a password for secure access.
Through the NiaB's DNS proxy (configured to be the DNS server for all
NiaB clients), we redirect any entries in the ``.niab'' domain to the
NiaB AP itself. Therefore, entering ``http://www.niab'' in a web browser
automatically takes you to the NiaB management page, without
requiring the user to enter a specific configuration IP address. A
shortcut to this page is provided as part of client configuration.
Since individual NiaB clients can be recognized by their certificates,
policy configuration can be used to allow only a subset of those
clients to access the NiaB management interface (e.g., the first client
to join the network, and any other clients he specifically enables).
This use of client authentication to control access also saves the user
from having to change and remember an administrator password.
Most importantly, this configuration interface allows a user to
permanently revoke access to NiaB services (wireless network and VPN)
to any client, by revoking that client's certificate - this is done
simply by clicking a button in the management interface next to the
name of the device to be removed from the network. At that point, a
new Certificate Revocation List is automatically generated by the NiaB
AP, and all currently-connected clients are asked to reauthenticate.
To temporarily restrict client access, the management interface allows
wireless and VPN access to be separately enabled and disabled for each
enrolled client. While this interface may not be as directly
intuitive as our gesture-directed enrollment interface, it does
provide useful functionality - revocation of individual devices. We have
not yet experimentally studied how usable this simple interface is,
but we may explore more intuitive alternatives in future work.
3.3 Implementation Details
We have implemented our NiaB access point on the OpenBrick
platform [13] - a small, x86-based computer providing
most of the ports and peripherals standard to larger PCs. We have
modified the hardware to add an infrared port to the front of
each device, along with a red LED that is used to inform the user when
the NiaB AP is transmitting infrared data. This LED provides valuable feedback
to the user as to whether they have lined the device infrared ports up properly.
The NiaB access points are running a modified distribution of RedHat
Linux 9.0, and release 2.6.4 of the Linux kernel. This version was
selected for its greater stability and for its native support for
IPsec. The Linux kernel provides native firewalling capabilities,
which we configure to provide protection from the Internet for
the hosts on the NiaB-provided wireless network. The NiaB access
points also act as DHCP servers and DNS caches for their clients.
Implementations of our base protocols - gesture-directed authentication
using location-limited channels, the EAP-PTLS enrollment protocol,
certificate issuance functions, and Certificate Management Protocol
(CMP) messaging used to request certificates, etc., are written as
libraries in C++ to facilitate reuse. All cryptographic operations
are implemented using OpenSSL 0.9.7.
Access point functionality for the NiaB access points is provided
using the HostAP project's access point software [29],
slightly modified to provide the additional logging and management
interfaces we require. We set up the HostAP access point software to
be a 802.1x passthrough to an internal RADIUS server for
authentication decisions (see Figure 4).
The RADIUS server we use is a
modified version of FreeRADIUS 0.8.1 [28]. FreeRADIUS itself
provides a pluggable implementation of the EAP protocol architecture,
making it easy to add implementations of new EAP subtypes. We use
that architecture to add a C++ implementation of EAP-PTLS (see
Section 3.2.1). We modified the implementation of
EAP-TLS provided by FreeRADIUS to add additional configuration and
support for the use of Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs), and to
access the client authentication information controlled through our
management interface.
To provide ``phone home'' functionality, we use the IPsec
support present in the Linux kernel (version 2.6), and modified a
version of the IKE daemon raccoon to check both CRLs and our client
authentication information database to verify clients.
Our management interface is provided using mini_httpd
1.17 [33], a small web server, chroot'ed for greater
protection, coupled with a variety of Perl and Python scripts.
Standalone certification authority and CRL generation functionality is
implemented in a C++ library which uses OpenSSL to handle
cryptographic operations and certificate and CRL formatting.
Table 1:
User studies comparing the stand-alone Network-in-a-Box to a
commercial access point.
