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Fifth Annual Tcl/Tk Workshop, 1997     [Technical Program]

Pp. 73–80 of the Proceedings

Assertions for the Tcl Language

Jonathan E. Cook

Department of Computer Science
New Mexico State University
Las Cruces, NM 88003


Assertions, even as simple as the C assert macro, offer important self-checking properties to programs, and improve the robustness of software when they are used. This paper describes ASSERTCL, an assertion package for the Tcl programming language. Our assertions take the form of commands in the program text, and cover point assertions about the computation state, assertions about procedure input values and the return value, and assertions about the values that variables may take on over their whole lifetime. In addition, universal and existential quantifiers are provided for both lists and arrays, not only for individual elements, but for sequences of elements as well.

1 Introduction

Assertions--declarative annotations to a program that describe some property about the program and its state--are useful tools in producing robust software. Most programming languages are not designed to include assertions, with the notable exception being Eiffel [3], but efforts have produced annotation languages for Ada [2], C [5], Awk [1], and others. This paper describes assertions for the Tcl programming language [4].

Tcl is a popular, interpreted, ``scripting'' language. It is now being used to build large (tens and hundreds of KLOCs) systems, many of which are being used in the commercial sector. Unfortunately, few tools exist that help one build robust Tcl applications.

This is where assertions fit in. Assertions help developers write robust code by offering dynamic checking of program properties, and enhancing the program's testability. Our ASSERTCL package provides assertions for the Tcl programming language. The assertions take the form of commands in the program text, and cover point assertions about the computation state, assertions about procedure input values and the return value, and assertions about the values that variables may take on over their whole lifetime, singly or in relation to other variables.

In addition, many desirable assertions in Tcl will be over an aggregate data structure, which in Tcl is a list or array. For this, we provide universal and existential quantifiers for both lists and arrays, not only for individual elements but for sequences of elements as well.

Section 2 describes our assertion commands and their meaning and use, and Section 3 describes the quantifiers and their use. Section 4 describes the interface for controlling the evaluation of assertions. Section 5 presents some pragmatic issues in adding assertions to the Tcl language, and describes the methods we used to implement assertions. Section 6 presents some examples in using the assertions and quantifiers. Section 7 evaluates the performance of a Tcl program that uses assertions. Finally, Section 8 concludes with some observations about assertions, the Tcl language and its future, and possible enhancements to the language to make it easier to develop debugging and analysis tools.

2 Assertion Commands 

Our assertions for Tcl are commands that use a normal Tcl expression as an assertion about some portion of the program. The four assertion commands that we have added to Tcl are:

  • assert is an assertion about the current state of computation. It is evaluated at the point it occurs in the source;
  • assume is an assertion about the input values to a procedure. It is evaluated upon entry to a procedure;
  • assure is an assertion about the output and return values of a procedure. It is evaluated upon exit from a procedure;
  • always is an assertion about part of the state space (i.e., variables) of the program. It must always hold, and is evaluated each time one of the variables it depends on changes value.

These commands are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1: The four basic assertion commands for Tcl.

General Form of Assertions
assert-cmd expr ?fail-action? ?-default_also? Each assertion evaluates expr at some point or points in the execution of the program. If the expression evaluates to true (nonzero), no action is taken. If false (0), fail-action is taken if it is specified, otherwise a general exception occurs. The fail-action can use break, continue, or return. Specifying the -default_also flag will force the general exception to occur after doing the fail-action.
Specific Assertion Commands
assert expr ?fail-action? ?-default_also? Point assertion: evaluates expr at the point of its specification, each time the program reaches that point.
assume expr ?fail-action? ?-default_also? Procedure entry assertion: evaluates expr at the beginning of a procedure, and should be an assertion about the input parameters of the procedure (and global variables used). This command should be placed at the top of the procedure body, just after any global statements, so that it can be seen as part of the procedure specification.
assure expr ?fail-action? ?-default_also? Procedure exit assertion: evaluates expr just before returning from a procedure, and should be an assertion about the return value of a procedure, and any side effects (global variables modified) of the procedure. Note that this command does not need to be placed at the end of the procedure, and should be placed at the top, after any assume's, so it can be seen as part of the procedure specification. The values of the input parameters at the time of procedure invocation are available through *_in variables, one for each parameter. The return value of the procedure is available through the return_val variable.
always varlist expr ?fail-action? ?-default_also? Program state assertion: evaluates expr every time one of the variables in varlist changes. The variables in varlist should be (a subset of) the variables in expr, and the expression should be a statement about the relationships that must hold or values those variables can take on. The assertion exists for the lifetime of the variables in varlist, and the always assertion can be used in procedure bodies for local variables, as well as for global variables.

