OSDI '04 Paper   
[OSDI '04 Technical Program]
Understanding and Dealing with Operator Mistakes
in Internet Services 1
Kiran Nagaraja, Fábio Oliveira, Ricardo Bianchini, Richard P. Martin,
Thu D. Nguyen
Department of Computer Science
Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ 08854
{knagaraj, fabiool, ricardob, rmartin,
Operator mistakes are a significant source of unavailability in modern
Internet services. In this paper, we first characterize these
mistakes by performing an extensive set of experiments using human
operators and a realistic three-tier auction service. The mistakes we
observed range from software misconfiguration, to fault misdiagnosis,
to incorrect software restarts. We next propose to validate operator
actions before they are made visible to the rest of the system. We
demonstrate how to accomplish this task via the creation of a
validation environment that is an extension of the online system,
where components can be validated using real workloads before they are
migrated into the running service. We show that our prototype
validation system can detect 66% of the operator mistakes that we
have observed.
Online services, such as search engines, e-mail, workgroup calendars,
and music juke-boxes are rapidly becoming the supporting
infrastructure for numerous users' work and leisure. Increasingly,
these services are comprised of complex conglomerates of distributed
hardware and software components, including front-end devices,
numerous kinds of application packages, authenticators, loggers,
databases, and storage servers.
Ensuring high availability for these services is a challenging task.
First, frequent hardware and software upgrades keep these systems
constantly evolving. Second, this evolution and the complexity of the
services imply a large number of unforeseen interactions. Third,
component failure is a common occurrence, since these services are
typically based on commodity components for fast deployment and low
cost. Given these factors, it is not surprising that service failures
occur frequently
In this paper, we characterize and alleviate one significant source of
service failures, namely operator mistakes, in the context of
cluster-based Internet services. Several studies have shown that the
percentage of service failures attributable to operator mistakes has
been increasing over the last
decade [12,17,20]. A recent study
of three commercial services showed that operator mistakes were
responsible for 19-36% of the failures, and, for two of the services,
were the dominant source of failures and the largest contributor to
time to repair [19]. An older study of Tandem
systems also found that operator mistakes were a dominant reason for
outages [11].
Our work begins with a set of live operator experiments that explore
the nature of operator mistakes and their impact on the availability
of a three-tier auction service [21]. In each
experiment, an operator must either perform a scheduled maintenance
task or a diagnose-and-repair task. The first category encompasses
tasks such as upgrading software, upgrading hardware, and adding or
removing system components. The second category encompasses
experiments during which we inject a fault into the service and ask
the operator to discover and fix the problem.
The operator experiments do not seek to cover all possible
operator tasks or to achieve a complete statistical characterization
of operator behavior. Rather, our goal is to characterize some of the
mistakes that can occur during common operator tasks, and to gather
detailed traces of operator actions that can be used to evaluate the
effectiveness of techniques designed to either prevent or to mitigate
the impact of operator mistakes. We are continuing our experiments to
cover a wider range of operator tasks and to collect a larger sampling
of behaviors.
So far, we have performed 43 experiments with 21 volunteer operators
with a wide variety of skill levels. Our results show a total of 42
mistakes, ranging from software configuration, to fault misdiagnosis, to
software restart mistakes. Configuration mistakes of different types
were the most common with 24 occurrences, but incorrect software
restarts were also common with 14 occurrences. A large number of
mistakes (19) led to a degradation in service throughput.
Given the large number of mistakes the operators made, we next propose
that services should validate operator actions before exposing
their effects to clients. The key idea is to check the correctness of
operator actions in a validation environment that is an
extension of the online system. In particular, the components under
validation, called masked components, should be subjected to
realistic (or even live) workloads. Critically, their configurations
should not have to be modified when transitioning from validation to
live operation.
To demonstrate our approach and evaluate its efficacy, we have
implemented a prototype validation framework and modified two
applications, a cooperative Web server and our three-tier auction
service, to work within the framework. Our prototype currently
includes two validation techniques, trace-based and replica-based
validation. Trace-based validation involves periodically collecting
traces of live requests and replaying the trace for validation.
Replica-based validation involves designating each masked component as
a ``mirror'' of a live component. All requests sent to the live
components are then duplicated and also sent to the mirrored, masked
component. Results from the masked components are compared against
those produced by the live component.
We evaluate the effectiveness of our validation approach by running a
wide range of experiments with our prototype: (1) microbenchmarks that
isolate its performance overhead; (2) experiments with human
operators; (3) experiments with mistake traces; and (4)
mistake-injection experiments. From the microbenchmarks, we find that
the overhead of validation is acceptable in most cases. From the
other experiments, we find that our prototype is easy to use in
practice, and that the combination of trace and replica-based
validation is effective in catching a majority of the mistakes we have
seen. In particular, using detailed traces of operator mistakes, we
show that our prototype would have detected 28 out of the 42 mistakes
observed in our operator experiments.
In summary, we make two main contributions:
- We present detailed data on operator behavior during a
large set of live experiments with a realistic service. Traces of all
our experiments are available from https://vivo.cs.rutgers.edu/.
This contribution is especially important given that actual data on
operator mistakes in Internet services is not publicly available, due
to commercial and privacy considerations. We also analyze and
categorize the reasons behind the mistakes in detail.
- We design and implement a prototype validation framework that
includes a realistic validation environment for dealing with operator
mistakes. We demonstrate the benefits of the prototype through an
extensive set of experiments, including experiments with actual
We conclude that operators make mistakes even in fairly simple tasks
(and with plenty of detailed information about the service and the
task itself). We conjecture that these mistakes are mostly a result
of the complex nature of modern Internet services. In fact, a large
fraction of the mistakes cause problems in the interaction between the
service components in the actual processing of client requests,
suggesting that the realism derived from hosting the validation
environment in the online system itself is critical. Given our
experience with the prototype, we also conclude that validation should
be useful for real commercial services, as it is indeed capable of
detecting several types of operator mistakes.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. The next section
describes the related work. Section 3 describes our
operator experiments and their results. Section 4
describes the details of our validation approach and prototype
implementation, and compares our approach with offline testing and
undo in the context of the mistakes we observed. Section
5 presents the results of our validation
experiments. Finally, Section 6 concludes the
Only a few papers have addressed operator mistakes in Internet
services. The work of Oppenheimer et
al. [19] considered the universe of failures
observed by three commercial services. With respect to operators,
they broadly categorized their mistakes, described a few example
mistakes, and suggested some avenues for dealing with
them. Here, we extend their work by describing all of the mistakes we
observed in detail and by designing and implementing a prototype
infrastructure that can detect a majority of the mistakes.
Brown and Patterson [6] have proposed ``undo'' as a way
to rollback state changes when recovering from operator mistakes.
Brown [5] has also performed experiments in which he
exposed human operators to an implementation of undo for an email
service hosted by a single node. We extend his results by considering
a more complex service hosted by a cluster. Furthermore, our
validation approach is orthogonal to undo in that we hide operator
actions from the live service until they have been validated in a
realistic validation environment. We discuss undo further in Section
A more closely related technique is ``offline testing''
[3]. Our validation approach takes offline testing
a step further by operating on components in a validation environment
that is an extension of the live service. This allows us to catch a
larger number of mistakes, as we discuss in Section
The Microvisor work by Lowell et
al. [16] isolates online and maintenance
parts of a single node, while keeping the two environments identical.