Commercial AP |
NiaB |
Time (min) |
Steps |
Time (min) |
Steps |
Avg |
9:39 |
14 |
0:51 |
2 |
Ease |
Satisfaction |
Confidence |
Ease |
Satisfaction |
Confidence |
Avg |
3 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
The client application described above is implemented for Microsoft
Windows XPTM, and has been tested successfully on a wide
variety of laptop hardware using a number of different 802.11 client
cards, both internal and external. A command-line client for
Linux has been tested on a somewhat smaller range of laptop hardware.
We implemented client-side protocols and routines for CMP,
EAP-PTLS, location-limited channels, and
certificate handling as portable libraries written in C++.
All cryptographic operations are implemented using OpenSSL 0.9.7.
To support frame handling for sending and receiving raw Ethernet
packets (necessary for executing EAP-PTLS over the wireless
connection), we use the NDISUIO API [34] for Microsoft
WindowsTM and libdnet [22] and
libpcap [23] for Linux. The user interface of our Microsoft
WindowsTM uses Microsoft Foundation Classes. For basic
wireless support, we use the NDISUIO API for the Microsoft Windows
XPTM client, and the Linux Wireless Extension and
Wireless Tools [12] for Linux. Our NiaB client
software sets up 802.1x support for Windows XPTM using
the Wireless Zero Configuration Service [16] and for Linux
using the xsupplicant 802.1x client software
package [27].
Again, our software is used only when a client is enrolling in a new
wireless network and does not interfere with the normal day-to-day use
of such networks. Though our software supports being used repeatedly
to add the client device to more than one secure wireless networks,
switching between those networks in operation is then done using the
mechanisms provided by the operating system in use.
3.4 User Studies
We undertook a series of usability studies [10] both to
test if our system actually makes it easier to set up a secure
wireless network, and to obtain feedback to iteratively improve our design.
Our usability tests had two objectives. First, we wanted to know
whether our system, NiaB, allowed users to easily and securely
connect to a wireless network.
Our second objective was to compare our solution against a
commercially available alternative. We picked a commercially
available access point based on several criteria: it should be designed
for end users, not enterprises; it should be a market leader; and,
enrollment should occur on the same operating system as our solution
(to avoid confounding variables by switching platforms).
Usability tests assign tasks to users to see whether they can complete
them successfully and to learn what errors they make. The task we
chose was to ask a user to connect a laptop to a secure wireless
network. Though practical deployments of our client software were
done on a wide variety of laptop hardware and wireless network cards,
we asked all participants to use the same laptop in order to limit
setup time and variability in our quantitative studies. The laptop
came pre-loaded with the setup software for both NiaB and the
commercial AP. In both cases, the setup software provided a
``wizard''-style interface for the user. The commercial AP's wizard
required 10 steps, the NiaB's wizard required two (each stage in the
connection process where the user has to make a decision was counted
as a step).
Subjects were asked to connect to both access points, one after the
other. Users were timed how long it took them to complete each
connection task. We also counted how many errors they made and how many
steps they took.
We selected our subjects from a pool of our co-workers. To avoid a
bias in our data towards people with significant computer science
skills we recruited broadly from both the research and administrative
staff. Further, we administered a screening questionnaire to ensure
that we selected subjects with a broad range of backgrounds. We screened
for education (technical vs. non-technical) and experience (wireless network
owned and administered, no wireless network and never set up). We
selected the broad range of subjects to avoid an emphasis towards
reduced times (for both the commercial and NiaB AP) that would derive
from either educational background or experience with wireless
networking technologies.
To avoid potential learning bias (being able to connect more quickly
the second time than the first based on new knowledge) we selected
an even number of participants, split them into two groups, one of
which connected to the NiaB AP and then the commercial AP and the other
who connected to the commercial AP and then the NiaB AP. After each
connection activity participants were asked to rate their
experience in terms of ease, satisfaction, and confidence.
