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Conclusion and Future Work

This paper has described a framework supporting extensibility for wide-area distributed services through the introduction of location-independent programs that interpose on the naming interface. These Active Names can, for example, customize how a service is located and how its results are transformed and transported back to the client. Our approach is compared to existing schemes for introducing programmability into the network such as Active Networks and Active Services. The paper then describes the implementation of the Active Name prototype and illustrates its utility through a number of sample services, including replicated service selection and mobile distillation of service content. In each case, end-to-end application performance information is leveraged to match or exceed existing static approaches. The need for composibility is illustrated through Internet service access that incorporates extensions from multiple sources. Our results show that Active Name extensions can offer up to a five-fold performance improvement relative to existing static approaches, and that it is necessary to compose multiple extensions to achieve this benefit: no single extension achieves comparable performance.

Amin Vahdat