USENIX Technical Program - Paper - Proceedings of the The Sixth Annual Tcl/Tk Workshop, 1998   
[Technical Program]
Internet-based Desktops in Tcl/Tk:
Amit Khetawat | Hemang Lavana | Franc Brglez |
The summary of 540 Internet-based experiments, each relying on RecordTaker and PlaybackMaker to record, playback, and execute ReubenDesktop configurations from local, cross-state, and cross-country servers, demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed concepts and implementation.
Keywords: collaborative desktops, recording, playback, workflows, Internet.
The Internet and the on-going evolution of the world-wide web is expected to evolve into a network without technologic, geographic or time barriers - a network over which partners, customers and employees can collaborate at any time, from anywhere, with anyone. Issues of collaboration arise when a peer group, distributed in time and space, uses the Internet to iteratively configure and execute distributed desktop-based applications and tasks. Existing systems, based on Tcl/Tk [1,2,3], that are available today include the the Group-kit [4,5] for collaboration and the TkReplay [6] for recording.
Requirements that motivated this research resulted in collaborative and recording Tcl/Tk architectures and implementations that are different from the ones introduced earlier in [4,5,6]. Specifically, the Internet-based environment ReubenDesktop, prototyped in Tcl/Tk and Expect [7], leverages a novel multi-user collaborative desktop architecture that also supports multi-cast visualization of workflows, encapsulating distributed data, tools and communication protocols. A hierarchy of such workflows can be re-configured and re-executed by a team of collaborating users, since the generic architecture supports (1) effective channels of communication among peers, and (2) distributed control of applications and tasks. Data and tools encapsulated in such workflows reflect the needs of a specific peer group. The workflows decribed in this paper are representative of ones that may be used in the design of experiments or as an integral a part of a distributed microsystems design effort [8,9,10,11,12].
In addition, we introduce a novel architecture that allows us to record and playback any Tcl/Tk application, including peer interactions during the distributed and collaborative sessions of ReubenDesktop.
The paper is organized into the following sections: (2) background and motivation, introducing a simple example of collaborative and recordable desktop environment; (3) collaborative Internet-based desktop environment, user view of FlowSynchronizer and its implementation; (4) session recording and playback environment, user view of RecordTaker and PlaybackMaker and their implementation; (5) a summary of 540 Internet-based experiments; (6) software availability and status; (7) conclusions and future work.
The ReubenDesktop, described in this paper as recordable and executable upon playback, satisfies the following properties as a collaborative desktop environment [9]:
Here, instructor Bob could have requested and received permission from Alice to edit the workflow and thus show a solution. Instead, Bob remembers that earlier, he recorded a solution to a similar problem for another student. Subsequently, he decides to playback the pre-recorded solution, shown in Figure 1(b). By passing control to Alice (the respective FlowSynchronizer window is not shown), Alice can now study the solution by re-executing the PlaybackMaker.
It is clear that the paradigm described in this example applies to a number of situations, including design reviews, with high potential to reduce design errors or catch them early in the process, thereby significantly enhancing the productivity of the team effort.
The Internet-based desktop environment as defined in [8] contains a number of application icons (program nodes) as well as a number of data icons (file nodes). In contrast to typical desktops of today, where data icons may be dragged and dropped onto application icons for execution, this environment allows
User View. We use a simple example of an Archivist Workflow to illustrate the concepts of a collaborative Internet-based desktop environment as defined in this paper. The ReubenDesktop in Figure 2(a) is a snapshot of a collaborative session in progress. Two archival specialists, User1 at Host1 and User2 at Host2, are completing the tasks of archiving distributed directories to a central location (Host1). The session was initiated by User1. Upon invocation of the ReubenDesktop, User1 gained access to the UserDesktop window within the ReubenDesktop and the OmniBrowser. Using OmniBrowser, she selected the TeamDefinition configuration file, and with a single click, she initiated the session with User2. At this point both receive an identical view of the ReubenDesktop, along with the FlowSynchronizer in Figure 2(b). User1 selects the Archivist Workflow in the OmniBrowser which is now broadcast as two nodes in the new workflow window within the desktop: `Remote Host' and a hierarchical workflow node named Archivist Workflow. This node will execute whenever any of the files selected in the OmniBrowser window is `dropped' onto it.