Our testing was done in two iterations. We recruited six subjects for
the first iteration. We picked six subjects because previous research
shows that
five subjects reveal approximately 80% of the usability errors in a
system [26]. In addition to comparing the commercial AP and
NiaB, the first iteration was also used to refine the NiaB user
interface. In the second iteration subjects evaluated a revised NiaB
interface using the same task as the first iteration. By keeping the
task design the same we were able to compare across the two studies,
and the results from the second iteration increased our chances of
finding almost all of the usability errors.
The results from the two iterations are shown in Table 1.
They show that users took much less time (approximately a 10x
speed-up) on average to connect to NiaB AP than the commercial AP.
NiaB also required fewer steps - points where the user has to
make decisions - than the commercial AP.
More significantly, on average users took two steps to join
the NiaB network, the same number needed to enroll
correctly. This was not true for the commercial AP,
for which users took an average of 14 steps - 4 more than intended.
In other words,
users were making errors in the set up process for the commercial
AP and frequently having to repeat steps and recover from mistakes.
The likelihood of making errors and the number of steps involved in the
commercial AP
set up task contributed to users ratings of ease, satisfaction, and
confidence. On scales of 1 (most positive) to 5 (most negative) users
rated ease of task, satisfaction in the experience, and confidence
that they could do it again, more highly for NiaB. These positive
feelings towards NiaB were borne out in qualitative interviews, too.
One advantage that iterative usability testing offers is the opportunity
to identify and fix problems with the interface. The first iteration
uncovered two
usability issues. First, although people managed to successfully
use the location-limited channel, they did not realize that they could
move the laptop away from the access point once the initial data
was exchanged. Second, people did not always know when they
had actually finished the task and could use the network.
These findings allowed us to redesign the interface, and retest it
with users. Results from our second iteration
show that we provided more
appropriate feedback to let users know to unalign the infrared ports after the
location-limited data exchange, and communicated more effectively when they
were completely finished.
4. Securing Enterprise-Scale Networks
Figure 5:
Message flows in the enterprise version. Only the enrolling
laptop and the ``enrollment station'' are aware that they are
participating in a NiaB-enabled network.
We extended our easy-to-use approach for enrolling in secure
wireless networks to enterprise-class networks with many access
points. We deployed our enterprise solution to
handle enrollment in the wireless security system of a small
enterprise consisting of approximately 250 users.
There are two important differences between enterprise-class networks
and the small networks we have considered previously. First, their
architecture is different - enterprise networks have many access
points communicating with a central backend authentication
infrastructure. Second, enterprise networks have considerably more
complex security requirements than are present in the home.
We address these differences by encapsulating our gesture-directed
enrollment functionality in one or more ``enrollment stations'' -
usually a simple box, or PC, configured to allow gesture-directed user
authentication over one or more location-limited channels, but not
itself an access point. Depending on the security needs of the
enterprise, this enrollment station can implement security
requirements considerably more sophisticated than that used in the
stand-alone case.
By placing the enrollment station in a locked room to which only
employees of the enterprise have access, one ends up with an intuitive
security model very similar to that used in the stand-alone case. By
adding security cameras monitoring the enrollment station, an
enterprise adds the ability to audit its use after the fact. Or an
enterprise may want a member of the IT staff to approve each user
enrollment manually, e.g., after checking the user's employee badge, or
entering additional configuration information to be added to the
enrolling device.
An important design goal for our enterprise solution is to integrate
with existing off-the-shelf commercial devices and software. In our
system, the access points, authentication server, and certification
authority can all be commercial off-the-shelf, knowing nothing about
any of our configuration protocols. At the same time, we provide
opportunities for system administrator control and intervention that
are desirable in the enterprise setting.
The user experience of enrolling in the enterprise version of our
system is similar to that of the stand-alone NiaB system. The user
physically brings her new mobile device to one of perhaps many
enrollment stations distributed throughout the enterprise.
A user accessing the enrollment station performs a brief
location-limited exchange, and is then told than an enrollment request
has been submitted on her behalf. She then leaves the enrollment
station. As mentioned above, an IT staff member may want to further
review and approve her request off-line, or perform additional
configuration or processing, so it may take some time for her
certificate request to be fulfilled.
