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4 Discussion


In this section of the paper, we first present several lessons that we learned about using Java as a service construction language, and then we discuss several limitations of the current Jukebox implementation.

4.1 Java as a Service Construction Language

We were surprised to find that the decision to use Java as a rapid prototyping tool met with mixed results. Certainly, Java's high-level programming model made for extremely rapid prototyping: the first version of the Jukebox service was built in 2 days by a team of 3 students. Java's strong typing also encouraged modularity, which made it easier to extend and evolve the service several times: once to migrate from playing CDs in real-time towards serving as a shared MP3 repository, later to extend the service to add a security model, and a third time to transparently learn song preferences and to add support for collaborative filtering. In all three cases, strong typing helped assure the separation between client code (which should change rarely) and networked services (which may evolve frequently) that was a key ingredient to success. Also, the tight coupling of RMI with Java, and the existence of the Ninja SecureRMI infrastructure made distributed programming less painful.

What we didn't anticipate is that there were some negative aspects to using Java and RMI. When you change the implementation of some relevant class on one RMI endpoint, to avoid class checksum errors you must grab the new source code and recompile on all other endpoints too. Thus, updates to the service code require synchronized updates at all RMI endpoints, which is an administrative annoyance. Moreover, though we didn't realize it at first, if we had used RMI for all of our external service interfaces, the situation would have been far worse: each upgrade to the Jukebox service would potentially have required the clients to be updated too, a terrible scenario for service evolution! Fortunately, we got lucky: most of our external interfaces that changed used HTTP, not RMI. Our interpretation (in retrospect) is that we should have done a better job of picking strongly-typed interfaces to the outside world (rather than having any untyped HTTP connections) and frozen these interfaces from the outset, but we didn't. We gained considerable leverage from the use of narrow, strongly-typed interfaces between internal Jukebox components, and if we were to re-implement the Ninja Jukebox, we would strive to do the same for all of our external interfaces as well.

4.2 Limitations

Our current prototype of the Jukebox service has a number of limitations. First, the Jukebox is not intended--in its current incarnation--as a wide-area distributed service. Instead, we have focused on providing service within a single organization. As an example, the MusicDirectory service is currently centralized, which means that it would quickly become a bottleneck if we moved to a wide-area usage scenario. We have also made the simplifying assumption that all nodes in the system are relatively close to each other (in terms of network latency and bandwidth), so that from the client's point of view all SoundSmiths are created equal.

Although a wide-area Jukebox service would be limited by the capacity of the underlying network, with some more work we could extend Jukebox to address wide-area concerns. Two changes would be required: (1) the MusicDirectory service would have to become wide-area aware, using standard techniques such as replication, caching, and aggregation to distribute song listings around the world, and (2) we might want to replicate MP3's across the wide-area, using pre-fetching and caching to reduce the load on the network. Neither of these changes are conceptually difficult; we built the Jukebox because it was a service we wanted, and so we ignored these aspects.

A second important limitation is that our current implementation is very naive about multimedia operations. The MP3 data is transmitted over a HTTP connection, and thus inherits all of the problems of TCP for multimedia data: no quality-of-service guarantees, potentially high latency, unwanted buffering, and so on. There is also no rate limiting; we merely blast as fast as we can, which runs the risk of overloading the network. Nor are our clients particularly sophisticated about multimedia issues: our MP3 player doesn't do real-time scheduling, so during heavy paging we occasionally experience playback glitches. Nonetheless, these issues are largely orthogonal to our research; instead, we focused on testing the hypothesis that we can rapidly build a highly evolvable service if we carefully use component architectures and strongly typed interfaces, and thanks to this extensibility we believe a future version of the Ninja Jukebox could easily include better multimedia delivery technology.

Thirdly, our current prototype has poor performance for the Java security operations. Right now, we are using a pure-Java cryptographic library, with no JIT, and as a result the public-key operations are very CPU-intensive: the initial SecureRMI handshake currently takes about 4 seconds to complete. Of course, these numbers could be dramatically reduced by any of many techniques (native code, precomputation, caching, session-reuse, etc.), but so far the performance impact has been relatively innocuous.

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