As noted in the FlowSynchronizer, User1 initiates the archival process, by selecting directory `teams' and passes the control to User2. At this point, User2 clicks on the `Remote Host' which invokes another OmniBrowser. He selects a set of files in the `Shared' directory and passes back the control. User1, by clicking on the Archivist Workflow node, `drops' all files selected by both users onto this node, initiating the execution of the workflow - now shown fully expanded in the ReubenDesktop.
In this example, the Internet-based desktop environment has been rendered collaborative by the addition of a FlowSynchronizer that provides both the communication channels between collaborating participants and a control passing mechanism, supporting and maintaining the properties P1-P3 summarized earlier. The functionality of the FlowSynchronizer is explained in Figure 2(c).
Collaborative Desktop Architecture. Two architectural extremes are possible to support collaborative activities:
We use tcl-only code to implement the centralized approach. In single-cast mode of operation shown in Figure 3(a), the application code is passed onto to the Tcl/Tk interpreter. The interpreter then makes appropriate function calls to display the graphical user interface (GUI) on the users display terminal. For multi-casting such a GUI to `n' display screens, we modify the approach in Figure 3(a) to create a multi-cast collaborative mode of operation, by inserting an Application Sharing Layer (ASL) between the Tcl/Tk application code and the Tcl/Tk Interpreter, as shown in Figure 3(b). The ASL takes the original application code and a list of hosts as input. This layer consists of three components:
Control Mechanisms. When a GUI of an application is broadcast to `n' displays, it is necessary to coordinate user interaction with the application. If all the users try to interact with the application simultaneously, chaos and confusion is likely to follow soon. In most applications, however, it is essential that at any time, only one user has a control over the execution of the application. There are several mechanisms to avoid such contentions, which include: (1) single user interaction, with other users observing, (2) round-robin based transfer of control, allowing each user to interact for a limited time only, (3) request-based control, with users deciding as to who is to interact with the application at any instant, etc.
We have implemented request-based control mechanism where a single user is initialized with control over the entire application that is launched. The user who has the control and can interact with the application is said to hold the token and is called the Token Holder. At any instant, the Token Holder can relinquish the control over the application by passing the token to any other user. The Display Controller, shown in Figure 3(b), implements this scheme by: (1) accepting and responding to user interactions such as mouse movements, keyboard events, etc., from the Token Holder only, and (2) blocking all events that are generated by any other user.
FlowSynchronizer. Once all the users have a shared view of the application, they still need a mechanism to communicate among themselves for effective collaboration. If a user needs to request the control of the application from the current Token Holder, she has to communicate the request to the Token Holder. We provide an additional window on each users display, called the FlowSynchronizer shown in Figure 2(b), which allows the users to communicate, and dynamically exchange control among themselves. It has two components for each participating site:
Thus, in our collaborative environment: (1) all users are allowed to interact with the message boxes for communication, and (2) only one user, the Token Holder, is allowed to interact with the entire application and relinquish the control by passing the token. We now explain some of the implementation details about the Display Controller and the FlowSynchronizer window.
Using Grab Command to Provide Control. Each participating user's interaction with the application is first limited to her own message box by using the Tcl command grab. Only the Token Holder's display screen does not have any grab command acting on any part of its application GUI. Then, as the token is passed among different users of the collaborating team, we dynamically change the effect of grab acting on each of the user's screen as follows: (1) release the grab for the message box of the user who is being given the control, (2) achieve a grab for the message box of the user who is giving up the control, and (3) retain the effect of grab on the message boxes of all the remaining users.
Achieving Concurrent Messaging. It is necessary for concurrent messaging that all users be able to type into message boxes simultaneously. Because of the default class bindings provided by Tk, a user has to bring the message box into focus before she can start typing. However, if a message box is brought into focus by clicking on it, it results in message boxes of other users to loose their focus, thereby re-directing their typed message into the new message box that is now in focus.
To overcome this problem, we first disable the default class binding for the message box and add a new binding script which automatically brings the message box into focus whenever the user's mouse cursor enters it. This ensures that every user has her message box in focus whenever their mouse cursor is over it.
Dynamic Code Generator (DCG). The functionality of the DCG is to intercept every Tcl/Tk command of the application code and modify it to generate a new Tcl code such that it will multi-cast the GUI of the application to `n' displays. We use a simple application Hello World to illustrate the implementation details of the DCG.
