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SWEEPER: An Efficient Disaster Recovery Point Identification Mechanism

Akshat Verma Kaladhar Voruganti Ramani Routray Rohit Jain 1
IBM India Research Network Appliance IBM Almaden Research Yahoo India


Data corruption is one of the key problems that is on top of the radar screen of most CIOs. Continuous Data Protection (CDP) technologies help enterprises deal with data corruption by maintaining multiple versions of data and facilitating recovery by allowing an administrator restore to an earlier clean version of data. The aim of the recovery process after data corruption is to quickly traverse through the backup copies (old versions), and retrieve a clean copy of data. Currently, data recovery is an ad-hoc, time consuming and frustrating process with sequential brute force approaches, where recovery time is proportional to the number of backup copies examined and the time to check a backup copy for data corruption.

In this paper, we present the design and implementation of SWEEPER architecture and backup copy selection algorithms that specifically tackle the problem of quickly and systematically identifying a good recovery point. We monitor various system events and generate checkpoint records that help in quickly identifying a clean backup copy. The SWEEPER methodology dynamically determines the selection algorithm based on user specified recovery time and recovery point objectives, and thus, allows system administrators to perform trade-offs between recovery time and data currentness. We have implemented our solution as part of a popular Storage Resource Manager product and evaluated SWEEPER under many diverse settings. Our study clearly establishes the effectiveness of SWEEPER as a robust strategy to significantly reduce recovery time.

1 Introduction

Data Resiliency is a very important concern for most organizations to ensure business continuity in the face of different types of failures and disasters, such as virus attacks, site failures, machine/firmware malfunction, accidental and malicious human/application errors [17,2]. Resiliency is not only about being able to resurrect data after failures, but also about how quickly the data can be resurrected so that the business can be operational again. While in the case of total data loss failures, the recovery time is largely dominated by Restoration Cost, i.e., time to restore the data from backup systems at local or remote locations; in the case of data corruption failures, the time to identify a clean previous copy of data to revert to can be much larger. Often, data corruption is detected after the incidence of corruption itself. As a result, the administrator has a large number of candidate backup copies to select the recovery point from. The key to fast recovery in such cases is reducing the time required in the identification step. Much research and industrial attention have been devoted to protecting data from disasters. However, relatively little work has been done in the area of how to quickly retrieve the latest clean copy of uncorrupted data. The focus of this paper is on how to efficiently identify clean data.

Data resiliency is based on Data Protection: taking either continuous or periodic snapshots of the data as it is being updated. Block level [7] [15], file level [10], logical volume level [27] and database level [5] data replication/recovery mechanisms are the most prominent data protection mechanisms. The mechanisms vary with respect to their support for different data granularities, transactional support, replication site distance, backup latencies, recovery point and recovery time objectives [11]. Continuous data protection (CDP) [24] is a form of continuous data protection that allows one to go back in time after a failure and recover earlier versions of an object at the granularity of a single update.

The recovery process is preceded by Error Detection. Errors are usually found either by application users or by automated data integrity tools. Tools such as disk scrubbers and S.M.A.R.T. tools [23] can detect corruptions caused by hardware errors. Virus scanners, application specific data integrity checkers such as fsck for filesystem integrity, and storage level intrusion detection tools [19,3] can detect logical data corruptions caused by malicious software, improper system shutdown, and erroneous administrator actions. For complex Storage Area Network (SAN) environments, configuration validation tools [1] have been proposed that can be used in both proactive and reactive mode to identify configuration settings that could potentially lead to logical data corruptions.

Once system administrators are notified of a corruption, they need to solve the Recovery Point Identification problem, i.e., determine a recovery point that will provide a clean copy of their data. Typically, system administrators choose a recovery point by trading-off recovery speed (the number of versions that need to be checked to find a clean copy) versus data currentness (one might not want to lose valid data updates for the sake of fast recovery). Recovery point identification is currently a manual, error-prone and frustrating process for system administrators, due to the pressure to quickly bring organization's applications back on-line. Even though CDP technologies provide users with the ability to rollback every data update, they do not address the problem of identifying a clean copy of data. It is only after a good recovery point has been identified, that Data Recovery can begin by replacing the corrupt copy by the clean copy of data. The efficacy of a recovery process is characterized by a Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and a Recovery Point objective (RPO). RTO measures the downtime after detection of corruption, whereas RPO indicates the loss in data currency in terms of seconds of updates that are lost.

This paper describes and evaluates methods for efficient recovery point identification in CDP logs which reduce RTO, while not compromising on RPO. The basic idea behind our approach is to evaluate the events generated by various components such as applications, file systems, databases and other hardware/software resources and generate checkpoint records. Subsequently upon the detection of failure, we efficiently process these checkpoint records to start the recovery process from an appropriate CDP record. Since CDP mechanisms are typically used along with point-in-time snapshot (PIT) technologies, it is possible to create data copies selectively. Further, since the time it takes to test a copy of data for corruption dominates overall recovery time, selective testing of copies can drastically reduce recovery time. This selective identification of copies that one can target for quick recovery is the focus of this work.

Some existing CDP solutions [16,21,30] are based on the similar idea of checkpointing interesting events in CDP logs. While event checkpointing mechanisms help in narrowing down the search space, they do not guarantee that the most appropriate checkpoint record will be identified. Thus, the CDP log evaluation techniques presented in this paper compliment these checkpoint record generation mechanisms in quickly identifying the most suitable CDP record. The key contributions of this paper are:

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. We formally define the Recovery Point Identification problem and model in Sec. 2.1 and 2.2. The SWEEPER architecture is presented in Sec. 2.3. The CDP record scanning algorithms are described in Sec.3, and our implementation in Sec. 4. Sec. 5 describes our experimental evaluation. Sec. 6 discusses the strengths and weaknesses of SWEEPER in the context of related work followed by a conclusion in Sec. 7.

