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In one well-publicized case, a change in America Online usage pricing caused many users to stay connected longer, allegedly resulting in a barrage of busy signals that prompted a lawsuit by dissatisfied customers [Ano97].
This is not to say that ISPs have no incentive for limiting usage even when capacity is not reached. For instance, ISPs could limit usage expecting that the market will support higher prices for increased usage. This is orthogonal to the concerns of this paper.
No similar data can be plotted for the AT&T Labs trace since no disconnection information is available. The set of connected users for that trace depends on the disconnection policy used.
The recency space is the total ordering of pages according to how recently they were last referenced.
If the user has never been idle for as long as now, a reasonable guess for the total idle time is twice the current idle time (i.e., an LRU-like estimate can be employed: the user's predicted future idle time is the same as her past idle time).
The procedure for maintaining k lists, tex2html_wrap_inline528 is simple but we outline it here for completeness. Each list has an update operation that takes an idle time parameter. The update operation for the entire data structure (all lists) calls the update operation for the first list, tex2html_wrap_inline530 , with parameter t, when the user becomes active after being idle for time t. The update operation for list i examines all elements of list tex2html_wrap_inline538 in order from the beginning of the list. For each element tex2html_wrap_inline540 , if e < t, the element is removed from list i and if i < k, the update operation is called on list i+1 with parameter e. Finally, t is inserted in list tex2html_wrap_inline538 .
There is no established term for the devices that manage and implement Internet protocols over multiple serial ports. Depending on the exact functionality and marketing decisions of each maker, these are called modem servers, remote access servers, terminal servers, or communications servers

Yannis Smaragdakis
Tue Apr 25 15:09:47 EDT 2000