USENIX Technical Program - Abstract - USENIX 99
Design and Implementation of a Transaction-Based Filesystem on
Jason Evans, The Hungry Programmers
Transactional database management systems
(DBMS's) have special data integrity requirements
that standard filesystems such as the
Berkeley Fast Filesystem do not address. This
paper briefly describes the requirements a transactional
DBMS makes of a transaction-based
filesystem, then goes on to describe the design
and implementation of such a filesystem, referred
to as a block repository 1 , which is part of
the SQRL DBMS project.
The implementation of SQRL's block repository
is different than most traditional filesystems in
that it is purposely implemented in user-land using
raw devices and threads. Its performance is
more tunable to the needs of transaction processing
than would be the case if it were integrated
into the kernel.