This paper describes the object-oriented scripting language XOTCL
(Extended OTCL), which is a value added replacement of
OTCL implements dynamic and introspective language support for
object-orientation on top of TCL. XOTCL includes the functionality
of OTCL but focuses on the construction, management, and adaptation of
complex systems.
In order to combine the benefits of scripting languages with advanced
object-oriented techniques, we extended OTCL in various ways: We
developed the filter as a powerful adapation technique and an
intuitive means for the instantiation of large program
structures. In order to enable objects to access several
addition-classes we improved the flexibility of mixin methods by
enhancing the object model with per-object mixins.
We integrated the object system with the TCL namespace concept
to provide nested classes and dynamic object aggregations. Moreover, we
introduced assertions and meta-data to improve reliability and
XOTCL (pronounced exotickle) is an object-oriented scripting
language providing several improvements targeted at the development
and management of large systems. The base of our work was the
OTCL, which is a TCL extension introducing a dynamic object and
class model by using solely the C-API of TCL. XOTCL is a
standard TCL extension which can be dynamically loaded into every
TCL compliant environment (such as tclsh, wish or Wafe
A central property of scripting languages is the use of strings as the
only representation of data. For that reason a scripting language
offers a dynamic type system with automatic conversion. All integrated
components (application specific extensions typically written in C)
use the same string interface for argument passing. Therefore these
components automatically fit together and can be reused in unpredicted
situations without change. In [27] and
[25] it is pointed out that component
frameworks have proven to provide a high degree of code reuse, and
are well suited for rapid application development. It is argued that
application developers may concentrate primarily on the application
task, rather than investing efforts in fitting components together.
Therefore, in many applications scripting languages are very useful
for a fast and high-quality development of software. Hatton
[16] points out that the use of object-orientation in
languages like C++ does not fit the human reasoning process very
well. In [25] we argue that the identified
deficiencies do not apply at the same degree on object-oriented
scripting languages.
TCL is equipped with functionalities like dynamic typing, dynamic
extensibility and read/write introspection, that ease the glueing process
of constructing systems from components. OTCL extends
these important features of TCL by offering object-orientation with
encapsulation of data and operations, single and multiple inheritance, a
three level class system based on meta-classes, and method chaining.
Instead of a protection mechanism OTCL provides rich read/write
introspection facilities, which allow one to change all
relationships dynamically.
We continued and extended the design philosophy of TCL and OTCL
of providing freedom rather than constraints for the
programmer. Examples are the support of dynamic changes and
introspection mechanisms wherever possible. This design philosophy
trades in expressiveness for protection in order to ease programming.
However, a highly flexible language design implies less hard-wired
protection against bad software architectures or bad programming
style. We believe that no protection mechanisms can enforce the
generation of coherent code/designs, so we focused on
expressiveness by providing the programmer with more powerful
constructs rather than on making decisions in her/his place.
Figure 1:
Language Extensions of XOTCL
The properties of OTCL described above provide a good basis for our work
(see Figure 1). In the language design of XOTCL we focus
on mechanisms to manage the complexity in large object-oriented
systems, especially when these systems have to be adapted for certain
purposes. Such situations occur frequently in the context of scripting
languages. In particular we added the following support:
Filters as a means of abstractions over method
invocations to implement large structures, like design
patterns, and to trace/adapt messages.
Per-object mixins, as a means to give an object access
to several
different supplemental classes.
Dynamic Object Aggregations, to provide dynamic
aggregations through nested namespaces.
Nested Classes, to reduce the interference of
independently developed program structures.
Assertions, to reduce the interface and the reliability
problems caused by dynamic typing.
Meta-data, to enhance self-documentation.
In this paper we describe theses functionalities from a language point
of view. The implemented extensions provide additional functionality
and lead to an improved performance in comparison to OTCL.
However, we had to introduce a few incompatibilities to OTCL
(discussed in Section 2 and in [33]). Since
Wetherall and Lindblad provide in [32] a detailed presentation
of OTCL and its design considerations, we focus here on the
differences to XOTCL. The later sections introduce the new
language constructs of XOTCL and discuss their usage. Finally we
present a part of a larger application example (an
XML-parser/-interpreter) based on design patterns, which is
implemented using the new language constructs.
