Fourth Annual USENIX Tcl/Tk Workshop, 1996
In Search of the Perfect Mega-widget
Stephen A. Uhler
Sun Microsystems Laboratories
Mega-widgets are Tk widgets that can be created entirely in Tcl, yet
behave indistinguishably from their native counterparts. Although
several different frameworks have been constructed to create and
manage mega-widgets, none does a perfect job, as there are aspects of
a native widget's behavior that can't be simulated strictly in Tcl. We
propose a small set of enhancements to the Tk event binding and focus
models that will enable mega-widget frameworks, including those that
are currently available, to do a better job supporting the semantics
of native widgets. This allows a script that uses a native widget on
one platform, to use a mega-widget implementation of the same
functionality on a different platform without the need
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