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Figure 2: Replicated Service Access.


\scalebox {0.33}{\includegraphics{naming2.eps}}


Active Names allow service-specific programs to account for any number of variables in choosing among server replicas, including client, server, and network characteristics. It is beyond the scope of this paper to determine the appropriate replica-selection policy for arbitrary services. However, we attempt to motivate the need for programmability in locating wide-area resources and the benefits of using end-to-end information for replica selection. We conducted the following experiment to demonstrate these points. For these measurements, between one and eighteen clients located at U.C. Berkeley attempted to access a service made up of two replicated servers, one at U.C. Berkeley and the second at the University of Washington. The clients use one of the three policies to choose among the replicas:

Figure 2 plots the average latency as a function of offered load as perceived by clients continuously requesting a 1 KB file from the replicated service. At low load, the proper replica selection policy is to choose the ``nearest'' replica at U.C. Berkeley. Thus, the Distributed Director policy shows the best performance at low load. However, as load increases, the U.C. Berkeley replica begins to become over-loaded, and the proper policy is to send approximately half the requests to the University of Washington replica. In this regime, high load at the U.C. Berkeley server offsets the cost of going across the wide area. Such load balancing is implemented by DNS round robin, which achieves the best performance at high load.

The simple Active Names policy is able to track the best performance of the two policies by accounting for distance and previous performance. At low load, both factors heavily bias Active Names toward the U.C. Berkeley replica. However, as load increases and performance at the U.C. Berkeley replica degrades, an increasing number of the requests are routed to the University of Washington, achieving better overall performance.

We do not purport our algorithm for replica selection to be optimal. However, it demonstrates the utility of programmable replica selection and the importance of using end-to-end performance measurements in choosing among wide-area replicas. While the above example simplisticly measures performance based on the latency for accessing fixed-size files, more sophisticated Active Names programs could account for the size of requested objects (e.g., optimizing latency for small objects and bandwidth for larger objects) or for the cost of dynamically generating content at the server (e.g., selecting strictly based on estimates of server load when making computationally-intensive requests). Only the end client has information about the type of request being generated, and thus only the client can use this information to influence replica selection in an end-to-end and application-specific manner. Schemes such as DNS round robin and Distributed Director are both too static and too far removed from the clients to utilize all relevant information in the replica selection process. For this type of application, Active Networks suffer from a similar lack of end-to-end information because of its focus on applying programs to individual packets in the middle of the network.

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Amin Vahdat