Language Constructs Derived from MIT Object TCL ( OTCL)
The Object command is used to create new objects. It provides
access to the Object class which holds the common features of all
objects. Objects are always instances of classes, but since objects
from the most general class Object have no user-defined type, they
may be referred to as singular objects. Every object can be
dynamically refined with variables and with object-specific methods
(using the proc instance method) at run-time.
In the body of a proc, the predefined command self is used to
determine the name of the current object. self can be used to obtain
the following information about the current invocation:
self (without parameters) returns the name of the currently
executing object.
self class returns the name of the class, which holds the
currently executing method. Note, that it may differ from the
object's class.
self proc returns the name of the currently executing method.
A reader with OTCL knowledge will note, that there is a difference to
the realization of these object informations to OTCL. XOTCL uses
commands to obtain this information, whereas OTCL uses three implicit
variables for this purpose (self, class, and proc). This change
makes the internal calling conventions of XOTCL methods compatible with
TCL procedures. This has the advantage that the methods are accessible
in XOTCL via namespace-paths (see Section 5). For
compatibility XOTCL provides the compilation option AUTOVARS to set
these variables automatically (with a slight performance disadvantage).
Every object is associated with a class over the class relationship.
Classes are special objects with the purpose of managing other objects.
``Managing'' means that a class controls the creation and destruction of
its instances and that it contains a repository of methods (``instprocs'')
accessible for the instances.
The instance methods common to all objects are defined in the root
class Object (predefined or user-defined). Since a class is a
special (managing) kind of object it is managed itself by a special
class called ``meta-class'' (which manages itself). One interesting
aspect of meta-classes is that by providing a constructor
pre-configured classes can be created. New user-defined meta-classes
can be derived from the predefined meta-class Class in order to
restrict or enhance the abilities of the classes that they manage.
Therefore meta-classes can be used to instantiate large program
structures, like some design patterns. The meta-class may hold the
generic parts of the structures. Since a meta-class is an entity of
the programming language, it is possible to collect these in
(customizable) pattern libraries for later reuse (see Section
7 for example or [25] for more details).
XOTCL supports single and multiple inheritance. Classes are
ordered by the relationship superclass in a directed acyclic
graph. The root of the class hierarchy is the class Object. A
single object can be instantiated directly from this class. An
inherent problem of multiple inheritance is the problem of name
resolution, e.g. when two superclasses contain a method with the same
name. XOTCL provides an intuitive and unambiguous approach for name
resolution by defining the precedence order along a ``next-path'' for linearization of class and mixin hierarchies (see
[32,24] for details), which is modeled after CLOS
[4]). A method can invoke explicitly the shadowed methods by
the predefined command next. It mixes the next shadowed method on
the next-path into the execution of the current method.
The usage of next in XOTCL is different to OTCL: In OTCL it is
always necessary to provide the full argument list for every invocation
explicitly. In XOTCL, a call of next without arguments can be used
to call the shadowed methods with the same arguments (which is the most
common case). When arguments should be changed for the shadowed methods,
they must be provided explicitly. In the rare case that
the shadowed method should receive no argument, the flag -noArgs must
be used.
An important feature of all XOTCL objects is the read/write
introspection. The reading introspection abilities are packed
compactly into the info instance method which is available for
objects and classes. All obtained information can be changed at
run-time with immediate effect dynamically. Unlike languages with a
static class concept, XOTCL supports dynamic class/superclass
relationships. At any time the class graph may be changed entirely
using the superclass method, or an object may change its class
through the class method. This feature can be used for an
implementation of a life-cycle or other intrinsic changes
[20] of object properties (in contrast to extrinsic
properties e.g. modeled through roles [14,20]
and implemented through per-object mixins [24]) . These
changes can be achieved without loosing the object's identity, its
inner state and its per-object behavior (procs and per-object mixins).
The filter is a novel approach to manage large program structures. It is a
very general interception mechanism which can be used in various
application areas. We have studied the use of filters for design patters in
detail (see [25] and Section 7). Other useful
application areas are monitoring of running systems (tracing and
debugging), adaptation at runtime, implementation of proxy services, etc.
