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3 Authenticated dictionaries


In this section we consider a more abstract version of the problem and translate it to the problem of finding efficient authenticated data structures. The less theoretically inclined readers may skip directly to Section 4 that presents a self-contained description of such a data structure.

Put in an abstract framework, the problem we deal with is the following: find a protocol between a non-trusted prover, P, and a verifier, V for (non)membership in a set S, where S is some finite set defined by a trusted party (the CA) but not known to V. Given an input x, P should prove either or , The trusted party may change S dynamically, but it is assumed to be fixed while P and V interact.

The prover has access to a data structure representing S along with some approved public information about S, created by the trusted party prior to setting x. The non-trusted prover should have an efficient procedure for providing on-line a short proof (e.g. of low order polynomial in ) for the appropriate claim for x.

3.1 Definitions

Let U be a universe and S be a set such that . Let be a data structure representing S.

Definition: A dictionary is a data structure representing S supporting membership queries and update operations.

Definition: An authenticated dictionary is a data structure representing S supporting authenticated membership queries and update operations.

In our model, the set S is known both to the CA and the prover, P, but not to the verifier, V. The CA controls S and supplies P with the information needed to create an authenticated dictionary representing S.

Since an authenticated dictionary is dynamic, a mechanism for proving that an authenticated proof is updated is needed. Otherwise, a dishonest directory may replay old proofs. In our model we may assume either that CA updates occur at predetermined times, or, that the user issuing a query knows when the most recent update occurred. In any case, the verifier should be able to check the freshness of a proof p.

The parameters we are interested in regarding authenticated dictionaries are:

3.2 Implementing authenticated dictionaries


For a small universe U, one can afford computational work proportional to |U|. There are two trivial extremes with respect to the number of signed messages, the computation needed in authentication and verification, and the prover to verifier communication complexity:

If S is expected to be small, two simple solutions are: In all the solutions above, the messages are signed by the CA and include the time of update.

In the following we describe a generic method for creating an authenticated dictionary from a dictionary . The overhead in membership queries and update operations is roughly a factor of . In this construction we use a collision intractable hash function.

Definition: A collision intractable hash function is a function such that it is computationally infeasible to find satisfying .

Let be a dictionary of size representing a set S. Let be the worst case time needed to a compute membership query or an update operation respectively.

Let h be a collision intractable hash function, and be the time needed to compute h on instances of U. Consider the representation of S. This may be e.g. a list of all the variables' values composing , or, the way is represented in random access memory. The authenticated dictionary contains plus a hash tree [17] whose nodes correspond to , and a message signed by the CA containing the tree root value and the time of update.

The hash tree is constructed as follows: A balanced binary tree is created whose leaves are assigned the values . Each internal node v is then assigned a value where are the values assigned to v's children.

3.3 Authenticated search data structures

The general method of Section 3.2 for creating dictionaries has a logarithmic (in ) multiplicative factor overhead. The reason is that the internal structure of was not exploited in the authentication/verification processes.

Our goal is to create authenticated dictionaries based on efficient search data structures that save the logarithmic factor overhead. We denote these as authenticated search data structures.

CRTs reviewed in Section 2.3 save this logarithmic factor in membership query complexity (but not in update where the amount of computational work is not a function of the number of changes but of the size of the revocation list). In Section 4.1 we show how to create authenticated search data structures based on search trees. An interesting open question is how to construct more efficient authenticated search data structures, e.g. based on hash tables, where membership query is processed in roughly .

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Nissim Yaacov
Sun Dec 7 16:00:09 IST 1997