The receiver prototype consists of a small electronic circuit connected to the parallel port of a laptop computer running Linux. Figure 8 shows a schematic diagram of the receiver hardware. A photo diode converts the intensity of the incident light into a proportional voltage. The light that is incident to the photo diode mainly consists of three components:
Since we are only interested in the higher frequency laser flashes, we run the output signal of the photo diode through a high pass filter (HPF) which removes DC and low frequency components. Due to this, the detector is insensitive to daylight and artificial light.
The output of the HPF is then amplified using an operational
amplifier, whose output is in turn fed into a Schmitt Trigger. The
latter implements a hysteresis, i.e., when the input voltage level
exceeds a certain value it lowers the output voltage to
a minimum. When the input voltage falls below a certain value
, the Schmitt Trigger raises the output voltage to a
maximum. The output of the Schmitt Trigger is connected to the
parallel port, so that each laser flash on the photo diode causes a
parallel port interrupt to be triggered.
The receiver software consists of two main components, a Linux device
driver which handles the parallel port interrupt, and an application
level program which performs the actual location computation and
lighthouse calibration. The device driver mainly consists of the
parallel port interrupt handler, which is implemented using the
parapin [37] parallel port programming library. Moreover, it
implements a Linux special device /proc/location, which
provides a simple interface to user level applications. By writing
simple ASCII commands to this device, a user level program can
instruct the device driver to do some action.
By reading the /proc/location device, a user level program
can obtain the current status and measured angle according to
Equation 1 of all detected lighthouses.
In order to measure , the driver has to evaluate the
interrupts it sees. To understand how this is done, consider Figure
9, which shows the input voltage at the parallel
port over time. As the first rotating laser beam passes by the photo
detector, the parallel port sees a sequence of sharp pulses resulting
from the fast rotating mirror. The pulses stop if the lighthouse
platform has turned enough so that the photo detector isn't hit any
longer by the rotating beam. After some time, the second rotating beam
passes by the photo detector and again generates a sequence of fast
Recall that each pulse generates an interrupt, which results in the
device driver interrupt handler being invoked. The handler then uses
the system clock (which has s resolution under Linux) to
determine the point in time when the interrupt occurred.
The time interval between two successive fast pulses equals the time
for one rotation of the mirror. Since each
lighthouse has a different
, this value can be used
to distinguish different lighthouses. Please note that the pulse
sequences can contain ``holes'' where the laser beam missed the photo
detector due to vibrations. The driver removes all peaks separated by
holes from the beginning and the end of the sequence of pulses. The
time median of the resulting shorter sequence of pulses without holes
is assumed as the detection time of the beam (indicated by the braces
in Figure 9).
Recall from Section 4.2, that we implemented a
``virtual'' wide beam by two rotating laser beams that form the
outline of this wide beam. Therefore, the time passed between the
medians of two successive packs is either
. If the actual value is small
1sec) then it is assumed to be
. If the
lighthouse has just been initialized the driver also measures
in order to obtain
. Since the latter does not change, this has to be
done only once. Later on, the driver can output a new
each round of the lighthouse.
In order to distinguish successive pulses from ``holes'', and holes
from ``beam switches'', the driver knows tight lower and upper bounds
for the possible values of
. In Section 4.3.1 we mentioned
the possibility that beams from different lighthouses may hit the
photo receiver at the same time. If this happens the resulting time
between successive pulse will fall below the lower bound for
, such that the driver can detect this situation
instead of producing faulty results.
We also ported the receiver hardware and software to an ATMEL AT128L 8-bit embedded micro controller [38]. This setup more closely resembles the limited capabilities of a Smart Dust node and allows us to study the potential effects of a Smart Dust node on the location system.