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USENIX 2006 Annual Technical Conference Refereed Paper

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Disk Drive Level Workload Characterization

Alma Riska Erik Riedel
Seagate Research Seagate Research
1251 Waterfront Place 1251 Waterfront Place
Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Pittsburgh, PA 15222          


In this paper, we present a characterization of disk drive workloads measured in systems representing the enterprise, desktop, and consumer electronics environments. We observe that the common characteristics across all traces are disk drive idleness and workload burstiness. Our analysis shows that the majority of characteristics, including request disk arrival rate, response time, service time, WRITE performance, and request size, are environment dependent. However, characteristics such as READ/WRITE ratio and access pattern are application dependent.

1 Introduction

Hard disk drives have become the only versatile form of persistent storage that offers reliability, high performance, and a wide range of form factors and capacities, which best suits the needs of highly dynamic and ever changing computing environments. Currently, storage solutions are in demand not only from traditional computer systems, such as the high-end servers, desktop and notebook PCs, but also from the very fast growing sector of consumer electronics.

We stress that it is critical to distinguish the environment where disk drives operate, because traditionally different hardware is used in different environments. For example the high performing SCSI disk drives are used in the enterprise environment while ATA/IDE disk drives are used in the desktop/notebook and consumer electronics environments [2]. The understanding of per-environment workload characteristics guides the decision making to support a specific application with the right hardware.

Because storage is the slowest processing unit in a computer system, accurate IO workload characterization allows for efficient storage optimization [1,6,14], which targets the specific requirements of the computing environment. The focus of IO workload characterization has always been on large high-end multi-user computer systems [11,13], because of the criticality of the applications running there, such as databases, Internet services, and scientific applications. Nevertheless, behavior of file systems is evaluated across various environments in [12]. The file system workload in personal computers is characterized in [16] and particularly for Windows NT workstations in [15]. With the workload characterization that we present here, we intend to cover all computing environments where modern disk drives are used, i.e, enterprise, desktop PCs, and consumer electronics. Different from all previous work [11,12,13] on tracing the storage system, we do not need to modify the software stack, because the measurements are conducted outside the system by attaching a SCSI or IDE analyzer to the IO bus and intercepting the electrical signals.

Our traces are measured at the disk level or the RAID-array controller level in various systems, including web servers, e-mail servers, game consoles, and personal video recorders (PVR). This set of disk level traces represents the majority of IO workloads. Traces are measured in both production and controlled systems. In controlled systems, only the scenario under which the application runs is controlled. All measurements were taken during the 2004 calendar year in state-of-the-art systems at the time.

Our evaluation tends to agree with previous work [5,12,13] on the application-dependent nature of IO workload characteristics. We observe that READ/WRITE ratio, access pattern, and WRITE traffic handling vary by application. However, the majority of characteristics vary only by environment. Environment dependent characteristics include request disk arrival rate, service time, response time, sequentiality, and average length of idle intervals. We observe that CE tends to be a more variable environment when it comes to workload characteristics than the desktop or enterprise ones. Despite workload dependencies on specific applications and environments, there are characteristics that describe the overall IO workload that remain consistent through applications and environments. One of them is workload burstiness. We observe that disk level workload is bursty similarly to network [10], Web server [4], and file system traffic [8]. Because the evaluation of disk drive workload burstiness is critical for devising accurate disk drive synthetic workload generators [5] and predictions of storage system behavior [7], we quantify it and show that burstiness is exhibited at the disk drive level in almost all computing environments.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we explain the measurement environments and give the trace format. In Section 3, we present general characterization of the trace data. Section 4 presents a detailed analysis of the interarrival process captured by our traces. In Section 5, we discuss the characteristics of the service process in our traces. We conclude with Section 6 where we summarize our results.

2 Measurement Environment

In this paper, we characterize disk drive workloads with respect to different computing environments, categorized based on their complexity, applications, and performance requirements as follows:

$\bullet$ Enterprise, which includes high-end computer systems, where the storage system often consists of RAID arrays and supports applications such as web, databases, and e-mail servers.