Definition 1
A filter is a special instance method registered for a class
C. Whenever an object of class C receives a message, the registered
filter is invoked instead of the object's methods. The filter
may handle this message and/or can decide to forward it to the object's
In order to define a filter two steps are necessary: an filter-instproc
has to be defined and the filter has to be registered using the filter
instance method. This registration tells XOTCL, which instprocs are
filters on which classes. Every filter consists of three
(optional) parts:
ClassName instproc FilterName args {
The distinction into three parts is just a naming convention for
explanation purposes. The pre- and post-part may be filled with any
XOTCL-statements. In general the filter is free in what
it does with the message. In particular it can (a) pass the message
through (using the next-primitive), it can (b) redirect it to
another destination, or it can (c) decide to handle the message
itself (see Figure 2).
When a filter instproc is executed at first the instructions in the
pre-part are processed. Then the filter might call the actual
method through next. The filter can take the result of the actual
method (returned by the next-call) and can modify it. After the
execution of ``next'' the post-part is executed. Finally the
caller receives the result of the filter instead of the result of the
called method.
As an example we define a class Room. Every time an
arbitrary action occurs on a room instance, the graphical sub-system
should change the display of that particular room. A filter can handle
the necessary notifications (here only output messages):
Class Room
Room instproc observationFilter args {
puts "room action begins"
set result [next]
puts "room action ends -- Result: $result"
return $result
Room filter observationFilter
When the filter is registered (last line) every action performed on an
instance of Room is noticed with a pre- and a post-message to the
standard output stream. We return the result of the actual called method,
since we don't want to change the program behavior at all. When for
example an instance variable is set on the instance of Roomr1:
Each class may have a chain of filters which are cascaded
through next (see Figure 2). The next method is
responsible for the forwarding of messages to the remaining filters in the
chain one by one (in registration order) until all pre-parts are executed.
Afterwards the actual method is invoked and finally the post-parts are
processed. If a next-call is omitted the filter chain ends in this filter
method. In the following example two filters are registered, one for
observation purposes and one for counting calls.
Room set callCounter 0 ;# set class variable
Room instproc counterFilter args {
incr [self class]::callCounter
Room filter {counterFilter observationFilter}
Figure 3:
Filter Inheritance
Filter chains can also be combined through (multiple) inheritance using the
next method. Filter chains of the superclasses are invoked using the
same precedence order as for inheritance (see Figure
3). Without sophisticated efforts a powerful tracing
facility can be implemented. E.g. a filter solely for offices
distinguishes Office-rooms from other rooms:
Class Office -superclass Room
Office instproc officeFilter args {
puts "actions in an office"
Office filter officeFilter
A simple call to an instance o1 of class Office, like:
o1 set name "office 1"
increments the counter and produces the output:
actions in an office
room action begins
room action ends -- Result: office 1
Filters are ordinary instprocs and have therefore access to all
XOTCL functionalities including the full introspection facilities.
Furthermore, filters require per-call information for reasoning or
delegation purposes, i.e. information about the caller's and the
callee's environment and the invocation record is required. The
following options are additionally available:
objNameinfo calledproc: Returns the originally invoked
objNameinfo calledclass: Returns the (presumably) called
objNameinfo callingclass:
Returns the class from which the filtered call was invoked.
objNameinfo callingproc:
Returns the proc from which the filtered call was invoked.
objNameinfo callingobject:
Returns the object from which the filtered call was invoked.
objNameinfo regclass:
Returns the class on which the filter is registered.
ClassNameinfo filters:
Returns the list of filters registered for a class.
These methods return empty strings, when the desired information does not
exist. The options with the prefix calling represent the values of
self, self proc, and self class in the invoking method.
This example primarily demonstrates the inheritance of filter chains.
Since all classes inherit from Object, a filter on this class is
applied on all messages to objects. So all invocations of methods in
the whole system are traced. The actual filter method displays the
calls and exits of methods with an according message. The CALL traces
are supplied with the arguments, the EXIT traces contain the result
values. We have to avoid the tracing of the trace methods
explicitly. With a more sophisticated filter implementation, the trace
can be restricted to instances of certain classes, or produce trace
output for only certain methods.