2 Recovery-point Identification: Model and Architecture

We now provide a formal definition of the Recovery Point Identification problem and model parameters.

2.1 Problem Formulation

We investigate the problem of data recovery after a failure has resulted in data corruption. Data corruption is detected by an integrity checker (possibly with application support). The second step in this process is to identify the nature of corruption (e.g., virus corruption, hardware error). For isolating the problem, the components (e.g, controllers, disks, switches, applications) that may be the cause of error are identified by constructing a mapping from the corrupted data to the applications. Once the affected components are identified, the recovery module finds a time instance to go back to when the data was uncorrupted. Once the time instance is identified, CDP logs and point-in-time images are used to construct the uncorrupted data.

Table 1: Notations
$T_0$ Time at which data was last known to be clean
$T_d$ Time at which corruption was detected
$T_i$ Timestamp $i$
$T_e$ Error Timestamp
$T_p$ Number of CDP logs after which a PIT copy is taken
$N$ Number of CDP logs between $T_0$ and $T_d$
$N_c$ Number of checkpoints between $T_0$ and $T_d$
$D_{rec}$ Time taken for recovery
$C_p$ Cost of getting a PIT copy online and ready to read/write
$C_l$ Average Cost of applying one CDP log entry
$C_t$ Cost of testing one data image for corruption
$p_{i,j}$ probability that checkpoint $j$ is correlated with corruption $i$

We now formally describe the Recovery Point Identification problem. The notations used in this paper are tabulated in Table. 1. The Recovery Point Identification problem is to minimize the total time taken to recover the data in order to get the most current uncorrupted data (i.e., find a timestamp $T_i$ such that $T_i = T_e$ while minimizing $D_{rec}$ ). A constrained version of the problem is to minimize $T_e - T_i$ subject to a bound on $D_{rec}$. The identification of $T_i$ proceeds by finding an ordered set $S$ of timestamps, which is a subset of the set of all the timestamps $(T_0,...,T_N)$ such that $S_m$ ($m = \vert S\vert$), the last element of the set $S$, is the same as the error point $T_e$. Further, the total cost of creating and testing the data images corresponding to the $m$ timestamps in $S$, which equals $D_{rec}$, should be minimized. The cost of checking a data image at timestamp $T_i$ for corruption is the sum of (a) the cost of making the first PIT image preceding the timestamp available for read/write ($C_p$) (b) the cost of applying the $T_i \%T_p$ ($T_i$ modulo $T_p$) CDP logs ( $C_l (T_i\%T_p)$) and (c) the cost of testing the copy ($C_t$). Hence, the total time spent in isolating the uncorrupted copy is the sum of the costs of all the timestamps checked in the sequence $S$.

2.2 Recovery Point Parameters and Estimating Sequential Checking Time

Figure 1: Timeline for testing the snapshot at time $T_i$: 1 Getting a full backup online. 2 Applying incremental backups over it. 3 Applying CDP logs to create the snapshot at time $T_i$. 4 Testing the data for integrity.

We now elaborate on the recovery parameters like $C_p$, $C_t$ etc and their typical values. For a typical example, consider Fig. 1, where a Recovery Point Identification strategy decided to check data image at $T_i$ for corruption. The data protection (continuous and point-in-time) solution employed in the setting takes a total backup of the data at regular intervals. In between total backups, incremental backups are taken after every $T_p$ writes (CDP logs). The number of incremental backups taken between two consecutive total backups is denoted by $f_I$. Hence, in order to construct the point-in-time snapshot of data at time $T_i$, we make the first total backup copy preceding $T_i$ (labeled as $T_b$ in the example) online. Then, we apply incremental backups over this data till we reach the timestamp $T_I$ of the last incremental backup point before $T_i$. The total time taken in getting the PIT copy at $T_I$ online is denoted by $C_p$. On this PIT copy, we now apply the CDP logs that capture all the data changes made between $T_I$ and $T_i$, and incur a cost of $C_l$ for each log. Finally, an integrity check is applied over this data, and the running time of the integrity checker is denoted by $C_t$.

For average metadata and data write sizes of $E(S_m)$ and $E(S_w)$ respectively, write coalescing factor $W_{cf}$, average filesize $E(S_f)$, read and write bandwidth of $B_r$ and $B_w$ respectively, a file corpus of $N_f$ files, and a unit integrity test time $I_t$, the expected time taken for each of these three activities are given by the following equations. ($C_p$ calculation is based on the assumption that constructing the PIT copy only requires metadata updates.)

$\displaystyle C_p$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac{(f_I/2) (T_p/ W_{cf}) E(S_m)} {B_w},$  
    $\displaystyle C_l (T_i\%T_p) = \frac{(T_p/2) E(S_w)}{B_w}$ (1)
$\displaystyle C_t$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \frac{N_f E(S_f) }{B_r} + N_f E(S_f) I_t$ (2)

In a typical setup with $1000$ files being are modified every second, update sizes of $4KB$, file sizes of $100KB$, metadata size of $64Bytes$, total backups every 12 hours, incremental backups every $1hr$, and disk transfer rate of $100Mbps$, the time taken to get a PIT image online $C_p$ is approximately 50 seconds. The time taken to apply the CDP logs is of the order of 10 minutes, whereas the I/O time taken (not including any computations) by the integrity checker $C_t$ comes to about 4 hours assuming that the integrity checker only needs to check the modified files. In a deployment with a CDP log window of $24$ hrs, if one sequentially checks every $1000^{th}$ record, the expected time to find the point of corruption would be of the order of $100$ days. Hence, sequential checking is infeasible and minimizing the time taken by the recovery process essentially boils down to minimizing the number of data images that are checked by recovery process.