The form for each of these assertions is:

assert-cmd expression [failure-action] [-default_also]

where assert-cmd is one of assert, assume, or assure. The always assertion is:

always varlist expression [failure-action] [-default_also]

In both forms, expression is the Tcl expression to be evaluated. For the assertion to be satisfied, this expression must evaluate to true (nonzero). For the always assertion, varlist is a list of variables to activate the assertion on, such that when any one of them changes, the expression is evaluated. It does not have to include all the variables in the always,(footnote) but should not include any variables not in the expression.

Failure-action is an optional Tcl statement (block) that, if supplied, will be executed if the assertion fails. If no failure-action is specified, the default action of producing a general exception occurs, printing out the nature of the failed assertion and aborting the program. -default_also is an optional flag that, if specified, will execute the default action after executing the failure-action; this can be used to print out detailed messages in the failure-action, while still aborting the program.

For assertions about (and in) procedures, the value of the input parameters at the time of invocation is useful, because the parameters may be changed during execution of the procedure, and an assertion would no longer have access to the original values. For this, we create variables of the form param_in, where param is the name of each parameter to the procedure. These *_in variables are set with the input value of the parameter, and do not change over the execution of the procedure. They can be used in any assertion inside that procedure.

For assure assertions, the return value of the procedure must also be available. We provide this through a variable return_val. This variable is set in evaluating an assure, when the procedure is exiting. While it can potentially clash with an existing variable name (as can the *_in variables), if the variable is local, no harmful effects will occur since the procedure is exiting, though the original value will not be accessible in the assure. The only case where a problem will occur is if return_val is a global variable and is declared so in the procedure. For this case, we would strongly suggest that return_val is not a very good name for a global variable.(footnote)

2.1 Usage Conventions

Assertions in a program become part of the documentation of the program, its behavior, and its internal interfaces between modules and procedures. This suggests that some of the assertion forms should have standard placements in the program.

The assert assertion is a point assertion. It should be used at any point in the Tcl program where the programmer can make a succinct declarative statement about the state of the program, or where they want to ensure that a variable or variables contain the proper data. At the top or bottom of a loop body it can act as a loop invariant.

For procedure interfaces, the assume and assure assertions should be used. These assertions capture the assumptions that the procedure makes on its parameters and any global variables used, and the assurances of its return values or of any global variables changed. The assertions in effect become part of the declaration of the procedure interface. As such, they should appear as the first statements in the procedure body, after any global statements (which are also part of the interface).

The always assertion, when it is used as an assertion about global state, should appear at the top of the given Tcl module that has the global state variables. If it is being used as an assertion about the internal state of a procedure, it should appear at the top of the procedure body, after any assume and assure assertions, or after the variables are created.

3 Quantifier Commands 

The two basic aggregate data types in Tcl are the list and array. Assertions may often take the form of describing the properties of a list or an array; for example, specifying that a list contains all positive numeric items. In these cases, universal and existential quantifiers over lists and arrays are useful. Our commands for these take the general form of:

quantifier {item|index list} {array-name|list} expression

Our four quantifiers are lall and lexists for list universal and existential quantification, and rall and rexists for array quantification. These commands are summarized in Table 2. The first parameter to a quantifier is a list of item names or index names (dependent on whether a list or array is used). These names are variables that take on successive values of the items in a list (indices into an array). The quantifiers have their general meaning: the expressions in lall and rall must hold for all sequences of items (indices), and the expressions in lexists and rexists must hold for at least one sequence of items (indices). A quantifier returns 0 for false and 1 for true.

Table 2: The four quantifier commands for Tcl.

