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Isolation with Flexibility:
A Resource Management Framework for Central Servers

David G. Sullivan, Margo I. Seltzer
Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138


2. Securely Managing Multiple Resources

2.1 The Original Framework

The resource management framework developed for lottery scheduling [Wal94, Wal95, Wal96] is based on two key abstractions, tickets and currencies. Tickets are used to encapsulate resource rights. Resource principals receive resource rights that are proportional to the number of tickets that they hold for a resource; changing the number of tickets held by a resource principal automatically leads to a change in its resource rights.

Tickets are issued by currencies, which allow resource principals to be grouped together and isolated from each other. Principals funded by a currency share the resource rights allotted to that currency; currencies thus enable hierarchical resource management.

Each currency effectively maintains its own exchange rate with a central base currency, and tickets from different currencies can be compared by determining their value with respect to the base currency (their base value). The more tickets a currency issues, the less each ticket is worth with respect to the base currency, and their total base value can never exceed the value of the tickets used to back the currency itself.

The sample currency hierarchy shown in Figure 1 illustrates these concepts. The bob currency is funded by 100 of the 400 base-currency tickets, and it thus receives rights to one-quarter of the resource. These rights are divided up by the tasks funded by bob; for example, task3 holds 200 of the 300 bob tickets, and it thus receives rights to two-thirds of bob's quarter share, or one-sixth of the total resource rights. In other words, task3's 200 bob tickets have a base value of approximately 67 (two thirds of 100). If task2 or task3 forks off more tasks, causing the bob currency to issue more tickets, the value of its tickets will decrease, because its resource rights will be shared by a larger number of tasks. However, the resource rights of processes funded by other currencies will not be affected.

Figure 1. A sample resource hierarchy in which currencies provide isolation between the tasks of different users. The base values of the tasks' backing tickets are shown in italics.

While a lottery-scheduling resource hierarchy typically has a tree-shaped structure like the one shown in Figure 1, it can more generally take the form of any directed acyclic graph. The lottery-scheduling framework thus supports a greater variety of configurations than most other, recently proposed schemes for hierarchical resource management (see Section 6). For example, on a system like the one depicted in Figure 1, in which each user's applications are funded by a currency specific to that user, two or more users could pool their resources to support a single application that all of them are using (the system developed by Banga et al. [Ban99] also allows this).

2.2 Resource-Specific Tickets

Although prior implementations of lottery scheduling have focused exclusively on single resources (primarily the CPU), the original lottery-scheduling framework was designed to support multiple resources. Waldspurger [Wal95] considered two approaches to implementing a multi-resource system. In the first approach, tickets can be applied to any resource, allowing resource principals to shift tickets from one resource to another as needed, while in the second, tickets are resource-specific. Waldspurger favored the former approach because of its greater flexibility and simplicity. However, allowing principals to devote tickets to resources as they see fit violates the insulation properties of currencies, because it can lead to changes in the total number of tickets applied toward a given resource [Sul99a].

We therefore chose to use resource-specific tickets. To avoid the overhead of maintaining a separate currency configuration for each resource, we extend currencies to encompass all of the resources being managed. Concretely, this means that most pieces of currency state are maintained as arrays indexed by resource type. Similarly, many currency-related operations take a parameter that specifies the resource type.

2.3 Currency Brokers

For the lottery-scheduling framework to be secure in a multi-user setting, a system of access controls are needed. We encapsulate these controls in a broker associated with each currency. A broker stores the owner and group of the user who created the currency, along with a UNIX-style mode specifying who may perform various operations on the currency. Before these operations are carried out, the broker verifies that the current thread belongs to a user with the requisite permissions.

Like UNIX file modes, currency modes include three sets of permissions: one for the currency's owner, one for the currency's group, and one for all others. In a given set of permissions, the f bit indicates whether a user is allowed to fund the currency; the c bit indicates whether a user can "change" the currency by removing some of its funding or destroying it entirely; and the i bit indicates if a user is allowed to issue or revoke the currency's own tickets. This fci collection of bits is comparable to the rwx combination in UNIX file modes.

Table 1 provides more specifics about the permission checks that brokers perform. In most cases, superusers are allowed to override the ordinary permissions checks. If an attempt to fund a currency would lead to a cycle in the currency graph, the attempt is rejected.

Table 1. Permission checks performed by brokers

Permission check

create a currency

The caller must match both the user id and group id specified for the new currency. (Note that the user and group ids must be specified--and therefore checked--because superusers can create currencies that have ids other than their own.)
destroy a currency

The appropriate c (change) bit must be set in the currency's mode.

fund currency A with tickets issued by currency B

The appropriate f (fund) bit in A's mode and the appropriate i (issue) bit in B's mode must be set.

take tickets issued by currency B away from currency A

Either the appropriate c (change) bit in A's mode or the appropriate i (issue) bit in B's mode must be set.

2.4 Hard and Soft Resource Shares

The standard lottery-scheduling framework was primarily designed to support soft resource shares whose absolute value may change over time as principals enter and leave the competition for the resource. However, Waldspurger and Weihl pointed out that absolute, hard resource shares can be supported using the same framework by fixing the total number of tickets issued by the system [Wal96]. In particular, they proposed specifying hard shares by issuing tickets from a hard currency that maintains a fixed exchange rate with the base currency. When this hard currency issues additional tickets, some of the funding of other, "soft" currencies is transferred to the hard currency so that its exchange rate can be maintained.

In our framework, we take a slightly different approach based on the notion of hard and soft tickets, and we allow resource principals to obtain hard shares from any currency. Under our approach, tickets issued by a currency are ordinarily soft tickets that specify soft shares of the currency's resource rights. However, when a currency issues a hard ticket to specify a fixed percentage of its resource rights, a separate currency is created and used to fund the currency's soft tickets (Fig. 2). The number of hard tickets used to fund this soft-ticket currency is adjusted as needed to ensure that the total number of the currency's hard tickets remains fixed. 1

Figure 2. Offering Hard Shares of a Currency's Resource Rights. The bob currency issues a hard ticket to task D representing a fixed 20% (200/1000) of bob's resource rights. As a result, a special currency (soft_tix) is created and used to fund bob's soft tickets, isolating the hard tickets from changes in the number of soft tickets. The funding given to the soft_tix currency is adjusted as needed to ensure that the total number of hard tickets issued by bob remains fixed at 1000.

Our approach requires no extra overhead in the common case of a currency issuing only soft tickets, and yet it still allows hard tickets to be issued by any currency. Users could use hard tickets to give an application a fixed percentage of their resource rights, or to specify hierarchical reservations in which absolute shares from the base currency are divided into hard subshares. For a hard ticket to represent a fixed-share reservation of the actual resource, all paths from the root currency to the ticket must involve only hard tickets.


1. Note that even the base currency's soft tickets have a base value that can change over time as the number of its hard tickets changes.

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