However, their work cannot be used to validate the interaction among
components hosted on multiple nodes.
Our trace-based validation is similar in flavor to various fault
diagnosis approaches [2,10] that
maintain statistical models of ``normal'' component behavior and
dynamically inspect the service execution for deviations from this
behavior. These approaches typically focus on the data flow behavior
across the systems components, whereas our trace-based validation
inspects the actual responses coming from components and can do so at
various semantic levels. We also use replica-based validation, which
compares the responses directly to those of ``correct'' live
Replication-based validation has been used before to tolerate
Byzantine failures and malicious attacks,
e.g. [8,9,13]. In this context,
replicas are a permanent part of the distributed system and validation
is constantly performed through voting. In contrast, our approach
focuses solely on dealing with operator mistakes, does not require
replicas and validation during normal service execution, and thus can
be simpler and less intrusive.
Other orthogonal approaches to dealing with operator mistakes or
reducing operator intervention have been studied
[1,4,14]. For example, Ajmani
et al. [1] eliminate operator intervention
in software upgrades, whereas Kiciman et al. [14]
automate the construction of correctness constraints for checking
software configurations.
Operator Actions and Mistakes
In this section, we analyze the maintenance and diagnose-and-repair
experiments that we performed with human operators and our three-tier
auction service. We start by describing the experimental setup, the
actual experiments, and the operators who volunteered to participate
in our study. After that, we detail each experiment, highlighting the
mistakes made by the operators.
Experimental setup
Our experimental testbed consists of an online auction service modeled
after EBay. The service is organized into three tiers of servers:
Web, application, and database tiers. We use two machines in the
first tier running the Apache Web server (version 1.3.27), five
machines running the Tomcat servlet server (version 4.1.18) in the
second tier and, in the third tier, one machine running the MySQL
relational database (version 4.12). The Web server and application
server machines are equipped with a 1.2 GHz Intel Celeron processor
and 512 MB of RAM, whereas the database machine relies on a 1.9 GHz
Pentium IV with 1 GB of RAM. All machines run Linux with kernel
The service requests are received by the Web servers and may flow
towards the second and third tiers. The replies flow through the same
path in the reverse direction. Each Web server keeps track of the
requests it sends to the application servers. Each application server
maintains the soft state associated with the client sessions that it
is currently serving. This state consists of the auctions of interest
to the clients. All dynamic requests belonging to a session need to
be processed by the same application server, thereby restricting load
balancing. A heartbeat-based membership protocol is used to
reconfigure the service when nodes become unavailable or are added to
the cluster.
A client emulator is used to exercise the service. The workload
consists of a number of concurrent clients that repeatedly open
sessions with the service. Each client issues a request, receives and
parses the reply, ``thinks'' for a while, and follows a link contained
in the reply. A user-defined Markov model determines which link to
follow. During our experiments, the overall load imposed on the
system is 200 requests/second, which is approximately 35% of the
service's maximum achievable throughput. The code for the service and
client emulator is publicly available from the DynaServer
project [21] at Rice University.
Another important component of our experimental setup is a monitoring
infrastructure that includes a shell that records and timestamps
every single command (and the corresponding result) executed by the
operator. The infrastructure also measures the system throughput
on-the-fly, presenting it to the operator so that he/she can visually
assess the impact of his/her actions on the system performance.
Our experiments can be categorized as either scheduled maintenance
tasks or diagnose-and-repair tasks. Table 1
summarizes the classes of experiments.
Table 1:
Categories of experiments.
Task Category |
Subcategory |
Scheduled maintenance |
Node addition |
Data migration |
Software upgrade |
Diagnose-and-repair |
Software misconfiguration |
Application crash/hang |
Hardware fault |
Before having the operator interact with the system, we provide
him/her with conceptual information on the system architecture,
design, and interface. We convey this information verbally and
through a graphical representation of the system which can be
consulted at any time during an experiment. We also give the operator
two sets of written instructions: general directions concerning the
system interface and specific instructions about the task the operator
will be doing. The operator is allowed to refer to both sets during
the experiment.
A total of 21 people with varying skill levels volunteered to act as
operators in our experiments: 14 graduate students, 2 operations staff
members, and 5 professional programmers. The students and staff are
from our own department; one of the staff members is the system
administrator for one of our large clusters, and the other is the
database administrator of our department. Two of the programmers used
to work as system administrators, and four of them currently work for
the Ask Jeeves commercial search engine.
To investigate the distribution of operator mistakes across different
skill levels, we divide our operators into three categories: novice,
intermediate, and expert. We deem the staff members and three of the
professional programmers to be experts based on their experience in
system administration. The remaining two programmers were classified
as intermediate. Finally, we asked the graduate students to complete
a questionnaire designed to assess their operation experience. Based
on their responses, we ended up with five experts, five intermediates,
and eleven novices. In Section 3.9, we discuss
the breakdown of mistakes across these operator categories.
We gave the novice operators a ``warm up'' task involving the addition
of a new Web server to the system to give them the opportunity to
understand the system configuration and tier-to-tier communication
issues, as well as crystallize the information we had conveyed orally.
For this task, we provided very detailed instructions. (In our study,
we do not take the mistakes made in this warm up task into
All sets of instructions, the questionnaire, and the operator behavior
data we collected are available at https://vivo.cs.rutgers.edu/.
Maintenance task 1:
add an application server
In this experiment we ask the operator to add a Tomcat server to the
second tier. In a nutshell, the operator is supposed to copy the
Tomcat binary distribution from any machine in the second tier to the
specified new machine and configure it properly, so that it can
exchange information with the database in the third tier. In
addition, it is necessary to correctly reconfigure and restart the Web
servers for the newly added Tomcat server to actually receive and
process requests. The experiment is set up in such a way that the
system has enough resources to handle the load imposed by the client
emulator; hence, the new Tomcat server does not imply any increase in
This experiment has been conducted with eight novice operators, four
intermediates, and two experts, with an average time per run of one
hour. Two of the operators were completely successful in that they
did not make any configuration mistakes or affect the system's ability
to service client requests more than what was strictly necessary. On
the other hand, the other operators made mistakes with varying degrees
of severity. The next few paragraphs discuss these mistakes.
Apache misconfigured. This was the most common
mistake. We recognized four different flavors of it, all of them
affecting the system differently. In the least severe
misconfiguration, three novice operators did not make all the needed
modifications to the Apache configuration file. In particular, they
added information about the new machine to the file, but forgot to add
the machine's name to the very last line of file, which specifies the
Tomcat server names. As a result, even though Tomcat was correctly
started on the new machine, client requests were never forwarded to
it. The operators who made this mistake either did not spend any time
looking at the Apache log files to make sure that the new Tomcat
server was processing requests or they analyzed the wrong log files.
Although this misconfiguration did not affect the system performance
immediately, it introduced a latent error.