All further device configuration takes place over the wireless
network, using any of the enterprise's access points. The user does
not need to visit the enrollment station again. She may at will re-run
the client enrollment application (possibly prompted by an email from
an administrator) to check whether or not her enrollment request has
been approved; eventually the software indicates that the request has
been approved, and the certificate and configuration information is
installed automatically on her device. She may then begin using the
secure wireless network normally.
In this section, we describe the changes in design from the stand-alone
NiaB required to make an enterprise solution (as shown in
Figure 5). We separate the components
built into the stand-alone NiaB AP. The access points, certification
authority, and authentication server functionalities are standard
solutions that do not need to be aware that they are participating in our
system. The enrollment station is designed to handle our EAP-PTLS
protocol and speak with a Certification Authority for certificate
The client configuration software is similar to what we use in the
stand-alone NiaB case. The most significant change is that the client
software is written to be aware of the fact that a request for a
certificate may not be approved immediately - waiting for the
approval of a system administrator could delay enrollment.
In the stand-alone NiaB system, the Certification Authority either
immediately grants or rejects the certificate, and the authentication
server returns the resulting certificate or rejection message to the
client. In the enterprise version, however, the certificate request
enters a database of pending requests that might need to be examined,
approved, or rejected by an administrator.
Because the client and enrollment station are speaking the Certificate
Management Protocol inside of the EAP-PTLS tunnel, the enrollment
station is able to send to the client a request number and a result
code indicating that the request is pending. Subsequent execution of
the client enrollment software polls for this request number, also
using CMP messages in the EAP-PTLS tunnel. Until the request has been
approved, the client receives an indication that it is still pending,
and can repeat the request later (see
Figure 5).
We note that as long as the server and client cache the information
they exchanged over the location-limited channel, they do not need to
repeat a location-limited exchange. These later attempts to retrieve
a certificate that has already been requested can be performed
over the wireless network without any intervention by the
user. Though the authentication exchange over a
location-limited channel must be done in physical proximity to the
enrollment station, all further interaction with each client can be
done using any access point in the infrastructure.
Once approved, the certificate is returned to the client the next
time the client polls for it; the client enrollment software
automatically configures the client device to use the new wireless
network just as in the stand-alone case.
We configure the standard off-the-shelf authentication server to
forward EAP-PTLS traffic to the enrollment station. We accomplish
this by taking advantage of RADIUS proxying (during enrollment the
client claims to belong to a recognizable special realm, ``host@preauth'').
Authenticated clients then engage in the normal EAP-PTLS enrollment
protocol with the radius server running on the enrollment station, but
the resulting certificate requests are then forwarded to an enterprise
CA. Since we are using EAP-PTLS, the enrollment station does this only
for clients it trusts due to prior interaction over the
location-limited channel. When the client checks to see whether its
certificate has been issued, its EAP-PTLS exchanges are again
forwarded to the enrollment station, which retrieves the issued
certificate from the enterprise CA.
4.3 Implementation Details
Table 2:
User studies comparing our ``Enterprise NiaB'' solution to
a typical commercial alternative.
Standard Enrollment |
``Enterprise NiaB'' Enrollment |
Time (min) |
Steps |
Time (min) |
Steps |
Avg |
140 |
38 |
1:39 |
4 |
Ease |
Satisfaction |
Confidence |
Ease |
Satisfaction |
Confidence |
Avg |
5 |
4 |
4 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
In this section we describe the particular implementation we are using
in our organization; obviously, given the focus on interoperability
with commercial software, many of these components would vary from
installation to installation.
Access to the wireless network is provided by standard commercial
access points; the Authentication Server we use is a commercial RADIUS
server (Funk Software's Steel Belted RadiusTM). This AS
is configured, using standard RADIUS proxying facilities, to forward
EAP-PTLS messages from clients requesting enrollment in the system to
the RADIUS server running on the enrollment station.
