Overview |
By Day (Sunday,
Monday, Tuesday) |
By Instructor | All in One File
SUNDAY, JUNE 18, 2000
S1 UNIX Security
Tools: Use and Comparison Matt Bishop, University of California, Davis
S2 Sendmail
Configuration and Operation (Updated for Sendmail 8.10)
Eric Allman, Sendmail, Inc.
S3 System and Network
Performance Tuning
Marc Staveley, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
S4 Advanced Topics
in Perl Programming NEW
Tom Christiansen, Consultant
S5 Windows NT
Jamie Hanrahan, Kernel Mode Systems
S6 Hacking Exposed:
George Kurtz and Eric Schultze, Rampart Security Group
S7 Introduction to
UNIX Administration
Peter Baer Galvin, Corporate Technologies, Inc.
S8 Cryptographic
Algorithms Revealed NEW
Greg Rose, QUALCOMM Australia
S1 UNIX Security
Tools: Use and Comparison
Matt Bishop, University of California, Davis
Who should attend: UNIX system, network, and security
administrators who need to better understand the various security tools
currently available.
The goal of this course is to assist UNIX security administrators, and other
interested users, in locating and using publicly available programs to improve
the security of their systems. This course will compare the uses and drawbacks
of several different programs, with an emphasis on when to use which. Only free
tools with source code available will be discussed.
Topics include:
Tool checking and analysis
What to look for
How to analyze a tool
Checking downloaded tools for security problems
Static analysis tools: filesystem auditing (tiger, COPS)
Network analysis and security tools: monitors (nfsbug, tcp_wrappers), SATAN,
Tools for privilege: managing shells (lsu, smrsh)
Tools for logging and log analysis tools (swatch, logcheck)
Libraries (msystem, trustfile)
Tools for authentication: proactive password changers (passwd+, crack)
Matt Bishop (S1) began working on problems of
security in UNIX systems at Purdue, where he earned his doctorate. He subsequently
worked at the Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science at NASA and
taught courses in operating systems, computer security, and software engineering
at Dartmouth College. Matt chaired the first USENIX Security Workshop and has
been on the faculty at UC Davis since 1993.
S2 Sendmail
Configuration and Operation (Updated for Sendmail 8.10)
Eric Allman, Sendmail, Inc.
Who should attend: System administrators who want to learn more
about the sendmail program, particularly details of configuration and
operational issues (this tutorial will not cover mail front ends). This will be
an intense, fast-paced, full-day tutorial for people who have already been
exposed to sendmail. This tutorial describes the latest release of sendmail from
Berkeley, version 8.10.
We begin by introducing a bit of the philosophy and history underlying sendmail.
Topics include:
The basic concepts of configuration: mailers, options, macros, classes, keyed
files (databases), and rewriting rules and rulesets
Configuring sendmail using the m4 macro package
Day-to-day management issues, including alias and forward files, "special"
recipients (files, programs, and include files), mailing lists, command-line
flags, tuning, and security
How sendmail interacts with the Domain Name System
Eric Allman (S2, T10) Eric Allman wrote sendmail, leads
sendmail.org, and is CTO of Sendmail, Inc. Eric was the lead programmer for the
INGRES database management and the Mammoth infrastructure projects and authored
syslog, tset, the -me troff macros, and trek, developed a commercial
client/server implementation, helped develop a first-generation window system,
and contributed to the Ring Array Processor Project. He has been a member of the
Board of Directors of the USENIX Association. Eric received his M.S. in Computer
Science from U.C. Berkeley. He collects wines, which he stashes in the cellar of
the house he shares with Kirk McKusick, his partner of 20-and-some-odd years.
S3 System and Network
Performance Tuning
Marc Staveley, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Who should attend: Novice and advanced UNIX system and network
administrators, and UNIX developers concerned about network performance impacts.
A basic understanding of UNIX system facilities and network environments is
We will explore procedures and techniques for tuning systems, networks and
application code. Starting from the single-system view, we will examine how the
virtual memory system, the I/O system, and the file system can be measured and
optimized. We'll extend the single-host view to include Network File System
tuning and performance strategies. Detailed treatment of networking performance
problems, including network design and media choices, will lead to examples of
network capacity planning. Application issues, such as system call optimization,
memory usage and monitoring, code profiling, real-time programming, and
techniques for controlling response time will be addressed. Many examples will
be given, along with guidelines for capacity planning and customized monitoring
based on your workloads and traffic patterns. Question-and-analysis periods for
particular situations will be provided.