2.3 SWEEPER Recovery Point Identification Architecture

Figure 2: SWEEPER Recovery Point Indentification Architecture

The central idea of SWEEPER is to automatically checkpoint important system events from various application-independent monitoring sources as indicators of corruption failures. In contrast to earlier work [16] that requires an administrator to manually define the events for each application that are correlated with various corruption types, we automate the process of creating these checkpoints and indexing them with the type and scope of corruption along with a number that indicates the probability of the event being correlated with the specific corruption type. We then use these checkpoints as hints to quickly pinpoint the most recent clean copy of data. The overall architecture of SWEEPER is described in Fig. 2

The key design question while architecting a recovery mechanism like SWEEPER is whether to build it a) as part of a CDP system, or b) as part of a Storage Resource Manager product like EMC Control Center, HP OpenView or IBM TotalStorage Productivity Centre, or c) as a standalone component. We have separated the design of algorithms and the architecture so that the algorithms can work with any architecture and vice versa. Implementing SWEEPER outside the CDP system allows it to be leveraged by many different types of CDP systems. The disadvantage of this implementation is that some CDP systems might not completely expose all of the internal system state changes via an event mechanism. Most of this information is available from Storage Resource Managers. Furthermore, most Storage Resource Managers have a comprehensive monitoring and resource discovery mechanism that can be leveraged by the Recovery module. Hence, we recommend the design choice (b) for SWEEPER (Fig. 2), with the following key components.

2.4 Overall System Flow

We now describe the Checkpoint generation flow and Fault-isolation or Recovery flow that capture the essence of the SWEEPER architecture. The Checkpoint Generation flow captures the generation of checkpoint records during normal CDP system operation. The recovery process is initiated by system administrators when they determine that data corruption has occured and this is captured by the Fault-Isolation flow.

Checkpoint Generation Flow:

Fault-Isolation Flow:

3 SWEEPER Checkpoint Log Processing Algorithms

The checkpoint log processing algorithms are implemented in the Checkpoint Record Locator and the CDP Record Scanner modules. The Checkpoint Record Locator iteratively queries the CDP Record Scanner for the next checkpoint that it should verify for correctness, whereas the CDP Record Scanner has the core intelligence for identifying the next eligible checkpoint. The iterative flow of Checkpoint Record Locator is presented in Fig. 3.

Figure 3: Checkpoint Record Locator Flow
{\em funct...
...end while}\\
{\em end locateCheckPoints}\\

3.1 CDP Record Scanning Algorithms

We now present the scanning algorithms that contain the core intelligence of SWEEPER. As in Sec. 2.1, $N$ denotes the number of CDP logs, $C_t$ is the cost of testing a data image for corruption, $C_p$ is the cost of getting a PIT copy online, $C_l$ is the cost of applying one CDP log on a data image and $T_p$ is the number of CDP logs after which a PIT image is taken. Further, we use $N_c$ to denote the number of checkpoint records in the relevant history.

3.1.1 Sequential Checkpoint Strategy

The Sequential Checkpoint Strategy starts from the first clean copy of data (Fig. 4) and applies the CDP logs in a sequential manner. However, it creates data images only for timestamps corresponding to some checkpoint record. The implementation of the $scanRecords$ algorithm returns the first checkpoint record after the given start time. Hence, the number of integrity tests that Checkpoint Record Locator needs to perform using the scanRecordsSequential method is proportional to the number of checkpoint records $N_c$ and not on the number of CDP logs $N$. The worst-case cost of creating the most current clean data image by the Sequential Scanning Strategy is $N_c C_t + C_p + N C_L$.

Figure 4: Search Strategies: Sequential follows a straight path. Binary Search reduces space by half in each step, Informed follows a strict order between probabilities, Balanced behaves in a probability-weighted Binary Search fashion.
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3.1.2 Binary Search Strategy

We use the observation that corruption errors are not transient in nature and hence, if data is found to be corrupt at any time $T_i$, the data would remain corrupt for all timestamp $T_j > T_i$. This order preservation in corruption testing allows us to partition the search space quickly. We use the intuition of binary-search algorithms that partitioning a search space into two equal sized partitions leads one to converge to the required point in logarithmic time steps instead of linear number of steps. Hence, for a search space with $N_c(t)$ checkpoints at any given time $t$, $scanRecordsBinary$ returns the timestamp corresponding to the $(N_c(t)/2)^{th}$ checkpoint record for inspection. If the data corresponding to the timestamp is corrupt, we recursively search for corruption in the timestamps between the $0^{th}$ and $(N_c(t)/2)^{th}$ checkpoints. On the other hand, if the data is clean, our inspection window is now the timestamps between the $(N_c(t)/2)^{th}$ and the $N_c(t)^{th}$ checkpoint records. It is easy to see that since the inspection window reduces by a factor of $2$ after every check, we would complete the search in $\log N_c$ steps and the total time (expected as well as worst case) spent in recovery point identification is given by $\log N_c ( C_t + C_p + C_l T_p/2)$.

3.1.3 Informed Search Strategy

While identifying the next timestamp to test for corruption, the Binary Search strategy selects the next checkpoint without taking into account the probability that the particular checkpoint was correlated with corruption. Our next strategy, called the Informed strategy, uses the probabilities associated with the checkpoint records to decide the next timestamp to examine. At any given time, it figures out the checkpoint $j$ that has the highest likelihood ($p_{i,j}$) of being correlated with the corruption $c_i$. Hence, for cases where data corruption is associated with a rare event, the search may terminate in a constant number of steps (constant number of timestamps are examined) or take upto $N_c$ steps in the adversarial worst case. However, as long as the probability $p_{i,j}$ of a particular checkpoint being the cause of corruption is uncorrelated with the time of its occurrence, the search would still reduce the space exponentially and is expected to terminate in logarithmic steps. Formally, we have the following result for the expected running time of Informed Search.

Theorem 1   The Informed Search Strategy identifies the most recent uncorrupted data in $O(\log N_c (C_t + C_p + C_L T_p/2))$.