Another flavor of Apache misconfiguration was more subtle and severe
in terms of performance impact. One novice operator introduced a
syntax error when editing the Apache configuration file that caused
the module responsible for forwarding requests to the second tier
(mod_jk) to crash. The outcome was the system's inability to
forward requests to the second tier. The operator noticed the problem
by looking desperately at our performance monitoring tool, but could
not find the cause after 10 minutes trying to do so. At that point,
he gave up and we told him what the problem was.
One more mistake occurred when one expert and one novice modified the
configuration file but left two identical application server names.
This also made mod_jk crash and led to a severe throughput
drop: a decrease of about 50% when the mistake affected one of the
Web servers, and about 90% when both Web servers were compromised.
The operators who made this mistake were not able to correct the
problem for 20 minutes on average. After this period, they decided
not to continue and we showed them their mistakes.
Finally, one intermediate operator forgot to modify the Apache
configuration file altogether to reflect the addition of the new
application server. This mistake resulted in the inability of Apache
to forward requests to the new application server. The operator was
able to detect his mistake and fix the problem in 24 minutes.
Apache incorrectly restarted. In this case, one
intermediate operator reconfigured one Apache distribution and
launched the executable file from another (there were two Apache
distributions installed on the first-tier machines). This mistake
made the affected Web server become unable to process any client
Bringing down both Web servers. In a few experiments,
while reconfiguring Apache to take into account the new application
server, two novice and three intermediate operators unnecessarily
shutdown both Web servers at the same time and, as a consequence, made
the whole service unavailable.
Tomcat incorrectly started. One novice and one expert
were unable to start Tomcat correctly. In particular, they forgot to
obtain root privileges before starting Tomcat. The expert operator
started Tomcat multiple times without killing processes remaining from
the previous launches. This scenario led to Tomcat silently dying.
To make matters worse, since the heartbeat service -- which is a
separate process -- was still running, the Web servers continued
forwarding requests to a machine unable to process them. The result
was substantially degraded throughput. The operators corrected this
mistake in 22 minutes on average.
Maintenance task 2:
upgrade the database machine
The purpose of this experiment is to migrate the MySQL database from a
slow machine to a powerful one, which is equipped with more memory, a
faster disk, and a faster CPU. (Note that we use the fast machine in
all other experiments.) Because the database machine is the
bottleneck of our testbed and the system is saturated when the slow
machine is used, the expected outcome of this experiment is higher
service throughput.
This experiment involves several steps: (1) compile and install MySQL
on the new machine; (2) bring the whole service down; (3) dump the
database tables from the old MySQL installation and copy them to the
new machine; (4) configure MySQL properly by modifying the my.cnf file; (5) initialize MySQL and create an empty database;
(6) import the dumped files into the empty database; (7) modify the
relevant configuration files in all application servers so that Tomcat
can forward requests to the new database machine; and (8) start up
MySQL, all application servers, and Web servers.
Four novices, two intermediates, and two experts performed this task;
the average time per run was 2 hours and 20 minutes. We next detail
the mistakes observed.
No password set up for MySQL root user. One novice
operator failed to assign a password to the MySQL root user, during
MySQL configuration. This mistake led to a severe security
vulnerability, allowing virtually anyone to execute any operation on
the database.
MySQL user not given necessary privileges. As part of
the database migration, the operators need to ensure that the
application servers are able to connect to the database and issue the
appropriate requests. This involves reconfiguring Tomcat to forward
requests to the new database machine and granting the proper
privileges to the MySQL user that Tomcat uses to connect to the
database. One novice and one expert did not grant the necessary
privileges, preventing all application servers from establishing
connections to the database. As a result, all Tomcat threads
eventually got blocked and the whole system became unavailable. The
expert managed to detect and correct the problem in 45 minutes. The
novice did not even try to identify the problem.
Apache incorrectly restarted. One intermediate
operator launched Apache from the wrong distribution, while restarting
the service. Again, this mistake caused the service to become
completely unavailable. It took the operator 10 minutes to detect and
fix the mistake.
Database installed on the wrong disk. The powerful
machine had two disks: a 15K RPM SCSI disk and a 7200 RPM IDE disk.
Given that the database machine was known to be the bottleneck of our
system and database migration was needed so that the service could
keep up with the load imposed by the emulated clients, the operators
should not have hesitated to install MySQL on the faster SCSI disk.
One novice operator installed the database on the slow disk, limiting
the throughput that can be achieved by the service. The operator
never realized his mistake.
Maintenance task 3:
upgrade one Web server
In this experiment, the operators are required to upgrade Apache from
version 1.3.27 to version 2.0.49 on one machine. In a nutshell, this
involves downloading the Apache source code from the Web, compiling
it, configuring it properly, and integrating it into the service.
Two intermediate and three expert operators participated in this
maintenance experiment. The average time per run was about 2 hours.
We describe the observed mistakes next.
Apache misconfigured. Before spawning the Web server
processes, Apache version 2.0.49 automatically invokes a syntax
checker that analyzes the main configuration file to make sure that
the server will not be started in the event of configuration syntax
errors. This feature is extremely useful to avoid exposing operator
mistakes to the live system. In our experiments, the syntax checker
actually caught three configuration mistakes involving the use of
directives no longer valid in the newer Apache version. However, as
the checker is solely concerned with syntax, it did not catch some
other configuration mistakes. One expert launched Apache without
specifying in the main configuration file how Apache should map a
given URL to a request for a Tomcat servlet. This misconfiguration
led to the inability of the upgraded Apache to forward requests to the
second tier, causing degraded throughput. The operator fixed this
problem after 10 minutes of investigation.
In addition, a latent error resulted from two other misconfigurations.
Two experts and one intermediate configured the new Apache server to
get the HTML files from the old Apache's directory tree. A similar
mistake was made with respect to the location of the heartbeat service
program. The latent error would be activated if someone removed the
files belonging to the old distribution.
Yet another mistake occurred when one expert correctly realized that
the heartbeat program should be executed from the new Apache's
directory tree, but incorrectly specified the path for the program.
In our setup, the heartbeat program is launched by Apache. Because of
the wrong path, mod_jk crashed when the new Apache was started.
This made the new server unable to process requests for dynamic
content, resulting in throughput degradation. The operator was able
to fix this problem in 13 minutes.
Diagnose-and-repair task 1:
Web server misconfiguration and crash
To observe the operator behavior resulting from latent errors that
become activated, we performed experiments in which an Apache server
misconfiguration and later crash are injected into the system. This
sequence of events mimics an accidental misconfiguration or corruption
of the configuration file that is followed by the need to restart the
In more detail, the system starts operating normally. At some point
after the experiment has begun, we modify the configuration file
pertaining to mod_jk in one of the Apache servers, so that a
restart of the server will cause a segmentation fault. Later, we
crash the same server to force the operator to restart it. As soon as
the server is abnormally terminated, the throughput decreases to half
of its prior value. The operators' task is to diagnose and fix the
problem, so that normal throughput can be regained.
This experiment was presented to three novices, three intermediates,
and two experts, and the average time per run was 1 hour and
20 minutes. Two operators were able to both understand the system's
malfunctioning and fix it in about 1 hour and 15 minutes. All
operators -- even the successful ones -- made some mistakes, most of
which aggravated the problem. All of the mistakes were caused by
misdiagnosing the source of the service malfunction.