$\bullet$ Desktop, which includes personal computers with single disk drives, that support single-user applications.

$\bullet$ Consumer Electronics - CE, which includes consumer electronic devices that have a disk drive for their storage needs. CE devices include PVRs, game consoles, MP3 players, and digital cameras.

Table 1: General characteristics. Traces are identified by the application, dedicatedly supported by the storage system.
Trace Enviro No of Length # of R/W Bus Avg. Bus Avg. Avg./Max
-nment Disks   Reqs. % Idle Idle Int Resp. Time QL
Web ENT 1 7.3 hrs 114,814 44/56 96% 274 ms 13.06 ms 1 /16
E-mail ENT 42 25 hrs 1,606,434 99/1 92% 625 ms 13.28 ms 3 / 9
Software Dev. ENT 42 12 hrs 483,563 88/12 94% 119 ms 8.62 ms 2 / 7
User Accounts ENT 42 12 hrs 168,148 87/13 98% 183 ms 12.82 ms 3 / 8
Desktop 1 DESK 1 21 hrs 146,248 52/48 99% 1000 ms 3.08 ms 1 / 1
Desktop 2 DESK 1 18 hrs 159,405 15/85 99% 506 ms 2.63 ms 1 / 1
Desktop 3 DESK 1 24 hrs 29,779 44/56 99% 402 ms 2.64 ms 1 / 1
PVR A CE 1 20 hrs 880,672 95/5 89% 72 ms 9.77 ms 1 / 1
PVR B CE 1 2.8 hrs 138,155 54/46 82% 60 ms 8.20 ms 1 / 1
MP3 CE 1 2.2 hrs 40,451 69/31 18% 37 ms 5.71 ms 1 / 1
Game Console CE 1 1.4 hrs 33,076 83/17 95% 142 ms 1.08 ms 1 / 1

Because of the Non-Disclosure Agreements that are in place for the traces evaluated in this paper, we will not explain in detail the measurement systems. However we note that our enterprise traces are measured in production systems. This means that the system owner allowed us to conduct the measurement while the system was running a daily routine. Except the Web server, all other enterprise systems are multi-disk systems configured in RAID arrays. All measured enterprise systems consist of SCSI disk drives. In cases when the trace length is less than 24 hours, the measurement is conducted during business hours. Actually during the 25 hours of the E-mail trace, the highest burst of load is during the nightly backup activity. Currently, we have not conducted measurements in an enterprise database system, and this is an application category that is lacking in our trace collection.

The desktop traces are measured on employee' (engineer') PCs operating under Windows or Linux, while they run their daily applications. The CE traces are measured in controlled systems (i.e., the scenario of the application is set by the engineer performing the measurement). We have two PVR traces measured on the PVRs of two different vendors. Trace ``PVR A'' runs overnight; it records 2-hour shows continuously, plays back the shows periodically, and in the same time conducts media scrubbing. Similarly ``PVR B'' plays back and records simultaneously in a span of 3 hours. The ``Game Console'' trace is measured on a game console while a game is played. The ``MP3'' trace is measured on a networked system with 3 players and songs that span in a 10-20GB LBA range. All measured desktop and CE systems consist of ATA/IDE disk drives

All traces are measured using a SCSI or IDE analyzer that intercepts the IO bus electrical signals and stores them. The signals are decoded at a later time to generate the final traces. The choice of the analyzer enables trace collection without modifying the software stack of the targeted system and does not affect system performance.

Traces record for each request the arrival time and the departure time in a scale of 1/100 of a millisecond. Since the average service time of a single disk drive request is several milliseconds, the granularity of the arrival and departure times is accurate for our evaluation purposes. In addition, each trace record contains request length in bytes, the first logical block number of the requested data, the type of each request, (i.e., READ or WRITE), the disk ID (when measurements are performed in an array of disks), and the queue length at the disk. The length of the traces varies from one hour to several hours and the number of requests in the traces ranges from several thousands to a few millions.

