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In this section we show performance results for the FastVM implementation on x86 and compare it to other state-of-the-art JVM implementations on x86. The second part presents improvements of the different single optimization methods which we have explained in the previous sections.

To compare the different JVM implementations on x86 we ran the SpecJVM98 [3] benchmark suite (large size) on a Compaq Deskpro machine (Pentium III 866MHz) with 256MB main memory running Linux 2.4.3. The heap size of the JVM is 128MB since we want to avoid as many side effects of garbage collection activity as possible during the measurements. Setting the heap size to 128MB eliminates most garbage collections.

For performance measurements we set up a Java wrapper program that invokes every single benchmark three times. At the end we compare the geometric mean as well as the best and the worst of all three benchmark times.

With a just-in-time compiler the first run usually takes the most time and any succeeding run is shorter since later runs invoke methods that have already been compiled to native machine code. We found that after three runs most JVM implementations do not improve much further by using already precompiled code. We also chose to restart the JVM after a single benchmark, so that benchmarks cannot take advantage of a method that has been compiled by a benchmark invoked earlier.

The FastVM uses a simple heuristic approach to decide whether a method needs to be compiled or not. During execution the FastVM counts how often a method gets invoked, and if the count exceeds an upper limit the methods gets compiled and optimized. In contrast, in a feedback-based compiler, optimization takes place only in the parts of the code that are frequently executed. To find out which parts the JVM needs to optimize, the compiler gets program profiling information as feedback from the runtime system. The advantage of feedback-based systems is that frequently executed parts of the program get well optimized. On the other hand, profiling and optimizing code imposes an additional runtime penalty and often code can be efficiently optimized using lightweight optimization methods as described in this paper.

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