Corona: A High Performance Publish-Subscribe System for the World Wide Web
Venugopalan Ramasubramanian Ryan Peterson Emin Gün Sirer
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 {ramasv,ryanp,egs}
Despite the abundance of frequently changing information, the Web
lacks a publish-subscribe interface for delivering updates to
clients. The use of naïve polling for detecting updates leads to
poor performance and limited scalability as clients do not detect
updates quickly and servers face high loads imposed by active
polling. This paper describes a novel publish-subscribe system
for the Web called Corona, which provides high performance and
scalability through optimal resource allocation. Users register
interest in Web pages through existing instant messaging services.
Corona monitors the subscribed Web pages, detects updates
efficiently by allocating polling load among cooperating peers, and
disseminates updates quickly to users. Allocation of resources
for polling is driven by a distributed optimization engine that
achieves the best update performance without exceeding load limits
on content servers. Large-scale simulations and measurements from
PlanetLab deployment demonstrate that Corona achieves orders of
magnitude improvement in update performance at a modest cost.
Even though Web content changes rapidly, existing Web protocols do not
provide a mechanism for automatically notifying users of updates. The
growing popularity of frequently updated content, such as Weblogs,
collaboratively authored Web pages (wikis), and news sites, motivates
a publish-subscribe mechanism that can deliver updates to users
quickly and efficiently.
This need for asynchronous update notification has led to the
emergence of micronews syndication tools based on
naïve, repeated polling. The wide acceptance of such
micronews syndication tools indicates that backwards compatibility
with existing Web tools and protocols is critical for rapid adoption.
However, publish-subscribe through uncoordinated polling, similar to
the current micronews syndication, suffers from poor performance and
scalability. Subscribers do not receive updates quickly due to the
fundamental limit posed by the polling period, and are tempted to poll
at faster rates in order to detect updates quickly. Consequently,
content providers have to handle the high bandwidth load imposed by
subscribers, each polling independently and repeatedly for the same
content. Moreover, such a workload tends to be ``sticky;'' that is,
users subscribed to popular content tend not to unsubscribe after
their interest diminishes, causing a large amount of wasted bandwidth.
Existing micronews syndication systems provide ad hoc, stop-gap
measures to alleviate these problems. Content providers currently
impose hard rate-limits based on IP addresses, which render the system
inoperable for users sharing an IP address, or they provide hints for
when not to poll, which are discretionary and imprecise. The
fundamental problem is that an architecture based on naïve,
uncoordinated polling leads to ineffective use of server bandwidth.
This paper describes a novel, decentralized system for detecting and
disseminating Web page updates. Our system, called Corona, provides a
high-performance update notification service for the Web without
requiring any changes to the existing infrastructure, such as Web
servers. Corona enables users to subscribe for updates to any existing
Web page or micronews feed, and delivers updates asynchronously. The
key contribution that enables such a general and backwards-compatible
system is a distributed, peer-to-peer, cooperative resource management
framework that can determine the optimal resources to devote to
polling data sources in order to meet system-wide goals.
The central resource-performance tradeoff in a publish-subscribe
system in which publishers serve content only when polled involves
bandwidth versus update latency. Clearly, polling data sources
more frequently will enable the system to detect and disseminate
updates earlier. Yet polling every data source constantly would
place a large burden on publishers, congest the network, and
potentially run afoul of server-imposed polling limits that would
ban the system from monitoring the micronews feed or Web page. The
goal of Corona, then, is to maximize the effective benefit of the
aggregate bandwidth available to the system while remaining
within server-imposed bandwidth limits.
Corona resolves the fundamental tradeoff between bandwidth and update
latency by expressing it formally as a mathematical optimization
problem. The system then computes the optimal way to allocate
bandwidth to monitored Web objects using a decentralized algorithm that
works on top of a distributed peer-to-peer overlay. This allocation
takes object popularity, update rate, content size, and internal
system overhead stemming from accounting and dissemination of
meta-information into account, and yields a polling schedule for
different objects that will achieve global performance goals, subject
to resource constraints. Corona can optimize the system for different
performance goals and resource limits. In this paper, we examine two
relevant goals: how to minimize update latency while ensuring that the
average load on publishers is no more than what it would have been
without Corona, and how to achieve a targeted update latency while
minimizing bandwidth consumption. We also examine variants of these
two main approaches where the load is more fairly balanced across
The front-end client interface to Corona is through existing instant
messaging (IM) services. Users subscribe for content by sending
instant messages to a registered Corona IM handle, and receive update
notifications asynchronously. Internally, Corona consists of a cloud
of nodes that monitor the set of active feeds or Web pages called channels. The Corona resource allocation algorithm determines the
number of nodes designated to monitor each channel. Cooperative
polling ensures that the system can detect updates quickly while no
single node exceeds server-designated limits on polling
frequency. Each node dedicated to monitoring a channel has a copy of
the latest version of the channel contents. A feed-specific difference engine determines whether detected changes are germane by
filtering out superficial differences such as timestamps and
advertisements, extracts the relevant portions that have changed, and
distributes the delta-encoded changes to all internal nodes assigned
to monitor the channel, which in turn distribute them to subscribed
clients via IM.
We have implemented a prototype of Corona and deployed it on
PlanetLab. Evaluation of this deployment shows that Corona
achieves more than an order of magnitude improvement in update
performance. In experiments parameterized by real RSS workload
collected at Cornell [19] and spanning 60 PlanetLab
nodes and involving 150,000 subscriptions for 7500 different
channels, Corona clients see fresh updates in intervals of 45
seconds on average compared to legacy RSS clients, which see a
mean update interval of 15 minutes. At all times during the
experiment, Corona limits the total polling load on the content
servers within the load imposed by the legacy RSS clients.