Misdiagnosis. Due to misdiagnosis, operators of all
categories unnecessarily modified configuration files all over the
system, which, in one case, caused the throughput to drop to zero. The
apparent reason for such behavior was the fact that some operators
were tempted to literally interpret the error messages appearing in
the log files, instead of reasoning about what the real problem was.
In other words, when reading something like ``Apache seems to be busy;
you should increase the MaxClients parameter...'' in a log file,
some operators performed the suggested action without further
We also noticed the mistake of starting the wrong Apache distribution
(as previously discussed) made by one novice and one intermediate,
severely degrading the throughput or making it drop to zero. A couple
of operators even suggested the replacement of hardware components, as
a result of incorrectly diagnosing the problem as a disk or a memory
Figure 1:
Operator mistakes and their impact.
Figure 2:
Operator mistakes per operator category.
Diagnose-and-repair task 2:
application server hang
In this experiment, we inject another kind of fault: we force Tomcat
to hang on three second-tier machines. The system is working
perfectly until we perturb it.
We conducted this experiment with two novices, one intermediate, and
one expert operator. All operators were able to detect the fault and
fix the problem after 1 hour and 30 minutes on average. However, we
noticed some mistakes as discussed next.
Tomcat incorrectly restarted. One novice operator
restarted one of the two working servlet servers without root
privileges, causing it to crash. This caused the service to lose yet
another servlet server and the remaining one became overloaded. The
operator was only able to detect the crashed Tomcat server 20 minutes
Database unnecessarily restarted. While trying to
diagnose the problem, one novice operator unnecessarily restarted the
database server. As the database machine is not replicated, bringing
it down results in the system's inability to process most requests.
MySQL denied write privileges. One intermediate
operator, while trying to diagnose the problem, decided to thoroughly
verify the MySQL files. The operator inadvertently write-protected
the whole MySQL directory tree, leading to MySQL's inability to write
to the tables. This mistake did not cause any immediate effect
because the files containing the tables had already been opened by the
database server. However, this mistake led to a latent error that
would arise if, for some reason, the database had to be restarted.
Diagnose-and-repair task 3:
disk fault in the database machine
In this experiment, we use the Mendosus fault-injection and
network-emulation tool [15] to force a disk timeout to
occur periodically in the database machine. The timeouts are injected
according to an exponential inter-arrival distribution with an average
rate of 0.03 occurrences per second. Since the database is the
bottleneck, the disk timeouts substantially decrease the service
Four experts participated in this experiment. Of these four
operators, three were unable to discover the problem after interacting
with the system for 2 hours on average, and the other one correctly
diagnosed the fault in 34 minutes. Throughout their interaction with
the service, the unsuccessful operators made mistakes caused by
misdiagnosing the real root of the problem.
Misdiagnosis. Two operators ended up diagnosing the
fault as an ``intermittent network problem'' between the second and
third tiers. Before the operators reached that conclusion, we had
observed other incorrect diagnoses on their part such as DoS attack,
Tomcat misconfiguration, and lack of communication between the first
and second tiers. The other operator was suspicious of a MySQL
misconfiguration and tried to adjust some parameters of the database
and subsequently restarted it.
Under the influence of error messages reported in the log files, one
operator changed, in two application server machines, the port which
Tomcat was using to receive requests from Apache; as a result, the
affected application servers became unreachable. The other two
operators looked at the main kernel log on the database machine and
saw several messages logged by the SCSI driver reporting the disk
malfunction. Unfortunately, they ignored such messages and did not
even suspect that the disk was misbehaving.
Figures 1 and 2
summarize our findings. The X-axis in
Figure 1 indicates the effects of the
different operator mistakes, whereas the stacked bars show the number of
occurrences of the mistake categories listed in the legend. The
legend also shows the number of mistakes in each mistake category. In
the figure, ``incomplete component integration'' refers to scenarios
in which an added component is not seen by other components, ``wrong
choice of HW component'' refers to installing the database on a slow
disk, ``unnecessary HW replacements'' refers to misdiagnosing service
malfunction as a hardware problem, and ``unnecessary restart of SW
component'' refers to restarts of the database server. Overall, we
observed 42 mistakes. In some cases, a single operator made more than
one mistake during a particular experiment.
As we indicated before, misconfiguration was the most frequent mistake
in our experiments.
In Figure 1, we distinguish between local and
global misconfiguration mistakes. Global misconfiguration refers to
inconsistencies in one or more configuration files compromising the
communication between system components, whereas local
misconfiguration refers to misconfigurations that affect only one
component of the system.
A local misconfiguration is a configuration mistake that caused Tomcat
to crash, led to a security vulnerability, or could potentially
prevent Apache from servicing requests. Global misconfigurations
involve mistakes that: (1) prevented one or both Web servers from
either forwarding requests to any application server machine, or
sending requests to a newly added application server; (2) prevented
the application servers from establishing connections with the
database server; (3) prevented one or both Web servers from processing
requests; and (4) led one or both Web servers to forward requests to a
non-existing application server.
In Figure 2, we show the distribution of
mistakes across our three operator categories. Given that no operator
took part in all types of experiments, we normalized the number of
mistakes by dividing it by the total number of experiments in which
the corresponding operator category participated. As the figure
illustrates, experts made mistakes (especially misconfigurations) in a
significant fraction of their experiments. The reason for this
counter-intuitive result is that the hardest experiments were
performed mostly by the experts, and those experiments were
susceptible to local and global misconfiguration.
As we discuss in detail later, our validation approach would have been
able to catch the majority (66% or 28 mistakes) of the 42 mistakes we
observed. The remaining 14 mistakes, including unnecessary software
restarts and unnecessary hardware replacements, were made by expert (6
mistakes), intermediate (4 mistakes), and novice (4 mistakes)
Figure 3:
The three-tier auction service with validation. In this
particular case, a single component, a Web server, is being validated
inside the validation slice. The validation harness uses one or more
client proxies to load the Web server and one or more application
server proxies to field requests for dynamic content from the Web
Given that even expert operators make many mistakes, we propose that
operator actions should be validated before their effects are
exposed to end users. Specifically, we build a validation
infrastructure that allows components to be validated in a slice of
the online system itself, rather than being tested in a separate
offline environment.
We start this section with an overview of our proposed validation
approach. Then, we describe a prototype implementation and our
experience in modifying the three-tier auction service to include
validation. We have also implemented a validation framework for the
PRESS clustered Web server [7]. PRESS is an interesting
counter-point to our multithreaded auction service as it is a
single-tier, event-based server. Our earlier technical
report [18] discusses this
implementation. Finally, we close the section with a discussion of
how operators can still make mistakes even with validation and with a
comparison of validation with offline testing and undo.
A validation environment should be closely tied to the online
system for three reasons: (1) to avoid latent errors that escape
detection during validation but become activated in the online system,
because of differences between the validation and online environments;
(2) to load components under validation with as realistic a
workload as possible; and (3) to enable operators to bring validated
components online without having to change any of the components'
configurations, thereby minimizing the chance of new operator
mistakes. On the other hand, the components under validation, which
we shall call masked components for simplicity, must be isolated from the live service so that incorrect behaviors cannot
cause service failures.
