Database Programming With Tcl/Tk
Tom Poindexter, Talus Technologies, Inc.
Who should attend: Programmers planning to develop database applications in Tcl/Tk. You should have a working knowledge of Tcl/Tk. Experience with SQL and database systems is helpful, but not required.
What you will learn: How to build database applications in Tcl/Tk by utilizing database extensions.
The Tcl database extensions Sybtcl and Oratcl (representing extensions to two of the most popular relational databases from Sybase and Oracle) are explored in detail, from simple query/insert/update/delete to using advanced features such as executing stored procedures and BLOBs (Binary Large Objects.) Other topics include:
- Requirements for using Tcl database extensions
- Dealing with error situations and server feedback
- Accessing meta data, data about result sets
- Transaction semantics
- Common Tcl/Tk programming patterns
- Database administration scripts
- Using Sybtcl/Oratcl sample programs, Wisqlite and Wosql
- Compiling and building the Sybtcl/Oratcl extensions
- Review of other Tcl database extensions
Tom Poindexter has authored and maintains the Sybtcl and Oratcl Tcl database extensions. He has been developing Tcl-based database applications for telecommunications clients since 1992, and has over 18 years experience in software design and programming. He is also a contributing author of Tcl/Tk Tools, an upcoming O'Reilly & Associates publication. When not hiking or skiing, Tom writes robot simulation games in C and Tcl. He is president of Talus Technologies, Inc., a software consulting company.
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