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Experiment 3: Sensitivity to parameters
In this experiment we trace the effect of the threshold and trigger
fraction parameters described in Section 2.2.
Figure 5 shows
the document transfer latencies as a function of the
for the same trace as above, with
and 16 background flows.
As expected, as the
threshold value increases, the interference caused by Nice
increases until the protocol finally reverts to Vegas behavior as
the threshold approaches 1.
It is interesting to note that there is large range
of threshold values yielding low interference, which suggests that its
value need not be manually tuned for each network.
We examine the trigger fraction in the same way, and find little change
in foreground latency as we vary this fraction from 0.1 to 0.9 (graph
Figure 6:
Spare capacity vs Latency with RED
Figure 7:
Number of BG flows vs Latency with RED
Next: Experiment 4: Nice with
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Previous: Experiment 2: Sensitivity to
Arun Venkataramani