Fourth Annual USENIX Tcl/Tk Workshop, 1996
Tcl/Tk HTML Tools
Brent Welch and Steve Uhler
Sun Microsystems Laboratories
This paper describes tools and techniques that support HTML processing
with Tcl and Tk. The tools include an HTML parser, a table-driven
display engine, and WebEdit, which is a WYSIWYG editor for HTML
documents. The parser and display engine are written as a small
library that can easily be added to applications that need to display
HTML documents. The library has a modular implementation so that
applications can customize and extend the library for specialized
needs. In particular, WebEdit extends the library to provide an
authoring environment. The editor uses the tag and mark facilities of
the Tk text widget as the primary data structure for the
representation of HTML within the edited document. The paper also
describes the performance issues associated with the text widget and
one optimization to its implementation.
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