For our current deployment, we are using a modified stand-alone NiaB as
our enrollment station. It runs a copy of FreeRADIUS that responds to
only one EAP type, namely our EAP-PTLS protocol. It listens for client
authentication requests over location-limited channels, thus limiting
initial requests for enrollment to devices with physical access to the
enrollment station. It matches the authentication information it
receives over these location-limited channels with the public keys
used in requests for PTLS authentications forwarded by the main
Authentication Server.
Our enterprise CA was developed in-house. It is written in Java, and
provides a web-based interface used by both people and the EAP-PTLS
enrollment protocol to post certification requests. Each certificate
request that comes in from the NiaB enrollment station must be
reviewed, edited and approved by a human before the certificate is
issued. Once the certificate has been issued, the user owning the
device receives an e-mail message, indicating that they should re-run
the NiaB enrollment software on their device to retrieve their
certificate and finish device configuration. This step can be done at
any physical location within our enterprise.
4.4 Enterprise User Studies
We deployed this software as the primary enrollment mechanism for
our secure enterprise wireless network. Anecdotally it seemed a
success - not only were end users happier with the process, but our
IT staff preferred to use the system to enroll laptops they
were configuring for other users. To confirm these perceptions, we
performed quantitative user studies.
In order to see whether our system made enrolling in an enterprise
secure wireless network easier, we undertook a comparative usability
test. Like the stand-alone NiaB test described in
Section 3.4, we wanted to see whether our
enterprise solution was easier to use than a currently commercially
available alternative, described briefly below. We observed five
individuals conducting both types of enrollment. We followed the same
subject selection protocol as previously described, but although we
used the same subject pool we recruited different subjects for
this second test.
We looked at users performing standard procedures for requesting a
digital certificate, installing that certificate, and then configuring
a standard commercial 802.1x client to use that certificate to
authenticate to a particular network. The interface for requesting and
installing certificates was a web-based one, very similar to that used
by commercial Certification Authorities such as Verisign, or
Microsoft's Certificate Server software. The 802.1x client software
was provided with Microsoft Windows XPTM, and comes with a
dialog-based graphical configuration interface. Users were provided
with extensive documentation as to how to perform all enrollment and
configuration steps, complete with screen shots. The total procedure
required 38 steps.
The results from two iterations of study are shown in
Table 2. The first interesting result was the sheer
amount of time end users took to enroll in the 802.1x-secured wireless
network using the standard interface - an average of 140 minutes (2
hrs and 20 mins). We found this result very surprising. This
observation underscores the fact that the intuitions of domain experts
- who could perform the same steps in minutes, if not seconds - are
not always useful in evaluating system usability, and the importance
of obtaining direct feedback about users' experiences with security
Using our gesture-directed enterprise solution, the time to enroll
dropped dramatically, from 140 minutes to under 2 minutes. The total
number of steps to request and install a client certificate and
configure the client device was reduced from a total of 38 steps to 4
steps. More significantly, users reported making a variety of errors
in the 38-step process, unlike the enrollment procedure of our
enterprise solution, where they made none.
The reduction in time and the fact that users did not make errors
contributed to the users' ratings of ease, satisfaction, and
confidence. On scales of 1 (most positive) to 5 (most negative) users
rated ease of task, satisfaction in the experience, and confidence
that they could do it again more highly for our ``enterprise NiaB''
wireless enrollment system.
While the enterprise version of our system is designed to meet the
fundamental architectural and security constraints of almost any
corporate network, we have only been able to experimentally test it in
a relatively small enterprise consisting of about 250 users. It
remains to be seen whether such a system could scale to meet the
demands of a community of 10,000 users supported by a significant IT
staff. Traditionally, approaches like ours are thought inappropriate
for enterprise environments: large enterprises often prefer
completely automated configuration approaches without any
per-machine interaction. They also usually have
all machine configuration performed by administrators, rather than
end users, thereby potentially putting less of a premium on
To counter these arguments, we first point out that the use of
certificate-based authentication methods and EAP-TLS provides greater
security than both password-based approaches and automatic
configuration approaches without per-device authentication. The latter
approach usually encodes all necessary authentication information in a
static software install replicated on each machine. This can include
things like the certificate of the access point or authentication
server, allowing one-way authentication of the infrastructure by the
client (which presumably authenticates using a password). In more
dangerous approaches, such installers can include secret keys shared
across all devices in a network, or even a certificate and private key
for the user.