General Form of Quantifiers
quantifier-cmd item-varname[s] data-struct expr A quantifier command evaluates expr for all items or item sequences in the data structure (list or array), and returns 1 if the expression is true (nonzero) for the specified quantification over the data structure. If item-varname is singular, that variable takes on the value of each item in the list (or index in the array) as the quantified expression is evaluated. If item-varname is a list, the variable names in the list take on successive values in the data structure, such that the order of names in the parameter is the order of values in the data structure. If more item-varname's are specified than there are members in the data structure, the quantifier returns 1.
Specific Quantifier Commands
lall item[s] list expr List universal: evaluates expr for all items or item sequences, and returns 1 if the expression is true over the whole list, and 0 otherwise.
lexists item[s] list expr List existential: evaluates expr for all items or item sequences, and returns 1 if the expression is true for any item (item sequence) in the list, and 0 otherwise.
rall index[es] array-name expr Array universal: evaluates expr for all indices or index sequences, and returns 1 if the expression is true over the whole array, and 0 otherwise. The index list can be prepended with any sorting flags that 'lsort' accepts.
rexists index[es] array-name expr Array existential: evaluates expr for all indices or index sequences, and returns 1 if the expression is true for any index (index sequence) in the array, and 0 otherwise. The index list can be prepended with any sorting flags that 'lsort' accepts.

For example, to specify that all elements of a numeric list are positive, the quantifier

  lall i $list {$i >= 0}

is used. Here the item list is only one item, i. One item, however, cannot be used for relations among items, such as specifying that a list is sorted. For this, a quantifier such as

  lall {i1 i2} $list {$i1 <= $i2}

is used, where i1 and i2 take on successive values of items in the list. On a list of five items, for example, there would be four pairs of items to compare in the quantifier. If a list is shorter than the number of items asked for, the quantifier returns true (1).

Array quantifiers work the same way, except for one problem--the order of indices to an array is unconstrained,(footnote) so quantifiers over sequences of elements are less obvious. Still, in many uses of arrays, programmers do have a sequence of indices in mind, and it would not be unreasonable to specify that an array is sorted, like

  rall {i1 i2} Arr {$Arr($i1) <= $Arr($i2)}

For this, our quantifiers process the indices in an lsort'ed sequence; that is, we use an index sequence returned by [lsort [array names Arr]], in this example.(footnote) However, lsort by default is an ASCII string sort, and if the indices are numeric, this will give the wrong order. For this, our index list can take any flags that lsort takes, and we pass these on to lsort. Thus, the above quantifier would be changed to

  rall {-integer -decreasing i1 i2} Arr \
       {$Arr($i1) <= $Arr($i2)}

to specify integer indices in a decreasing order. This syntax is a bit cumbersome and unfortunate, but it is the best we can do.

4 Controlling Assertion Checking 

We recognize that assertion checking can be costly in some instances, in terms of performance. This can be especially true with quantifiers over large data structures, and the cost can be somewhat hidden at times. For example, if a procedure is called for each item in a data structure, and that procedure has an assertion about the whole data structure, the assertion effectively turns an O(n) computation into one that is .

We expect that when a program is finally released for use, disabling the assertion processing is desirable. Even during system development, as some portions of the system become reliable, it may be desirable to turn off assertion processing for those portions.

In ASSERTCL, assertions are controlled through the assertcl control interface. Table 3 shows the commands that are allowed by this interface.

Table 3: The control interface for ASSERTCL.

Assertion Control Interface
assertcl disable ?all|proc|var? ?all|proclist|varlist? Disables all assertion checking, assertion checking for the given list of procs, or assertion checking for the given list of variables. The keyword all can be used in place of a procedure or variable list, indicating all procedures or all variables, respectively.
assertcl enable ?all|proc|var? ?all|proclist|varlist? Enables all assertion checking, assertion checking for the given list of procs, or assertion checking for the given list of variables. The keyword all can be used in place of a procedure or variable list, indicating all procedures or all variables, respectively.

Assertion control is provided at the procedure level, variable level (for always), and the global level. The global level simply disables all assertion processing, and is effected by issuing the command

  assertcl disable all

for disabling, and with the enable keyword for enabling.

By using the proc keyword and providing a list of procedure names, assertion disabling can be done per procedure. The command

  assertcl disable proc P1 P2 P3

would disable assertion checking for the three named procedures. Other assertion processing would still take place, provided that global assertion checking had not been disabled. The keyword all in place of a list of procedure names disables assertion checking for all procedures.

A similar use of the var keyword disables processing any always assertions for the specified variables; if a given always assertion still relies on other enabled variables, however, it will be processed when those variables change. The keyword all in place of a list indicates all variables with always assertions.

Even with global-level assertion disabling, an overhead of checking the control variables is still paid. Thus, for a situation such as final release of the software, a nullassertcl package that declares empty assertion commands is available. Requiring this package in place of the regular assertcl package source leaves just the call of an empty procedure as the only overhead.