Proof: To prove the result, it is sufficient to prove that the search is expected to examine only $O(\log N_c)$ timestamps before it finds the most recent uncorrupted entry. It is easy to see that the average cost of testing a given timestamp is given by $C_t + C_p + C_L T_p/2$.

Observe that as the highest probability checkpoint is uncorrelated with its timestamp, each of the $N_c$ checkpoint records are equally likely to be examined next. Further, if the $i^{th}$ checkpoint is examined, it divides the search space into two partitions, and we need to examine only one of them after the check. Hence, the recurrence relation for the search algorithm is given by

T(N_c) & \leq \frac{1}{N_c} (T(N_c-1) + ...
... T(i) + \\
& T(N_c-i) + ... + T(1) + T(N_c-1))
\end{displaymath} (3)

One may observe that $T(N_c) = \log N_c$ satisfies the recurrence relation. To verify, note that the right hand side of the equation reduces to $1/N_c \log N_{c}!^2$ , if $T(N_c)$ is replaced by $\log N_c$. Hence, we only need to show that
$T(N_c) < c\log N_c$ for some constant $c$
i.e., $ \frac{\log (N_c!)^2}{N_c} < c \log N_c$
i.e., $\log (N_c!)^2 < c N_c \log N_c $
i.e., $\log (N_c!)^ 2 < c \log N_c^{N_c}$
which holds for $c = 2$ by using the fact that $N_c!^2 > N_c^{N_c} > N_c!$. This completes the proof.

3.1.4 Balanced Search Strategy

The Informed Search strategy attempts to find the corruption point quickly by giving greater weightage to checkpoints that have a higher correlation probability with the corruption. On the other hand, Binary Search strategy prunes the space quickly oblivious to the probabilities associated with the checkpoint records. We combine the key idea of both these heuristics to design the $scanRecordBalanced$ algorithm (Fig. 5). The algorithm computes the total search time in an inductive manner and selects the checkpoint record that minimizes the expected running time.

Figure 5: Balanced Scanning Algorithm
% latex2html id marker 1119
...urrMin} \\
{\em end scanRecordsBalanced}\\

Intuitively speaking, the Balanced strategy picks the checkpoint records that (a) are likely to have caused the corruption and (b) partition the space into two roughly equal-sized partitions. The algorithm strikes the right balanced between partitioning the space quickly and selecting checkpoints that are correlated with the current corruption $c_j$. We have the following optimality result for the balanced strategy.

Theorem 2   The balanced strategy miminizes the total expected search time required for recovery.

Proof: In order to prove the result, we formulate precisely the expected running time of a strategy that picks a checkpoint record $i$ for failure $j$. The expected running time of the strategy is then given in terms of the size and probabilities associated with the two partitions $L$ and $R$.
$\displaystyle T(N)$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle P(L) T(L) * C_{tot} + P_{i,j} *$  
    $\displaystyle C_{tot} + P(R) T(\vert R\vert) * C_{tot}$ (4)

where $P(L)$ and $P(R)$ are the accumulated probabilities of the left and right partitions respectively, and $C_{tot}$ is the total cost of creating and testing data for any given timestamp. Using the fact that $T(L)$ can be as high as $O(\log \vert L\vert)$ in the case where all checkpoint records have equal probabilities, we modify Eqn. 4 by
$\displaystyle T(N)$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle P(L) \log \vert L\vert *C_{tot} + P_{i,j} *$  
    $\displaystyle C_{tot} + P(R) \log \vert R\vert * C_{tot}$ (5)

Hence, the optimal strategy minimizes the term on the right hand side, which is precisely what our balanced strategy does (after taking the common term $C_{tot}$ out from the right hand side). This completes the proof.

4 Implementation

We have implemented SWEEPER as a pluggable module in a popular SRM (Storage Resource Manager) product, and it can use any CDP product. We use the SRM's Event Bus to drive the checkpoint record generation process in SWEEPER. The output of SWEEPER is a timestamp $T_e$ that is fed to the CDP Recovery Module, and the $CDP System$ rolls back all updates till time $T_e$. Since we can leverage many components from the SRM, the only components we needed to implement for SWEEPER were SWEEPER Event Analyzer and Checkpoint Generator, SWEEPER Knowledge Database, SWEEPER CDP Record Scanner, and SWEEPER Checkpoint Record Locator. Details of the algorithms implemented by SWEEPER CDP Record Scanner and SWEEPER Checkpoint Record Locator have been presented in Sec. 3 and we restrict ourselves to describing the implementation of the remaining components in this section. We start with the checkpoint record structure and its implementation.

4.1 Checkpoint Record Structure and Database

In our implementation, we use a relational database to store the checkpoint records for each event or event-set. Each checkpoint record consists of (i) Checkpoint Record ID (ii) Timestamp (iii)Scope (iv) Failure Type, and (v) Correlation Probability. Checkpoint Record Id is an auto-generated primary key and Timestamp corresponds to the time the event-set occured (consists of year, month, day, hour, minute, second), and is synchronized with the CDP system clock. Scope describes whether the event-set is relevant for a particular physical device (e.g, switch, host, storage controller), or a software component (e.g., file system, database system), or a logical construct (e.g., file, table, zone, directory) and is used for quickly scoping the checkpoint records during recovery. Failure Type specifies the types of failure the checkpoint is relevant for is also used to scope the checkpoint records during recovery processing. The failure types (hardware failure, configuration error etc) are listed in Table 2. Correlation Probability is computed as the probability that data corruption happened at the same time as the occurence of the event or a set of events.

