LISA '05 Home
Conference Overview
Important Dates/Contact Information
Conference Organizers
Refereed Papers
Training Program
Invited Talks and Guru Sessions
Workshops, WiPs, and BoFs
Sponsorship and Exhibit Opportunities
Call for Papers in PDF Format
Draft papers, extended abstracts, and invited talk and workshop proposals due: |
May 10, 2005 |
Notification to authors: |
June 2005 |
Final papers due: |
September 27, 2005
Final Program and Registration Information
Complete program and registration information will be available in
September 2005 at the conference Web site,
If you would like to receive the latest USENIX conference information, please join our mailing list.
Contact the Chair
The Program Chair, David Blank-Edelman, is always open to new ideas that might
improve the conference. Please email any and all ideas to
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