We find this approach unsatisfactory for a number of reasons. First,
it requires the user to download customized software for each network
they want to join. In contrast, our client obtains all the information
it needs to configure a particular network from the AP or enrollment
station - it can be re-used to enroll a device in multiple networks.
The fact that our client software is ``generic'' in this way means
that it could be pre-installed by an operating system vendor, without
requiring further customization for a particular network. Second,
blindly downloading enrollment information or keys to a potential new
client in a customized installer may make it easier to configure that
client to use a network, but it doesn't solve the fundamental trust
assignment problem - authenticating that a particular device ought to
be in fact the one to receive those keys. At best, this problem can
be sidestepped by requiring that client to authenticate using a
previously-existing password infrastructure. Our goal was to allow
easy, secure enrollment in a wireless network even in the case where
no pre-existing trust infrastructure existed.
Our approach can also be very appealing even in enterprises where all
new machines are initially configured by an administrator. First, we
find anecdotally that even the experienced systems administrators in
the small enterprise in which we deployed our system vastly preferred
to use it to configure new devices for other users than the previous,
manual option. Given the increasing demands on administrators and the
fact that many of them are not security experts, increased usability
of security can be valuable to them as well.
Second, in large organizations, administrative tasks such as WLAN
enrollment will happen repeatedly over the lifespan of a given device
- returning it to an administrator every time is inconvenient.
Increasingly, users introduce personal devices, such as PDAs, into
their workplace. System administrators do not have the time and
facilities to configure each device that an employee may need to use
at work. In all of these cases, it may be easier to have employees
enroll their own devices into a wireless network as needed, rather
than expecting them to be preconfigured by an administrator.
5. Related Work
The use of a gesture-based user interface to communicate a small piece
of information for bootstrapping a larger data exchange is a
relatively recent idea. In response to increasing realization that
ubiquitous computing will demand that users select among many
computers around them, systems such as gesturePen [37] have
used infrared-based pointing mechanisms to allow users to select
desired targets. The role of
gesturePen is to help users establish data communications with
computers around them, and the infrared channel is used to exchange IP
address information. Our work relies on the same intuitive user
experience as gesturePen, but builds on it by providing a secure
information exchange.
Gesture-based user interfaces have also found other applications, some
with security in mind [5,30], some without
[19]. To our knowledge we are the first to apply this
idea to provide a complete solution for securing wireless 802.11
The idea of location-limited channels originated in
[35] (although not under that name). In
[5], this idea was expanded to use public key cryptography,
enabling a much wider range of potential types of location-limited
channels. The list of possible location-limited channels, and their
uses, continues to expand [20,21,30].
Our system reduces network security to the physical security at the
time of enrollment - a simple, intuitive model accessible to
non-technically-savvy users. This is in contrast to Microsoft's CHOICE
network [25] and the Secure Wireless Gateway (SWG) [14],
which do not require physical proximity, but are much harder to use.
For example, in Microsoft's CHOICE network, users enter
an existing Passport password into a web page every time they want to
use a public wireless network. The SWG
asks a user to log in to a secure web site using an existing password
and execute additional configuration steps. While entering a password
may not seem like a burden, adding seemingly simple steps like this
actually has large impact for non-technically-savvy
users [10].
Furthermore, gesture-based automatic configuration can be used with a
wide variety of embedded devices that may not allow users to enter
Both SWG and Microsoft CHOICE require the user to have an existing trust
relationship with the network provider, while our approach allows
mutual authentication between users and network providers that share
no preexisting relationship.
We also point out that our system conveys all of the security
advantages of using digital certificates in a Public Key Infrastructure.
This is in contrast to SWG, which secures wireless access using
IPSec configured with a shared secret.
