Thus, in order to estimate the potential downstream bandwidth from a given AP, an end-host needs to estimate the loss rate on the wireless link from the AP to itself. We propose that nodes infer frame losses, by exploiting the 12-bit sequence number field present in the 802.11 data and management frames. An end-host passively monitors all frames transmitted by the AP for a certain duration. The end-host can then infer data frame losses based on gaps in sequence numbers during the monitoring period. It is possible that the monitoring node may hear a data frame from an AP that is a retransmission of an earlier frame, which it did not hear. In this case, the monitoring node can detect retransmissions by looking at the Retry bit in the Frame Control field of the received frame. If this bit is set, it indicates that the frame is a retransmission of an earlier frame. Since the Retry bit does not indicate the number of retransmissions of a frame, we make a simplifying assumption that the probability of more than two successive retransmissions of a frame between an AP and a host affiliated to that AP is negligible.
The above described method of inferring loss rate, is useful both in the presence of and in its absence. In the presence of
, the probability
of an
frame loss differs from the probability of a data frame loss, since an
is transmitted at the base rate. An
frame loss can be
inferred by a monitoring end-host, if the monitoring host overhears a data frame transmission from an AP to an end-host, but does not hear the
frame transmission from the AP to the end-host preceding the data transmission.
Just as in the case of a data frame, an
frame retransmission can be detected from
the Retry bit in the Frame Control field of the frame. Data frame losses can be detected
from the missing sequence numbers over the monitoring period.
The estimated loss probability can be used to calculate the expected delays incurred by the frames
and data frames transmitted by an AP. For simplicity, we assume that
frames from
the end-host to the AP are transmitted loss-free. This may be a reasonable assumption since
frames are very short. Furthermore,
frames are transmitted at the base rate and the
frames are transmitted collision-free.
This assumption means that
frames always incur fixed
delays. Losses then only impact the
and data frames in our model. The estimated
loss probability can easily be incorporated to obtain the expected back-off delay and the
corresponding frame delay, using the analysis shown in [6].
When there are no affiliated hosts, a monitoring node does not overhear any transmissions except
the beacon frames transmitted by an AP. Absence of a beacon frame in a beacon interval
indicates that the beacon frame was lost. A monitoring host can estimate the loss probability
of data frames to be the loss probability of the beacon frames.
The frames are transmitted at the base rate and can be assumed to be transmitted
loss-free, especially given that there is no contention for the medium and that the
probability of a collision is zero.