The underlying idea behind filters (and per-object mixins) are
interceptors for messages. In [1] objects that are able
to abstract interactions among objects are introduced. The message
passing model is enhanced by input/output interception, an idea
generally introduced in CLOS [4].
Our driving motivation for the implementation of filters was language
support for design patterns [25]. Several authors
proposed other reflection and interception mechanisms for their
implementation of design patterns. The LayOM-approach [5] is
the most similar to the filter approach. It offers an explicit
representation of patterns using an extended object-oriented language. The
approach is centered on message exchanges as well and puts layers around
the objects which handle the incoming messages. The filter approach
differs from LayOM since it can represent patterns as ordinary classes and
needs no new constructs, only regular methods. The FLO-language
[11] introduces a ``component connector'' that is placed between
interacting objects. Connectors are controlled through a set of
interaction rules that are realized by operators. Hedin [17]
presents an approach based on an attribute grammar in a special comment
marking the pattern in the source code. The comments assign roles to the
classes, which constrain them by rules. Constraining of patterns can be
achieved in XOTCL using assertions (see Section 6), which
can be checked at run-time.
Per-object mixins are a novel approach of XOTCL to extend the
method chaining of a single object. Therefore, per-object mixins can
handle complex data-structures dynamically on a per-object basis. The
term ``mixin'' is a short form for ``mixin class''.
Definition 2
A per-object mixin is a class which is mixed into the precedence
order of an object in front of the precedence order implied by the class
An arbitrary class can be registered as a per-object mixin for an
object by the predefined mixin method. This method accepts a list
of per-object mixins for the registration of multiple mixins. The
following example defines the classes Agent and MovementLog
(each with a same-named method) and registers MovementLog on the
Agent-instance a as a mixin:
Class Agent
Agent instproc moveAgent {x y z} {
puts "moving"
# do the movement ...
Class MovementLog
MovementLog instproc moveAgent {x y z} {
puts "Agent [self] moves to ($x,$y,$z)"
Agent a -mixin MovementLog
Per-object mixins use the next-primitive to forward messages to
the chain of other mixins and to pass it finally to the ordinary class
hierarchy of the object. If a call on object a is invoked, like
``a moveAgent 1 2 3'', the per-object mixin is mixed into the
precedence order of the object, immediately in front of the precedence
order resulting from the class hierarchy (as illustrated in Figure
4). The resulting output of the example call is:
Agent a moves to (1,2,3)
Figure 4:
Per-Object Mixin Example
Mixins can be removed dynamically at arbitrary times by handing the
mixin method an empty list. Methods of mixins have full access to all
introspection options. As interceptors they additionally have access to the
info-options callingproc, callingclass and callingobject
(see Section 3). The registered mixins can be introspected
objNameinfo mixins?class?
which returns the list of all mixins of the object, when class is not
specified. Otherwise it returns 1, if class is a mixin of the
object, or 0 if not.
The mixin relationship of an object can be used to model extrinsic
properties (such as roles), whereas the class relationship is used
to define its intrinsic properties. Per-object mixins are ordinary
classes and support full specialization/generalization to make their
usage compatible with ordinary classes.
Per-object mixins use the same mechanism as the method chaining in OTCL
[32]. Both the precedence order and the idea of mixins in OTCL
are influenced by the lisp extension CLOS [4,18]. The filter
approach (discussed in last section) is the class-level interception
construct whereas per-object mixins are interceptors for single objects
independent of the class relationship. A comparison between per-object
mixin and filter can be found in [26]. In Agora
[30] mixins are treated as named attributes of classes. In
[7] different inheritance mechanisms are compared and mixins
are proposed as a general inheritance construct.