Overall, Corona is a new overlay-based publish-subscribe system for
the Web that provides asynchronous notifications, fast update
detection, and optimal bandwidth utilization. This paper makes
three contributions: (i) it outlines the general design of a
publish-subscribe system that does not require any changes to
content sources, (ii) formalizes the tradeoffs as an optimization
problem and presents a novel distributed numerical solution
technique for determining the allocation of bandwidth that will
achieve globally targeted goals while respecting resource limits,
and (iii) presents results from extensive simulations and a live
deployment that demonstrate that the system is practical.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The next section
provides background on publish-subscribe systems and discusses other
related work. Section 3 describes the architecture
of Corona in detail. Implementation details are presented in
Section 4 and experimental results based on
simulations and deployment are described in Section 5.
Finally, Section 6 summarizes our contributions and
2 Background and Related Work
Publish-subscribe systems have raised considerable interest in the
research community over the years. In this section, we provide
background on publish-subscribe based content distribution and
summarize the current state of the art.
Publish-Subscribe Systems: The publish-subscribe paradigm
consists of three components: publishers, who generate and feed
the content into the system, subscribers, who specify content of
their interest, and an infrastructure for matching subscriber
interests with published content and delivering matched content to the
subscribers. Based on the expressiveness of subscriber interests,
pub-sub systems can be classified as topic-based or content-based. In topic-based systems, publishers and subscribers are
connected together by pre-defined topics, called channels;
content is published on well-advertised channels to which users
subscribe to receive asynchronous updates. Content-based systems
enable subscribers to express elaborate queries on the content and use
sophisticated content filtering techniques to match subscriber
interests with published content.
Prior research on pub-sub systems has primarily focused on the design
and implementation of content filtering and event delivery mechanisms.
Topic-based publish-subscribe systems have been built based on several
decentralized mechanisms, such as group communication in
Isis [13], shared object spaces in Linda [5],
TSpace [36], and Java Spaces [16] and rendezvous
points in TIBCO [35] and Herald [4]. Content-based
publish-subscribe systems that use in-network content filtering and
aggregation include SIENA [6], Gryphon [34],
Elvin [32], and Astrolabe [37]. While the above
publish-subscribe systems impose well-defined structures for the
content, few systems have been proposed for semi-structured and
unstructured content. YFilter [8], Quark [3],
XTrie [7], and XTreeNet [11] are recent
architectures for supporting complex content-based queries on
semi-structured XML data. Conquer [21] and
WebCQ [20] support unstructured Web content.
The fundamental drawback of the preceding publish-subscribe systems is
their non-compatibility with the current Web architecture. They
require substantial changes in the way publishers serve content,
expect subscribers to learn sophisticated query languages, or propose
to lay-out middle-boxes in the core of the Internet. On the other
hand, Corona interoperates with the current pull-based Web
architecture, requires no changes to legacy Web servers, and provides
an easy-to-use IM based interface to the users. Optimal resource
management in Corona aimed at bounding network load insulates Web
servers from high load during flash-crowds.
Micronews Systems: Micronews feeds are short descriptions of
frequently updated information, such as news stories and blog updates,
in XML-based formats such as RSS [30] and Atom [1].
They are accessed via HTTP through URLs and supported by client
applications and browser plug-ins called feed readers, which
check the contents of micronews feeds periodically and automatically
on the user's behalf and display the returned results. The micronews
standards envision a publish-subscribe model of content dissemination
and define XML tags such as cloud that tell clients how to
receive asynchronous updates, as well as TTL, SkipHours,
and SkipDays that inform clients when not to poll. Yet few
content providers currently use the cloud tag to deliver
asynchronous updates.
Recently, commercial services such as Bloglines, NewsGator, and
Queoo have started disseminating micronews updates to users.
Corona differs fundamentally from these commercial services, which
use fragile centralized servers and relentless polling to detect
updates. Corona is layered on a self-organizing overlay comprised
of cooperative peers that share updates, judiciously determine
the amount of bandwidth consumed by polling, and can provide
strong bandwidth guarantees.
FeedTree [31] is a recently proposed system for
disseminating micronews that also uses a structured overlay and
shares updates between peers. FeedTree nodes perform cooperative
update detection in order to reduce update dissemination latencies,
and Corona shares the insight with FeedTree that cooperative polling
can drastically reduce update latencies. FeedTree decides on the
number of nodes to dedicate to polling each channel based on
heuristics. Corona's key contribution is the use of informed
tradeoffs to optimal resource management. This principled approach
enables Corona to provide the best update performance for its users,
while ensuring that content servers are lightly loaded and do not get
overwhelmed due to flash-crowds or sticky traffic.
CAM [26] and WIC [25] are two techniques for
allocating bandwidth for polling data sources on a single node.
Similar to Corona, they perform resource allocation using analytical
models for the tradeoff and numerical techniques to find near-optimal
allocations. However, these techniques are limited to a single node.
Corona performs resource allocation in a decentralized, cooperative
environment and targets globally optimal update performance.
Overlay Networks: Corona is layered on structured overlays and
leverages the underlying structure to facilitate optimal resource
management. Recent years have seen a large number of structured
overlays that organize the network based on rings [33,29,39,23], hyper-dimensional cubes [28], butterfly
structures [22], de-Bruijn graphs [17,38], or
skip-lists [14]. Corona is agnostic about the choice of the
overlay and can be easily layered on any overlay with uniform node
degree, including the ones listed here.
