USENIX Technical Program - Abstract - Internet Technologies & Systems 99
Cha-Cha: A System for Organizing Intranet Search Results
Mike Chen, Jason Hong, James Lin, and Marti Hearst, University of California at Berkeley
Although search over World Wide Web pages has recently received much
academic and commercial attention, surprisingly little research has
been done on how to search the web pages within large, diverse intranets. Intranets contain the information associated with the
internal workings of an organization.
A standard search engine retrieves web pages that fall within a widely
diverse range of information contexts, but presents these results
uniformly, in a ranked list. As an alternative, the Cha-Cha system
organizes web search results in such a way as to reflect the
underlying structure of the intranet. In our approach, an ``outline''
or ``table of contents'' is created by first recording the shortest
paths in hyperlinks from root pages to every page within the web
intranet. After the user issues a query, these shortest paths are
dynamically combined to form a hierarchical outline of the context in
which the search results occur. The system is designed to be helpful
for users with a wide range of computer skills. Preliminary user
study and survey results suggest that some users find the resulting
structure more helpful than the standard retrieval results display for
intranet search.