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Origins of the Client-Side Failures

While we do not have full access to all of the client-side infrastructure, we can try to infer the reasons for the kinds of failures we are seeing and understand their impact on lookup behavior. Absolute confirmation of the failure origins would require direct access to the nameservers, routers, and switches at the sites, which we do not have. Using various techniques, we can trace some problems to packet loss, nameserver overloading, resource competition and maintenance issues. We discuss these below.

Packet Loss - The simplest cause we can guess is the packet loss in the LAN environment. Most nameservers communicate using UDP, so even a single packet loss either as a request or as a response would eventually trigger a query retransmission from the resolver. The resolver's default timeout for retransmission is five seconds, which matches some of the spikes in Figure 1.

Packet loss rates in LAN environments are generally assumed to be minimal, and our measurements of Princeton's LAN support this assumption. We saw no packet loss at two hops, 0.02% loss at three hops, and 0.09% at four hops. Though we did see bursty behavior in the loss rate, where the loss rates would stay high for a minute at a time, we do not see enough losses to account for the DNS failures. Our measurements show that 90% of PlanetLab nodes have a nameserver within 4 hops, and 70% are within 2 hops. However, other contexts, such as cable modems or dial-up services, have more hops [20], and may have higher loss rates.

Nameserver overloading - Since most request packets are likely to reach the nameserver, our next possible culprit is the nameserver itself. To understand their behavior, we asked all nameservers on PlanetLab to resolve a local name once every two seconds and we measured the results. For example, on, we asked for's IP address. In addition to the possibility of caching, the local nameserver is mostly likely the authoritative nameserver for the queried name, or at least the authoritative server can be found on the same local network.

In Figure 4, we see some evidence that nameservers can be temporarily overloaded. These graphs cover two days of traffic, and show the 5-minute average failure rate, where a failure is either a response taking more than five seconds, or no response at all. In Figure 4(a), the node experiences no failures most of time but a 30% to 80% failure rate for about five hours. Figure 4(b) reveals a site where failures start during the start of the workday, gradually increase, and drop starting in the evening. It is reasonable to assume that human activity increases in these hours, and affects the failure rate.

Figure 4: Failures seemingly caused by nameserver overload - in both cases, the failure rate is always less than 100%, indicating that the server is operational, but performing poorly.

(a) northwestern-1

(b) tu-berlin

We suspect that a possible factor in this overloading is the UDP receive buffer on the nameserver. These buffers are typically sized in the range of 32-64KB, and incoming packets are silently dropped when this buffer is full. If the same buffer is also used to receive the responses from other nameservers, as the BIND nameserver does, this problem gets worse. Assuming a 64KB receive buffer, a 64 byte query, and a 300 byte response, more than 250 simultaneous queries can cause packet dropping. In Figure 5, we see the request rate (averaged over 5 minutes) for the authoritative nameserver for Even with smoothing, the request rates are in the range of 250-400 reqs/sec, and we can expect that instantaneous rates are even higher. So, any activity that causes a 1-2 second delay of the server can cause requests to be dropped.

Figure 5: Daily Request Rate for Princeton.EDU
\begin{figure}\epsfig{file=figs/ext-dns-named-queries-day.eps, width=3.2in,height=0.88in}\vspace{-.125in}\vspace{-.07in}\end{figure}

To test this theory of nameserver overload, we subjected BIND, the most popular nameserver, to bursty traffic. On an otherwise unloaded box (Compaq au600, Linux 2.4.9, 1 GB memory), we ran BIND 9.2.3 and an application-level UDP ping that simulates BIND. Each request contains the same name query for a local domain name with a different query ID. Our UDP ping responds to it by sending a fixed response with the same size as BIND's. We send a burst of $N$ requests from a client machine and wait 10 seconds to gather responses. Figure 6 shows the difference in responses between BIND 9.2.3 and our UDP ping. With the default receive buffer size of 64KB, BIND starts dropping requests at bursts of 200 reqs/sec, and the capacity linearly grows with the size of the receive buffer. Our UDP ping using the default buffer loses some requests due to temporary overflow, but the graph does not flatten because responses consume minimal CPU cycles. These experiments confirm that high-rate bursty traffic can cause server overload, aggravating the buffer overflow problem.

Figure 6: BIND 9.2.3 vs. PING with bursty traffic
\begin{figure}\epsfig{file=figs/burst_reply.eps, width=3.2in,height=1.8in}\vspace{-.125in}\vspace{-.07in}\end{figure}

Resource competition - Some sites show periodic failures, similar to what is seen in Figure 7. These tend to have spikes every hour or every few hours, and suggests some heavy process is being launched from cron. BIND is particularly susceptible to memory pressure, since its memory cache is only periodically flushed. Any jobs that use large amounts of memory can evict BIND's pages, causing BIND to page fault when accessing the data. The faults can delay the server, causing the UDP buffer to fill.

Figure 7: This site shows failures induced by periodic activity. In addition to the hourly failure spike, a larger failure spike is seen once per day.
\epsfig{file=figs/pl1.unm.edu_0412_fail.eps, width=3.25in, height=1.5in}\vspace{-.125in}\vspace{-.07in}

In talking with system administrators, we find that even sites with good DNS service often run multiple services (some cron-initiated) on the same machine. Since DNS is regarded as a low-CPU service, other services are run on the same hardware to avoid underutilization. It seems quite common that when these other services have bursty resource behavior, the nameserver is affected.

Maintenance problems - Another common source of failure is maintenance problems which lead to service interruption, as shown in Figure 8. Here, the DNS lookup shows a 100% failure rate for 13 hours. Both nameservers for this site stopped working causing DNS to be completely unavailable, instead of just slow. DNS service was restored only after manual intervention. Another common case, complete failure of the primary nameserver, generates a similar pattern, with all responses being retried after five seconds and sent to the secondary nameserver.

Figure: This site's nameservers were shut down before the nodes had been updated with the new nameserver information. The result was a 13-hour complete failure of all name lookups, until the information was manually updated.
\begin{figure}\epsfig{file=figs/planetlab2.millennium.berkeley.edu_0317_fail2.eps, width=3.25in, height=1.5in}\vspace{-.125in}\vspace{-.07in}

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KyoungSoo Park 2004-10-02