Technical Sessions
Wed., June 21 |
Thurs., June 22 |
Fri., June 23 | All in one file | FREENIX only
Invited Talks
Presentation Slides
Refereed Papers
General Session |
Freenix Track
All Technical Sessions will be held in the
San Diego Marriott Hotel & Marina.
9:00 am - 10:30
Keynote Address
Bill Joy Sun Microsystems Co-Founder and Vice President
Bill Joy will be talking about his vision of the future of computing. |
10:30 am - 11:00
am Break
11:00 am - 12:30
Marriott Hall 4
Instrumentation and
Session Chair: Christopher Small, Osprey Partners LLC
Mapping and Visualizing the Internet
Bill Cheswick, Bell Laboratories; Hal Burch, Carnegie Mellon University; Steve Branigan, Bell Laboratories
Measuring and Characterizing System Behavior Using Kernel-Level Event
Karim Yaghmour and Michel R. Dagenais, Ecole Polytechnique de
Pandora: A Flexible Network Monitoring Platform
Simon Patarin and Mesaac Makpangou, INRIA SOR Group, Rocquencourt
TALKS Marriott Hall 1-3
Computer System Security:
Is There Really a Threat?
Avi Rubin, AT&T Research
I'm often asked, "If we're so vulnerable, how come I don't hear about incidents
that often?" While I cannot answer that question, I can try to answer the
question of whether or not there is a threat. In this talk, I will look at some
historic and some more recent computer security incidents. How did the attacks
occur? Why did they succeed? What were the consequences? Could it have been
worse? We will look at security issues in existing systems and assess the level
of danger. Finally, I'll discuss what the best defenses are, and the steps we
can each take to secure our systems and data.
FREENIX Marriott Hall 5 & 6
Storage Systems
Session Chair: Marshall Kirk McKusick, Author & Consultant
Swarm: A Log-Structured Storage System for Linux
Ian Murdock and John H. Hartman, University of Arizona
DMFS--A Data Migration File System for NetBSD
William Studenmund, Veridian MRJ Technology Solutions
A 3-Tier RAID Storage System with RAID1, RAID5, and Compressed RAID5 for
K. Gopinath, Nitin Muppalaneni, N. Suresh Kumar, and Pankaj Risbood, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
12:30 pm - 2:00
pm Lunch (on your own)
2:00 pm - 3:30
Session Chair: Liuba Shrira, Brandeis University
A Comparison of File System Workloads
Drew Roselli and Jacob R. Lorch, University of California at Berkeley;
Thomas E. Anderson, University of Washington
FiST: A Language for Stackable File Systems
Erez Zadok and Jason Nieh, Columbia University
Journaling Versus Soft Updates: Asynchronous Meta-data Protection in File Systems
Margo I. Seltzer, Harvard University; Gregory R. Ganger, Carnegie
Mellon University; M. Kirk McKusick, Author & Consultant; Keith
A. Smith, Harvard University; Craig A. N. Soules, Carnegie Mellon
University; Christopher A. Stein, Harvard University
TALKS Marriott Hall 1-3
Watching the Waist
of IP
Steve Deering, Cisco Systems
The Internet protocol architecture has an hourglass shape: a wide variety of
applications and end-to-end (upper-layer) protocols are supported by a single,
"narrow" protocol called IP, which in turn rests upon a wide variety of network
and datalink (lower-layer) protocols. The Internet's enormous flexibility in
accommodating new transmission technologies and new applications, and its
ability to serve as the convergence platform for data, telephony, TV, and other
media, depend on this hourglass design. However, as the Internet has grown, the
waist of the hourglass has spread. In this talk, I review the evolution of the
IP layer of the Internet, discuss the consequences of the changes, and speculate
on the future shape of IP.
FREENIX Marriott Hall 5 & 6
Network System Administration
Session Chair: Victor Yodaiken, FSMLabs and New Mexico Institute of
Extending Internet Services Via LDAP
James Dutton, Southern Illinois University
MOSIX: How Linux Clusters Solve Real-World Problems
Steve McClure and Richard Wheeler, EMC2 Corp.
Jamie Cameron, Caldera Systems
3:30 pm - 4:00
pm Break
4:00 pm - 5:30
Old Dogs, New
Session Chair: Greg Minshall, Siara Systems
Lexical File Names in Plan 9, or, Getting Dot-Dot Right
Rob Pike, Bell Laboratories
Gecko: Tracking a Very Large Billing System
Andrew Hume, AT&T Labs--Research; Scott Daniels, Electronic Data Systems Corp.; Angus
MacLellan, AT&T Labs--Research
Extended Data Formatting Using Sfio
Glenn S. Fowler, David G. Korn, and Kiem-Phong Vo, AT&T
TALKS Marriott Hall 1-3
Implementing 3D
Workstation Graphics on PC UNIX Hardware
Daryll Strauss, Precision Insight
3D hardware for PCs has improved to the point that it is beginning to rival that
of traditional 3D graphics workstations. Providing these capabilities on
commodity hardware poses a number of difficult problems. For example, 3D
hardware has a voracious appetite for data, and commodity hardware is typically
not designed for secure multitasking. Precision Insight is working with a number
of vendors to provide completely open-source solutions to these problems under X
and Linux.
FREENIX Marriott Hall 5 & 6
File Systems
Session Chair: Ted Ts'o, VA Linux Systems
Porting the SGI XFS File System to Linux
Jim Mostek, Bill Earl, Steven Levine, Steve Lord, Russell Cattelan, Ken McDonell, Ted Kline, Brian Gaffey, and Rajagopal Ananthanarayanan, SGI
LinLogFS--A Log-Structured File System for Linux
Christian Czezatke xS+S; M. Anton Ertl, TU Wien
UNIX Filesystem Extensions in the GNOME Environment
Ettore Perazzoli, Helix Code, Inc.