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Impact on Control Transfer

Figure 8: Receive-side notification overhead breakdowns

In VMMC, messages are deposited directly into the memory of the receiving process without interrupting the host processor. The receiving process can detect message arrival by polling memory locations. But it can also use the VMMC notification mechanism to reduce the CPU polling overhead. For instance, the sockets library uses notifications extensively to avoid polling while waiting for data to arrive on a socket.

The VMMC notification mechanism allows a receiving process to associate a message handler with each exported buffer. The message handler is executed when a message with notification request arrives on the exported buffer. Since interrupts are used to deliver notifications to the corresponding process, different OS platforms show different performance.

Figure 8 shows the breakdown of the notification overhead on the receiving machine. The interrupt cost is the time from when the network interface issues the interrupt to the time when the interrupt handler in the driver starts to execute. Surprisinglygif, both Linux and NT take about 10  tex2html_wrap_inline852 s to reach the handler on our test platform. Once interrupted, Linux uses 17  tex2html_wrap_inline852 s to schedule the user level message handler through the process signal mechanism. On NT, because there are restrictions on what can be executed in the interrupt handler, the interrupt handler has to queue a Deferred Procedure Call(DPC) in the kernel which invokes the user-level notification handler later. By the time the control reaches the start of the DPC handler, 18  tex2html_wrap_inline852 s has already passed. After this, NT uses 16  tex2html_wrap_inline852 s to schedule the user level message handler by waking up the user thread that executes the message handler. Once the notification handler terminates, Linux uses 3  tex2html_wrap_inline852 s to return to the interrupted process while NT uses 7  tex2html_wrap_inline852 s to switch back to the interrupted thread. The overall overhead for notification is 30  tex2html_wrap_inline852 s on linux and 52  tex2html_wrap_inline852 s on NT.

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Yuqun (Michael) Chen
Wed Jun 2 19:35:36 EDT 1999