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Incremental Heap Canonicalization

One problem in model checking software programs is to handle heap canonicalization [22]. When objects are dynamically allocated in the heap, different allocation orders can result in heap states that are equivalent but differ in the memory locations of the objects. For instance, consider two states in which the TCP implementation receives the same two data packets in order and out of order respectively. The socket buffers will be allocated at different memory locations in the two states but queued in the sequence number order in both states. Thus, the two states differ in the bit level but are semantically the same. CMC should identify such states and avoid exploring them redundantly.

Equivalent heap states can be identified by transforming a heap state to a canonical representation shared by all equivalent heaps. Informally, the objects in the heap along with their pointers form a heap graph. Equivalent heaps have the same underlying graph structure. A canonicalization algorithm works by relocating each object to its canonical location and modifying the contents of all pointers to the object to reflect its new location.

The previously known algorithm [22] does not scale to large heaps. This algorithm requires processing large portions of the heap, which can reduce the speed of state space exploration (§4.2). Specifically, it performs a depth first traversal of the heap graph, and the canonical location of each object depends on its depth first ordering. Even small changes to the heap, such as an object allocation or a deletion, can change the depth first ordering for a large number of objects. This forces CMC to traverse and compute the hash for large portions of the heap, as shown in Table 3. During model checking, the heap, on average, consists of $103$ objects that total $25$KB. Note that the heap also includes non-TCP related data structures allocated by the Linux kernel. A TCP transition, on an average modifies $5$ of these objects. However, this change requires CMC to recompute the hash value of almost half the objects in the heap.

Our contribution is an improved, incremental heap canonicalization algorithm. We briefly describe this algorithm; interested readers can refer [28] for more details. The incremental algorithm generates the canonical location of a heap object from the shortest path of the object to some global variable in the heap graph. When a transition makes small changes to the heap structure, the shortest path of most objects is likely to remain the same [19,31]. After a transition, CMC recomputes the hash only for those objects whose shortest paths have changed in a transition. This algorithm works well in practice, as shown in Table 3; in most cases CMC traverses only the objects that are modified in a transition. This improves the performance of CMC by $40\%$ as indicated in Table 2.

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Madanlal Musuvathi 2004-03-03