Fifth Annual Tcl/Tk Workshop, 1997
Nsync - A Constraint Based Toolkit for Multimedia
Brian Bailey and Joseph A. Konstan
Department of Computer Science
University of Minnesota
Nsync (pronounced 'in-sync') is a declarative multimedia synchronization
toolkit, implemented entirely in Tcl, designed to ease the complexity of
designing innovative, interactive multimedia applications. Nsync does
not represent a new multimedia synchronization model; rather, it
provides a set of building blocks in the form of temporal and
non-temporal constraints useful for specifying both the synchronization
and interaction properties of an application. Nsync depends only on the
logical time system provided by the Berkeley Continuous Media Toolkit,
thus allowing any application using a similar notion of time to also
benefit from the Nsync constraint mechanism. Nsync presents a new and
powerful environment for rapid development of highly interactive
multimedia applications.