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... Rhino.[*]
Note that our use of the term ``storage manager'' differs from that in other database literature [gray]. ``Storage manager'' commonly refers to the code that manages raw disk I/O. In our system, the storage manager is a resource manager specialized for file manipulation. Raw disk I/O is not part of the transaction service, since Rhino directly uses the raw I/O facility provided by SPIN's file system.
... faults.[*]
One version of Rhino requires a trans_setrange system call instead of page fault detection. In that version, ``trans_setrange(sid, 256, 128);'' is needed just before memset.
... once[*]
When the page is purged and later brought in again, Rhino takes a page fault again.
... configuration[*]
Warm numbers are not shown for the medium configurations. In fact, they are almost same as their cold counterparts.
... cache[*]
We used a raw device for databases to bypass operating system caching.
Yasushi Saito