4.2 SWEEPER Knowledge Database

Table 2: Monitored Events $e_i$ of failure types ($c_j$): (a) Misconfiguration (b) Virus (c) Hardware related and (d) Application, along with their monitoring source and expert information ($P(e_i\vert c_j)$)
\footnotesize {
\centering {...
... High \\ \hline
\end{tabular*} \\

The SWEEPER checkpoint record generation centres around an expert information repository that we call the SWEEPER Knowledge Database. The Knowledge Database is structured as a table and a row in the table represents an event or a set of events $e_i$, and details the source of the event, the failure type(s) $c_j$ relevant to the event and the correlation probability $E(e_i\vert c_j)$ of the event with each relevant failure type. A split-view of the Knowledge Base is presented in Table 1. We use expert information derived from literature to generate the Knowledge Database. We obtained common configuration related probabilities from the proprietary level two field support team problem database of a leading storage company for storage area networks. We obtained hardware failure information from proprietary storage controller failure database of the same company. We obtained the virus failure information by looking at virus behavior for many common viruses at the virus encyclopedia site [28]. To elucidate with an example, for the corruption type of virus, we looked at the signature of the last $300$ discovered viruses [28] and noted common and rare events associated with them. Based on how commonly an event is associated with a virus, we classified that event as having a low, medium or high probability to be seen in case of a virus attack. Because of the inherent noise in this expert data, we classify $P(e_i\vert c_j)$ only into low, medium and high probability buckets which correspond to probabilities of $0.1$, $0.5$ and $0.9$ respectively.

The events listed in the Knowledge Base and monitored by the Event Analyzer can be classified into Configuration Changes: addition, update (upgrade/downgrade firmware, driver or software level) or removal of hardware and software resources and changes in security access control. These events are checkpointed as it is common for data corruption problems to occur when one upgrades a software level, or when one introduces a new piece of software or hardware resource. Background Checking Processes: successful or unsuccessful completion of background checking processes like virus scan, hardware diagnostics, filesystem consistency like fsck or application provided consistency checkers. These checkpoints provide markers for consistency in specific filesystems, databases or volumes. Application Specific Changes:Applications can provide hints about abnormal behaviour that may indicate corruption and SWEEPER allows one to monitor such events. Hardware Failures: checksum/CRC type errors, self diagnostic checks like SMART, warnings generated by SMART etc. Performance Threshold Exceeding: High port actitvity, high CPU utilization etc. Performance Threshold Exceeding events like high port utilization or high CPU utilization is usually a symptom of either a virus attack, or an application that has gone astray. Meta-data Update Changes: Changes in system directory etc. Abnormal Meta-data updates indicate application misbehavior, which, in turn, can potentially lead to data overwrite or corruption problems.

4.3 Event Filtering and Checkpoint Record Creation

The $SRM$ has client agents that subscribe to various types of events from hosts, switches, storage controllers, file systems and applications. These events are consolidated and presented as part of an event bus. SWEEPER is only concerned about a subset of the events in the event bus and gets the list of relevant events from the Knowledge Database (Table 2). Once the relevant events are filtered, the Event Analyzer generates a checkpoint record for the event along with its timestamp. Tight synchronization between the SWEEPER event analyzer clock and the CDP system clock is not mandatory as the RPO granularity is no finer than $1$ second. Hence, we perform hourly synchronization of the event analyzer clock with the CDP clock to ensure that the timestamps in the checkpoint records are reasonably accurate.

4.4 Checkpoint Record Scope Determination

The checkpoint record scope is useful in quickly filtering irrelevant checkpoint records, and thus, converge on the relevant CDP records. After the initial event filtering based on the information in the knowledgebase the checkpoint record generator examines the event type, and determines what data (files, DB tables or volumes) can be potentially affected by the event. We can only
Figure 6: Resource Graph
determine the scope for file/DB meta-data changes or configuration change related events. For other types of events the notion of scope is irrelevant. The value of scope is determined by traversing a resource graph. The resource graph information is stored in the systems resource manager configuration database. Fig. 6 shows a portion of the resource graph that is stored in the database. The nodes in the graph correspond to hardware and software resources, and the edges correspond to physical/logical connectivity or containment relationships. The basic structure of the resource graph is the SNIA SMI-S model. However, we have made extensions to this model to facilitate the modeling of application and database relationships. Fig. 6 illustrates how we traverse the resource graph when a configuration changing event occurs. If the user has added a new host and put its ports in Zone 1, then we determine all the storage ports (and the corresponding storage controllers) that are in zone 1. We then determine the storage volumes that are in those storage controllers and store the ids of the storage volumes in the scope field of the zoning event. During recovery, once the user has either manually or via an automated tool identified a corrupt file/table/volume, we search the checkpoint records that list the file/table/volume in its scope.

4.5 Checkpoint Record Probability Determination

Figure 7: Estimating P(e) with window size ($W$) of $4$ using Exponential-weighted Averaging
The key feature of the SWEEPER architecture is associating correlation probabilities with events to help any search strategy in speeding up the recovery flow. For every event $e_i$ and corruption $c_j$, the correlation probability $P(c_j\vert e_i)$ denotes the probability that the corruption $c_j$ happened in a given time interval $t$ given that $e_i$ has happened at $t$. The correlation probability is estimated using the Bayesian.
P(c_j\vert e_i) = (P(e_i\vert c_j). P(c_j))/P(e_i)
\end{displaymath} (6)

In order to compute the correlation probability, one needs to estimate $P(c_j)$, $P(e_i)$ and $P(e_i\vert c_j)$. $P(e_i)$ is estimated by looking at the event stream for the event $e_i$ and using an exponential-weighted averaging to compute the average frequency of the event $e_i$. To elaborate further, the time line is divided into windows of size $W$ each (Fig. 7), and for any window $w_k$, the number of occurrences $n_i^k$ of each event $e_i$ is noted. The local probability of event $e_i$ in the window $w_k$ (denoted by $LP(e_i^k)$) is calculated as $n_i^k/W$. In order to take into account the historical frequency of the event $e_i$ and have a more stable estimate, the probability of an event $e_i$ in the time window $r_{k+1}$ ($k\geq0$) is damped using the exponential decay function (Eq. 7). For the first window, the probability is same as the local probability.

