USENIX Technical Program - Abstract - Internet Technologies & Systems 99
Organization-Based Analysis of Web-Object Sharing and Caching
Alec Wolman, Geoff Voelker, Nitin Sharma, Neal Cardwell, Molly Brown, Tashana Landray, Denise Pinnel, Anna Karlin, and Henry Levy, University of Washington
Performance-enhancing mechanisms in the World Wide Web primarily
exploit repeated requests to Web documents by multiple clients.
However, little is known about patterns of shared document access,
particularly from diverse client populations. The principal goal of
this paper is to examine the sharing of Web documents from an organizational point of view. An organizational analysis of sharing
is important, because caching is often performed on an organizational
basis; i.e., proxies are typically placed in front of large and small
companies, universities, departments, and so on. Unfortunately,
simultaneous multi-organizational traces do not currently exist and
are difficult to obtain in practice.
The goal of this paper is to explore the extent of document sharing
(1) among clients within single organizations, and (2) among clients
across different organizations. To perform the study, we use a large
university as a model of a diverse collection of organizations.
Within our university, we have traced all external Web requests and
responses, anonymizing the data but preserving organizational
membership information. This permits us to analyze both inter- and
intra-organization document sharing and to test whether organization
membership is significant. As well, we characterize a number of
parameters of our data, including basic object characteristics, object
cacheability, and server distributions.