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Read-Ahead from Network Memory

GMS/Trapeze activates sequential read-ahead when the file/VM system determines that accesses are sequential, and that subsequent pages are resident in the global cache but not in the local cache. It issues nonblocking RPCs to prefetch the next N pages for some configurable depth N; these requests are issued in the context of the user process accessing the data. Each prefetch request is an ordinary getpage operation; to the receiver, they are indistinguishable from synchronous fetch requests. The caller allocates the target page frame before the prefetch, maps it through the IPT as described in Section 3.2, and includes a reply token in the message. The server generates a reply as described in Section 3.2, possibly delegating the request to a peer as described in Section 3.3.

A record of each pending prefetch request is hashed into the local page directory so that the frame can be located if a process references the page before the prefetch completes. If a process references a page with a pending prefetch, the process is put to sleep on a call record until the read-ahead catches up. If no process blocks awaiting completion, nonblocking RPCs do not have specific timeouts. However, call records for nonblocking RPCs are maintained as an LRU cache, so each call record eventually reports failure and is reused if no reply arrives.

When each prefetch reply arrives, Trapeze transfers the payload into the waiting frame and interrupts the host. The interrupt handler uses the reply token to locate the call record, which holds a pointer to the continuation handler for asynchronous prefetch. The interrupt handler invokes the continuation, which ``injects'' (hashes) the frame into the local page cache, and enters it into other structures as required, e.g., an LRU list. Note that prefetched pages are not copied.

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Darrell Anderson