To meet the above goals, we divide the cluster hosting a service into
two logical slices: an online slice that hosts the live service and a
validation slice where components can be validated before being
integrated into the live service. Figure 3
shows this validation architecture in the context of the three-tier
auction service. To protect the integrity of the live service without
completely separating the two slices (which would reduce the
validation slice to an offline testing system), we erect an isolation
barrier between the slices but introduce a set of connecting shunts. The shunts are one-way portals that duplicate requests
and replies (i.e., inputs and outputs) passing through the interfaces
of the components in the live service. Shunts either log these requests
and replies or forward them to the validation slice. Shunts can be
easily implemented for either open or proprietary software, as long as
the components' interfaces are well-defined.
We then build a validation harness consisting of proxy
components that can be used to form a virtual service around the
masked components as shown by the dashed box in
Figure 3. Together, the virtual service
and the duplication of requests and replies via the shunts allow
operators to validate masked components under realistic workloads. In
particular, the virtual service either replays previously recorded
logs or accepts forwarded duplicates of live requests and responses
from the shunts, feeds appropriate requests to the masked components,
and verifies that the outputs of the masked components meet certain
validation criteria. Proxies can be implemented by modifying open
source components or wrapping code around proprietary software with
well-defined interfaces.
Finally, the validation harness uses a set of comparator
functions to test the correctness of the masked components. These
functions compute whether some set of observations of the validation
service match a set of criteria. For example, in
Figure 3, a comparator function might
determine if the streams of requests and replies going across the pair
of connections labeled A and those labeled B are similar enough (A to
A and B to B) to declare the masked Web server as working correctly.
If any comparison fails, an error is signaled and the validation
fails. If after a threshold period of time all comparisons match, the
component is considered validated.
Given the above infrastructure, our approach is conceptually simple.
First, the operator places the components to be worked on in the
validation environment, effectively masking them from the live
service. The operator then acts on the masked components just as
he/she would in the live service. Next, the operator instructs the
validation harness to surround the masked components with a virtual
service, load the components, and check their correctness. If the
masked components pass this validation, the operator calls a migration
function that fully integrates the components into the live service.
Slice isolation
A critical challenge in building a validation infrastructure is how to
isolate the slices from each other yet allow validated components to
be migrated to the live service without requiring any changes to their
internal state and configuration parameters. Our current
implementation achieves this isolation and transparent migration at
the granularity of an entire node by running nodes over a virtual
network created using Mendosus [15].
Given the virtual network, it is fairly easy to impose the needed
isolation: Mendosus was designed to inject network faults that would
partition a network. Thus, we simply instruct Mendosus to partition
our system into two parts to isolate the two slices from each other.
Mendosus runs on each node, and, when enforcing a network partition,
drops all packets, including multicast packets, that would normally
flow between nodes separated by the partition. This enforced
partition means that nodes in the validation slice can see each other
but not the ones in the online slice and vice-versa. (To tunnel
through this barrier, the shunts forward information to special nodes
that have the privilege to bypass the network partition.)
Our virtual network then allows a node to be migrated between the
slices without requiring any changes to the node's network
configurations, as long as the software components comprising the
service can dynamically discover each other and automatically adjust
the service configuration to include all components running in a
slice, which is a characteristic of all production-level services.
This transparent network-level migration is particularly critical for
detecting the global misconfiguration mistakes described in
Section 3.9. Migrating live components without
modifying their internal state is more difficult. We detail how we
accomplish this migration below.
Validation strategies
An inherently difficult problem for validation is how to drive masked
components with realistic workloads and validate their correctness.
Consider the validation of a single component. One possible approach
is to create a demanding workload to stress-test the component. Such
an approach lends itself to trace-based techniques, where the
requests and replies passing through the shunts of an equivalent live
component are logged and later replayed. During the replay, the
logged replies can be compared to the replies produced by the masked
component. A second approach, replica-based, is to use the
current offered load on the live service, where requests passing
through the shunts of an equivalent live component are duplicated and
forwarded in real-time to the validation harness to drive the masked
component. The shunts also capture the replies generated by the live
component and forward them to the harness, which compares them against
the replies coming from the masked component.
The core differences between the two approaches are the assumptions
about the request stream and the connections between components. For
example, logged (or even synthetic) request streams that exercise
known difficult cases may be preferable to a light live load. On the
other hand, replica-based validation may be necessary if the service
or data sets have changed sufficiently that previously collected
traces are no longer applicable.
In reality, these two strategies are not mutually exclusive; a
particular validation might apply one or both approaches before
concluding that a masked component is working properly. Further, we
can use the same supporting infrastructure to implement both
approaches: data collected by the shunts can either be saved to disk
or forwarded directly to the validation slice. Thus, building both of
these approaches in the same system is quite desirable, as long as
there is sufficient storage bandwidth (trace collection) and network
bandwidth (live forwarding). We explore the resource requirements of
these approaches further in Section 5.1.
State management. An important issue related to the
validation strategy is component state management. In our work,
component state is any application-defined, externalizable data
(either hard or soft), accrued during service execution that can
affect subsequent responses. Specifically, our validation system
faces two state management issues: (1) how to initialize a masked
component with the appropriate internal state so that it can handle
the validation workload correctly, and (2) how to migrate a validated
component to the online slice without migrating state that may have
accumulated during validation but is not valid for the live service.
The way we initialize the masked component depends on the validation
strategy. In trace-based validation, a masked component is
initialized with state recorded in the trace. We record this state
before trace capture, but after we halt the component to be traced by
temporarily buffering all incoming requests in the shunts and allowing
all current requests to complete. In replica-based validation, the
masked component is initialized with a copy of the state of the
associated live component. We make the copy exactly as in trace-based
validation, except that the state is forwarded to the masked component
instead of being saved to disk.
In general, this strategy should be applicable to any component that
supports the checkpointing of its state, including proprietary
systems. However, care must be taken to avoid capturing state under
overload conditions, when sufficient buffering may not exist to enable
the momentary halting of the component. Further, it may be impossible
to capture a large amount of state, such as that of a database,
online. In this case, the component may need to be removed from
active service before its state can be captured.
After validation, the operator can move a component holding only soft
state to the online slice by restarting it and instructing Mendosus to
migrate it to the online slice, where it will join the service as a
fresh instance of that component type. For components with hard
state, migration to the online slice may take two forms: (1) if the
application itself knows how to integrate a new component of that type
into the service (which may involve data redistribution), the
component can be migrated with no state similar to components with
only soft state; (2) otherwise, the operator must restart the
component with the appropriate state before migrating it.
Multi-component validation. While the above discussion
assumes the validation of a single component for simplicity, in
general we need to validate the interaction between multiple
components to address many of the global configuration mistakes
described in Section 3. For example, when adding a
new application server to the auction service, the Web servers' list
of application servers must expand to include the new server. If this
list is not updated properly, requests will not be forwarded to the
new server after a migration, introducing a latent error. To ensure
that this connection has been configured correctly, we must validate
the existing Web servers and the new application server concurrently.
