The AODV model was reused with minor modifications for all three implementations. The model is built as follows:
Correctness Properties: Table 1 lists the correctness properties checked by the AODV model. Apart from the generic assertions checked by CMC, the model contains a global invariant that checks for routing loops. The model also performs sanity checks on the routing table entries and the network messages, such as range violations of the fields.
The Environment: The environment of the model consists of a network modelled as a bounded-length, unordered message queue. The model simulates a message loss by nondeterministically dequeuing a message. The message queue is shared by all of the nodes and thus models a completely connected topology.
The implementations use a wrapper function to send network packets. The model provides an alternate definition to the wrapper function to copy packets to the network model. Additionally, for the Kernel AODV implementation, the model provides implementations for twenty-two kernel functions (such as kmalloc and printk) and a user space version of the socket buffer library.
Initialization Functions and the Event Handlers: All three implementations have an event dispatch loop that calls various event handlers. The initialization functions of the model are obtained by executing the code before the event dispatch loop. The model maps every event handler called from the dispatch loop to a transition. The model simulates a node reboot by calling the initialization function which implicitly resets the contents of the routing table. The list of transitions and their respective enabling conditions is shown in Table 2.
Table 3 shows the lines of code from the three implementations executed within our framework against the lines of code for the model itself. The correctness specifications are mostly shared by the three implementations. AODV-UU uses a different representation of the routing table and thus required additional correctness specifications. The network model of the environment is shared by all implementations.
Dealing with State Space Explosion
The state space of the AODV protocol is essentially infinite. The protocol
allows an arbitrary number of nodes in a network. Also, each node has two
types of unbounded counters, a sequence number to measure the
freshness of a route and a broadcast id that is incremented by a
node on each broadcast. To do any effective search in such an infinite
state space, it is necessary to bound the search. In our experiments, we
downscaled the AODV model to run with to
processes. The model
discarded any state in which the sequence numbers or the broadcast ids
exceeded a predefined limit. Also, the size of the message queue in the
network was bounded to sizes of
. These processes may cause CMC to
miss errors. However, even after applying such bounds, the remaining state
space contained enough interesting behavior to uncover numerous
bugs (Section 6).
Time values stored in the state are another source of state space explosion. For instance, every route response (RREP) contains a lifetime field that determines the freshness of the route. On receipt of this packet, a node adds the lifetime to the current clock value to determine the time at which the route becomes stale. This absolute value is stored in the routing table and can thus increase the state space size. The AODV model gets around this problem by modelling route timeouts as nondeterministic events and setting all time variables to predefined constants. Also, the environment of the model contains a definition of the gettimeofday() function that always returns a constant value. The handling of time in the model can miss timing related errors and can potentially lead to false positives when an error reported can be caused by a sequence of timeouts that is impossible in the real protocol.
Also, the AODV model contains hand-written code to traverse the routing table (implemented as a linked list in the mad-hoc and Kernel AODV implementations, and as a hash table in the AODV-UU implementation). This traversal code created a canonicalized representation of the routing table, which along with the global variables formed the state of an AODV node of the model. The amount of lines required for this traversal code is shown in the last column of Table 3.