Corona's approach to a peer-to-peer resource management problem has a
similar flavor to that of Beehive [27], a structured
replication framework that resolves space-time tradeoffs optimizations
in structured overlays. Corona differs fundamentally from Beehive in
three ways. First, the Beehive problem domain is limited to object
replication in systems where objects have homogeneous popularity,
size, and update rate properties, whereas Corona is designed for the
Web environment where such properties can vary by several orders of
magnitude between objects [10,19]. Thus, Corona takes
object characteristics into account during optimization. Second, the
more complex optimization problem renders the Beehive solution
technique, based on mathematical derivation, fundamentally unsuitable
for the problem tackled by Corona. Hence, Corona employs a more
general and sophisticated numerical algorithm to perform its
optimizations. Finally, the resource-performance tradeoffs that arise
in Corona are fundamentally different from the tradeoffs that Beehive
3 Corona
Corona (Cornell Online News Aggregator) is a topic-based
publish-subscribe system for the Web. It provides asynchronous update
notifications to clients while interoperating with the current
pull-based architecture of the Web. URLs of Web content serve as
topics or channels in Corona; users register their interest in
some Web content by providing its URL and receive updates
asynchronously about changes posted to that URL. Any Web object
identifiable by a URL can be monitored with Corona. In the background,
Corona checks for updates on registered channels by cooperatively
polling the content servers from geographically distributed nodes.
We envision Corona as an infrastructure service offered by a set of
widely distributed nodes. These nodes may be all part of the same
administrative domain, such as Akamai, or consist of server-class
nodes contributed by participating institutions. By participating in
Corona, institutions can significantly reduce the network bandwidth
consumed by frequent redundant polling for content updates, as well as
reduce the peak loads seen at content providers that they themselves
may host. Corona nodes self-organize to form a structured overlay
system. We use structured overlays to organize the system, as they
provide decentralization, good failure resilience, and high
scalability [33,29,39,28,9,14,17,23,24,38]. Figure 1
illustrates the overall architecture of Corona.
Figure 1:
Corona Architecture: Corona is a distributed
publish-subscribe system for the Web. It detects Web updates by
polling cooperatively and notifies clients through instant
The key feature that enables Corona to achieve fast update detection
is cooperative polling. Corona assigns multiple nodes to
periodically poll the same channel and shares updates detected by
any polling node. In general n nodes polling with the same polling
interval and randomly distributed polling times can detect updates
n times faster if they share updates with each other. While it is
tempting to take the maximum advantage of cooperative polling by
having every Corona node poll for every feed, such a naïve approach is
clearly unscalable and would impose substantial network load on both Corona
and content servers.
Corona makes informed decisions on distributing polling tasks among
nodes. The number of nodes that poll for each channel is determined
based on an analysis of the fundamental tradeoff between update
performance and network load. Corona poses this tradeoff as an
optimization problem and obtains the optimal solution using Honeycomb,
a light-weight toolkit for computing optimal performance-overhead
tradeoffs in structured distributed systems.
This principled approach enables Corona to efficiently resolve the
tradeoff between performance and scalability.
In this section, we provide detailed descriptions of the components of
Corona's architecture, including the analytical models, optimization
framework, update detection and notification mechanisms, and user
3.1 Analytical Modeling
Our analysis-driven approach can be easily applied on any
distributed system organized as a structured overlay with uniform
node degree. In this paper, we describe Corona using
Pastry [29] as the underlying substrate.
Pastry organizes the network into a ring by assigning identifiers from
a circular numeric space to each node. The identifiers are treated as
a sequence of digits of base b. In addition to neighbors along the
ring, each node maintains contact with nodes that have matching prefix
digits. These long-distance contacts are represented in a tabular
structure called a routing table. The entry in the ith row
and jth column of a node's routing table points to a node whose
identifier shares i prefix digits and whose (i+1) digit
is j. Essentially, the routing table defines a directed acyclic graph
(DAG) rooted at each node, enabling a node to reach any other node in
Corona assigns nodes in well-defined wedges of the Pastry ring for
polling each channel. Each channel is assigned an identifier from the
same circular numeric space. A wedge is as set of nodes sharing a
common number of prefix digits with a channel's identifier. A channel
with polling level l is polled by all nodes with at
least l matching prefix digits in their identifiers. Thus, polling level 0
indicates that all the nodes in the system poll for the channel.
Figure 2 illustrates the concept of polling levels in
Figure 2:
Cooperative Polling in Corona: Each channel is
assigned a wedge of nodes to poll the content servers and detect
updates. Corona determines the optimal wedge size for each channel
through analysis of the global performance-overhead tradeoff.
Assigning well-defined portions of the ring to each channel enables
Corona to manage polling efficiently with little overhead. The set of
nodes polling for a channel can be represented by just a single
number, the polling level, eliminating the expensive O(n) complexity
for managing state about cooperating nodes. Moreover, this also
facilitates efficient update sharing, as a wedge is a subset of the
DAG rooted at each node, and all the nodes in a wedge can be reached
quickly using the contacts in the routing table.
The polling level of a channel quantifies its performance-overhead
tradeoff. A channel at level l has, on average,
nodes polling it, which can cooperatively detect updates in
time on average, where is the
polling interval. We estimate the average update detection time at a
single node polling periodically at an interval to be
. Simultaneously, the collective load placed on the
content server of the channel is
. Note that we
do not include the propagation delay for sharing updates in this
analysis because updates can be detected by comparing against any old
version of the content. Hence, even if an update detected at a
different node in the system is received late, the time to detect the
next update at the current node does not change.
An easy way to set polling levels is to independently choose a level
for each channel based on these estimates. However, such an approach
involves investigating heuristics for determining the appropriate
performance requirement for each channel and for dividing the total
load between different channels. Moreover, it does not provide
fine-grained control over the performance of the system, often causing
it to operate far from optimally. The rest of this section describes
how the tradeoffs can be posed as mathematical optimization problems
to achieve different performance requirements.
Corona-Lite: The first performance goal we explore is minimizing
the average update detection time while bounding the total network
load placed on content servers. Corona-Lite improves the update
performance seen by the clients while ensuring that the content
servers handle a light load: no more than they would handle from the
clients if the clients fetched the objects directly from the servers.