We call the above multi-component validation and currently handle it
as follows. Suppose the operator needs to introduce a new component
that requires changes to the configurations of existing live
components, such as the adding of an application server. The operator
would first introduce the new component to the validation slice and
validate its correctness as discussed above. Next, each component
from the live service whose configuration must be modified (so that it
can interact properly with this new component) is brought into the
validation slice one-by-one and the component pair is validated
together to ensure their correct interoperability. After this
validation, the existing component is migrated back into the online
slice; the new component is only migrated to the online slice after
checking its interactions with each existing component whose
configurations had to be changed.
Note that there are thus at most two components under validation at
any point in time in the above multi-component validation approach.
In general, multi-component validation could be extended to include up
to k additional components, but so far we have not found it
necessary to have k>1.
Implementing validation
Setting up the validation infrastructure involves modifying the online
slice to be able to shunt requests and responses, setting up the
harness composed of proxies within the validation slice, defining
appropriate comparators for checking correctness, and implementing
mechanisms for correct migration of components across the two slices.
In this section, we first discuss these issues and then
comment on their implementation effort with respect to the auction service.
Shunts. We have implemented shunts for each of the three
component types in the three-tier auction service. This
implementation was straightforward because all inter-component
interactions were performed using well-defined middleware libraries.
Figure 3 shows that client requests and the
corresponding responses are intercepted within the JK module on the
Apache side. The current implementation does not intercept requests
to static content, which represent a small percentage of all requests.
The requests and responses to and from the database, via the Open
DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) protocol, are intercepted in Tomcat's
MySQL driver as SQL queries and their corresponding responses. In
addition to duplicating requests and replies, we also tag each
request/reply pair with a unique identifier. This ID is used by the
validation harness to identify matching requests and responses
generated by a masked component with the appropriate logged or
forwarded requests and responses from the live system to which the
comparator functions can be applied.
Validation harness. The validation harness needs to
implement a service around the masked components in order to exercise
them and check their functionalities. For example, to validate an
application server in the auction service, the validation harness
would need to provide at least one Web server and one database server
to which the masked application server can connect.
One approach to building a service surrounding a masked component is
to use a complete set of real (as opposed to proxy) components. This
is reminiscent of offline testing, where a complete model of the live
system is built. Although this approach is straightforward, it has
several disadvantages. First, we would need to devote sufficient
resources to host the entire service in the validation slice. Second,
we would need a checkpoint of all service state, such as the content
of the database and session state, at the beginning of the validation
process. Finally, we would still need to fit the appropriate
comparators into the real components.
To address the above limitations, we built lighter weight component
proxies that interact with the masked component without requiring the
full service. The proxies send requests to the masked component and
check the replies coming from it. For services in which communicating
components are connected using a common connection mechanism, such as
event queues [7,22], it is straightforward to
realize the entire virtual service as collection of such queues in a
single proxy. For heterogeneous systems like the auction service
however, the tiers connect to each other using a variety of
communication mechanisms. Thus, we have built different proxies
representing the appropriate connection protocols around a common
The auction service required four different proxies, namely client,
Web server, application server, and database proxies. Each proxy
typically implements three modules: a membership protocol, a service
interface, and a messaging core. The membership protocol is necessary
to guarantee dynamic discovery of nodes in the validation slice. The
service interface is necessary for correct communication with
interacting components. The common messaging core takes shunted or
logged requests to load the masked components and responds to requests
made by the masked components.
Regarding state management, we currently focus solely on the soft
state stored (in main memory) by application servers, namely the
auctions of interest to users. To handle this state, we extend the
application servers to implement an explicit state checkpointing and
initialization API. This API is invoked by the proxies to initialize
the state of the masked application server with that of an equivalent
live component.
Our experience indicates that the effort involved in implementing
proxies is small and the core components are easily adaptable across
services. Except for the messaging core, which is common across all
proxies, the proxies for the auction service were derived by
adding/modifying 232, 307, and 274 non-comment source lines (NCSL) to
the Rice client emulator [21], the Apache Web server,
and the Tomcat application server, respectively. The NCSL
of the application server also includes the code to implement
the state management API. The MySQL database proxy was written from
scratch and required only 384 NCSL.
Comparator functions. Our current set of comparator functions
includes a throughput-based function, a flow-based function, and a set
of component-level data matching functions. The throughput-based
function validates that the average throughput of the masked component
is within the threshold of an expected value. The flow-based function
ensures that requests and replies indeed flow across inter-component
connections that are expected to be active. Finally, the data
matching functions match the actual contents of requests and replies.
Due to space limitations, we only consider this last type of
comparator function in this paper. We describe below how we handle
the cases where exact matches are not possible because of
Non-determinism. Non-determinism can take several
forms: in the timing of responses, in the routing of requests, and in
the actual content of responses. We found that timing and content
non-determinism were not significant problems in the applications we
studied. On the other hand, because data and components are
replicated, we found significant non-determinism in the routing of
requests. For example, in the auction service, a Web server can
forward the first request of a session to any of the application
servers. In PRESS, routing non-determinism can lead to a local memory
access, sending the request to a remote node, or to the local disk.
The proxies need to detect that these behaviors are equivalent and
possibly generate the appropriate replies. Fortunately, implementing
this detection and generation was quite simple for both our services.
To see how the above pieces fit together, consider the example of an
operator who needs to upgrade the operating system of a Web server
node in the auction service (Figure 3).
The operator would first instruct Mendosus to remove the node from the
online slice, effectively taking it offline for the upgrade. Once the
upgrade is done and the node has been tested offline, e.g. it boots
and starts the Web server correctly, the operator would instruct
Mendosus to migrate the node to the validation slice. Next, the
validation harness would automatically start an application server
proxy to which the Web server can connect. Once both components have
been started, they will discover each other through a multicast-based
discovery protocol and interconnect to form a virtual service. The
harness would also start a client proxy to load the virtual service.
Under trace-based validation, the harness would then replay the trace,
with the client proxy generating the logged requests and accepting the
corresponding replies (shown as A in
Figure 3), and the application server proxy
accepting requests for dynamic content from the Web server and
generating the appropriate replies from logged data (shown as B). The
harness would also compare all messages from the Web server to the
application server and client proxies against the logged data. Once
the trace completes without encountering a comparison mismatch, the
harness would declare the Web server node validated. Finally, the
operator would place the node back into the live service by restarting
it and instructing Mendosus to migrate it to the online slice without further changing any of its configurations.
Having described validation in detail, we now discuss the generality
and limitations of our prototype, and some remaining open issues. We
also compare our approach to offline testing and undo.
Generality. While our implementations have been done
only in the context of two systems, the auction service and the PRESS
server, we believe that much of our infrastructure is quite general
and reusable. First, the auction service is implemented by three
widely used servers: Apache, Tomcat, and MySQL. Thus, the proxies and
shunts that we have implemented for the auction service should be
directly reusable in any service built around these servers. Even for
services built around different components, our shunts should be
reusable as they were implemented based on standard communication
libraries. Further, as already mentioned, implementing the proxies
requires relatively little effort given a core logging/forwarding and
replay infrastructure. Finally, our experience with PRESS suggests
that event-based servers are quite amenable to our validation
approach, as all interactions between components pass through a common
queuing framework.
