As described before, VISU can display slices of a 3D volume. Another way to visualize a volume is to extract isosurfaces, either by using the 3D Marching Cubes algorithm [5] or by reconstruction of a 3D surface from 2D contours [6]. Visualizing a surface helps understand the spatial distribution of objects in 3-space, in contrast to visualizing 2D slices. Almost every visualization package provides these tools, but they are almost never combined or used simultaneously.
Several other approaches make use of
Tcl/Tk in volume visualization. Schroeder, Lorensen and Martin
recently released vtk, a visualization toolkit which can be used either by writing
C++ programs, or through Tcl/Tk scripts. Similarly, Lacroute
[7] released
a volume rendering library coupled with a Tcl/Tk-based graphical
These two toolkits could be used in conjunction with VISU in order to build a volume visualization package by relying on the send command. This approach results in two main benefits.
First, the different visualization modules can be combined easily, even if they are not executed on the same machine. Typically, it will be possible to highlight a point of the surface and to see the intersecting slice. Conversely, viewing a new slice will automatically change the coordinates of this highlighted point. The color tools provided with VISU will also be used in order to choose isosurface values, or the transfer functions in volume rendering. The same graphical interface can also be used to set the viewing parameters in surface and volume rendering. It is our belief that the combination of these visualization techniques will help identify more efficiently the relevant features of volumetric data sets.
Next, provided that the interface between hypertools does not change,
the user does not need to know how the surface or volume rendering
techniques are implemented. As a result, the best visualization
modules can be chosen by the user. For example, vtk supports an
abstract rendering engine and can be slower than the tkSM widget
, which provides easy
access to the OpenGL and Mesa libraries. In the case where the
software modules were not linked against Tcl/Tk, they can still be
used and executed from the Tcl/Tk environment.