Modeling of objects changing roles (as in [14]) can be
implemented through the change of class relationships (see Section
2). In [24] we provide a deeper discussion of
per-objects mixins and we point out that the per-object mixin are
well-suited to model roles. Per-object mixins are transparent to
clients. They let us decompose extrinsic (role) and intrinsic
properties of objects into classes and combine them into one
conceptual entity. Bosch proposes in [6] a component
adaption technique, which is similar to the per-object mixin idea. It
is also transparent, composable and reusable, but it is not
introspective, not dynamic and a pure black-box approach.
Nesting of Classes and Objects
Most object-oriented analysis and design methods are based on the concepts
of generalization and aggregation [29]. Generalization is
achieved through class hierarchies and inheritance, while (static)
aggregation is provided through embedding.
In order to support (static and dynamic) aggregation we use the namespace
concept provided by TCL since version 8.0. A namespace provides an
encapsulation of variable and procedure names in order to prevent unwanted
name collisions with other system components. Each namespace has a unique
identifier which becomes part of the fully qualified variable and procedure
names. Namespaces are therefore already object-based in the terminology of
Wegner [31]. OTCL is object-oriented since it offers classes
and class inheritance. Since objects in OTCL provide namespaces (with
different semantics) as well, two incompatible namespace concepts existed
in parallel. In OTCL every object has a global identifier.
XOTCL combines the namespace concept of TCL with the object
concept of OTCL. Every object and every class in XOTCL is
implemented as a separate TCL namespace. The biggest benefit of
this design decision aside from performance advantages is the ability
to construct aggregated objects/nested classes and to reduce name
conflicts. Note, that the namespaces do not eliminate all possible
naming conflicts. In XOTCL object identifiers are TCL
commands. In the case of nested objects, a name conflict between the
object names and per-object procs may arise.
Through the strong integration with the TCL namespaces we achieved
additional advantages: Instance variables are traceable in XOTCL through
TCL's trace command, and methods may be executed via namespace
qualification directly (by-passing XOTCL's dispatch), which can make
method invocation as fast as TCL's proc invocation for performance
critical sections (although loosing the assertion and interception
facilities of XOTCL).
As a simple example of nested classes, the description of a oval
carpet and a desk can nest inside a OvalOffice-class:
Class OvalOffice
Class Carpet ;# a general carpet
Class OvalOffice::Desk
# special oval carpet - no name collision
Class OvalOffice::Carpet -superclass ::Carpet
Nested classes have the same properties as ordinary classes.
Additionally the information aboutthe nesting
is available through the info method:
The classchildren option returns a list of children (possibly empty).
classparent results in the name of the parent class, if the class is
nested. In order to ease the construction of the full path of a
namespace we support the following two alternative syntax forms for the
creation of nested classes:
Every object in XOTCL has its
own namespace which can contain other objects. Suppose an object of the
class Agent should aggregate some property objects of an agent, such as
head and body:
Class Agent
Class Agent::Head
Class Agent::Body
The classes Head and Body are in the Agent namespace and
do not infer with other same-named classes.
Now myHead and myBody are part of myAgent and they are
accessible through the full namespace path. These paths can turn out
to be quite cumbersome to write. Fortunately, in most
situations a programmer does not have to write the full path, since
within XOTCL methods the object's namespace is set automatically
and the self command obtains the fully qualified object name. For
the creation of aggregated objects the following two forms can be
It is
likely that all agents have properties for head and body. This
implies a static or pre-determined relationship between class nesting
and object aggregation. A pre-determined aggregation of property
objects can be built through a constructor, such as:
Every agent is now created with a head and a body. The aggregation
can be changed dynamically at runtime by creation or destruction of
objects. The destroy method turns the agent into a headless agent:
myAgent::myHead destroy
XOTCL provides introspection for aggregations as well. Suppose, that in
the virtual world the agents heads may be slashed from their bodies. The
graphical system can simply ask the agent with info children, whether
it has a head or not, and can choose the graphical representation
Every object/class can be moved (and copied) to an other object/class by the
move (copy) method. These are deep operations, effecting the object
and all its aggregates.
Our view of aggregation is influenced by investigations on modules
[13], conceptual modeling [29], and object-oriented
languages, like Troll [15]. Several common programming
languages offer nested or inner classes, e.g. Java, C++, Beta, etc. These
concepts provide aggregation of descriptive structures, but lack in
introspection abilities and dynamics. Banavar [3] points out
that class-level nesting is a form of composition.