Section 7 analyzes the run-time performance of these various levels of assertion checking.

For removing virtually all overhead of using assertions, our future work is expected to include making a program processor that will comment and uncomment assertion commands automatically. This will allow virtually no overhead (except for comment-skipping) to exist in a released program, while still allowing the assertions to remain as documentation, and to be reactivated if needed.

5 Implementing Tcl Assertions 

The main Tcl command that enables the addition of assertion commands is the uplevel command, which evaluates a script in a different context; thus a procedure can be passed an expression or even a block of statements, and it can evaluate those in the context of its caller, thus making the procedure look like a command in its caller's context.

The other main Tcl feature that we use is the ability to rename an internal command and replace it with our own procedure. We implement a proc procedure that acts as a front-end processor to the real proc command. Our front-end searches the procedure body for assertion commands, and does the following two things if it finds any.

  1. The body of the procedure gets prepended with statements that copy parameter values to a corresponding param_in variable. This gives access to the input values regardless of whether the procedure modifies the real parameter variables. Only those param_in variables that are used are copied.
  2. Each return statement in the procedure gets replaced with our own assertReturn statement. Ours takes care of evaluating the assure's for that procedure, and then returning from the procedure.

After these two operations on the procedure body are done, we then call the normal proc command, so that Tcl registers the procedure. The implementation of assure is explained in more detail below.

5.1 Assert, Assume, and Always: The Easy Ones

The assert command is implemented in the straightforward manner of a procedure that acts like a command, i.e., uplevel'ing the expression to be evaluated and catching any returned exceptions. If the expression itself generates an exception (an error or a user-defined exception), assert passes this back to the enclosing context. If the assertion fails, assert by default generates its own exception using the return command. If the assert has an associated failure-action, however, that action will be uplevel'ed rather than generating an exception.

The assume command is really just an alias for the assert command, implemented as a procedure that uplevel's an assert call. This does not quite fit the definition of an assume being evaluated at the start of a procedure invocation, since if the assume statement is not placed at the beginning of the procedure body (like we suggest), it will not be evaluated at the start. The alternative would be to preprocess the procedure body and move the assume's, but this would involve some serious syntactic analysis. For now, our decision is to forego this step and rely on conventional placement of the assume commands.

For implementing the always assertion, the Tcl trace command is used, which allows registration of a procedure to call each time a variable is written (reads are also traceable). The always assertion creates a uniquely named procedure that evaluates the expression in the assertion and processes any exceptional conditions and a failure-action, if there is one. This procedure is then attached to each variable specified in the varlist parameter using the trace command.

5.2 Assure: The Hard One

Implementing the assure command is quite a bit different and more involved. For this command, we do need to modify the procedure body. Due to the return command being a not-so-general exception generating mechanism, we do not (and cannot) globally replace the return command, but we process the procedure's body and replace each return in a procedure with our own assertReturn procedure, if the procedure being processed has any assure's. The assertReturn procedure evaluates the assure's, and then effects a real return from the calling procedure.

Replacing the return command can cause some problems and incompatibilities with existing Tcl behavior, but only under well-defined circumstances. The problem stems from the fact that return is not simply a command that returns a value from a procedure, but rather a mechanism for generating exceptions. The exception generated by a return is passed by Tcl to the context of the caller of the procedure that the return command is in. But when we replace the return with our own procedure, we add a layer of procedure call, so that now the context that gets the exception is our caller, not our caller's caller, as it should be. And return cannot be uplevel'ed, because of the way the call stack is processed in Tcl.

Nevertheless, for Tcl code that simply uses return in the normal fashion of returning a value from a procedure,(footnote) replacing the command with our own does not break any Tcl behavior, and allows us to evaluate any assure's and then effect a real return.

The lexical replacement of return with assertReturn is not done globally or universally. We only do this in the body of a procedure that is using assures, so that any other use of return is not affected. Furthermore, we only replace a return call that begins on its own line (white space excluded). This not only offers simple and quick replacement, avoiding complex syntactic processing, but offers an ``out'' to a programmer who needs to use return to throw an arbitrary exception in a procedure using assures--they can hide the return from our processing by using a construct such as

  if 1 { return -code $Exception ... }

Since this return does not begin its own line, our replacement method will ignore it.

