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2002 Election for Board of Directors


Adam Moskowitz

As a member of the USENIX Board, my primary goal will be to help heal the rift between SAGE and USENIX as quickly as possible. I feel that my long-standing association with USENIX, combined with my experience as a system administrator, will help us determine how best to rebuild the trust and communications SAGE and USENIX will need in the future.

Another important issue is whether SAGE should become a separate organization. I will help USENIX and SAGE work together to figure out the answer to this question. If the answer is that SAGE should strike out on its own, I expect to help guide when and how this should be done. For me, the critical issue is the continuing viability of both groups.

I have spent much of the last five years working in the bioinformatics community, dealing primarily with distributed computing, managing vast quantities of data, and the intersection of these two sets of problems. I want USENIX to work more closely with the bioinformatics community (and others like it), and intend to assist organizing a conference focusing on this area of "applied advanced computing."

The various USENIX conferences have played an important role in my professional development--through contacts I have made, papers and talks I have heard, and tutorials I have attended. These conferences are the most important "benefit" USENIX offers to me as a member, and I have a goal of continuing and improving these conferences.

I am honored to have been nominated, to be included among such a distinguished group of people; I hope I have the chance to serve with them.

Biography: Adam Moskowitz has been a programmer and system administrator since 1976, working for such companies as BBN, Interval Research, and LION Bioscience; he currently runs his own (very) small consulting company. Adam has served on several USENIX and LISA program committees and has chaired the LISA Advanced Topics Workshop for the last five years.

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