Topics include:
Performance tuning strategies
Practical goals
Monitoring intervals
Useful statistics
Tools, tools, tools
Server tuning
Filesystem and disk tuning
Memory consumption and swap space
System resource monitoring
NFS performance tuning
NFS server constraints
NFS client improvements
NFS over WANs
Automounter and other tricks
Network performance, design, and capacity planning
Locating bottlenecks
Demand management
Media choices and protocols
Network topologies: bridges, switches, routers
Throughput and latency considerations
Modeling resource usage
Application tuning
System resource usage
Memory allocation
Code profiling
Job scheduling and queuing
Real-time issues
Managing response time
Marc Staveley (S3) recently took a position with Sun
Microsystems Enterprise Services, where he is applying his 16 years of
experience with UNIX development and administration in helping to create new
service programs. Previously Marc was an independent consultant, and he has held
positions at NCR, Princeton University, and the University of Waterloo. He is a
frequent speaker on the topics of standards-based development, multi-threaded
programming, systems administration, and performance tuning.
S4 Advanced Topics
in Perl Programming NEW
Tom Christiansen, Consultant
Who should attend: Experienced Perl programmers interested in
honing their existing Perl skills for quick prototyping, system utilities,
software tools, system management tasks, database access, and WWW programming.
Participants should have used Perl for basic scripting for several months prior
to taking this course.
Topics include:
Complex data structures
Memory management and anonymous data structures
Packages and modules
Namespaces, scoping, and extent
Classes and objects
Object-oriented programming
Process control and management
Pipes and signals
Advanced I/O techniques and file locking
Assorted tips and tricks to use Perl effectively
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
Develop standard and OO modules for code reuse
Understand complex and hierarchical data structures
Understand Perl's facilities for file locking
Use Perl for multi-process and daemon programming
Understand inheritance, closures, and scoping in Perl
Tom Christiansen (S4, M8) has been involved with Perl
since day zero of its initial public release in 1987. Lead author of The Perl
Cookbook, co-author of Programming Perl, Learning Perl, and
Learning Perl on Win32 Systems, Tom is also the major caretaker of Perl's
online documentation. He holds undergraduate degrees in computer science and
Spanish and a Master's in computer science. He now lives in Boulder, Colorado.
S5 Windows NT
Jamie Hanrahan, Kernel Mode Systems
Who should attend: This tutorial is aimed at operating system
developers, applications programmers, and system administrators who need to
understand the internal behavior and architecture of Windows NT. (Note: The
information presented is valid for both NT Version 4 and Version 5.)
Windows NT is built on a new operating system code base, similar in many ways to
well-established OSes such as UNIX and VMS, and very different from Microsoft's
DOS/Win16/Windows 9x platforms. This tutorial will describe the behavior
of Windows NT from a "system architecture" point of view. Using a variety of
tools, we will explore internal interfaces and the behavior of the system, show
how NT implements fundamental operating-system functions such as scheduling and
memory management, and show how NT's architecture affects some of its
Topics include:
General system architecture
Providing operating system functions to user mode
Thread scheduling
Memory management internals
Using and interpreting performance measurement tools
Jamie Hanrahan (S5) provides Windows NT driver
development, consulting, and training services to leading companies. He is
co-writing a book on Windows NT device drivers (O'Reilly and Associates). He
also has an extensive background in VMS device drivers and internals. He is
co-author of VMS Advanced Driver Techniques, and he received Digital's
Instructor of the Year award for his courses in VMS device drivers and
S6 Hacking Exposed:
George Kurtz and Eric Schultze, Rampart Security Group
Who should attend: Network and system administrators, security
administrators, and technical auditors who want to secure their
UNIX/NTbased networks.