The perceived difficulties associated with managing Public Key
Infrastructures often lead users to look for other, less secure
alternatives. There has been some work, however, to make PKIs more
usable (see, for example, [15]). The location-limited
channels we use allow us to side-step much of the bootstrapping
problems usually found when trying to build a global Public-Key
Infrastructure. We also show with our work that one can quite
effectively use a ``small-scale'' PKI without inheriting the usability
problems usually associated with larger PKIs.
6. Conclusions
Security and usability are typically thought to be at odds with
each other: highly secure systems are thought to be necessarily
difficult to use, and systems that can be easily managed by end
users are thought to be inherently insecure.
Yet deploying systems of mobile devices, in which ease of administration
and security are both pressing concerns, requires a resolution to
this apparent conflict.
We have demonstrated, by way of example, that security
and usability are not always irreconcilable.
Our ``Network-in-a-Box'' system provides an
example of how gesture-based user interfaces can lead to systems
that are both secure and easy to use.
We have implemented our NiaB system, both in a stand-alone and an
enterprise version, to test out our design.
Through user studies, we experimentally measured a significant decrease
in the time required by users to set up a secure wireless network
as compared to a typical commercial access point. This improvement -
from approximately ten minutes down to under a minute - is especially favorable
when one notes that our solution sets up the highly secure 802.1x/EAP-TLS standard, versus the significantly less secure password-based WEP standard
used by the commercial access point.
Our approach, gesture-directed
automatic configuration, relates digital security to physical security
in a way that users find intuitively easy to understand.
Although we have applied this technique to address the particularly
pressing problem of securing 802.11 wireless networks, the approach
is quite general and can be used to design a variety of systems
that are both secure and easy to administer.
7. Acknowledgments
We like to thank the anonymous reviewers and Tim Diebert for their
helpful comments. Alp Simsek built the ``phone home'' service
described Section 3.2.2. Raghu Gopalan provided
valuable feedback about our enterprise deployment.
- 1
B. Aboba and D. Simon.
PPP EAP TLS Authentication Protocol (EAP-TLS).
IETF - Network Working Group, The Internet Society, October 1999.
RFC 2716.
- 2
Wi-Fi Protected Access.
- 3
C. Adams and S. Farrell.
Internet X.509 Public Key Infastructure Certificate Management
IETF - Network Working Group, The Internet Society, March 1999.
RFC 2510.
- 4
N. Asokan, V. Niemi, and K. Nyberg.
Man-in-the-middle in tunnelled authentication protocols.
In 11th Security Protocols Workshop, Cambridge, United Kingdom,
April 2003. Springer-Verlag.
- 5
Dirk Balfanz, D.K. Smetters, Paul Stewart, and H. Chi Wong.
Talking to strangers: Authentication in ad-hoc wireless networks.
In Proceedings of the 2002 Network and Distributed Systems
Security Symposium (NDSS'02), San Diego, CA, February 2002. The Internet
- 6
L. Blunk and J. Vollbrecht.
PPP Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP).
IETF - Network Working Group, The Internet Society, March 1998.
RFC 2284.
- 7
Nikita Borisov, Ian Goldberg, and David Wagner.
Intercepting mobile communications: The insecurity of 802.11, 2001.
- 8
P. Congdon, B. Aboba, A. Smith, G. Zorn, and J. Roese.
IEEE 802.1x Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service
(RADIUS) Usage Guidelines.
IETF - Network Working Group, The Internet Society, September 2003.
RFC 3580.
- 9
T. Dierks and C. Allen.
The TLS Protocol Version 1.0.
IETF - Network Working Group, The Internet Society, January 1999.
RFC 2246.
- 10
Joseph S. Dumas and Janice C. Redish.
A Practical Guide to Usability Testing.
Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1993.
- 11
S. Fluhrer, I. Mantin, and A. Shamir.
Weaknesses in the key scheduling algorithm of RC4.
In Eight Annual Workshop on Selected Areas in Cryptography,
August 2001.