The optimization problem for Corona-Lite is defined in
Table 1. The overall update performance is measured by
taking an average of the update detection time of each channel
weighted by the number of clients subscribed to the channels. We weigh
the average using the number of subscriptions because update
performance is an end user experience, and each client counts as a
separate unit in the average. The target network load for this
optimization is simply the total number of subscriptions in the
Corona-Lite clients experience the maximum benefits of
cooperation. Clients of popular channels gain greater benefits
than clients of less popular channels. Yet, Corona-Lite does not
suffer from ``diminishing returns,'' using its surplus polling
capacity on less popular channels where the extra bandwidth yields
higher marginal benefit. Since improvement in update performance
is inversely proportional to the number of polling nodes, a naïve
heuristic-based scheme that assigns polling nodes in proportion to
number of subscribers would clearly suffer from diminishing
returns. Corona, on the other hand, distributes the surplus load
to other, less popular channels, improving their update detection
times and achieving a better global average.
Table 1:
Performance-Overhead Tradeoffs: This table
summarizes the optimization problems for different performance goals in
Corona-Fast: While Corona-Lite bounds the network load on the
content servers and minimizes update latency, the update performance
it provides can vary depending on the current workload. Corona-Fast
provides stable update performance, which can be maintained steadily
at a desired level through changes in the workload. Corona-Fast
solves the converse of the previous optimization problem; that is, it
minimizes the total network load on the content servers while meeting
a target average update detection time. Corona-Fast enables us to
tune the update performance of the system according to application
needs. For example, a stock-tracker application may choose a target
of 30 seconds to quickly detect changes to stock prices.
Corona-Fast shields legacy Web servers from sudden increases in load.
A sharp increase in the number of subscribers for a channel does not
trigger a corresponding increase in network load on the Web server
since Corona-Fast does not increase polling after diminishing returns
sets in. In contrast, in legacy RSS, popularity spikes cause a
significant increase in network load on content providers. Moreover,
the increased load typically continues unabated in legacy RSS as
subscribers forget to unsubscribe, creating ``sticky'' traffic.
Corona-Fast protects content servers from flash-crowds and sticky
Corona-Fair: Corona-Fast and Corona-Lite do not consider the
actual rate of change of content in a channel. While some Web objects
are updated every few minutes, others do not change for days at a
time [10,19]. Corona-Fair incorporates the update rate
of channels into the performance tradeoff in order to achieve a fairer
distribution of update performance between channels. It defines a
modified update performance metric as the ratio of the update
detection time and the update interval of the channel, which it
minimizes to achieve a target load.
While the new metric accounts for the wide difference in update
characteristics, it biases the performance unfavorably against
channels with large update interval times. A channel that does not
change for several days experiences long update detection times, even
if there are many subscribers for the channel. We compensate for this
bias by exploring other update performance metrics based on square
root and logarithmic functions, which grow sub-linearly. A sub-linear
metric dampens the tendency of the optimization algorithm to punish
slow-changing yet popular feeds. Table 1 summarizes the
optimization problems for different versions of Corona.
Corona determines the optimal polling levels using the Honeycomb
optimization toolkit. Honeycomb provides numerical algorithms and
decentralized mechanisms for solving optimization problems that
can be expressed as follows:
Here, and can define the performance or the cost
for channel i as a function of the polling level l.
The preceding optimization problem is NP-Hard, as the polling levels only
take integral values. Hence, instead of using computationally
intensive techniques to find the exact solution, Honeycomb finds an
approximate solution quickly in time comparable to a sorting
algorithm. Honeycomb's optimization algorithm runs in
O(M log M log N) time.
The solution provided by Honeycomb is accurate and deviates from the
optimal in at most one channel. Honeycomb achieves this accuracy by
finding two solutions that optimize the problem with slightly altered
constraints: one with a constraint and another with
constraint . The corresponding solutions and
are exactly optimal for the optimization problems with
constraints and respectively, and differ in at most
one channel. That is, one channel has a different polling level in
than in . Note that the optimal solution for the
original problem with constraint T may actually decide to
allocate channels differently from and . Yet, the minimum
determined by will be bounded by the minima determined by
and due to monotonicity. Honeycomb then chooses
as the final solution because it satisfies the
constraint T strictly.
Honeycomb computes and using a Lagrange multiplier to
transform the optimization problem as follows:
Honeycomb iterates over
and obtains the two solutions and that
bracket the minimum using standard bracketing methods for function
optimization in one dimension.
Two observations enable Honeycomb to speed up the optimization
algorithm. First,
for a single iteration can be
computed by finding
independently for each channel. This takes
M log N time as the number of levels is
bounded by
Second, for each channel there are only log N values of
that change
Pre-computing these values for each object provides a
discrete iteration space of M log N values. By keeping a
sorted list of the values, Honeycomb computes the optimal
solution in O(log M) iterations. Overall, the
run-time complexity of the optimization algorithm is
O(M log M log N) time,
including the time spent in pre-computation, sorting, and iterations.
The preceding algorithm requires the tradeoff functions and
of all channels in the system in order to compute the global
optimum. Solving the optimization problem using limited data
available locally can produce highly inaccurate solutions. On the
other hand, collecting the tradeoff factors for all the channels at
each node is clearly expensive and impractical. It is possible to
gather the tradeoff data at a central node, run the optimization
algorithm at a single location, and then distribute the optimal levels
to peers from the central location. We avoid using a centralized
infrastructure as it introduces a single point of failure in the
system and has limited scalability.
Instead, Honeycomb internally aggregates coarse grained information
about global tradeoff factors. It combines channels with similar
tradeoff factors into a tradeoff cluster. Each cluster
summarizes the tradeoff factors for multiple channels and provides
coarse-grained tradeoff information. A ratio of performance and cost
factors, , is used as a metric to combine channels. For
example, channels with comparable values for
combined into a cluster in Corona-Fair.