In languages without support for object aggregation, it is approximated by
embedding of objects or by association through pointers (a reference).
Embedding does not permit dynamic aggregations, pointers lead
to low level programming with hand coded operations for operators like
deep-copy/-move. These approximations contradict the idea of an
Several design patterns also use aggregations for composition. The
whole-part pattern [9] aggregates objects of arbitrary
types. Dynamic object aggregations form a language support for this
pattern. The more special variant ``composite'' [12] aggregates
hierarchies of objects of the same type and can also be language
supported (see Section 7).
A class is defined abstract if at least one method of this
class is abstract. The build-in method abstract defines an
specifies the interface of an abstract method. Direct calls to abstract
methods produce an error message. E.g. a Graphic-class provides
an abstract interface for drawing:
Classes may be equipped with parameters definitions which are
automatically created for the convenient setting and querying of instance
variables. Parameters may have a default value, e.g.:
Class Person -parameters {
{friends ""}
{ID [self]}
Each instance of class Person has three properties defined. name
has no default value, friends defaults to an empty list, and the ID
defaults to the instance's self-ID. parameters are inherited to
subclasses. The following example demonstrates setting and querying of
Person p1 -name Anakin ;#set name at creation
p1 name "Darth Vader" ;#set name at runtime
puts "Name of p1: [p1 name] objID: [p1 ID]"
In order to improve reliability and self documentation we added assertions
to XOTCL. The implemented assertions are modeled after the ``design by
contract'' concept of Bertrand Meyer [21,22]. In XOTCL
assertions can be specified in form of formal and informal pre- and
post-conditions for each method. The conditions are defined as a list of
and-combined constraints. The formal conditions have the form of ordinary
TCL conditions, while the informal conditions are defined as comments
(specified with a starting ``#''). Pre- and post-conditions are
appended as lists to the method definition.
Since XOTCL offers per-object specialization it is desirable to
specify conditions within objects as well (this is different to the
concept in [21]). Furthermore there may be conditions which
must be valid for the whole class or object at any visible state (that
means in every pre- and post-condition). These are called invariants.
Logically all invariants are appended to the pre- and post-conditions
with a logical ``and''. The syntax for class invariants is:
and for objects invariants:
All assertions may be introspected. Since assertions are contracts
they need not to be tested if one can be sure that the contracts are
fulfilled by the partners (see
[21]). But for example when a component has changed or a new
one is developed the assertions could be checked on demand. The
checking is then fulfilled at the beginning and at the end of each
method call. The check method has configuration
options for all assertions types to turn checking on/off. The syntax
Per default all options are turned off. check all turns all
assertion options for an object on, an arbitrary list (maybe empty)
can be used for the selection of certain options. Assertion options
are introspected by the info check option. The following class
is equipped with assertions:
The parameter instance method defines an instance variable
value with value 1. The invariant
expresses the condition (using the TCL command
regexp), that the value must be a single decimal digit.
The method definition
expresses the formal contract between the class and its clients that the
method incrValue only gets input-states in which the value of the
variable value is positive. If this contract is fulfilled by the
client, the class commits itself to supply a post-condition where the
variable's value is larger than 1. The formal conditions are ordinary TCL
If checking is turned on for sensor s:
s check all
the pre-conditions and invariants are tested at the beginning and the
post-condition and invariants are tested at the end of the method
execution automatically. A broken assertion, like calling
incrValue 9 times (would break the invariant of being a single
digit) results in an error message.
We have already pointed out that the presented concepts are relying on
Meyer's Design by Contract [21,22]. The differences are,
that due to the ability to define per-object specializations object
assertions are introduced, and that due to the dynamics of the
language the assertions are also dynamically changeable and
AsserTcl [10] is another approach that introduces assertions
into TCL through four new TCL commands. The advantages of our
approach are the integration with object-orientation , the placement of
assertions at a familiar place (at the end of the method definition) and
the support for invariants in classes and objects.
