USENIX Technical Program - Abstract - USENIX Annual
Conference, General Session - June 2000
Pandora: A Flexible Network Monitoring Platform
Simon Patarin and Mesaac Makpangou, INRIA SOR Group
This paper presents Pandora, a network monitoring platform that captures
packets using purely passive techniques. Pandora addresses current needs
for improving Internet middleware and infrastructure by providing both
in-depth understanding of network usage and metrics to compare existing
protocols. Pandora is flexible and easy to use and deploy. The
elementary monitoring tasks are encapsulated as independent entities we
call monitoring components. The actual packet analysis is performed by
stacking the appropriate components. Pandora also preserves user privacy
by allowing control of the "anonymization" policy. Finally, the
evaluation we conducted shows that overheads due to Pandora's
flexibility do not significantly affect performance. Pandora is fully
functional and has already been used to collect Web traffic traces at
INRIA Rocquencourt.
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