Perhaps the most application-specific parts of our validation approach
are the comparator functions and the state management API. Generic
comparator functions that check characteristics such as throughput
should be reusable. However, comparator functions that depend on the
semantics of the applications are unavoidably application-specific and
so will likely have to be tailored to each specific application. The
state management API is often provided by off-the-shelf stateful
servers; when those servers do not provide the API, it has to be
implemented from scratch as we did for Tomcat.
Limitations. The behavior of a component cannot be
validated against a known correct instance or trace when the operator
actions properly change the component's behavior. For example,
changes to the content being served by a Web server correctly leads to
changes in its responses to client requests. However, validation is
still applicable, as the validation harness can check for problems
such as missing content, unexpected structure, etc. In addition, once
an instance has been validated in this manner, it can be used as a
reference point for validating additional instances of the same
component type. Although this approach introduces scope for mistakes,
we view this as an unavoidable bootstrapping issue.
Another action that can lead to mistakes is the restart of components
in the live service after validation, a step that is typically
necessary to ensure that the validated components will join the live
service with the proper state. However, the potential for mistakes
can be minimized by scripting the restart.
Open issues.
We leave the questions of what exactly should be validated, the degree
of validation, and for how long as open issues. In terms of
trace-based validation, there are also the issues of when traces
should be gathered, how often they should be gathered, and how long
they should be. All of these issues boil down to policy decisions
that involve trade-offs between the probability of catching mistakes
vs. the cost of having resources under validation rather than online.
In our live operator experiments with validation, we leave these
decisions to the discretion of the operator. In the future, we plan
to address these issues in more detail.
One interesting direction is to study strategies for dynamically
determining how long validation should take based on the intensity of
the offered load. During periods of heavy load, validation may retain
resources that could be used more productively by the live service.
We also plan to explore a richer space of comparator functions. For
example, weaker forms of comparison, such as using statistical
sampling, may greatly improve performance while retaining the benefit
of validation.
Comparison against offline testing. Sites have been
using offline testing for many years [3].
The offline testing environment typically resembles the live service
closely, allowing operators to act on components without exposing any
mistakes or intermediate states to users. Once the components appear
to be working correctly, they can be moved into the live service.
The critical difference between our validation approach and offline
testing is the fact that our validation environment is an extension,
rather than a replica, of the live service. Thus, misconfiguration
mistakes can occur in offline testing when the software or hardware
configurations have to be changed during the moving of the components
to the live service. For example, adding an application server
requires modifying the configuration file of all the Web servers.
Although a misconfigured Web server in the offline environment can be
detected using offline testing, failing to correctly modify the live
configuration file would result in an error. Furthermore, other
mistakes could be made during these actions and consequently be
exposed to the end users.
In order to gauge the ability of offline testing to catch the mistakes
that we have observed (Section 3), we assume that
trivial mistakes that do not involve inter-component configuration are
unlikely to be repeated in the live system. Under this assumption,
offline testing would have allowed the operator to catch (1) all
instances of the ``start of wrong software version'' category, (2) the
instance of local misconfiguration that caused the database security
vulnerability (assuming that the operators would explicitly test that
case), and (3) some instances of global misconfiguration, such as the
one in which the incorrect port was specified in the Tomcat
configuration file. Overall, we find that offline testing would only
have been able to deal with 17 out of the 42 mistakes that we
observed, i.e. 40% of the mistakes, while our validation approach
would have caught 66%.
Comparison against undo. Undo [6] is
essentially orthogonal to our validation approach. Undo focuses on
enabling operators to fix their mistakes by bringing the service back
to a correct state. The focus of validation is to hide operator
actions from the live service until they have been validated in the
validation environment. As such, one technique can benefit from the
other. Undo can benefit from validation to avoid exposing operator
mistakes to the live service, and thus the clients, whereas validation can
benefit from undo to help correct operator mistakes in the validation
Assuming that undo would be used alone, all mistakes we observed would
have been immediately exposed to clients (either as an explicit error
reply or as degraded server performance), except for the ones that
caused latent errors and vulnerabilities. Nevertheless, undo would be
useful in restoring the system to a consistent state after a malicious
attack resulting from the database security vulnerability problem.
If combined with offline testing, undo would have helped fix the
mistakes detected offline.
Experimental Validation Results
In this section we first describe the performance impact of our
validation infrastructure on the live service using micro-benchmarks.
We then concretely evaluate our validation approach using several
Shunting overheads
We measured the shunting overhead in terms of CPU usage, disk, and
network bandwidth for interception, logging, and forwarding of
inter-component interactions in the auction service. Note that while
the comparator functions do not run on the online slice, the amount of
information that we have to log or forward depends on the nature of
the comparator functions we wish to use for validation. Thus, we
investigate the performance impact of several levels of data
collection, including collecting complete requests and replies,
collecting only summaries, and sampling.
Figure 4 shows percentage CPU utilization
for a live Web server in the auction service, as a function of the
offered load. The utilization vs. load curve for the unmodified
server is labeled base. The curves for complete logging (used
for trace-based validation) and forwarding (used for replica-based
validation) are labeled trace-val and replica-val,
respectively. These curves show the performance of shunting all
requests and replies from both the Web and application servers. We
can observe that complete logging causes an additional 24-32% CPU
utilization for the throughput range we consider, whereas forwarding
adds 29-39%.
Figure 4:
Processor overhead incurred in performing various
validation operations on Web server.
A straightforward approach to reducing these overheads is to use only
a summary of the responses. The trace-summary-val and
replica-summary-val curves give the utilization for logging and
forwarding, respectively, when we use the first 64 bytes of the HTTP
responses. The additional CPU utilizations in this case for logging
and forwarding are 18-25% and 20-27%, respectively.
A second approach to reducing the overheads is to sample, instead of
collecting all requests and responses. To measure the impact of this
approach, we programmed the shunts to log or forward only 50% of the
client sessions, leading to the trace-sample-val and
replica-sample-val curves. (This optimization was carefully
implemented to avoid skewing the states of the compared components in
replica-based validation.) The optimization reduces the overheads of
logging and forwarding to 15-21% and 18-25%, respectively. Another
sampling approach is to only shunt and compare the final input and
outputs, ignoring internal messages. The trace-data-flow-val
and replica-data-flow-val versions only sample HTTP requests and
responses and ignore the JK messages. This approach leads to a CPU
overhead of 13-19% and 16-22% for logging and forwarding,
We also examined the impact of shunting on disk and network bandwidth.
We find that in the worst case, a bandwidth load of about 4 MB/s was
generated. Using the every-other-session sampling method reduced the
bandwidth load to about 2.5 MB/s, and the final-result-only sampling
method further reduced it to 1.5 MB/s. These bandwidth results are
encouraging, as they show that validation is unlikely to have an
impact on throughput when using Gigabit networks and storage systems.
Overall, we find the CPU overheads to be significant for our base
prototype, in many cases increasing utilization by 24%-39%, while
the additional network and disk traffic was not significant. With
different optimizations, we can reduce the CPU overheads to 13%-22%.
These results are positive, given that our approach loads only
one or at most a few of the live components simultaneously, and only
during validation. Furthermore, since many services run at fairly
low CPU utilization (e.g., 50%-60%) to be able to deal with load
spikes, this overhead should not affect throughputs in practice.