To enhance the self-documentation and the consistency between documentation
and program it is useful to make the documentation a part of the program,
i.e. to store meta-data like the author, a description, the version, etc.
Meta-data registered for classes is inherited and propagated to all
instances and are a dynamic and introspective. Syntactically, meta-data
can be specified through the metadata method with its options add and
remove. Other arguments for the metadata method are interpreted as
meta-data values. E.g. on Object:
Object metadata add {description version}
Object metadata description "This class \
realizes all common object behavior"
Object metadata version "1.0"
Since the meta-data registered on classes is inherited, all objects can
store information on description and version. E.g. the agent
a1 stores such values:
Agent a1
a1 metadata description "My testing agent"
a1 metadata version "0.1"
Classes and objects can store additional meta-data for their own purposes
at any time. E.g. agents can store information about the host on which
they have been created. Introspection of meta-data is implemented through
info metadata method, which lists all defined meta-data attributes with
values associated (only those). Meta-data values can be accessed through
the metatdata instance method, similar to the usage of set. If no
value parameter is given, the current value is returned. The following
command produces the result ``1.0'':
Object metadata version
Beneath the special features, like inheritance, meta-data could be
expressed through instance variables solely. But especially in
distributed environments, it is important to have such a facility,
because the common place and the introspection mechanisms allow
different people and, in XOTCL's case, even other programs, to gain
the meta-data without searching for them. Since this is not only a
naming convention, but a language construct, the interpreter results
in an error if the meta-data is used incorrectly.
The XOTCL autoname instance method provides an simple way to take
the task of automatically creating names out of the responsibility of the
programmer. The example below show how to create on each invocation of
method new an agent with a fresh name (prefixed with agent):
Now we illustrate the usage of the new language
constructs in a larger example: the design pattern based
architecture/implementation of an XML-Parser/-Interpreter. XML
[8] is a meta-language that defines on basis of a document type
definition (DTD) the structure of an application document.
An application program that wants to extract information from an XML
document has to parse the document and has to interpret the resulting
structure. The (partial) design of our implementation is presented in
Figure 5, where a wrapper facade pattern integrates and
encapsulates an off-the-shelf XML parser, the
interpreter-/composite-patterns abstracts from the syntax tree
representation, a builder separates the parsing from the creation of
the resulting structure, a visitor decouples the interpretation from
the syntax tree and a per-object observer is used to trace
Figure 5:
Partial Design of the XML Parser/Interpreter
The interpreter pattern [12] defines an object-oriented
representation for a grammar along with an interpretation mechanism
(essentially an interpret method for each node type). All clients
abstract from expressions through the use of an abstract interface for
interpretation purposes. At run-time expression objects form an
abstract syntax tree. Frequently the interpreter's tree
representation is implemented as a composite pattern,
that arranges objects in a tree with leaf and
composite nodes of the same component type. Registered composite
operations are recursively forwarded to all children of the composite.
The composite pattern can be implemented through a meta-class that
registers a filter in the constructor of the meta-class for forwarding
of the operations to the nested nodes. We implement the abstract
pattern in a meta-class Composite which can be loaded from a
library and reused and instantiated in several application classes.
addOperations registers and removeOperations unregisters
the operations which should be forwarded to the nested nodes.
Class Composite -superclass Class
Composite instproc addOperations args {...}
Composite instproc removeOperations args {...}
Composite instproc init args {...}
The registered operations are stored in the associative array ops (a
class variable in the class on which the filter was registered) that is
accessed by a generic filter which performs the actual forwarding:
Composite instproc compositeFilter args {
set m [[self] info calledproc]
set c [[self] info regclass]
set r [next]
if {[info exists ${c}::ops($m)]} {
foreach child [lsort \
[[self] info children]] {
eval [self]::$child $m $args
return $r
The filter determines through info calledproc the method which is
called, obtains the registration class of the filter through info
regclass, and checks, whether the called method m was registered in the
array ops for forwarding. If m is registered, the
message is passed to all children objects (determined by info
children). Finally, next forwards the message to the actual node.
Since the children may be composites as well, this mechanism iterates
recursively on the entire tree structure.
