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Temporal Locality

The first part of our study explored the temporal locality of server buffer cache accesses. Past studies have shown that client buffer cache accesses exhibit a high degree of spatial and temporal locality. An accessed block exhibits temporal locality if it is likely to be accessed again in the near future. An accessed block exhibits spatial locality, if blocks near it are likely to be accessed in the near future [11,38]. The LRU replacement algorithm, typically used in client buffer caches, takes advantage of temporal locality. Thus, blocks with a high degree of temporal locality are likely to remain in a client buffer cache, but accesses to a server buffer cache are misses from a client buffer cache. Do server buffer cache acccesses exhibit temporal locality similar to those of a client buffer cache? We used temporal distance histograms to observe the temporal locality of the server buffer cache traces. A reference sequence (or reference string) is a numbered sequence of temporally ordered accesses to a server buffer cache. The temporal distance is the distance between two accesses to the same block in the reference sequence. It is similar to the inter-reference gap in [30]. For example, in the reference sequence $ABCDBAX$, the temporal distance from $A_1$ to $A_6$ is 5 and the temporal distance from $B_2$ to $B_5$ is 3. Formally speaking, if we denote the sequence number of the current access and previous access to a block $b$ as $current(b)$ and $prev(b)$ respectively, then the temporal distance of the current access to block $b$ is $current(b) -
prev(b)$. A temporal distance histogram shows how many correlated accesses (accesses to the same block) for various temporal distances reside in a given reference sequence.

Figure 2: Comparison of temporal locality of client and server buffer cache accesses using temporal distance histograms. (Note: figures are in different scales)
\centerline {\psfig{figure=l1_dist.eps,width=3in}}

Figure 3: Temporal distance histograms of server buffer cache accesses for different traces. (Note: figures are in different scales)
\centerline {\psfig{figure=l2_dist.eps,width=7.0in}}

Figure 2 compares the client and server buffer cache's temporal locality using temporal distance histograms with the Auspex traces. The client buffer cache trace is collected at an Auspex client, while the server buffer cache trace is captured at the Auspex File Server. Each Auspex client uses an 8 megabyte buffer cache. The data in the figure shows the histograms by grouping temporal distances by powers of two. The block size is 8 Kbytes. Results are similar with other block sizes. Distances that are not a power of two are rounded up to the nearest power of two. Significantly, for the client buffer cache 74% of the correlated references have a temporal distance less than or equal to 16. This indicates a high degree of temporal locality. Even more significantly, however, 99% of the correlated accesses to the server buffer cache have a temporal distance of 512 or greater, exhibiting much weaker temporal locality. Figure 3 shows the temporal distance histograms of four server buffer cache traces. These traces exhibit two common patterns. First, all histogram curves are hill-shaped. Second, peak temporal distance values, while different, are all relatively large and occur at distances greater than their client cache sizes (see Table 1). This access behavior at server buffer caches is expectable. If a client buffer cache of size $k$ uses an locality-based replacement policy, after a reference to a block, it takes at least $k$ references to evict this block from the client buffer cache. Thus, subsequent accesses to the server buffer cache should be separated by at least $k$ non-correlated references in the server buffer cache reference sequence. A good replacement algorithm for server buffer caches should retain blocks that reside in the ``hill'' portion of the histogram for a longer period of time. In this paper, ``time'' means logical time, measured by the number of references. For example, initially, time is 0, after accesses $ABC$, time is 3. We call the beginning and end of this ``hill'' region minimal distance (or $minDist$) and maximal distance (or $maxDist$) respectively. We picked $minDist$ and $maxDist$ for each trace by examining the histogram figure for simplicity. Since the temporal distance values in the ``hill'' are relatively large, a good replacement algorithm should keep most blocks in this region for at least the $minDist$ time. We call this property minimal lifetime property. It is clear that when the number of blocks in a server buffer cache is less than the $minDist$ of a given workload, the LRU policy tends to perform poorly, because most blocks do not stay in the server buffer cache long enough for subsequent correlated accesses.
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Yuanyuan Zhou