Buffering overheads
State checkpointing and initialization are performed by the shunts and
proxies involved in the validation of a stateful server. We make
these operations atomic by first draining all requests currently being
processed by the components involved in the validation. After those
requests complete, we start the required state operations. During the
draining and the processing of the state operations, we buffer all
requests arriving at the affected components. How long we need to
buffer requests determines the delay imposed on (a fraction of) the
requests and the buffer space overheads.
While the delays and space overheads can vary depending on size of the
state and the maximum duration of an outstanding request, we find them
to be quite tolerable for the validation of an application server in
our auction service. In particular, we find that replica-based
validation causes the longest buffering duration. However, even this
duration was always shorter than 1 second, translating into a required
buffer capacity of less than 150 requests for a heavily loaded replica
Since the average state size is small (less than 512 bytes) in the
auction service, we synthetically increased the size of each session
object up to 64 KBytes to study the impact of large states. This
resulted in an overall response time of less than 5 seconds, which
though not insignificant, is still manageable by the validation slice.
We used three different experimentation techniques to test the
efficacy of our validation techniques. The experiments span a range
of realism and repeatability. Our live-operator experiments are the
most realistic, but are the least repeatable. For more repeatable
experiments, we used operator emulation and mistake injection. For all
experiments, the set up was identical to that described in
Section 3, but we added two nodes to implement our
validation infrastructure.
Live-operator experiments. For these experiments, the
operator was instructed to perform a task using the following steps.
First, the component that must be touched by the operator is
identified and taken offline. Second, the required actions are
performed. Next, the operator can use the validation slice to
validate the component. The operator is allowed to choose the
duration of the validation run. Finally, the operator must migrate
the component to the online slice. Optionally, the operator can place
the component online without validation, if he/she is confident that
the component is working correctly.
We ran eight experiments with live operators: three application server
addition tasks (Section 3.3), three server
upgrade tasks (Section 3.5), and one each of
Web server misconfiguration (Section 3.6)
and application server hang (see Section 3.7).
Seven graduate students from our department acted as operators, none
of whom had run the corresponding experiment without validation
We observed a total of nine operator mistakes in five of the
experiments and validation was successful in catching six of them.
Two of the mistakes not caught by validation were latent errors,
whereas the other mistake, which led to an empty htdocs
directory, was not caught only because our implementation currently
does not test the static files served by the Web servers (as already
mentioned in Section 4.4). Addressing this latter
mistake merely requires an extension of our prototype to process
requests to static files and their corresponding responses.
Interestingly, during one run of the Web server upgrade task, the
operator started the new Apache without modifying the main
configuration file, instead using the default one. Validation caught
the mistake and prevented the unconfigured Apache from exposure.
However, the operator tried to configure the upgraded Apache for 35
minutes; after a number of unsuccessful validations, he gave up. This
example shows that another important area for future research is
extending the validation infrastructure to help the operator more
easily find the cause of an unsuccessful validation.
Operator-emulation experiments. In these experiments,
a command trace from a previous run of an operator task is replayed
using shell scripts to emulate the operator's actions. The motivation
for this approach is that collection and reuse of operator's actions
provides a repeatable testbed for techniques that deal with operator
mistakes. This approach, however, has the limitation that once the
operator's mistake is caught, subsequent recovery actions in the
scripts are undefined. Nevertheless, we find the ability to repeat
experiments extremely useful.
The traces were derived manually from the logs collected during the
operator experiments described in Section 3. In the
emulation scripts, an emulation step consists of a combination or
summary of steps from the actual run with the goal of preserving the
operator actions that impact the system. For example, if the operator
performed a set of read-only diagnostic steps and subsequently
modified a file, then the trace script will only perform the file
Table 2:
Coverage results of the emulation experiments.
Coverage Impact |
Immediate |
Latent |
(40 total) |
(29 total) |
(11 total) |
Trace-based |
22 |
0 |
Replica-based |
22 |
0 |
Multi-component |
22 |
4 |
We derived a total of 40 scripts from the 42 operator mistakes we
observed; 2 mistakes were not reproducible due to infrastructure
limitations. Table 2 summarizes our
findings in terms of coverage, i.e., mistakes caught with respect to
all mistakes. Validation was able to catch 26 of the 40 reproducible
mistakes; 22 of these mistakes had an immediate impact while 4 caused
latent errors. Both trace and replica-based validation caught all 22
mistakes causing an immediate impact. However, single-component
validation failed to catch the latent errors during the addition of a
new application server. These mistakes resulted in the Web servers
not being updated correctly to include the new application server.
These mistakes were caught using the multi-component validation
approach described in Section 4.3.
Validation would have caught the 2 non-reproducible mistakes as well.
These mistakes had an immediate impact similar to a number of the 22
reproducible mistakes caught by single-component validation. Assuming
that these 2 mistakes would have been caught, our validation approach
would detect a total of 28 out of the 42 mistakes (66%) we have
Mistake-injection experiments. We hand-picked some
additional mistakes and injected them to test the effectiveness of our
validation system. Our goal is to see if our validation technique can
cover mistakes that were not observed in the live-operator
To emulate mistakes in content management, we extended Mendosus to
inject permission errors, missing files, and file-corruption errors.
In PRESS, injection of permission and missing files errors were
readily detected by our validation infrastructure. However, some file
corruption errors were not caught because of thresholds in the
comparator functions; typically a fraction of the bytes of a Web page
are allowed to be different. While it is necessary to allow some
slack in the comparator to prevent excessive false positives, this
case illustrates that the comparator functions must be carefully
designed to balance the false positive rate with exposing mistakes.
We also used Mendosus to perform manipulations of configuration
parameters that only impacted the performance of the component.
Specifically, we altered the in-memory cache size for PRESS and the
maximum number of clients for Apache in the auction service. Both
mistakes resulted in the component's performance dropping below the
threshold of a throughput comparator and so were caught by validation.
Once again, these experiments highlight the importance of designing
suitable comparators and workloads.
In this paper, we collected and analyzed extensive data about operator
actions and mistakes. From a total of 43 experiments with human
operators and a three-tier auction service, we found 42 operator
mistakes, the most common of which were software misconfiguration (24
mistakes) and incorrect software restarts (14 mistakes). A large
number of mistakes (19) immediately degraded the service throughput.
Based on these results, we proposed that services should validate
operator actions in a virtual environment before they are made visible
to the rest of the system (and users). We designed and implemented a
prototype of such a validation system. Our evaluation showed that the
prototype imposes an acceptable performance overhead during
validation. The results also showed that our prototype can detect
66% of the operator mistakes we observed.
Acknowledgments. We would like to thank our
volunteer operators, especially the Ask Jeeves programmers and the DCS
LCSR staff members, who donated considerable time for this effort. We
would also like to thank Christine Hung, Neeraj Krishnan, and Brian
Russell for their help in building part of the infrastructure used in
our operator experiments. Last but not least, we would like to thank
our shepherd, Margo Seltzer, for her extensive comments and support of
our work.
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Understanding and Dealing with Operator Mistakes
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Kiran Nagaraja