3 General Analysis

From the extended set of traces that we have, we selected a few representative ones to make the presentation easier. Table 1 lists all traces that we evaluate in this paper and their main characteristics such as the number of disks in the system, trace length in hours, number of requests in the trace, the READ/WRITE ratio, IO bus idleness, the average length of idle intervals, the average response time at the disk drive, and the average and maximum queue length at the drive (as seen by each arriving request).

An important observation from Table 1 is that disks are idle. Yet bus idleness (which is measured in our traces) does not mean that there are no outstanding requests in the IO system. For example, when disk queue depth is one then queuing happens at the file system and often the bus remains idle for less than 1 ms between one disk request completion and a new disk request arrival. Identifying idleness at the disk drive is important when it comes to scheduling background activities such as scrubbing, flushing the cache, and powering down the disk (to save energy). Note that different background activities have different requirements for idleness. While scrubbing and flushing the cache can be completed in intervals of tens to hundreds of milliseconds, powering down should be triggered for idle intervals of more than several seconds or minutes. Our traces indicate that the percentage of idle intervals larger than 200 ms account for, in average, 20%, 50%, and 35% of all idle intervals of at least 1 ms in the enterprise, desktop, and CE environments, respectively.

The average response time (see Table 1) in all systems is only several milliseconds. For the enterprise traces, response time is the sum of the queuing time and service time (as many as 16 requests are queued at the measured SCSI drives). For the desktop and CE traces, because there is no queueing, the response time approximates service time at the disk drive, reasonably well.

The access pattern, (i.e., the request position), is among the most important characteristics of disk drive workloads, because it is related to the disk service process. In general, it is accepted that enterprise and desktop environments operate under mostly random workloads, (i.e., requests are distributed uniformly on (and across) disk surfaces). Random workloads have high service demands, because the disk arm has to seek from one track to the next. On the other hand, sequential IO workloads, often associated with video/audio streaming in various CE devices, require only moderate head movements and, consecutively, have low service demands. Figure 1 depicts the access patterns for three of the traces of Table 1. As expected, the access pattern for enterprise is more random than for desktop and the CE is highly sequential. Note that the range of accessed LBAs spans throughout the available space at the disk, indicating that (at least for enterprise and desktop) the disks operate close to their capacity and most data is accessed during the measurement period

Figure 1: Access pattern (LBA accessed across time). Horizontal lines indicate sequential disk accesses.
Software Dev.
Desktop 2

We observe that in enterprise systems the degree of sequentiality between READs and WRITEs is different. WRITEs are more sequential than READs because various caches in the IO path coalesce small WRITEs for better performance. We measure the degree of sequentiality as the portion of requests from the IO stream that is fully sequential (i.e. end LBA of a request is the start LBA for the consecutive one) and show it in Figure 2 only for enterprise traces. CE traces have a sequentiality twice as much as enterprise traces and omitted here due to lack of space.

Figure 2: Sequentiality of traffic in enterprise environment. The measure is the portion of fully sequential requests to the total number of requests for READs, WRITEs, and both.

Table 2 shows statistics on request size. Note that the mean of request sizes varies while the variability of them (measured via the coefficient of variation) is consistently low. Across all traces, the common request size is 4KB (third column in Table 2), except the video streaming and game console which issue 128KB requests. The largest measured request size is 128KB although in both Software Development and E-mail traces there are occurrences (5 in total per trace) of requests larger than 128KB (but no more than 244KB).

