LISA '05 Home
Conference Overview
Important Dates/Contact Information
Conference Organizers
Refereed Papers
Training Program
Invited Talks and Guru Sessions
Workshops, WiPs, and BoFs
Sponsorship and Exhibit Opportunities
Call for Papers in PDF Format
Sponsored by:

The Advanced Computing Systems Association

Program Chair: David N. Blank-Edelman, Northeastern University CCIS
The annual LISA conference is the meeting place of choice for system, network, database, storage, security, and all other computer-related administrators. Administrators of all specialties and levels of expertise meet at LISA to exchange ideas, sharpen old skills, learn new techniques, debate current issues, and meet colleagues and friends.
People come from over 30 different countries to attend LISA. They include a wide range of administration specialties. They hail from environments of all sorts, including large corporations, small businesses, academic institutions, and government agencies. Attendees are full-time, part-time, student, and volunteer admins, as well as those who find themselves performing "admin duties" in addition to their day jobs. They support combinations of operating systems ranging from Open Source, such as Linux and the BSD releases, to vendor-specific, including Solaris, Windows, Mac OS, HP-UX, and AIX.
The conference's diverse group of participants is matched by an
equally broad spectrum of activities:
- A training program for both beginners and
experienced attendees cover many administrative topics,
ranging from basic administrative procedures to using
cutting-edge technologies.
- Refereed papers present the latest developments and ideas
related to system and network administration.
- Invited talks discuss important and timely topics
and often spark lively debates and conversation.
- Work-in-progress reports (WiPs) provide brief peeks at
next year's innovations.
LISA also makes it easy for people to interact in more informal
- Noted experts answer questions from anyone who wants to
attend at Guru Is In sessions.
- LISA participants discuss/celebrate/commiserate about a
shared interest at Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) sessions.
- Attendees can talk with vendors and explore the solutions they offer at
the Exhibition.
- Submit an extended abstract for a refereed paper.
- Suggest an invited talk speaker or a panel discussion topic.
- Share your experience by leading a Guru Is In session.
- Propose a tutorial topic.
- Organize or suggest a Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) session.
- Email an idea to the chair.
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