The error command can also be used to return from a procedure, but since this method is not interceptable (due to the above-mentioned limitations on the return command), we make no effort to catch this command. In [4], it is recommended that error not be used except for true errors, in any case.

6 Examples 

This section presents a few simple examples to give a flavor for what assertions in Tcl look like and can do.

A point assertion about variables x and y:

  assert {$x>4 && $x<$y+2}

A point assertion that simply prints a warning and does not abort the program:

  assert {$x>4 && $x<$y+2} {
     puts "Assert failed: x:$x y:$y"

An assertion about some global variables over the life of the program:

  always NumUsers {$NumUsers >= 1 && \
                   $NumConnected > $NumUsers}

Note that this assertion only gets checked when NumUsers changes, not when NumConnected changes.

A simple procedure declaration with interface assertions:

  proc square {x} {
     assume {$x+1 > $x}  ;# tests for numeric value
     assure {$return_val == $x_in * $x_in}  
     set x [expr $x * $x]
     return $x

A procedure that returns the quotient and remainder of a divide operation:

  # divmod: returns a two-element list of quotient 
  #         and remainder
  proc divmod {dividend divisor} {
     # simply test for numeric value
     assume {$dividend + 1 > $dividend} 
     # also, make sure non-zero divisor
     assume {$divisor + 1 != 1} 
     # must return the correct quotient and remainder
     assure {[lindex $return_val 0]*$divisor_in +  \
             [lindex $return_val 1] == $dividend_in} 
     # procedure body
     set quot [expr $dividend / $divisor]
     set rem  [expr $dividend % $divisor]
     return [list $quot $rem]

Assert that all list elements are positive:

  assert {[lall item $list {$item>=0}]}

Assert that a list contains an element ``Jon'':

  assert {[lexists item $list {"Jon" == $item}]}

Assert that a list is sorted:

  assert {[lall {i1 i2} $list {$i1 <= $i2}]}

Assert that an array contains the value 42:

  assert {[rexists i Arr {$Arr($i) == 42}]}

Assert that an integer-indexed array is sorted:

  assert {[rall {-integer i1 i2} Arr \
         {$Arr($i1) <= $Arr($i2)}]}

Of course, an arbitrary Tcl procedure can be called in an assertion (though it should not have side effects!), so a procedure that checks the consistency of a more complex data structure can be used, like:

  assert {[lall cust $CustomerList \
         {[CheckCustRecord $cust]} {
     puts "Warning: Customer is malformed -- $cust"

which asserts that a list of customer records are all consistent, but only prints a warning if it is not.

7 Performance Evaluation 

While assertions serve as unambiguous, written-down, declarative specifications of a program behavior, their compelling reason of existence is that they can be evaluated at run-time, providing increased assurance that a program's behavior is correct.

Run-time evaluation of assertions does not come for free, of course. They add extra processing to a program and can add significant increases in program execution time. For example, in the case of an assertion using lall, the expression must be evaluated over the whole list to evaluate the assertion. If it is in a loop, each iteration of the loop processes the whole list, potentially making an O(n) operation become O(n^2).

This overhead can be controlled during development and testing through the judicious enabling and disabling of assertions in procedures and variables, as explained in Section 4.

Here we present some performance numbers for a small Tcl program developed using assertions. The program was a non-interactive, stochastic Petri net simulator, and made heavy use of arrays. The program consisted of thirteen procedures, all of which had assertions in them. Two procedures used the lall quantifier in their assertions. The program did not contain any always assertions. The program was 177 source lines, excluding comments and brace-only lines, and had 16 assertions.

We ran the program using both Tcl 7.6 and Tcl 8.0a2, on an UltraSparc running Solaris. Table 4 shows the performance of a Tcl program over various configurations of assertion checking. Each value is the mean of 5 runs, timed using the Unix time command. Rows with `-P#' configurations have assertion checking disabled for the specified procedures, but enabled for everything else. The last line in the table was the running time of the program with all assertion statements hand-commented out of the program. This represents the lower bound on running time.

Table 4: Performance of assertions on Tcl 7.6 and Tcl 8.0a2

Assertion Configuration Tcl 7.6 Tcl 8.0a2
full assertions 97.53 48.16
-P1 79.43 39.32
-P2 78.12 38.64
-P1,P2,P4 62.17 28.51
-P3 35.91 23.63
all disabled 3.69 2.87
-P1-P8 2.56 2.29
nullpackage 1.14 0.73
comment-out 0.95 0.66

As can be seen, full assertion checking carries a high price for this particular example. It runs almost 100 times slower on Tcl 7.6, and almost 75 times slower on Tcl 8.0. Disabling various procedures reduces the time by considerable amount, with the disabling of assertions in P3 cutting the execution time by over half on Tcl 8.0, and almost two-thirds on Tcl 7.6.

