An Evening with MAKE Magazine
Monday, December 5, 8:00 p.m.9:00 p.m.

Join us Monday night for An Evening with MAKE magazine. The evening includes invited talks by Joe Grand on "Tweaking, Bending, and Making: Stories of a Hardware Hacker" and Bunnie Huang on "Hacking Silicon: Secrets From Behind the Epoxy Curtain" as well as time to check out the cool stuff they brought along. A free copy of MAKE goes to the first 100 attendees who come to the session. Check out a MAKE magazine sampler.
Invited Talk I: Tweaking, Bending, and Making: Stories of a Hardware Hacker
Joe Grand, Grand Idea Studio, Inc.

Presentation Slides (PDF)

Never before has the do-it-yourself ethos been so popular. Bolstered by
loose-knit communities of curious tinkerers and O'Reilly's new quarterly
MAKE magazine, tweaking, hacking, and bending have all but reached the
mainstream. Behind the projects lie individuals with the drive to make
something better, to modify a product to do something it was never intended
to do, or to just create something out of the ordinary. This approach to
problem solving should be familiar to the USENIX community.

In this fun and light-hearted session, Joe Grand, electrical engineer and
obsessed inventor, will tell his story and that of MAKE magazine. Armed with
some interesting, wacky, and/or curious hardware hacks, Joe will provide a
show-and-tell that will hopefully motivate you to embrace the Maker mindset
in your own lifestyle.

Joe Grand is the President of Grand Idea Studio, Inc.
(, a San Diego-based product research, development,
and licensing firm, where he specializes in the invention and design of
consumer electronics, video game accessories, and toys. Joe is the author of
several books, including Hardware Hacking: Have Fun While Voiding Your
Warranty and Game Console Hacking. He is on the Technical Advisory Board and
is a Contributing Writer for MAKE magazine (

Joe is also a globally recognized figure in computer security. He has
testified before the United States Senate Governmental Affairs Committee and
is a former member of the legendary hacker collective L0pht Heavy
Industries. Joe holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Engineering
from Boston University.
Invited Talk II: Hacking Silicon: Secrets From Behind the Epoxy Curtain
Bunnie Huang, bunnie studios, LLC

I'll talk about basic methods and theory behind silicon hacking:
- motivation
- examples of silicon-based security
- overview of methods for decapsulating silicon chips
- methods for imaging chips
- theory behind deciphering silicon chips (briefest introduction)
- practical example of hacking a PIC microcontroller to recover data from security fused regions
Bunnie Huang ( has a strong background in silicon design and reverse engineering. bunnie completed his PhD at MIT on computer architecture, with an emphasis on the big-picture silicon implementation issues of large scale parallel machines. During the course of his studies, bunnie reverse engineered cryptographic keys out of the Xbox hardware and published his findings in CHES (Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems) and in a book titled Hacking the Xbox. bunnie's professional experience in silicon design (which includes 802.11b/Bluetooth radios, 10 Gigabit transceivers, CMOS photonics, and various prototype chips for silicon devices research) combined with his reverse engineering expertise gives him a unique perspective on silicon hacking.