Honeycomb nodes periodically exchange the clusters with contacts in
the routing table and aggregate the clusters received from the
contacts. Honeycomb keeps the overhead for cluster aggregation low by
limiting the number of clusters for each polling level to a constant
Tradeoff_Bins. Each node receives Tradeoff_Bins clusters for
every polling level from each contact in the routing table. Combined,
these clusters summarize the tradeoff characteristics of all the
channels in the system. The cluster aggregation overhead in terms of
memory state as well as network bandwidth is limited by the size of
the routing table, and scales with the logarithm of the system size.
Corona is a completely decentralized system, in which nodes act
independently, share load, and achieve globally optimal performance
through mutual cooperation. Corona spreads load uniformly among the
nodes through consistent-hashing [18]. Each
channel in Corona has a unique identifier and one or more owner
nodes managing it. The identifier is a content-hash of the channel's
URL, and the primary owner of a channel is the Corona node with
the numerically closest identifier to the channel's identifier.
Corona adds additional owners for a channel in order to tolerate
failures. These owners are the F closest neighbors of the primary
owner along the ring. In the event an owner fails, a new neighbor
automatically replaces it.
Owners take responsibility for managing subscriptions, polling, and
updates for a channel. Owners receive subscriptions through the
underlying overlay, which automatically routes all subscription
requests of a channel to its owner. The owners keep state about the
subscribers of a channel and send notifications to them when fresh
updates are detected. In addition, owners also keep track of
channel-specific factors that affect the performance tradeoffs, namely
the number of subscribers, the size of the content, and the interval
at which servers update channel content. The latter is estimated based
on the time between updates detected by Corona.
Corona manages cooperative polling through a periodic protocol
consisting of an optimization phase, a maintenance phase,
and an aggregation phase. In the optimization phase, Corona
nodes apply the optimization algorithm on fine-grained tradeoff data
for locally polled channels and coarse-grained tradeoff clusters
obtained from overlay contacts. In the maintenance phase, changes to
polling levels are communicated to peer nodes in the routing table
through maintenance messages. Finally, the aggregation phase
enables nodes to receive new aggregates of tradeoff factors. In
practice, the three phases occur concurrently at a node with
aggregation data piggy-backed on maintenance messages.
Corona nodes operate independently and make decisions to increase or
decrease polling levels locally. Initially, only the owner nodes at
poll for the channels. If an owner
decides to lower the polling level to K − 1 (based on local
optimization), it sends a message to the contacts in its routing table
at row K − 1 in the next maintenance phase. As a
result, a small wedge of level K − 1 nodes start polling for
that channel. Subsequently, each of these nodes may independently
decide to further lower the polling level of that channel. Similarly,
if an owner node decides to raise the level from K − 1 to
K, it asks its contact in the K − 1 wedge to stop polling.
In general, when a level i node lowers the
level to i − 1 or raises
the level from i − 1 back to i, it instructs its contact in row
i − 1 of its routing table to start or stop polling for that channel.
This control path closely follows the DAG rooted at the owner
node. Nodes at level i (depth K − i) in this DAG decide whether
their children at level i − 1 should poll a channel and convey these
decisions periodically every maintenance interval. When a node
is instructed to begin polling for a channel, it waits for a random
interval of time between 0 and the polling interval before the first
poll. This ensures that polls for a channel at different nodes are
randomly distributed over time.
Corona nodes gather current estimates of tradeoff factors in the
aggregation phase. Owners monitor the number of subscribers and send
out fresh estimates along with the maintenance message. Subsequent
maintenance messages sent out by descendant nodes in the DAG propagate
these estimates to all the nodes in the wedge. The update interval
and size of a feed only change during updates and are therefore sent
along with updates. Tradeoff clusters are also sent by contacts in
the routing table in response to maintenance messages.
Corona inherits robustness and failure-resilience from the
underlying structured overlay.
If the current contact in the routing table fails, the underlying
overlay automatically replaces it with another contact. When new
nodes join the system or nodes fail, Corona ensures the transfer of
subscription state to new owners. A node that is no longer an owner
simply erases its subscription state, and a node that becomes a new
owner receives the state from other owners of the
channel. Simultaneous failure of more than F adjacent nodes poses a
problem for Corona, as well as to many other peer-to-peer systems; we
assume that F is chosen to make such an occurrence rare. Note that
clients can easily renew subscriptions should a catastrophic failure
lose some subscription state.
Overall, Corona manages polling using light-weight mechanisms that
impose a small, predictable overhead on the nodes and network. Its
algorithms do not rely on expensive constructs such as consensus,
leader election, or clock synchronization. Networking activity is
limited to contacts in the nodes' routing tables.
Updates are central to the operation of Corona; hence, we ensure that
they are detected and disseminated efficiently. Corona uses
monotonically increasing numbers to identify versions of content. The
version numbers are based on content modification times whenever the
content carries such a timestamp. For other channels, the primary
owner node assigns version numbers in increasing order based on the
updates it receives.
Corona nodes share updates only as deltas, the differences
between old and new content, rather than the entire content. A
measurement study on micronews feeds conducted at Cornell shows that
the amount of change in content during an update is typically tiny.
The study reports that the average update consists of 17 lines of XML,
or 6.8% of the content size [19], which implies that a
significant amount of bandwidth can be saved through delta-encoding.
A difference engine enables Corona to identify when a channel
carries new information that needs to be disseminated to subscribed
clients. The difference engine parses the HTML or XML content to
discover the core content in the channel, ignoring frequently changing
elements such as timestamps, counters, and advertisements. The
difference engine generates a delta if it detects an update after
isolating the core content. The data in a delta resembles the typical
output of the POSIX `diff' command: it carries the line numbers where
the change occurs, the changed content, an indication of whether it is
an addition, omission, or replacement, and a version number of the old
content to compare against.