The filter is registered for derived application classes in the
constructor of Composite.
Now the meta-class Composite can be used to implement the
interpreter pattern for XML-nodes. We define a class AbstractNode
with the meta-class Composite and an abstract operations for
accepting interpretation through a visitor, which should work
recursively, therefore it is added as a composite
operations. Application node classes such as XMLNode can be
derived by specializing
Composite AbstractNode
AbstractNode abstract instproc accept v
AbstractNode addOperations accept
Class XMLNode -superclass AbstractNode
For parsing of XML documents several parsers (such as TclXML [2])
can be used. In order to use a legacy parser in an exchangeable manner it
has to be encapsulated transparently. The wrapper facade pattern
[28] provides a general means to shield clients from direct
dependencies to functions.
Actually we use XMLParser as a wrapper facade object
that embodies the interface to the XML parser as object-oriented
methods. configure sets the parser configuration, cget queries the
configuration, parse invokes the parsing of XML text, and
reset cleans up the parser context before a new text can
be parsed.
A specific TclXML parser is derived by sub-classing:
Class TclXMLParser -superclass XMLParser
In order to separate the construction process of the complex node structure
from its representation and to make representations exchangeable,
we use the builder pattern [12]. The parser is the director of the
construction process, invoked by parse operation. parse uses the
NodeBuilder interface containing three methods to build the data
representation (startElt actually creates nodes). A concrete
implementation XMLBuilder builds the abstract syntax tree.
Class NodeBuilder
NodeBuilder abstract instproc charData text
NodeBuilder abstract instproc startElt \
{tag attrList}
NodeBuilder abstract instproc endElt tag
Class XMLBuilder -superclass NodeBuilder
The visitor pattern [12] is used to define operations on the nodes
independently from the intrinsic properties of the nodes. According to the
pattern the nodes have to concretize an accept method , which calls the
visit method of the visitor for all nodes (since it is registered as a
composite method):
XMLNode instproc accept v {$v visit [self]}
Below is an abstract TreeVisitor and a specialization PrintVisitor
that just prints out every node:
Class TreeVisitor
TreeVisitor abstract instproc visit objName
Class PrintVisitor -superclass TreeVisitor
PrintVisitor instproc visit objName {
puts "Visitation of node $objName"
Such visitors can be used e.g. for locating XML-elements with certain
properties, for extracting or mapping of the XML-structure, etc.
For observing certain events in the system, a per-object observer
[26] may be used, which can for example observe the
parsing of the document. The per-object observer is based on the observer
in [12] and implemented through per-object mixins.
The PrintObserver watches the processing of startElt tags:
Class PrintObserver
PrintObserver instproc startElt {t a} {
puts stderr "... watching: name=$n"; next
The PrintObserver can be added to the XMLBuilder, which should be
observed. Finally, the parser is connected with the node-builder instance:
XMLBuilder ::t -mixin PrintObserver
TclXMLParser x -nodeBuilder ::t
x parse "...<PERSON>...</PERSON>..."
The implementation of the presented XML processing system has the size of
73 lines (including two more useful visitors) plus 22 lines for the wrapper
facade, and 25 lines for the implementation of Composite (including the
definitions of abstract interfaces).
This paper introduces XOTCL, which is an experiment to combine the
benefits of a scripting language with the benefits of a high level
object-oriented language. We tried to preserve the underlying principles of
the scripting language TCL (like dynamic typing, flexible glueing of
preexisting components, read/write introspection) while extending the
language with high level object-oriented concepts (like filters, per-object
mixins and dynamic aggregations). Our goal was to improve productivity and
software reuse by providing the programmer with powerful means to manage
complexity and to improve composability.
We used the new language concepts with promising success in various
applications, including a web browser [19], an HTTP server, a
web-based object and a mobile code system [34], a persistent
store, an XML-/RDF-Parser, etc. The new language constructs helped to
improve the modularization, the robustness and the code size of these
XOTCL is available from:
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This paper was originally published in the
Proceedings of the Special Workshop on Intelligence at the Network Edge,
March 20, 2000, San Francisco, California, USA
Last changed: 11 Feb 2002 ml