Technical Sessions: Thurs., June 13
Fri., June 14 |
Sat., June 15 |
All in one file |
The Technical Sessions are Thursday - Saturday and include:
8:45 am - 10:30 am Serra Ballroom I, Monterey Conference Center
Opening Remarks, Awards, and Keynote
Keynote Address: The Internet's Coming Silent Spring
Lawrence Lessig, Stanford University
The innovation of the Internet grew out of the network's unique design. Its 'architecture' was built to enable neutral and unrestrained innovation. In this talk, Lawrence Lessig shows how this ecology of innovation is now being undermined by those who were threatened by the original network architecture. Changes to this architecture, and the legal environment within which it lives, will in turn undermine the network's potential.
Professor Lessig, the nation's leading scholar of law and cyberspace, recently formed the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School. The Center aims to examine
the relationship between the architecture of cyberspace and the basic constitutional and public policy values that define our democracy.
10:30 am - 11:00 am Break
11:00 am - 12:30 pm
GENERAL TRACK Steinbeck Forum
File Systems
Session Chair: Greg Ganger, Carnegie Mellon University
Awarded Best Paper!
Structure and Performance of the Direct Access File System (DAFS)
Kostas Magoutis, Salimah Addetia, Alexandra Fedorova, and Margo Seltzer, Harvard; Jeff Chase, Drew Gallatin, Richard Kisley, and Rajiv Wickremesinghe, Duke; and Eran Gabber, Lucent
Conquest: Better Performance Through a Disk/Persistent-RAM Hybrid File System
An-I Wang, Peter Reiher, and Gerald Popek, UCLA; and Geoffrey H. Kuenning, Harvey Mudd College
Exploiting Gray-Box Knowledge of Buffer Cache Management
Nathan C. Burnett, John Bent, Andrea C. Arpaci-Dusseau, and Remzi H. Arpaci-Dusseau, University of Wisconsin
INVITED TALKS Serra Ballroom I
The IETF, or, Where Do All Those RFCs Come from, Anyway?
Steve Bellovin, AT&T LabsResearch
What are Internet standards, and where do they come from? What is the real meaning of an RFC? Did a black helicopter really land on the White House lawn? The last topic won't be covered, but you'll hear all you need to know about the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) and what it does. More important, you'll hear why you should care, and perhaps even participate.
View this talk in HTML.
Building Applications
Session Chair: Chris Demetriou, Broadcom Corp.
Interactive 3D Graphics Applications for Tcl
Oliver Kersting and Jürgen Döllner, Hasso-Plattner-Institute, University of Potsdam
The AGFL Grammar Work Lab
Cornelis H.A. Koster and Erik Verbruggen, KUN
Awarded Best Student Paper!
SWILL: A Simple Embedded Web Server Library
Sotiria Lampoudi and David M. Beazley, University of Chicago
Linux on Laptop/PDA
Bdale Garbee, HP Linux Systems Operation
Bdale currently works at HP helping to making sure Linux will work well on future HP systems. He has worked on both UNIX internals and embedded systems for many years. He helped jump-start ports of Debian GNU/Linux to 5 architectures other than i386, and keeps an impressive number of oddball systems running Linux in his basement just for fun. When he's not busy trying to keep his compute farm running, Bdale's other big hobby is amateur radio, specifically building amateur satellites.
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch (on your own)
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
GENERAL TRACK Steinbeck Forum
Operating Systems (and Dancing Bears)
Session Chair: Frank Bellosa, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
The JX Operating System
Michael Golm, Meik Felser, Christian Wawersich, and Jürgen Kleinoeder, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
Design Evolution of the EROS Single-Level Store
Jonathan S. Shapiro, Johns Hopkins University; and Jonathan Adams, University of Pennsylvania
Think: A Software Framework for Component-based Operating System Kernels
Jean-Philippe Fassino, France Telecom R&D; Jean-Bernard Stefani, INRIA; Julia Lawall, DIKU; and Gilles Muller, INRIA
INVITED TALKS Serra Ballroom I
Introduction to Air Traffic Management Systems
Ron Reisman and James Murphy, NASA Ames Research Center, and Rob Savoye, Seneca Software
This introduction to air traffic control systems summarizes the operational characteristics of the principal Air Traffic Management (ATM) domains (i.e., en route, terminal area, surface control, and strategic traffic flow management) and the challenges of designing ATM decision support tools. The Traffic Flow Automation System (TFAS), a version of the Center TRACON Automation System (CTAS), will be examined. TFAS achieves portability across platforms (Solaris, HP/UX, and Linux) by adherence to software standards (ANSI, ISO, POSIX). Software engineering issues related to design, code reuse, portability, performance, and implementation are discussed.
Network Performance
Session Chair: Craig Metz, Extreme Networks
Linux NFS Client Write Performance
Chuck Lever, Network Appliance; and Peter Honeyman, CITI, University of Michigan
A Study of the Relative Costs of Network Security Protocols
Stefan Miltchev and Sotiris Ioannidis, University of Pennsylvania; and Angelos Keromytis, Columbia University
Congestion Control in Linux TCP
Pasi Sarolahti, University of Helsinki; and Alexey Kuznetsov, Institute for Nuclear Research at Moscow
Large Data/Clusters/Resilient Computing
Andrew Hume, AT&T LabsResearch
Andrew Hume has worked at Bell Labs and AT&T for 21 years. Most recently, he has been working on solving very large-scale data problems, using data feeds from legacy systems, on a Linux cluster using resilient computing techniques.
3:30 pm - 4:00 pm Break
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
GENERAL TRACK Steinbeck Forum
Building Services
Session Chair: Jason Nieh, Columbia University
Ninja: A Framework for Network Services
J. Robert von Behren, Eric A. Brewer, Nikita Borisov,
Michael Chen, Matt Welsh, Josh MacDonald, Jeremy Lau, Steve Gribble, and David Culler,
University of California at Berkeley
Using Cohort Scheduling to Enhance Server Performance
James R. Larus and Michael Parkes, Microsoft Research
INVITED TALKS Serra Ballroom I
Adventures in DNS
Bill Manning, ISI
The Internet Domain Name System is poised for explosive growth in several areas: * adding support for IPv6; * DNS security; * support for alternate character encoding methods. The existing DNS root structure was constructed with some presumptions about the underlying transport protocol that have dictated how the DNS root structure and context have evolved. Our project has constructed and deployed a root context that supports the IPv4 data but introduces new features and protocol support. We have augmented the system with IPv6 and DNSSec records and are discussing how to test alternate encodings. I'll review some preliminary findings and possible ramifications.
Xtreme Xcitement
Keith Packard, XFree86 Core Team & SuSE, Inc.
The Future Is Coming: Where the X Window System Should Go
James Gettys, Compaq Computer Corp.
XCL: An Xlib Compatibility Layer for XCB
Jamey Sharp and Bart Massey, Portland State University
Biglook: A Widget Library for the Scheme Programming Language
Erick Gallesio, University of Nice; and Manuel Serrano, INRIA
SAMBAIns and Outs
Gerald Carter, SAMBA Team / Hewlett-Packard
Gerald Carter has been a member of the SAMBA Team since 1998 and is employed by Hewlett-Packard as a Software Engineer, where he works on Samba-based print appliances. He is currently working on a guide to LDAP for system administrators with O'Reilly Publishing. Gerald holds a master's degree in computer science from Auburn University, where he was also previously employed as a network and system administrator.