P(e_i^{k+1}) = 1/2( P(e_i^{k}) + LP(e_i^{k+1}))
\end{displaymath} (7)

The $P(e_i\vert c_j)$ estimates are obtained from the Knowledge Database. The final parameter in Eqn. 6 is $P(c_j)$. However, note that whenever checkpoints are being examined to figure out the source of a corruption $c_j$, all the checkpoints would have the same common term $P(c_j)$. Hence, $P(c_j\vert e_i)$ is computed by ignoring the common term $P(c_j)$ for all the $N$ events, and then normalizing the correlation probabilities so that $\sum_{i=1}^N P(c_j\vert e_i) = 1$. The correlation probabilities thus computed are stored in the checkpoint records for use in the recovery flow.

5 Evaluation

We conducted a large number of experiments to analyze the performance of our search algorithms and study the salient features of our checkpoint-based SWEEPER architecture. We now report some of the key findings of our study.

5.1 Experimental Setup

Our experimental setup is based on the implementation described in Sec. 4 and consists of the architectural components in Fig 2. Since real data corruption problems are relatively infrequent events, we simulate a Fault Injector component in the interest of time. The Fault Injector takes as input a probabilistic model of faults and its possible signatures and generates one non-transient fault along with the signature. Since our SWEEPER implementation is not integrated with any CDP system, we have also simulated a CDP System Modeler and Problem Determination Scanner. We have assumed that the Problem Determination Scanner can accurately identify if a copy of data is corrupt or not. The CDP System Modeler models the underlying storage and CDP system and provides the cost and time estimates for various storage activities like the time of applying a CDP log, making a PIT copy available for use or the time to test a snapshot for corruption. Finally, we use an Event Generator that mimics system activity. It takes as input a set of pre-specified events and their distribution and generates events that are monitored by the $SRM$ and fed to the SWEEPER Event Analyzer via the $SRM$ Event Bus.

The key contribution of the checkpoint-based architecture is to correlate checkpoint records with corruption failures using the correlation probabilities $p_{i,j}$. Hence, we test our search algorithms for various distributions of $p_{i,j}$, which are listed below. We use synthetic correlation probability distributions because of the lack of authoritative traces of system and application events that would be applicable on a wide variety of systems. We have carefully inspected the nature of event distributions from many sources and use the following distributions as representative distributions of event-corruption probability.

One may note that the uniform and zipf distributions capture the two extremes in terms of skewness, that the correlation distribution $p_{i,j}$ may exhibit in practice. Hence, a study with these two extreme distributions not only capture many real settings, but also indicate the performance of the algorithms with other distributions as well.

Our first set of experiments studied the scalability and effectiveness of the Checkpoint Generation Flow. In the second set of experiments, we evaluate the various search strategies in the Recovery flow. We conducted experiments for scalability (increase in number of checkpoint records $N_c$) and their ability to deal with recovery time constraint ($D_{rec}$). We also study the usefulness of a $2$-tier checkpoint record structre and the robustness of the SWEEPER framework with false negatives (probability that the error is not captured in the event stream) and noisy data (error in correlation probability estimation). Since the CDP system was simulated, we had to manually fix the various parameters of the CDP system to realistic values. We kept the time taken to check the data corresponding to any given timestamp ($C_t$) as $10000$ seconds, the time taken to get a PIT copy online ($C_p$) as $10$ seconds, and the time taken to create the snapshot using the CDP logs ( $C_l (T_i\%T_p)$) as 100 seconds.

5.2 Experimental Results

Figure 8: Lag in Checkpoint Records with Increasing Event Rate

We first investigated the scalability of our Checkpoint Record Generation Flow implementation to keep pace with events as the SAN size grows. Hence, the Event Generator increases the number of resources managed by the Storage Resource Manager and generates more events, that are fed to the Event Analyzer. We observed that our Event Analyzer is able to efficiently deal with increased number of events (Fig. 8) and the lag in checkpoint record is almost independent of the event rate. We also observe that the checkpoint records lag by only $2$mins and hence only the last $2$ minutes of events may be unavailable for recovery flow, which is insignificant compared to the typical CDP windows of weeks or months that the recovery flow has to look into. The efficiency of the checkpoint flow is because (a) the computations in Event Analyzer (e.g., exponential-decay averaging) are fairly light-weight and (b) depend only on finite-sized window (Sec. 4.5), thus scaling well with number of events.

Figure 9: Recovery Time for Sequential and Non-sequential strategies under Uniform probability checkpoints

We next focus on the Recovery Flow and investigate the impact of using a non-sequential strategy as opposed to sequential checking. Fig 9 compares the time taken to find the most recent uncorrupted version of data by the sequential and the binary search strategies, for a uniform probability distribution. Since the probability of all checkpoints are equal, Informed as well as Balanced strategy have similar performance to Binary Search. For the sake of visual clarity, we only plot the performance of Binary Search algorithm. It is clear that even for small values of $N$, sequential algorithm fares poorly because of the $N/\log{N}$ running time ratio, and underlines the need for non-sequential algorithms to speedup recovery. For the remainder of our experiments, we only focus on non-sequential strategies and study their performance.