Is your UNIX/NTbased network infrastructure up to meeting the challenge of
malicious marauders? In this tutorial we'll present the methodologies used by
today's hackers to gain access to your networks and critical data. We'll
demonstrate a typical attack exploiting both well-known and little-known
NT-based vulnerabilities. We'll show how NT attackers can leverage UNIX
vulnerabilities to circumvent traditional security mechanisms. And we'll
identify opportunities to better secure the host and networks against more
esoteric attacks. All examples will be demonstrated on a live network of
Topics include:
Footprinting your site
Port scanning
Banner grabbing
Exploiting common configuration and design weaknesses in NT networks
Enumerating user and system information from NT 4 and Windows 2000 hosts
Exploiting Web services
Logging on to NT using only the password hash
Routing through IPX and NetBEUI networks
Grabbing remote shells on NT
Hijacking the GUI
Hidden trojans: executing streamed files
Bypassing routers and firewall filtering
Using source ports
Leveraging port redirection
101 uses for Netcat
Linking NT and UNIX vulnerabilities for maximum exploitation
Securing NT systems to prevent attacks
George Kurtz (S6) has performed hundreds of firewall,
network, and e-commercerelated security assessments throughout his
security consulting career. He is a regular speaker at many security conferences
and is frequently quoted in The Wall Street Journal, InfoWorld,
USA Today, and the Associated Press. He is the co-author of the widely
acclaimed Hacking Exposed: Network Security Secrets and Solutions.
Eric Schultze (S6) specializes in assessing and securing
Microsoft products. He is a contributing author to Hacking Exposed: Network
Security Secrets and Solutions and is a frequent speaker at security
conferences, including Black Hat, CSI, and MIS. Eric is also a faculty
instructor for CSI's education resource center, presenting workshops on NT4 and
Windows 2000 security.
S7 Introduction to
UNIX Administration
Peter Baer Galvin, Corporate Technologies, Inc.
Who should attend: UNIX or other operating system users wishing to
know more about UNIX administration.
This tutorial is designed to teach UNIX administration skills to those who are
experienced with computers but new to UNIX administration. The course covers all
of the essential system administration topics and stresses professional methods
of administration. It uses Solaris as the example operating system when
exploring detailed examples, with some Linux tossed in.
Topics include:
The role of the system administrator
Overview of the UNIX file system
User authorization and control
The file system
System startup and shutdown
Boot process and start-up files
Installation from a CD
Installing layered software
Crash recovery
File System Backups
System tuning and process control
Configuration and devices
Device naming
Device creation
Troubleshooting SCSI problems
Admintool overview
User management
Terminal configuration
System administration goals
File systems
Caching file system
Restricted shells
Sun security packages
Post-installation changes
Security tools and ideas
Monitoring, managing, and troubleshooting
Performance monitoring tools
Tuning via cookbook
Peter Baer Galvin (S7, M2) is the chief technologist for
Corporate Technologies, a systems integrator and VAR. Previously, he was the
systems manager for Brown University's Computer Science Department. He has
written articles for Byte and other magazines and is a regular columnist
for SunWorld. He is co-author of the Operating Systems Concepts
and the Applied Operating Systems Concepts textbooks. As a consultant and
trainer, Peter has taught tutorials on security and system administration and
has given talks at many conferences.
S8 Cryptographic
Algorithms Revealed NEW
Greg Rose, QUALCOMM Australia
Who should attend: Anyone interested in a fairly detailed overview
of what makes cryptographic algorithms work, and, when they don't work, how they
are broken. The tutorial will be as up-to-the-minute as possible with respect to
the development of the Advanced Encryption Standard.
Some mathematical background is required--at the very least, familiarity with
common mathematical notation and polynomials, and some elementary statistical
knowledge. You've been warned.
Topics include (unless time runs out):
Brief history
substitution and transposition
development of DES
public-key cryptography
Symmetric block ciphers
Feistel ciphers in general
Current AES candidates (Rijndael, Twofish, MARS, RC6, Serpent)
Block-cipher modes of operation
Symmetric stream ciphers
A5, SOBER and other LFSR-based constructions
Differential & linear cryptanalysis
Attack assumptions and threat models
Attacks on stream ciphers
Public-key systems
Group and finite field theory
Discrete log systems (El Gamal, Diffie-Hellman, DSS)
Elliptic curves
Other stuff
Greg Rose (M4) graduated from the University of New
South Wales with a B.Sc. (honours) in computer science and was awarded the
University Medal in 1977. A member of the Board of Directors of the USENIX
Association, he served as program chair of the 1996 USENIX Security Symposium.
As Principal Engineer at QUALCOMM, he focuses on cryptographic security and
authentication for wireless communications, and on setting up the office of
QUALCOMM Australia. He has written a number of public tools using cryptography,
and he holds generic cryptographic export licenses for two countries.