When a delta is generated by a node, it shares the update with all
other nodes in the channel's polling wedge. To achieve this, the node
simply disseminates the delta along the DAG rooted at it up to a depth
equal to the polling level of the channel. The dissemination along
the DAG takes place using contacts in the routing table of the
underlying overlay. For channels that cannot obtain a reliable
modification timestamp from the server, the node detecting the update
sends the delta to the primary owner, which assigns a new version
number and initiates the dissemination to other nodes polling that
channel. Two different nodes may detect a change ``simultaneously''
and send deltas to the primary owner. The primary owner always checks
the current delta with the latest updated version of the content and
ignores redundant deltas.
Corona employs instant messaging (IM) as its user interface. Users
add Corona as a ``buddy'' in their favorite instant messaging system;
both subscriptions and update notifications are then communicated as
instant messages between the users and Corona. Users send request
messages of the form ``subscribe url'' and ``unsubscribe url'' to
subscribe and unsubscribe for a channel. A subscribe or unsubscribe
message delivered by the IM system to Corona is routed to all the
owner nodes of the channel, which update their subscription
state. When a new update is detected by Corona, the current primary
owner sends an instant message with the delta to all the subscribers
through the IM system. If a subscriber is off-line at the time an
update is generated, the IM system buffers the update and delivers it
when the subscriber subsequently joins the network.
Delivering updates through instant messaging systems incurs
additional latency since messages are sent through a centralized
service. However, the additional latency is modest as IM systems
are designed to reduce such latencies during two-way
communication. Moreover, IM systems that allow peer-to-peer
communication between their users, such as Skype, deliver messages
in quick time.
Instant messaging enables Corona to be easily accessible to a large
user population, as no computer skills other than an ability to
``chat'' are required, and ubiquitous IM deployment ensures that
hosts behind NATs and firewalls are supported.
Moreover, instant messages also guarantee the authenticity of
the source of update messages to the clients, as instant messaging
systems pre-authenticate Corona as the source through password
4 Implementation
We have implemented a prototype of Corona as an application
layered on Pastry [29], a prefix-matching structured
overlay system. The implementation uses a 160-bit SHA-1 hash
function to generate identifiers for both the nodes (based on
their IP addresses) and channels (based on their URLs). Both the
base of Pastry and the number of tradeoff clusters per polling
level are set to 16.
Prefix matching overlays occasionally create orphans, that is,
channels with no owners having enough matching prefix digits. Orphans
are created when the required wedge of the identifier space,
corresponding to level
, is empty. Corona
cannot assign additional nodes to poll an orphan channel to improve
its update performance. Moreover, orphans adversely affect the
computation of globally optimal allocation. Corona handles orphan
channels by adjusting the tradeoffs appropriately. The tradeoff
factors of orphan channels are aggregated into a slack cluster,
which is used to adjust the performance target prior to optimization.
Corona's reliance on IM as an asynchronous communication mechanism
poses some operational challenges. Corona interacts with IM systems
using GAIM [12], an open source instant messaging client for
Unix-based platforms that supports multiple IM systems including Yahoo
Instant Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, and MSN Messenger. Several
IM systems have a limitation that only one instance of a user can be
logged on at a time, preventing all Corona nodes from being logged on
simultaneously. While we hope that IM systems will support
simultaneous logins from automated users such as Corona in the near
future, as they have for several chat robots, our implementation uses
a centralized server to talk to IM systems as a stop-gap measure. This
server acts as an intermediary for all updates sent to clients as well
as subscription messages sent by clients. Also, IM systems such as
Yahoo rate-limit instant messages sent by unprivileged
clients. Corona's implementation limits the rate of updates sent to
clients to avoid sending updates in bursts.
Corona trusts the nodes in the system to behave correctly and generate
authentic updates. However, it is possible that in a collaborative
deployment, where nodes under different administrative domains are
part of the Corona network, some nodes may be malicious and generate
spurious updates. This problem can be easily solved if content
providers are willing to publish digitally signed certificates along
with their content. An alternative solution that does not require
changes to servers is to use threshold-cryptography to generate a
certificate for content [40,15]. The responsibility for
generating partial signatures can be shared among the owners of a node
ensuring that rogue nodes below the threshold level cannot corrupt the
system. Designing and implementing such a threshold-cryptographic
scheme is, however, beyond the scope of this paper.
5 Evaluation
We evaluate the performance of Corona through large-scale
simulations and wide-area experiments on
PlanetLab [2]. In all our evaluations, we compare the
performance of Corona to the performance of legacy RSS, a
widely-used micronews syndication system. The simulations and
experiments are driven by real-life RSS traces.
We collected characteristics of micronews workloads and content by
passively logging user activity and actively polling RSS
feeds [19]. User activity recorded between March 22 and
May 3 of 2005 at the gateway of the Cornell University Computer
Science Department provided a workload of 158 clients making
approximately 62,000 requests for 667 different feeds. The channel
popularity closely follows a Zipf distribution with exponent 0.5. The
survey analyzes the update rate of micronews content by actively
polling approximately 100,000 RSS feeds obtained from We poll these feeds at one hour intervals for 84 hours,
and subsequently select a subset of 1000 feeds and poll them at a
finer granularity of 10 minutes for five days. Comparing periodic
snapshots of the feeds shows that the update interval of micronews
content is widely distributed: about 10% of channels changed within
an hour, while 50% of channels did not change at all during the five
days of polling.
We use tradeoff parameters based on the RSS survey in our simulations.
In order to scale the workload to the larger scale of our simulations,
we extrapolate the distribution of feed popularity from the workload
traces and set the popularity to follow a Zipf distribution with
exponent 0.5. We use a distribution for the update rates of channels
obtained through active polling, setting the update interval of the
channels that do not see any updates to one week.
We perform simulations for a system of 1024 nodes, 100,000
channels, and 5,000,000 subscriptions. We start each simulation
with an empty state and issue all subscriptions at once before
collecting performance data. We run the simulations for six hours
with a polling interval of 30 minutes and maintenance interval of
one hour. We study the performance of the three schemes,
Corona-Lite, Corona-Fast, and Corona-Fair, and compare the
performance with that of legacy RSS clients polling at the same
rate of 30 minutes.
