We use our own
simulator to simulate mobility and Mobile IP with its routing
The simulator is session level, and simulates the creation,
maintenance, and measurement of routes in the IP network, Mobile IP,
. We do not require the level of detail (and consequent
overhead) of a packet-level simulator like NS.
Our simulation network topologies consist of three types of nodes:
routers, mobility servers (servers or HAs), and client
hosts (MHs or CHs). We arrange the routers using a
transit-stub topology generated with the GT-ITM topology
generator [32] with 5000 nodes, where link latencies are 100
ms for intra-transit links, 10 ms for transit-stub links and 1 ms for
intra-stub links. In [33], we also present simulations
using a power law topology.
We define domain to be a group of nodes that have low latency links between them. We assume that each router forms its own domain. We consider 5000 possible client hosts, and up to 10000 mobility servers.8 For a particular topology, we use 50 random choices from the client hosts for the home network (HN). For each choice of HN, we use 2000 random choices from the client hosts for the MH and CH, as described below.
In addition to regular IP routing, we consider three mobility routing schemes: Mobile IP with triangular routing, Mobile IP with bidirectional tunneling, and ROAM (see Figure 10).
With Mobile IP, each MH has a HA associated with it. While the HA is typically assumed to be in the HN, in practice this might be hard to achieve due to deployment costs. In addition, requiring the HA to be in the HN restricts the number of MHs that can be supported. For these reasons, we assume a more incremental deployment model, where a service provider would provide one or more HAs and map multiple users to each one. Therefore, in our simulations, we select the server closest to the HN as the HA.
With ROAM mobility, the MH uses the mobility-aware caching algorithm described in Section 4.1. The MH takes 32 samples in each move, maintains 10 entries in its cache, and replaces close entries when new samples are closer, but not less than 50% closer. These parameters are a compromise between performance and overhead because each sample consumes network bandwidth.
We simulate MH movement according to two mobility models: uniform and
Pareto with respect to the HN. Each model defines the distance of the
MH from the HN. In the uniform model, the distance of the MH from the
HN is uniformly randomly selected from the interval [minimum distance,
maximum distance]. In the Pareto home model, the probability that the
MH is distance from the HN is
. This simulates a MH that is
close to the HN most of the time, but sometimes moves very far from
the HN.
Similarly, we simulate communication with CHs according to three communication models: uniform, Pareto with respect to the HN, and Pareto with respect to the MH's current location in a foreign network. In the uniform model, the CH is uniformly randomly selected from the clients. The Pareto home and Pareto foreign models assign distances to the CH according to the Pareto model given above, but relative to the HN or the MH's current location, respectively. These models simulate a CH that is close to the HN or MH, respectively, most of the time, but is sometimes very far from it.
Given all of these parameters, we measure the round trip time (RTT) of the various mobility schemes as shown in Figure 10. Note that in the ROAM case, both the MH and CH can be mobile, while in the triangular routing and bidirectional tunneling cases, we assume that the CH is stationary (i.e., the CH does not have a HA). If we were to assume that the CH is mobile, then the triangular routing and bidirectional tunneling cases would incur even more latency, so this comparison favors those cases over ROAM.
In all cases, we measure the 90th percentile latency stretch 9 of the various schemes.