Figure 3(a) shows the original application code that creates and displays a label widget containing the text "Hello World" on the user's screen. The tcl code for multi-casting such a simple example to three display screens is shown in Figure 3(b). We first create a toplevel window on each user's display screen which acts as a place holder for the various widgets that will be created by the application code. The initialization script shows how to create such place holders on each display screen using the command toplevel. Next, for every command in the original application code that is related to GUI, the DCG generates three commands, one for each display screen. Thus, we have three label and three pack commands in the multi-casting example code. This code merely illustrates one method to broadcast the application GUI to three display screens and does not include scripts to initialize the FlowSynchronization window and its request-based control mechanism.
Recording and playback environment provides a mechanism of `taking minutes', not only of the interactive discussions, but also of the menu-based commands associated with different tools in the workflow, of user-entered data inputs, and of user-queried data outputs. There are several benefits to the recording and playback mechanism:
TkReplay [6] is Tcl/Tk program that allows one to record all user actions of Tk programs and then replay them. It uses the Tk command send to intercept each user action and saving it as a script file. This script file may then be reloaded and played back later to emulate the original user actions. The TkReplay will not work with Tcl/Tk applications in which the Tk command send is disabled. The send command is potentially a serious security loophole, since any application that can connect to your X server can send scripts to your applications. These incoming scripts can use Tcl to read and write your files and invoke subprocesses under your name. Hence, it is common for applications written in Tcl/Tk to disable the the operation of the send command. Our desktop environment is an example of one such Tcl/Tk application in which the send command has been disabled. Therefore, TkReplay is not suitable for use within our desktop. Instead, we make use of the Tk command event generate to playback the recorded events. We next define few terms before explaining the architecture of recording and playback mechanism.
Event is an occurrence of an interaction between the user and the windowing system. The windowing system constitutes of the local display, the keyboard, and the mouse. Recording and playback essentially involves capturing all events that are generated due to user actions during a session, and reproducing those events in exactly the same sequence as they were generated.
Ei | The ith event in a session. |
tri | The instant at which |
the event Ei occurs. | |
tr<<348>>i+1-tri | The time difference between the |
occurrence of the event Ei+1 | |
and the event Ei. | |
n | The total number of events |
generated during a session. |
We classify events generated into two categories: (1) window events are those generated as a direct result of the user's interaction with the application, and (2) synthesized events are those which emulate the window events using the Tcl/Tk commands from within the application program and are not a result of user actions.
Every window event consists of at least one primitive component. Examples of primitive components include: ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, MouseMotion, KeyPress, etc., and are used to identify the type of event that is occurring. However, additional information may be necessary to fully describe an event and is available as a secondary component. Secondary components represent details such as the x-y coordinates of the mouse cursor on the screen, the name of key that was pressed, the button number of the mouse that was clicked, etc. The primary and secondary components can then be used together to generate a synthesized event from within the Tcl application. Thus, Figure 4(b) shows a list of events generated and its primary and secondary components along with the timing information that is necessary to synthesize a window event.
Recording Session Architecture. Figure 5 shows the architecture of how to record an entire session consisting of all the user interactions with the Tcl application. It is necessary to intercept and capture the entire sequence of user actions and save it in a file as a run time trace data. This involves two steps:
bindtags .b [linsert [bindtags .b] 0 RecordTaker]
Playback Session Architecture. Figure 6 shows the architecture of playback of a recorded session which is stored in a file containing the run time trace data. The playback of a recorded session is initialized by invoking the original Tcl/Tk application code with the Tcl interpreter. The trace data processor then reads the run time trace data from the specified file and processes it to create synthesized events. The timing information associated with each event recorded is very important and critical in synchronization of the synthesized event during playback. It is possible to playback an exact replica of the recorded session, provided the cpu load is not significantly different from that during the recording process. The effect of variations in cpu load is as follows:
Based on these experiences, we decided to allow the user to control the speed of execution during playback. We next describe the mechanism for scheduling synthesized events that facilitates the user to achieve varying speed of playback session.
Event Scheduling. We first define the terminologies used for scheduling the events of a playback session:
tpi | The time at which the synthesized |
event Ei is scheduled for playback. | |
s | The scaling factor which determines the speed |
of the entire playback session. It is constant | |
for all the n events and is pre-computed before | |
the commencement of a playback session. | |
si | This is a dynamic scaling factor for the |
ith synthesized event. The value of this | |
scaling factor is controlled by the user and | |
can change during the playback session. |
Implementation Example.