- 12
Wireless Tools for Linux.
- 13
The OpenBrick Foundation.
- 14
Austin Godber and Partha Dasgupta.
Secure wireless gateway.
In Proceedings of the ACM Workshop on Wireless Security
(WiSe-02), pages 41-46, New York, September 28 2002. ACM Press.
- 15
Peter Gutmann.
Plug-and-play PKI: A PKI your mother can use.
In Proceedings of the 12th USENIX Security Symposium, pages
45-58, Washington, D.C., August 2003.
- 16
The Cable Guy.
Windows XP wireless auto configuration., November
- 17
ANSI/IEEE. 802.1x: Port-based network access control, 2001.
- 18
ANSI/IEEE. 802.11i: MAC enhancements for enhanced security,
- 19
Tim Kindberg, John Barton, Jeff Morgan, Gene Becker, Debbie Caswell, Philippe
Debaty, Gita Gopal, Marcos Frid, Venky Krishnan, Howard Morris, Celine
Pering, John Schettino, Bill Serra, and Mirjana Spasojevic.
Places and things: Web presence for the real world.
In 3rd IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and
Applications (WMCSA 2000), 2000.
- 20
Tim Kindberg and Kan Zhang.
Secure spontaneous device association.
In UbiComp 2003, 2003.
- 21
Tim Kindberg and Kan Zhang.
Validating and securing spontaneous associations between wireless
In Proceedings of the 6th Information Security Conference
(ISC’03), 2003.
- 22
The Dumb Networking Library.
- 23
The Packet Capture Library.
- 24
C. Lopes and P. Aguiar.
Aerial acoustic communications.
In Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE Workshop on Applications of
Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, NY, October 2001.
- 25
The CHOICE network.
- 26
Jakob Nielsen and Thomas K. Landauer.
A mathematical model of the finding of usability problems.
In ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
(INTERCHI '93), pages 206-213, 1993.
- 27
Open Source Implementation of IEEE 802.1x.
- 28
The FreeRADIUS Server Project.
- 29
The HostAP Project.
- 30
Jun Rekimoto, Yuji Ayatsuka, Michimune Kohno, and Hauro Oba.
Proximal interactions: A direct manipulation technique for wireless
In Proceedings of INTERACT 2003, 2003.
- 31
C. Rigney, A. Rubens, W. Simpson, and S. Willens.
Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS).
IETF - Network Working Group, The Internet Society, June 2000.
RFC 2865.
- 32
Robert Moskowitz.
Weakness in passphrase choice in WPA interface, 2003.
- 33
Acme Software.
- 34
Network Driver Interface Specification.
- 35
Frank Stajano and Ross J. Anderson.
The resurrecting duckling: Security issues for ad-hoc wireless
In 7th Security Protocols Workshop, volume 1796 of Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, pages 172-194, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 1999.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin Germany.
- 36
Adam Stubblefield, John Ioannidis, and Aviel D. Rubin.
Using the Fluhrer, Mantin, and Shamir Attack to Break WEP.
In Proceedings of the 2002 Network and Distributed Systems
Security Symposium (NDSS'02), San Diego, CA, February 2002. The Internet
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Colin Swindells, Kori M. Inkpen, John C. Dill, and Melanie Tory.
That one there! pointing to establish device identity.
In ACM Conference on User Interface Software and Technology
(UIST 2002), pages 151-160, 2002.
- 38
W. Townsley.
Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP).
IETF - Network Working Group, The Internet Society, December 2002.
RFC 3438.
How to Set Up a Secure Wireless Network in Under a Minute
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The command line arguments were:
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The translation was initiated by Dirk Balfanz on 2004-05-18
- ...
- 802.11 comes in a variety of subtypes with differing
frequency and bandwidth characteristics. Although the implementation
discussed here uses only 802.11b, all results are general and apply
equally well to 802.11a, 802.11g, etc..
- ...
- If a USB token is used to exchange authentication
information (see Section 2.1), it can also be used to
install the software.
Dirk Balfanz