The two methods of disabling assertion checking, using assertcl disable all or using the nullassertcl package both show good performance relative to the commented-out performance. The nullassertcl package performance is within 20% on Tcl 7.6 and within 11% on Tcl 8.0, indicating that it is deployable technology--with an interactive Tk program, an 11% overhead would not be noticeable in most instances.

An interesting note is that disabling assertions in eight of the thirteen procedures results in performance that is faster than the global assertcl disable all; this happens because the procedure disabling actually skips inserting any assertion processing in the body of the disabled procedure(s). Thus, if the time-critical procedures are disabled in this manner, the other procedures can still check assertions, and the performance remains good.

For the list quantifiers, allowing the commands to use list names rather than lists would improve their processing time immensely.(footnote) However, this usage would not be consistent with the normal Tcl list commands, so we chose to leave the calling interface as using a list. However, we may decide to change this, or support both, in the future.

8 Conclusion 

In this paper we presented ASSERTCL, an assertion package for the Tcl programming language. We feel that assertions will make the development of robust systems easier. At the same time, we hope to use this foundation for future research exploring more ideas in assertions for programming languages, and for evaluating the effectiveness of assertions. Tcl is an evolving language, and the next version will have namespaces, which will be akin to packages or modules. Earlier work on Ada packages [2] and Eiffel objects [3] have shown that modules present interesting issues in developing effective assertions for them. In addition, object oriented extensions to Tcl exist, and these can provide a platform for exploring issues about assertions for classes and objects.

In developing this package, some limitations were encountered that could be ameliorated by adding some functionality to the Tcl core language. Our suggestions are:

  1. Extend the exception generating capability of the return command so that it is possible to throw an exception to a specified level, rather than always the caller. This would enable the true replacement of the return command (enabling other debugging packages), and would generalize the exception mechanism.
  2. Extend the info command with access to a procedure's current line number (when executing) and file name. This is also a feature that would enable more functional debugging packages. The info level command could be extended to provide the line number currently being executed in that level, and a command such as info proc procName could be added that would return the file name and the beginning line number of the procedure definition.


ASSERTCL is, and hopefully will remain, a Tcl-only package, to ensure the best portability and ease of installation and use. It is freely available at


I would like to thank Professor Mikhail Auguston for discussing aspects of assertions for programming languages, and to Professor David Rosenblum for first turning me on to assertions. Many thanks to the anonymous reviewers of this paper as well. Their suggestions improved it greatly.


M. Auguston, S. Banerjee, M. Mamnani, G. Nabi, J. Reinfelds, U. Sarkans, and I. Strnad. A Debugger and Assertion Checker for the Awk Programming Language. In Proc. International Conference on Software Engineering: Education and Practice, Dunedin, New Zealand, 1996.
David Luckham. Programming with Specifications: An introduction to Anna, a language for specifying Ada programs. Texts and Monographs in Computer Science. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1990.
Bertrand Meyer. Object-Oriented Software Construction. Prentice Hall, New York, 1988.
John K. Ousterhout. Tcl and the Tk Toolkit. Professional Computing Series. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1994.
David S. Rosenblum. A Practical Approach to Programming with Assertions. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 1995.

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This document was generated using the LaTeX2HTML translator Version 96.1-h (September 30, 1996) Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, Nikos Drakos, Computer Based Learning Unit, University of Leeds.


For example, there may be transient states for one of the variables that should be ignored.
There are safer ways for naming input parameter and return value variables, such as using an array with named elements, like assert(return) for the return value. It was felt that a construct such as this would simply be too cluttering for being able to succinctly read an assertion expression.
In Tcl, arrays are associative, and any string can be an index into an array.
Of course, a quantifier using only one index does not call lsort, since there is no order needed.
A procedure return ``exception'' is the only one that can be passed up one extra level.
A simple test with a 20-element list showed an order of magnitude in speed difference.

Jonathan Cook
Wed May 28 11:17:11 MDT 1997

This paper was originally published in the Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Tcl/Tk Workshop 1997, July 14-17, 1997, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Last changed: 16 April 2002 aw
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