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Appendix: The Nickle Tour

Material in typewriter font is taken from a Nickle interactive session. Material in italics is commentary.

$ nickle
The obvious calculations work, including fancy operators and arbitrary precision.
> 1 + 1
> (2 ** 4)!
Rationals are representend exactly, but printed in decimal. Integer division with // is different from rational division.
> 1 / 3
> . * 3
> 1 // 3
Expected conveniences, like the value . denoting the last value printed, work. Implicit declarations work at top level, as do explicit typed declarations. Using a statement form at top level results in no value being printed.
> x = .
> int y = x;
C-style statements can be typed at the command line. The + prompt denotes an incomplete statement.
> for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i += 2)
+   x += i;
> x
Exact integer square roots will be represented by integers. For irrational roots, a 256 bit floating point representation is used; the printed representation is indistinguishable.
> xsqrt = sqrt(x)
> sqrt(2)
> . * .
> sqrt(5)
> . * .
Functions may be typed at the command line. Argument and result types are optional. This function returns nonsense for non-integers.
> function sqr(x) {
+   auto s = 0;
+   for (int i = 1;
+        i < 2 * x + 1;
+        i += 2)
+     s += i;
+   return s;
+ }
> sqr(5)
> sqr(5.1)
Functions are first-class: untyped functions can be assigned to statically typed function variables.
> int(int) isqr = sqr;
> isqr(5)
> isqr(5.1)
->     isqr ((51/10))
Incompatible types 'int', 'rational'
argument 0
Operators try to behave properly in as many cases as possible.
> 5.1 ** 2
> -5.1 ** 2
> -5.1 ** 3
> -5.1 ** 3.1
Unhandled exception "invalid_argument"
at /usr/local/share/nickle/math.5c:196
 "log: must be positive"
> quit
For reasonable sized chunks of code, it is normal to use a separate text file.
$ cat > stack.5c
namespace Stack {
  typedef frame;
  typedef struct{
    poly val;
    *frame next;
  } frame;
  public typedef * *frame stack;
  public exception stack_underflow();

  public stack function
  new() {
    return reference(0);

  public void function
  push(stack s, poly xval) {
    *s = reference((frame){
      next = *s,
      val = xval

  public poly function
  pop(stack s) {
    if (*s == 0)
      raise stack_underflow();
    poly xval = (*s)->val;
    *s = (*s)->next;
    return xval;
Here is the Stack ADT in action.
$ nickle
> load "stack.5c"
> print Stack
namespace Stack {
    public typedef **frame stack;
    public stack function new ();
    public void function
             push (stack s, xval);
    public function pop (stack s);
> import Stack;
> stack s = new()
> push(s, "x")
> push(s, 3)
> pop(s)
> pop(s)
Uncaught exceptions lead to the debugger.
> pop(s)
Unhandled exception "stack_underflow"
at stack.5c:23
- trace
    raise stack_underflow ();
pop (&0)
    pop (s)
- s
- done
> quit

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Bart Massey 2001-04-19