Figures 3 and 4 show the network load
and update performance, respectively, for Corona-Lite, which minimizes
average update detection time while bounding the total load on content
servers. The figures plot the network load, in terms of the average
bandwidth load placed on content servers, and update performance, in
terms of the average update detection time. Figure 3
shows that Corona-Lite stabilizes at the load imposed by legacy RSS
clients. Starting from a clean slate where only owner nodes poll for
each channel, Corona-Lite quickly converges to its target in two
maintenance phases. The average load exceeds the target for a brief
period before stabilization. This slight delay is due to nodes not
having complete information about tradeoff factors of other channels
in the system. However, the discrepancy is corrected automatically
when aggregated global tradeoff factors are available to each node.
Figure 3:
Network Load on Content Servers:
Corona-Lite converges quickly to match the network load imposed
by legacy RSS clients.
Figure 4:
Average Update Detection Time:
Corona-Lite provides 15-fold improvement in update detection time
compared to legacy RSS clients for the same network load.
At the same time, Figure 4 shows that Corona-Lite
achieves an average update detection time of about one minute. The
update performance of Corona-Lite represents an order of magnitude
improvement over the average update detection time of 15 minutes
provided by legacy RSS clients. This substantial difference in
performance is achieved through judicious distribution of polling load
between cooperating nodes, while imposing no more load on the servers
than the legacy clients.
Figures 5 and 6 show the number of polling
nodes assigned by Corona-Lite to different channels and the resulting
distribution of update detection times. The x-axis shows channels in
reverse order of popularity. We only plot 20,000 channels for
clarity. The load imposed by legacy RSS is equal to the number of
clients. For Corona-Lite, three levels of polling can be identified
in Figure 5: channels clustered around 100 at level 1,
channels with fewer than 10 clients at level 2, and orphan channels
close to the X-axis with just one owner node polling them. The sharp
change in the distribution after 75,000 channels indicates the point
where the optimal solution changes polling levels.
Figure 5 shows that Corona-Lite favors popular channels over
unpopular ones when assigning polling levels. Yet, it significantly
reduces the load on servers of popular content compared to legacy
clients, which impose a highly skewed load on content servers and
overload servers of popular content. Corona-Lite reduces the load of
the over-loaded servers and transfers the extra load to servers of
less popular content to improve update performance.
Figure 5:
Number of Pollers per Channel: Corona trades off
network load from popular channels to decrease update detection time
of less popular channels and achieve a lower system-wide average.
Figure 6:
Update Detection Time per Channel:
Popular channels gain greater decrease in update detection time than
less popular channels.
The favorable behavior of Corona-Lite is due to diminishing returns
caused by the inverse relation between the update detection time and
the number of polling nodes. It is more beneficial to distribute the
polling across many channels than to devote a large percentage of the
bandwidth to polling the most popular channels. Nevertheless, load
distribution in Corona-Lite respects the popularity distribution of
channels: popular channels are polled by more nodes than less popular
channels (see Figure 5). The upshot is that popular channels
gain an order of magnitude improvement in update performance over less
popular ones (see Figure 6).
Unlike Corona-Lite, Corona-Fast minimizes the total load on servers
while aiming to achieve a target update detection latency.
Figures 3 and 4 show the network load
and update performance, respectively, for
Corona-Fast. Figure 4 confirms that Corona-Fast
closely meets the desired target of 30 seconds. This improvement in
update detection time entails an increase in server load over
Corona-Lite. Unlike Corona-Lite, whose update performance may vary
depending on the workload seen by the system, Corona-Fast provides a
stable average update performance. Moreover, it enables us to set the
performance depending on the requirements of the application and
ensures that the targeted performance is achieved with minimal load on
content servers.
Finally, we examine the performance of Corona-Fair, which uses the
update rates of channels to fine-tune the distribution of load. It
takes advantage of the wide distribution of update intervals among
channels and aims to poll frequently updated channels at a higher rate
than channels with long update intervals. Figure 7 shows
the distribution of update detection times achieved by Corona-Lite and
Corona-Fair for different channels ranked by their update intervals.
Channels with the same update intervals are further ranked by
popularity. For clarity of presentation, we plot the distribution for
200 uniformly chosen channels.
Figure 7 shows that Corona-Lite achieves an unfair
distribution of update detection times by ignoring update interval
information. Many channels with large update intervals have short
update detection times (shown in the lower-right of the graph), while
some rapidly changing channels have long update detection times (shown
in the upper-left of the graph). Corona-Fair fixes this unfair
distribution of update detection time by using update intervals of
channels to influence the choice of polling levels.
Figure 7 shows that Corona-Fair has a fairer distribution of
update detection times with update intervals; that is, channels with
shorter update intervals have faster update detection times and
Figure 7:
Update Detection Time per Channel: Corona-Fair
provides better update detection time for channels that change rapidly
than for channels that change rarely.
Figure 8:
Update Detection Time per Channel:
Corona-Fair-Sqrt and Corona-Fair-Log fix the bias against channels
that change rarely and provide better update detection time for them
than Corona-Fair does.
Corona-Fair optimizes for update performance measured as the ratio of
update detection time and update interval. Thus, channels with long
update intervals may also have proportionally long update detection
times, leading to long wait times for clients.
Section 3.1 proposed to compensate for this bias
using two metrics with sub-linear growth based on the square root and
logarithm of the update interval. Figure 8 shows that
Corona-Fair-Sqrt and Corona-Fair-Log achieve update detection times
that are fairer and lower than Corona-Fair. Between the two metrics,
Corona-Fair-Sqrt is better than Corona-Fair-Log, which has a few
channels with small update intervals but long update detection times.
Table 2:
Performance Summary: This table provides a
summary of average update detection time and network load for
different versions of Corona. Overall, Corona provides significant
improvement in update detection time compared to Legacy RSS, while
placing the same load on servers.