We use a simple application Print Hello button
in Figure 8
to illustrate the main ideas used to implement the recording and playback
The left side of the figure shows the trace data, and the right side of the figure shows the Tcl/Tk commands used for synthesis of the recorded events and the user views as each event is synthesized. The following steps are necessary to invoke the command associated with the button widget:
pack [button .b -text "Print Hello" \ -command "puts Hello"]
Recording and Playback Tools. Figure 9 shows the GUI of two tools - a RecordTaker that assists users to create customized recordings, and a PlaybackMaker for playback of a recorded session with capabilities to control its speed or pause as desired. The RecordTaker also allow the users to record a session as a series of several smaller steps, called frames, instead of one single large recording. In addition, a user can type in appropriate text for each frame describing its functionality.
Thus, once a session is recorded in several frames, the PlaybackMaker automatically stops at the completion of each frame, displays the associated text for the user to read and waits for the user to click on the `Continue' button to start processing the next frame. This feature is very useful for recording tutorial sessions, where each tutorial consists of several frames with a text describing each frame during playback.
The prototype of an environment that records, plays back and executes a Tcl/Tk collaborative Internet-based desktop, is being put to the test as an integral part of a national-level collaborative and distributed design project involving teams at 6 sites [12]. Specifically, the desktop brings together distributed data, application workflows, and teams into collaborative sessions that share the control of the desktop editing and execution. A typical workflow, such as the one shown in Figure 10, invokes distributed tools and data to support a major phase in the design of microelectronic systems. A detailed description is available in [8,10].
We argue that recording and playback of collaborative user interactions can have a wide-range of applications, such as: `keeping minutes' of interactive discussions, clicks of menu-specific commands associated with different tools on the shared desktop, user-entered data and control inputs, user-queried data outputs, support for automated software documentation, tutorials, collaborative playback of tutorials and solutions recorded earlier, etc. The 540 experiments, summarized in this section, are the initial part of the Internet desktop environment performance and functionality evaluation, conducted before its release to Vela Project participants and others.
Each of these experiments relies on interactive user inputs. To maintain consistency of user inputs during the repeated trial executions across the Internet (with variable quality-of-service), we first record a single reference instance of each test case on the local server (without relying on the network) and then move these recordings to cross-state and cross-country servers on the Internet. Each server has an executable version of ReubenDesktop, OmniBrowser, RecordTaker, and PlaybackMaker. The experiments are initiated with a playback that executes recorded instances of test cases, multi-casting them to 1, 2, or 3 workstation displays at CBL. Additional details about these tools are available in [8,9,11]. Experiments reported in this section support a conjecture that will be the subject of more detailed experimentation later:
Task-specific performance of a single/multiple client-server ReubenDesktop execution can be predicted, under comparable server and network loading, by measuring the performance of pre-recorded task-specific experiments that are executed and multi-cast by the server to one/multiple client displays. |
In other words, to assess the performance of interactive distributed sessions that involve one or more participants, we have verified that the experiments, as reported in this section, can be extrapolated by measuring the performance of single- and multi-cast executions that are based on playback of pre-recorded experiments on a reference server. The benefits of not requiring a number of individuals to sit through repeated session experiments are obvious. Specifics about the testbed configurations, test cases considered, and graphical results follow.
Testbed Configurations. In order to approximate typical instances of a distributed multi-site collaborative desktop environment, we used a test-bed setup, as shown in Figure 11, to create:
(1) a local environment by installing the desktop software on a
CBL server at NC State University in Raleigh, NC,
which is multi-casting its desktop to one or more CBL client
(2) a cross-state environment by installing the desktop software on
a server
at Duke University in Durham, NC, which is multi-casting its
desktop to one or more CBL client hosts; and
(3) a cross-country environment by installing the desktop software
on a server
at the University of California in Berkeley, CA, which is
multi-casting its desktop to one or more CBL client hosts.
We have carefully selected two remote servers such that the physical distance of approximately 40 miles and 4000 miles from Raleigh to Durham and Berkeley respectively, represents a realistic test-bed for performance evaluation. The arrows, shown in Figure 11, depict broadcasting of the desktop environment from each server to the three display terminals at CBL in Raleigh.
