In this section of the paper, we present the design principles that guided us while building our distributed hash table DDS. We also state a number of key assumptions we made regarding our cluster environment, failure modes that the DDS can handle, and the workloads it will receive.
Separation of concerns: the clean separation of service code from storage management simplifies system architecture by decoupling the complexities of state management from those of service construction. Because persistent service state is kept in the DDS, service instances can crash (or be gracefully shut down) and restart without a complex recovery process. This greatly simplifies service construction, as authors need only worry about service-specific logic, and not the complexities of data partitioning, replication, and recovery.
Appeal to properties of clusters: in addition to the properties
listed in section 1.1, we require that our cluster is
physically secure and well-administered. Given all of these properties, a
cluster represents a carefully controlled environment in which we have the
greatest chance of being able to provide all of the service properties.
For example, its low latency SAN (10-100 s instead of 10-100 ms for
the wide-area Internet) means that two-phase commits are not prohibitively
expensive. The SAN's high redundancy means that the probability of a
network partition can be made arbitrarily small, and thus we need not
consider partitions in our protocols. An uninterruptible power supply
(UPS) and good system administration help to ensure that the probability of
system-wide simultaneous hardware failure is extremely low; we can thus
rely on data being available in more than one failure boundary (i.e., the
physical memory or disk of more than one node) while designing our recovery
Design for high throughput and high concurrency: given the workloads presented in section 1.2, the control structure used to effect concurrency is critical. Techniques often used by web servers, such as process-per-task or thread-per-task, do not scale to our needed degree of concurrency. Instead, we use asynchronous, event-driven style of control flow in our DDS, similar to that espoused by modern high performance servers [5,20] such as the Harvest web cache [8] and Flash web server [28]. A convenient side-effect of this style is that layering is inexpensive and flexible, as layers can be constructed by chaining together event handlers. Such chaining also facilitates interposition: a ``middleman'' event handler can be easily and dynamically patched between two existing handlers. In addition, if a server experiences a burst of traffic, the burst is absorbed in event queues, providing graceful degradation by preserving the throughput of the server but temporarily increasing latency. By contrast, thread-per-task systems degrade in both throughput and latency if bursts are absorbed by additional threads.
If one DDS node cannot communicate with another, we assume it is because this other node has stopped executing (due to a planned shutdown or a crash); we assume that network partitions do not occur inside our cluster, and that DDS software components are fail-stop. The need for no network partitions is addressed by the high redundancy of our network, as previously mentioned. We have attempted to induce fail-stop behavior in our software by having it terminate its own execution if it encounters an unexpected condition, rather than attempting to gracefully recover from such a condition. These strong assumptions have been valid in practice; we have never experienced an unplanned network partition in our cluster, and our software has always behaved in a fail-stop manner. We further assume that software failures in the cluster are independent. We replicate all durable data at more than one place in the cluster, but we assume that at least one replica is active (has not failed) at all times. We also assume some degree of synchrony, in that processes take a bounded amount of time to execute tasks, and that messages take a bounded amount of time to be delivered.
We make several assumptions about the workload presented to our distributed hash tables. A table's key space is the set of 64-bit integers; we assume that the population density over this space is even (i.e. the probability that a given key exists in the table is a function of the number of values in the table, but not of the particular key). We don't assume that all keys are accessed equiprobably, but rather that the ``working set'' of hot keys is larger than the number of nodes in our cluster. We then assume that a partitioning strategy that maps fractions of the keyspace to cluster nodes based on the nodes' relative processing speed will induce a balanced workload. Our current DDS design does not gracefully handle a small number of extreme hotspots (i.e., if a handful of keys receive most of the workload). If there are many such hotspots, however, then our partitioning strategy will probabilistically balance them across the cluster. Failure of these workload assumptions can result in load imbalances across the cluster, leading to a reduction in throughput.
Finally, we assume that tables are large and long lived. Hash table creations and destructions are relatively rare events: the common case is for hash tables to serve read, write, and remove operations.