Update Detection Time (sec) |
Load (polls per 30 min per channel) |
Legacy-RSS |
900 |
50.00 |
Corona-Lite |
53 |
48.97 |
Corona-Fair |
142 |
50.14 |
Corona-Fair-Sqrt |
55 |
49.46 |
Corona-Fair-Log |
53 |
49.43 |
Corona-Fast |
32 |
58.75 |
Overall, the Corona-Fair schemes provide fair distributions of polling
between channels with low average update detection times without
exceeding bandwidth load on the servers. The average update detection
time and load for different Corona-Fair schemes is shown in
Table 2. The average update detection time suffers a
little in Corona-Fair compared to Corona-Lite, but the modified
Corona-Fair schemes provide an average performance close to that of
We deployed Corona on a set of 60 PlanetLab nodes and measured its
performance. The deployment is based on the Corona-Lite scheme, which
minimizes update detection time while bounding network load. For this
experiment, we use 7500 real channels providing RSS feeds obtained
from We issue 150,000 subscriptions for them
based on a Zipf popularity distribution with exponent 0.5.
Subscriptions are issued at a uniform rate during the first hour and a
half of the experiment. The maintenance interval and the polling
interval are both set to 30 minutes. We collected data for a period
of six hours.
Figure 9 shows the average update detection time for
Corona deployment compared to legacy RSS. Corona decreases the
average update time to about 45 seconds compared to 15 minutes for
legacy RSS. Figure 10 shows the corresponding polling
load imposed by Corona on content servers. Corona gradually increases
the number of nodes polling each channel and reaches a load limit of
around 4500 polls per minute. Corona's total network load is bounded
by the load imposed by legacy RSS, which averages to just above 5000
polls per minute. These graphs highlight that while imposing
comparable load as legacy RSS, Corona achieves a substantial
improvement in update detection time.
Figure 9:
Average Update Detection Time:
Corona provides an order of magnitude lower update detection time
compared to legacy RSS.
Figure 10:
Total Polling Load on Servers: The total load
generated by Corona is well below the load generated by clients
using legacy RSS
The results from simulations and wide-area experiments confirm that
Corona achieves a balance between update latency and network load. It
dynamically learns the parameters of the system such as number of
nodes, number of subscriptions, and tradeoff factors of all channels,
and uses the new parameters to periodically adjust the optimal polling
levels of channels and meet performance and load targets. Corona
offers considerable flexibility in the kind of performance goals it
can achieve. In this section, we showed three specific schemes
targeting update detection time, network load, and fair distribution
of load under different metrics of fairness. Measurements from the
deployment showed that achieving globally optimal performance in a
distributed wide-area system is practical and efficient. Overall,
Corona proves to be a high performance, scalable publish-subscribe
6 Conclusions
This paper proposes a novel publish-subscribe architecture that is
compatible with the existing pull-based architecture of the Web.
Motivated by the growing demand for micronews feeds and the paucity of
infrastructure to provide asynchronous notifications, we develop a
unique solution that addresses the shortcomings of pull based content
dissemination and delivers a real, deployable, easy-to-use
publish-subscribe system.
Many real-world applications require quick and efficient dissemination
of information from data sources to clients. It is quite common for
legacy data sources, such as Web pages, sensors, stock feeds, event
trackers and so forth, to be deployed piecemeal, and thus to force
clients to poll them manually and explicitly to receive the latest
updates. As the numbers of data sources increase, the task of
monitoring so many event sources quickly becomes overwhelming for
humans. At sufficiently large scales, the task of allocating bandwidth
is difficult even for computers. We can see examples of such
applications in large scale sensor networks, in investment management
systems that track commodity prices, and in many adaptive distributed
systems for detecting events. All of these applications pose a
fundamental tension between the polling bandwidth required to achieve
fast event detection and the corresponding load imposed by periodic
Our unique contribution is the optimal resolution of
performance-overhead tradeoffs in such event detection systems. This
paper provides a general approach based on analytical modeling of the
cost-performance tradeoff and mathematical optimization that enables
applications to make informed, near-optimal decisions on which data
sources to monitor, and with what frequency. We develop techniques to
solve typical resource allocation problems that arise in distributed
systems through decentralized, low-overhead mechanisms.
The techniques at the core of this system are easily applicable to any
domain where a set of nodes monitor exogenous events. The Corona
approach to monitoring oblivious, pull-based data sources makes it
unnecessary to change the data publishing workflow, agree on new
dissemination protocols, or deploy new software on data sources. This
is particularly relevant when the sources to be monitored are large in
number, and deploying new software is logistically difficult. For
instance, large scale Web spiders that monitor changes to Websites to
incrementally update a Web index could benefit from the principled
approach developed here.
Corona applies this general approach to disseminating updates to the
Web, where the resource-performance tradeoff is affected by the
popularity, size, and update rate of Web content and the network
capacities of clients and content servers. Performance measurements
based on simulations and real-life deployment show that Corona clients
can achieve several orders of magnitude improvement in update latency
without an increase in average load. Corona acts as a buffer between
clients and servers, shielding servers from the impact of flash-crowds
and sticky traffic. Our implementation is currently deployed on
PlanetLab and available for public use. We hope that a
backwards-compatible, high-performance, efficient publish-subscribe
system will make it possible for people to easily track frequently
changing content on the Web.
We would like to thank Rohan Murty for implementing an earlier
prototype of the Corona system, Yee Jiun Song for his help with the
system, and our shepherd Dave Andersen for his guidance and
feedback. This work was supported in part by NSF CAREER grant
0546568, and TRUST (The Team for Research in Ubiquitous Secure
Technology), which receives support from the National Science
Foundation (CCF-0424422) and the following organizations: Cisco,
ESCHER, HP, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, ORNL, Qualcomm, Pirelli, Sun, and
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