Test Cases. We have created and recorded, directly on the CBL server under negligible loading conditions, six test cases of collaborative sessions with useful attributes that demonstrate typical user-invoked tasks. The brief description that follows includes the reports of real_time, user_time and system_time as produced by the Unix utility time. The `real_time' corresponds to the `stopwatch_time' that could have been obtained by the user monitoring the task. The `user_time' is the time required by the CPU to complete the task. The `system_time' is the CPU time required by the system on behalf of the task. A brief description of all test cases engaging two participants, that were recorded for the experiment, follows.
(1) Co-editing-1 (real_time=119.4s, user_time=31.1s, system_time=1.5s): Using ReubenDesktop, we open, and edit, a simple 4-node, 3-arc workflow by selecting, opening, and closing a single data file node-configuration window.
(2) Co-editing-2 (real_time=153.1s, user_time=44.0s, system_time=1.9s): Using ReubenDesktop, we open, and edit, the same 4-node, 3-arc workflow by selecting, opening, and closing a single data file node-configuration window and a single program node-configuration window.
(3) Co-editing-3 (real_time=223.8s, user_time=67.5s, system_time=2.5s): Using ReubenDesktop, we open, and edit, the 17 node, 22 arc workflow by selecting, opening, and closing 3 data files and a single program node-configuration window.
(4) Co-browsing-1 (real_time=136.7s, user_time=56.1s, system_time=2.1s): Using OmniBrowser, we traverse a directory structure, located on the server's local file system, across 3-levels, with up to 141 items in each directory. The directory structures of all the three servers were made exactly the same for uniform comparison.
(5) Co-browsing-2 (real_time=159.2s, user_time=97.5s, system_time=5.0s): Using OmniBrowser, we select, open, and scroll, from start to end, the same copy of a text file of about 1000 pages (2.2Mb), located on each server.
(6) Co-execution-1 (real_time=123.9s, user_time=90.0s, system_time=3.8s): Using ReubenDesktop, we open, and execute, the hierarchical workflow in Figure 10. As shown, the workflow has 22 nodes and 28 arcs; during execution, the node labeled as optimizer expands into a sub-workflow with 14 nodes and 15 arcs.
All test cases involved two participants working collaboratively
and consisted of exchanges of several dialogs via the FlowSynchronizer
between the two,
during each recording session.
Evaluation Method. All software and the files of six test cases, recorded directly on the CBL server, have been replicated on the server at Duke U. and the server at UCB. Scripts have been invoked, during the night when both servers and the network were least loaded, to execute the 540 experiments as follows:
From each of the three servers, execute and multi-cast 10-times, with interval of 30 seconds between each execution:
A log file, generated by time (real_time, user_time, system_time) command, archives timing data for each experiment. Similarly, a log file, generated by sar (system activity report) command, archives the load on each of the three servers during the execution of these experiments. The log file generated by sar provided the information whether or not both the load on the server and the network was sufficiently stable to accept the `real_time' and `user_time' results for tabulation.
The data generated as a result of evaluating the six test cases are tabulated and plotted as a 3-dimensional graphs shown in Figure 12 for each server. The x-axis in each plot lists the name of the test case and the y-axis represents the number of clients that a specific test case was multi-casted to. The time required for execution of each test case with 1-, 2- and 3-clients is then represented as a bar on the z-axis.
Summary of Results. The data plotted in Figure 12 allows us to evaluate the performance of Internet-based desktop environments.
Observations. The successful completion of all 540 experiments provides us with assurance that the experiments are consistently reproducible on a variety of servers, given that the server nominal load is small and that the network is stable. Specifically, we confirmed that
We have introduced a new paradigm and a prototype implementation of a collaborative and recordable environment on the Internet using Tcl/Tk. Complementing the objectives of the user-reconfigurable Internet-based desktop environment, this environment supports
Future work on collaborative and recordable environments should address the following issues:
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We could not have reported as comprehensively on the results of our Internet Desktop experiments without getting generous user accounts on two remote servers, facilitated by Dr. Richard Newton at UC Berkeley and Dr. Gershon Kedem at Duke U. We thank them and their support staff for this privilege.
This paper was originally published in the Sixth Annual Tcl/Tk Workshop, September 14-18, 1998, San Diego, California, USA
Last changed: 8 April 2002 ml |