5.2.1 Performance under different distributions

Figure 10: Recovery Time for Non-sequential strategies for (a) zipf distributed checkpoints and (b) 2-level uniform probability checkpoints

We next studied the relative performance and scalability of the proposed non-sequential strategies for various correlation probability distributions. Fig 10(a) and Fig 10(b) studies the performance of the three non-sequential strategies with increase in the number of checkpoint records under Zipf and $2$-level uniform probability distribution for checkpoints. We observe that the Balanced search strategy always outperforms the Binary search strategy. This validates our intuition that since Balanced strategy partitions the search space by balancing the likelihood of corruption in the partitions rather than the number of checkpoint records it converges much faster than binary. The gap in performance is more for the Zipf distribution than 2-level Uniform distribution, as the more skewed Zipf distribution increases the likelihood of partitions with equal number of checkpoints to have very different accumulated correlation probabilities. The Informed search strategy performs well under Zipf distribution as it has to examine very few checkpoint records, before it identifies the recovery point. For small $N$, Informed even outperforms the Balanced strategy, which takes $O(logN)$ time, while Informed runs in small number of constant steps, with very high probability. Thus, if the operator has high confidence in the events associated with different types of corruption, Informed may be the strategy of choice. One may observe for the 2-level uniform correlation probability case that, as the number of checkpoints increase, the performance of Informed degrades to that of Binary search. This is because the individual probability of each checkpoint record (even the checkpoints associated with the higher of the $2$ levels) falls linearly with the number of points and hence, convergence in constant steps is no longer possible and Informed search converges in $\log N$ time, as predicted by Theorem 1. These experiments bring out the fact that the greedy Informed strategy is not good for large deployments or when the the number of backup images are large.

5.2.2 Data Currency and Execution Time Tradeoff

Figure 11: Data Currency for Non-sequential strategies with Recovery Time Constraint under (a) 2-level uniform distribution and (b) Zipf Distribution

We next modify the objective of the search algorithms. Instead of finding the most recent clean datapoint, the recovery algorithms now have a constraint on the recovery time and need to output a datapoint, at the end of the time window. Fig 11(a) and Fig 11(b) examine the tradeoff between the recovery execution time and the data currency at the recovery point for 2-level uniform and Zipf distributions respectively. Data currency is measured in terms of lost write updates between the most recent uncorrupted copy and the copy returned by the algorithms.

The largest difference in performance under the two distribution is for the Informed strategy. It performs well under Zipf, since it starts its search by focusing on the few high probability checkpoints to quickly prune the search space. Under 2-level uniform distribution, it performs poorly as compared to the other strategies overall but more so when recovery time is less. This is because it evaluates the uniform probability events in a random order, which on an average leads to more unbalanced partitions, as compared to the other two strategies. Intuitively, both the Binary and Balanced strategies aim to reduce the unexplored space in each iteration. Hence, they minimize the distance of the error snapshot from the set of snapshots checked by them. On the other hand, Informed does not care about leaving a large space unexplored by it, and hence before it finds the actual error times, its best estimate of error time may be way off the actual error time. A similar observation can be made if the algorithms aim to achieve a certain (non-zero) data-currency in the minimum time possible. By reversing the axis of Fig. 11, one can observe that both Binary and Balanced strategies achieve significant reduction in data-currency fairly quickly, even though Informed catches up with them in the end. Hence, when the recovery time window is small, the use of Informed strategy is not advisable.

5.2.3 Checkpoint Selection using $2$-tiers

Figure 12: Recovery Time for Non-sequential strategies with 2-tier architecture
We next investigate the impact of using a $2$-tiered checkpoint record structure on the performance of the algorithms. In a $2$-tiered record structure, the algorithms execute on only a subset of checkpoint records consisting of high probability checkpoint records. The idea is that the recovery point is identified approximately by running the algorithms on the smaller set of records and then locate the exact recovery point using the checkpoints in the neighborhood. For the plot in Fig 12, checkpoints are assigned probabilities according to 2-level uniform distribution with $5\%$ of checkpoints having $90\%$ cumulative probability. Further, only $10\%$ of total checkpoints are promoted to the high probability tier, and hence the skew in the high-tier checkpoints is much lower than a single tier checkpoint record structure. We observe in Fig. 12 that, as compared to a single tier checkpoint records (Fig 10(b)), the performance gap between binary and balanced reduces significantly. This is because the binary strategy reaps the benefit of operating only on the high probability checkpoint subset, making it closer in spirit to the balanced strategy. Thus, a $2$-tiered checkpoint architecture, makes the probability oblivious Binary Search algorithm also probability-aware, by forcing it to operate only on checkpoints that have a high correlation probability with the corruption.

5.2.4 Robustness of the Algorithms with incomplete information

Figure 13: Data Currency Loss for Non-sequential strategies with Probability of False Negatives

We next investigate the robustness of our proposed algorithms to deal with silent errors; i.e. an error that does not generate any events. We model silent errors using false negatives (probability that the error is not captured in the checkpoint records). Fig. 13 studies the loss in data currency with increase in false negatives. For this experiment, the average number of CDP logs between any two events was kept at $2000$, and we find that the non-sequential strategies are able to keep the data currency loss below or near this number even for a false negative of $20\%$. Our results show the correlation probability-aware algorithms like Balanced and Informed are no worse than correlation proabibility-unaware algorithms like Sequential and Binary. Hence, even though these strategies factor the correlation probability while searching, they do not face significant performance penalty, when the error event is not captured in the checkpoints.

Figure 14: Recovery Time with Increasing Error for Non-sequential strategies

In practice, the expert-given values for $P(e_j\vert c_i)$ as well as the computed $P(e_j)$ have estimation errors and the algorithms should be robust enough to deal with noise in correlation probability estimates. Fig. 14 shows the recovery time taken by the various algorithms for the $2$-level probability distribution, as the expert data and event stream becomes noisy. The noise is generated by adding a zero mean uniform distribution to the correlation probabilities, where the range of the noise is varied from $0$ to the probability of the highest probability event. Note that the two vertical lines indicate the probability of the two types (levels) of events in the 2-level distribution and as the noise (error) approaches the right line, the standard deviation of the noise becomes greater than the mean of the original signal (or correlation probability). In such a situation, the correlation probabilities lose their significance as the complete data can be thought of as noise. The key observation in this study is the sensitivity of Informed strategy to the accuracy of correlation probabilities and the robustness of Balanced Strategy to noise. We observed that Balanced Strategy showed a graceful degradation with increase in error, degenerating to Binary Strategy even when the correlation probability had only noise, whereas Informed Strategy showed a steep increase in recovery time. This is not surprising, given that Informed Strategy only considers the individual correlation probability and suffers with increased estimation error. On the other hand, Balanced Strategy takes into account cumulative probabilities, which are not effected as much by the zero mean noise until noise dominates the original signal. Even in the case where error dominates the original probabilities, Balanced performs as well as the Binary strategy underlining its usefulness as an effective, versatile and robust strategy.

