Fifth Annual Tcl/Tk Workshop, 1997
A Tcl/Tk-Based Video Annotation Engine
M. Carrer, L. Ligresti, and T.D.C. Little
Multimedia Communications Laboratory
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Boston University
The population of a video database requires tools for manipulation and
annotation of raw video data. Characteristic of this requirement is
the need to satisfy many disparate video-based application domains. In
this extended abstract we describe the design and development of a
video annotation engine called Vane,
intended to address the issue of domain-independent video
annotation. Rather than relying on a single, general data model and
application interface, we developed a dynamic interface and data model
using the Tcl/Tk environment and SGML document type definitions
(DTDs). This approach allowed us to implement an intuitive graphical
user interface application that is easily portable to different
systems. The outcome of our work is a multipurpose, domain-independent
video annotation application that has been developed taking advantage
of Tcl/Tk features for easy construction and reconfiguring of GUI
widgets at execution time. Thereby offering a novel application model
appropriate for the domain.