Many studies have published promising results that suggest that prefetching (or pushing) content could significantly improve web cache hit rates by reducing compulsory and consistency misses [15,18,26,27,32,38,50].
Typically, prefetching algorithms are tuned with a threshold parameter to balance the potential benefits of prefetching data against the bandwidth costs of fetching it and the storage cost of keeping it until its next use. An object is prefetched if the estimated probability that the object will be referenced before it is modified exceeds the threshold. Extending Gray and Shenoy's analysis of demand caching [25], Chandra calculates reasonable thresholds given network costs, disk costs, and human waiting time values and concludes that most algorithms in the literature have been far too conservative in setting their thresholds [9]. Furthermore, the 80-100% per year improvements in network [9,37] and disk [17] capacity/cost mean that a value that is correct today may be off by an order of magnitude in 3-4 years.
In this case study, we build a prefetching protocol similar to the one proposed by Padmanabhan and Mogul [38]: when serving requests, servers piggy back lists of suggested objects in a new HTTP reply header. Clients receiving a prediction list discard old predictions and then issue prefetch requests of objects from the new list. This division of labor allows servers to use global information and application-specific knowledge to predict access patterns, and it allows clients to filter requests through their caches to avoid repeatedly fetching an object.
To evaluate prefetching performance, we implement a standalone client that reads a trace of HTTP requests, simulates a local cache, and issues demand and prefetch requests. Our client is written in Java and pipelines requests across HTTTP/1.1 persistent connections [21]. To ensure that demand and prefetch requests use separate TCP connections, our server directs prefetch requests to a different port than demand requests. The disadvantage of this approach is that it does not fit with the standard HTTP caching model. We discuss how to deploy such a protocol without modifying HTTP in a separate study [31].
We use Squid proxy traces from 9 regional proxies collected during January 2001 [51]. We study network interference near the server by examining subsets of the trace corresponding to a popular groups of related servers - cnn (e.g.,,,, etc.). This study compares relative performance for different resource management algorithms for a given set of prefetching algorithms. It does not try to identify optimal prefetching algorithms; nor does it attempt to precisely quantify the absolute improvements available from prefetching.
We use a simple prediction by partial matching
algorithm [14] PPM- that uses a client's
recent requests to the server group for non-image data to predict
cachable (i.e., non-dynamically-generated) URLs that will appear
during a subsequent window that ends after the
'th non-image
request to the server group.
We use two variations of our PPM-
algorithm. The conservative
variation uses parameters similar to those found in the literature for
HTTP prefetching. It uses
and sets the prefetch threshold
to 0.25 [18]. To prevent prefetch requests from
interfering with demand requests, it pauses 1 second after a demand
reply is received before issuing requests. The aggressive variation uses
, and truncates prefetch proposal
lists with a threshold probability of 0.00001. It issues prefetches
immediately after receiving them.
We use 2 client machines connected to a server machine via a cable modem. On each client machine, we run 8 virtual clients, each with a separate cache and separate HTTP/1.1 demand and prefetch connections to the server. In order for the demand traffic to consume about 10% of the cable modem bandwidth, we select the 6 busiest hours from the 30-Jan-2001 trace and divide trace clients from each hour randomly across 4 of the virtual clients. In each of our seven trials, all the 16 virtual clients run the same prefetching algorithm: none, conservative-Reno, aggressive-Reno, conservative-Nice, aggressive-Nice.
Figure 10(a) shows the average demand response
times perceived by the clients.
We note that
when clients do conservative prefetching using either protocol Nice
or Reno
the latency reductions are comparable. However, when they
start aggressively prefetching using Reno, the latency blows up by an
order of magnitude. Clients using aggressive Nice prefetching,
however, continue to see further latency reductions. The figure shows that Nice
is effective in using spare bandwidth for prefetching
without affecting the demand requests.
Figure 10(b) represents the effect of prefetching over a modem (the setup is same as above except with the cable modem replaced by a modem), an environment where the amount of spare bandwidth available is minimal. This figure shows that while the Reno and Nice protocols are comparable in benefits when doing conservative prefetching, aggressive prefetching using Reno hurts the clients significantly by increasing the latencies three-fold. Nice on the other hand, does not worsen the latency even though it does not gain much.
We conclude that Nice simplifies the design of prefetching applications. Applications can aggressively prefetch data that might be accessed in the future. Nice prevents interference if the network does not have spare bandwidth and improves application performance if it does.