6 Discussion and Related Work

We present in this paper a scalable architecture and efficient algorithms that help administrators deal with data corruption, by quickly rolling back to a an earlier clean version of data. The related work in this area can be broadly classified into techniques for (a) Data Resiliency and Recovery, (b) Event Monitoring and Logging, (c) Indexing: Correlating events with corruption and using the correlation values as index and (d) Searching the event logs for quick identification of the failure point.

Continuous Data Protection (CDP) solutions deal with data corruption by allowing an administrator to roll back at a granularity that is much finer than what was possible with traditional continuous copy or backup solutions. CDP solutions have been proposed at file level [26] and at block level in the network layer [16,21,30,15]. Versioning file systems [25,20] that preserve earlier versions of files also provide the CDP functionality. CDP logs allow users to revert back to earlier data versions but leaves the onus of determining a recovery point on the administrator. A brute-force approach examining all CDP logs could lead to unacceptably high recovery time. To alleviate this, some products such as [16,21,30] incorporate Event Monitoring and Logging with the basic Data Resiliency mechanisms and allow applications to record specific checkpoint records in the CDP log, which then serve as landmarks in the log stream to narrow down the recovery point search. However, these solutions present no Indexing and Searching mechanism and the administrator has to devise a search strategy between the checkpoints, where all checkpoints are as equally likely to be associated with the failure. Our work builds on existing solutions by (i) using system events along with application events to generate checkpoints, (b) attaching correlation probabilities with the checkpoints, and (c) providing CDP log processing algorithms that use these probabilities intelligently to automatically identify a good recovery point quickly.

The use of Searching and Mining techniques on an Event Log has been very popular in the area of problem [9] detection and determination in large scale systems. Numerous problem analysis tools [29], [32], [13] have been proposed that aid in the process of automating Searching the logs for problem analysis. A major issue in application of these techniques in large systems is the complexity of the event collection and subsequent analysis. Xu et al. [31] propose a flexible and modular architecture that enables addition of new analysis engines with relative ease. Kiciman et al. [12] use anomalies in component interactions in an Internet service environment for problem detection. Chen et al. [4] use a decision tree approach for failure diagnosis in eBay production environment. File system problem determination tools have been proposed [32] [13] that monitor system calls, file system operations and process operations to dynamically create resource graphs. Once the system administrator detects that there is a problem, these tools help to quickly identify the scope of the problem with respect to the affected files and processes. Similarly, Chronus [29] allows users to provide customized software probes that help in identifying faulty system states by executing the probe on past system states that have been persisted on disk. They select past system states (virtual machine snapshots for a single machine) using binary search. Hence, Chronus addresses two of the problems, namely Event Monitoring and Searching that SWEEPER handles. Even though it solves a completely different problem from SWEEPER, Chronus is most similar to SWEEPER in spirit. However, Chronus does not distinguish between different event checkpoints, whereas we index the checkpoints based on correlation probabilities and design a search strategy that uses this information for fast convergence. Further, we provide the user the flexibility to tradeoff on the data currentness/recovery time trade-off by appropriately setting the RTO and RPO values. Finally, the focus of our paper is on data corruption on disk in a distributed environment whereas Chronus deals with system configuration problems for a single machine.

The novelty of SWEEPER lies in integrating Event monitoring, Checkpoint Indexing, and new search techniques that are able to make use of the index (correlation) information. A possible weakness of SWEEPER lies in its inherent design that is based on checkpoint events: SWEEPER depends on events to provide hints for corruption and silent errors or noise in the event-corruption correlation may degrade SWEEPER's performance. However, the proposed search algorithms do a balancing act between searching events with high correlation probabilities and pruning the search space in logarithmic time. Our study suggests the use of Balanced Search as the most robust strategy for efficient Recovery Point Identification. The Balanced Search strategy finds a good recovery time for silent errors by degenerating to Binary Search. The only scenario where Balanced Search is (marginally) outperformed is in the case of probability skew: a few checkpoints capture most of the correlation probability and Informed Search is the best performer. Our study makes a strong case of using search algorithms that use the correlation between system events and corruption to quickly recover from data corruption failures.

7 Conclusion

In this paper we presented an architecture and algorithms to quickly identify clean data in CDP record stream. The basic idea of our system is to monitor system events and generate checkpoint records that provide hints about potential data corruption. Upon discovering data corruption, system administrators can pass RTO and RPO requirements as input to our system, and it returns the most relevant checkpoint records. These checkpoint records point to locations in the CDP record stream that potentially will provide clean data. We use expert knowledge, resource dependency analysis, and event co-relation analysis to generate the checkpoint records. Upon the discovery of data corruption, system administrators can use SWEEPER to quickly identify relevant CDP records. We present different CDP record traversal algorithms to help traverse the CDP record stream to identify recovery points. Our studies suggest the use of Balanced Search strategy as the most robust strategy for efficient Recovery Point Identification. However, in an environment where checkpoints with high correlation probabilities are very few, the Informed Search strategy seems to be a good choice. Hence, the study emphasizes the need for either the log processing algorithms or the checkpoint architecture to be aware of correlation probabilities of various events. Furthermore, our study conclusively establishes the need for non-sequential search mechanisms to quickly identify good recovery points in a CDP environment as opposed to a linear sequential scanning of checkpoints.


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SWEEPER: An Efficient Disaster Recovery Point Identification Mechanism

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