Securing the data while in transit is not sufficient by itself in building a secure network: data storage, key management, user interface, and backup security must also be addressed to provide a comprehensive security posture. These are often overlooked, yet are an essential part of a secure system. In this paper, we aim to quantify the costs of specific mechanisms and clarify the options available to system and network architects. In particular, we wish to quantify the performance implications of using various security protocols that are either widely used (e.g., SSL and SSH) or are expected to be in wide use (e.g., IPsec).
Compared to other network security mechanisms, IPsec offers many
architectural advantages. Firstly, he details of network security are
usually hidden from applications, which therefore automatically and
transparently take advantage of whatever network-layer security
services their environment provides. More importantly, IPsec offers a
remarkable flexibility not possible at higher or lower network layers:
security can be configured end-to-end (protecting traffic between two
hosts), route-to-route (protecting traffic passing over a particular
set of links), edge-to-edge (protecting traffic as it passes between
``trusted'' networks via an ``untrusted'' one, subsuming many of the
current functions performed by network firewalls), or in any other
configuration in which network nodes can be identified as appropriate
security endpoints. However, a perception of complexity and
reduced performance have acted as deterring factors in its deployment
and use. The former point is being addressed by new APIs and
refinement of administrative interfaces that make configuration and
use of IPsec easier. However, the performance issue has not received
adequate examination.
In this paper, we investigate the performance of IPsec using micro- and macro-benchmarks. Our tests are designed to explore how the various modes and encryption algorithms affect its performance, the benefits of using hardware accelerators to assist the IPsec cryptographic framework, and finally compare against other secure transfer mechanisms, such as SSL, scp(1), and sftp(1). We use the OpenBSD operating system as our experimental platform, because of its support for cryptographic hardware accelerators and its native IPsec implementation[9].