Table 2: The mean and the coefficient of variation of request sizes. The third and the fourth column show the two most common sizes in KB and their respective portion for each trace.
Trace Mean CV Common Req. Sizes
    1st 2nd
Web 16K 1.4 4K(55%) 64K(17%)
E-mail 16K 1.2 4K(60%) 8K(8 %)
Software Dev. 20K 1.2 4K(40%) 16K(17%)
User Accounts 23K 1.3 4K(43%) 8K(11%)
Desktop 1 10K 1.3 4K(56%) .5K(20%)
Desktop 2 23K 1.1 4K(41%) 64K(24%)
Desktop 3 13K 1.3 4K(34%) .5K(20%)
PVR A 5K 2.4 4K(30%) 1K(22%)
PVR B 42K 1.3 128K(29%) 8K(21%)
MP3 Player 12K 1.0 4K(62%) 32K(26%)
Game Console 54K 0.9 128K(27%) 64K(12%)

In designing storage systems, particularly the high-end ones, considerable effort goes to handling WRITE traffic efficiently because it is related to both performance and reliability. NVRAM, which safely stores the data even during power outages and system crashes, is seen as an attractive feature in various levels of the IO path, to optimize handling of WRITE traffic [13]. In Figure 3, we present WRITEs lifetime as a function of time for three traces from Table 1. For each WRITE request, we note if any of its blocks are rewritten again for the duration of the trace. If a set of blocks are not re-written then their WRITE lifetime is the remaining of trace duration. Non re-written blocks fall on the diagonals of the plots in Figure 3. We observe that the enterprise environments such as the ``E-mail'' trace does not overwrite any data written during the measurement period. This indicates that the upper layers of the IO path effectively optimize WRITE traffic to the disk drive. The ``User Accounts'' trace is expected to consists of requests that update file system metadata and have stringent consistency requirements, (i.e., the file system forces the data to the disk rather than keeping it in any of the caches of the IO path). This system behavior causes a portion of WRITE traffic to get re-written in short time intervals. In the CE traces (see the ``PVR A'' plot in Figure 3), there is no NVRAM to optimize WRITE traffic, hence there are many re-written blocks during the traces.

Figure 3: Lifetime of each WRITE across time. The non-overwritten WRITEs fall on the diagonal of the plots.
User Accounts

4 Interarrival Times

We present the general statistical properties of the request interarrival times, (i.e., mean and coefficient of variation) in Table 3. Note that enterprise and CE traces have higher average arrival rates than the desktop ones. The interarrival times are consistently variable with CVs being as high as 19, except for the the CE traces. We expect CE applications, which mostly stream video/audio, to have low variability in the interarrival times.

Table 3: The mean and the coefficient of variation of interarrival and service times for our traces.
Trace Interarrival times Service times
Mean CV Mean CV
Web 229.6 6.3 6.64 0.69
E-mail 56.9 9.0 5.59 0.75
Software Dev. 88.0 12.3 6.34 0.84
User Accounts 246.6 3.8 6.10 0.74
Desktop 1 509.8 17.7 3.08 2.22
Desktop 2 405.0 7.0 2.63 1.98
Desktop 3 2882.2 19.2 2.64 1.97
PVR A 80.6 8.2 9.77 0.55
PVR B 72.7 1.0 8.20 1.24
MP3 Player 195.2 2.1 5.71 2.38
Game Console 148.4 3.2 1.08 0.83

We also focus on burstiness of arrivals and estimate the Hurst parameter, which is widely used to quantify long-range dependence and burstiness [3,10]. We use the Selfis [9] tool to compute the Hurst parameter using two different techniques, (i.e., the Aggregate variance, and the Peridogram). Details on these two techniques can be found in [3]. We present our results in Table 4. Note that a Hurst parameter value of 0.5 or larger indicates long-range dependence [3] in the time series (in our case the series of interarrival times). We conclude that interarrival times at the disk drive are long-range dependent, because all values in Table 4 are larger than 0.5. One of the direct consequences of long-range dependent interarrival times is on the queuing behavior and saturation, which happens faster under long-range dependent than independent interarrival times.

