The Open Group Distributed System ManagementNick Stoughton <> reports on the September 1997 meeting in Boston, MA. The IT DialTone, as I have reported previously, is the new Open Group initiative to cause the creation of a viable global information infrastructure that is ubiquitous, trusted, reliable, and as easy to use as the telephone. Work is now under way on phase one of this project. Phase one is intended to be a consolidation of what exists, trying to bring it all together into the common direction toward which we are aiming. To this end, a taxonomy of management services has been produced, and work is under way to revise the X/Open Manageability Guidelines (a document presented for other working groups to understand where and how to include management interfaces in the work they are producing). Manageability is one of the key elements of the IT DialTone. Within the IT DialTone environment, management extends beyond the traditional confines of managing IT platforms and networks. Successful management for the IT DialTone must provide a comprehensive management capability that encompasses the full end-to-end viewpoint that is experienced by the application programmers and users of the environment. Besides managing the infrastructure itself, it is also necessary for management to include the applications themselves, allowing them to be incorporated as manageable elements within the overall environment. The table below enumerates a set of management areas and describes the environments in which they are applicable (i.e., a Managing Environment or a Managed Environment). In some cases, additional functions will be required to complete the management process. These additional functions may include manual processing. This taxonomy is intended to provide a checklist against which the list of managed services can be validated for completeness. There is not a one-to-one correspondence between the management areas identified in the taxonomy and the proposed management services. Several issues may be addressed by a single service, and some issues may be instantiated across several services. Further details about the IT Dialtone can be found at <>.
Application of Taxonomy to Managing, Managed Environment and Additional Functions
![]() First posted: 4th December 1997 efc Last changed: 4th December 1997 efc |