Table 4: Hurst parameters of interarrival times and seek distances computed via the Aggregate Variance and Peridogram methods.
Trace Interarrival time Seek Distance
Aggregate Peridogram Aggregate Peridogram
Variance   Variance  
Web Server 0.81 0.672 0.89 0.972
E-mail 0.83 0.727 0.76 0.734
User Acc. 0.75 0.782 0.78 0.758
Soft.Dev. 0.79 0.498 0.75 0.885
Desktop 1 0.71 0.593 0.78 1.002
Desktop 2 0.84 0.675 0.82 0.938
Desktop 3 0.73 0.640 0.88 0.963
PVR A 0.86 0.614 0.87 0.873
PVR B 0.54 0.577 0.59 0.243
MP3 Player 0.83 0.928 0.74 0.976
Game Console 0.82 0.842 0.87 1.248

5 Service Process

In this section, we focus on the service process at the disk drive for traces of Table 1. Recall that in our traces, we record only the arrival time and the departure time per request. Because there is no queuing for desktop and CE traces, the difference between departure and arrival times accurately approximates the service time at the disk drive. For the SCSI traces where queuing is present at the disk, we estimate the characteristics of the service process by using the data of only those requests that find an empty queue at the disk upon arrival. Note that such an approximation of the service time process is not far from the real one, because the load in our enterprise traces is light and most busy periods have only one request.

Table 3 shows the mean and the coefficient of variation for the estimated service times of our traces. Observe that the average service time is several milliseconds. Note that a CV less than 1 indicates that a process has lower variability than the well-behaved exponential distribution whose CV is 1. Enterprise and desktop environments perform consistently within the environment. Desktop traces have lower service times and higher CVs than enterprise traces because, first, our desktop traces are more sequential than enterprise ones, and, second, because desktop drives operate with WRITE-back cache enabled and enterprise drives operate with WRITE-through cache enabled. The latter is easily extracted from the traces, because the majority of WRITEs in the desktop traces take less than a millisecond to complete. The CE environment shows inconsistency in the mean and CV of service times across traces, making the CE service process application dependent.

We also analyze the dependence structure of request positions, as a way to understand dependencies in the service process and access patterns at the disk drive level. We compute the Hurst parameter for seek (LBA) distances between consecutive requests and present the results in Table 4. Recall that for each request in the trace, we record the start LBA and the request size. Hence, we compute the seek distance as the difference between the start-LBA of each requests and the end-LBA of the previous request.

Note that the seek distances in all traces exhibit extreme long-range dependence. Quantitatively, seek-distances exhibit stronger long-range dependence than the interarrival times (shown in Table 4 as well). Such behavior again confirms that locality is an inherent characteristic of disk drive workloads [13]. Although, enterprise workloads are more random than the desktop or CE ones, in enterprise systems, there are several IO schedulers and caches in the layered IO path that order and coalesce requests such that the logical seek distances between consecutive requests is minimized.

6 Conclusions

In this paper, we characterized disk drive workloads in three different computing environments, (i.e., enterprise, desktop, and consumer electronics). Our evaluation agrees with previous work, on the application-dependent nature of IO workload characteristics. We observe that READ/WRITE ratio, access pattern, handling of WRITES vary by specific applications. However, the majority of characteristics vary only by environment. Environment dependent characteristics include the length of idle intervals, request arrival rate, request disk service time and response time, workload sequentiality, WRITE performance, and request size. More importantly, there are characteristics of the overall IO workload that do remain consistent through applications and environments. One of particular note is workload burstiness (i.e., long-range dependence). We observe that disk level workloads, in particular, request interarrival times and request seek distances are long-range dependent. Long-range dependence, as a measure of temporal locality in a time series, has a variety of consequences in particular when it comes to predict overall system and specific resource saturation. As a result, burstiness should be taken under consideration when designing new storage systems, and resource management policies at various layers of the IO path.


We would like to thank James Dykes, Jinglei Li, and Scott Borton for all their efforts collecting and parsing these traces and making them available to us. We would like to thank Kimberly Keeton for excellent shepherding of our paper. Her comments and the comments of the anonymous reviewers greatly improved the presentation of this paper.


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